Trick or Treat! Torture or Pleasure?

Boots echoed down the stone hallway as she walked. There was an intruder tonight in this place. Not in a home. Not in a bank. But in a temple where ancient treasures can be found. Treasures that belonged to no one but those of the past. Treasures worth...

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A Real Gift of Christmas

=========================================================================================== Yay! Just in time for Christmas! No readers under 18!...

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Robin Hood of the High Seas

It was a beautiful summer night off the Miami coast. The moon was shining bright, the water was calm, and not a cloud could be seen. However, it could very well be the calm before the storm. Out on the water was a very large yacht with a banner on the...

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A Wolf's Pride

**A Wolf's Pride** **Words from the author:** Go easy on me, this is my first time. Any kind criticism or advice is much appreciated. And let me know if it needs any corrections and whatnot. Just don't kill me. This story should not be read by...

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Lust in the Haunted House Part 1: Moving In

**Lust in the Haunted House** **Part 1: Moving In** **======================================================================** Good golly, Miss Molly! Took me a year and a half to write this! Okay, you all know the drill if you are reading this....

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Legend of the Phantom Gunman

There was a time when there was dirt before pavement, horses before cars, the rough and tough outlaws were only matched by the persistence of their pursuers, and the Native Americans just want to live their lives in peace. The year is 1884 in a...

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To be Thankful

Its 7:30 on a Friday morning and the young Collin was driving home from yet another double shift. It was the tenth time in three weeks. He was a Certified Nurse's Assistant working as a Home Health Aide (HHA) because he always wanted to help people. He...

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Right Place, Wrong Man

The moon was gorgeous tonight. Big, full, and shining brightly with luminescence. A lone, winged figure floats in the frigid air of the night staring at the heavenly body. Her red skin shimmered in its light while her little black wings merely absorbed...

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