The Sexiest Fox in Pouncefield

Story by Tristan Black Wolf on SoFurry

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This began as a role-play between myself and a very sexy fox on FA; you can tell, since the perspective changes frequently between Tommy and Morgan, as the story continues. Even so, it's a pretty good bit of M/M yiff, if I do say so mayself. It got some good review on other sites. Let me know what you think.

The Sexiest Fox in Pouncefield

The contest was over, and the winner was clearly the only choice that could have been made. Tommy Cloudfox was young, tall, handsome, well-built, well spoken, and just the slightest bit shy; no one else even came close, although they did their best to hide their disappointment. It was difficult to say, however, if their disappointment was due to their not having won the contest, or not having been able to get into the fox's well-fitting thong.

The crowd was dispersing, and the contestants had gone backstage to the dressing room to change. Tommy held back, answering questions from reporters and other hangers-on at the show. He still wore the large baldric across his chest, proclaiming him the winner, and the photographers seemed wild to get pictures of him. There were various propositions, from subtle to crude. Tommy demurred as gracefully as possible without actually making anyone angry or truly upset. He was no prude; he enjoyed sex as much as the next fox (or hare or dog or whoever), but he didn't want to be someone's conquest, or worse, a slab of well-toned meat turned into today's blue-plate sampler platter.

Truth to be told, it had been too long a day, and he was just plain tired of the lights, the flash, the false attention. Tommy's real desire was to shower, change, go home, and collapse, or maybe read a good book or listen to some music. He was happy to have won the contest, but it had been a very long day, and he was feeling sore. Eventually, the press and the photographers went away, and he went back into the dressing room, now completely empty. He found a chair and sat down wearily. He realized that he probably shouldn't stay there very long, or he'd be too tired to get back up and go home. Perhaps a shower would help loosen his muscles...

"Oh... sorry, I didn't know anyone was still here."

Tommy turned toward the voice. The speaker was a wolf with jet black fur beneath the simple clothing of a maintenance man. The push broom in his hand bore out the identification. The wolf smiled at the fox, and said, "I could come back later, if you'd like to be alone."

"No, that's okay," Tommy said. "I'm just going to get dressed and go home, I think."

"You can have a shower, if you'd like; I'm in no hurry here, and I can sweep down another section of the place while--"

"No, that's okay," Tommy said. He smiled at the janitor. "No need to keep you here any longer than necessary."

"That's mighty kind of you, young feller."

"It took a while to get through. Seems like everyone wanted a photo or something."

"I don't blame them," the janitor said, grinning again. "You're a very handsome lad. You deserve the prize."

"You really think so?" Tommy grinned nervously, his shyness returning.

"I may be getting older, son, but I'm not exactly decrepit!" The wolf's smile went all the way to his eyes, which Tommy found to be quite a beautiful blue. "I was here watching most of this crazy shindig. I took a prize myself when I was your age, some twenty years or so ago that would be. Probably hard to believe."

"Not at all," Tommy said. Even now, as Tommy saw, the wolf was still solidly built, with strong arms and no hint of a pot belly. His work may have kept him in shape, but the fox guessed that he might also do a little working out to keep the years at bay.

The janitor chuckled good-naturedly. "Well, I'm just as glad I wasn't up against you; I'd have gotten nowhere! You know, during this whole circus, you had this shyness about you that was absolutely endearing. At first, I thought it might be an act; a lot of really good-looking guys will try the 'aw, shucks' routine to see if it would earn them points. Yours is genuine. Tell me, why do you doubt yourself?"

"Well," Tommy shifted in his chair, "I guess I'm trying not to be vain. I still don't really know what to do with this prize. The money is nice, and it's nice to be ... well, people are very complimentary, aren't they? Maybe I just don't want to take it for granted."

The wolf nodded sagely. "That's very wise of you, young Tommy." He smiled again. "Sorry, everyone knows your name now. I'm Morgan."

"Good to meet you, Morgan." Tommy stood up and walked over to the janitor to shake his forepaw. The janitor took it firmly, tilting his head upward to look at Tommy, who stood a good four inches taller than he.

"By the Gods, you're a handsome lad." Morgan snorted. "Sorry. Didn't mean to be so personal. You really are an amazing fellow. You've certainly turned the head of this old wolf, if you don't mind my saying so."

Tommy grinned, feeling a little embarrassed again. "No, that's okay."

"You're looking a little tired from all the activity," the wolf said softly. "I have a little trick that I learned some years back, sometimes it can help you relax. Works kind of like acupressure points. May I give you a proper skritch to your head? I promise I'll keep my paws to myself otherwise."

The fox laughed a little. "That's okay. Sounds nice." He bowed his head a little to let the older wolf reach the top of his head. The wolf reached his right paw up to the thick shock of orange-red headfur, beginning slowly to knead the fur and skin with firm tenderness, moving to caress behind the ears, returning to rub the scalp gently. Tommy closed his eyes, his smile broadening. Whatever this trick is, it was working; he could feel himself relaxing already.

Morgan began to feel a deep satisfaction forming in his chest. The fox's tall, firm body was close enough for him to feel the heat coming off of him, the delicate whiff of the fox's deep and vivid scent. He felt the fox shift slightly. "Is everything all right?" he asked. The fox only nodded, eyes still closed, still smiling. If he were feline, the wolf thought, I daresay he'd be purring. Easy there, old wolf... he's a handsome lad, as sexy as they come, but he's not a playtoy.

Slowly, Morgan found himself letting go of the fox's headfur and lowering his hand. The fox raised his head, smiling. "Thank you, Morgan. That was wonderful. I really do feel better." He paused, not quite sure what to say or do next.

"You're very welcome." The wolf did not feel disappointment. The gift was freely given, freely accepted. "Don't doubt yourself, Tommy. You've every right to be proud of yourself. You're about the most handsome lad I've ever seen."

"Thank you." He paused. "You know, you're cute, too."

Morgan raised his eyebrows and laughed gently. "Why, thank you! I haven't been paid such a compliment in quite a while."

"I can't see why not."

"Well..." the old wolf murmured, then decided to take a chance. "So, Tommy... not to be indiscreet... you seemed to enjoy the skritches to your headfur... would you care for something more? I'm told that I'm good at rubbing muscles if, for instance, you'd like to loosen up a bit after your difficult day? I'm betting that you had a workout this morning, and you've been moving and posing for hours."

The fox blushed a bit more, smiling. "I do feel a little sore. I could use a massage, I think, if you wouldn't mind."

"I would be honored." Morgan brought over the ladder-back chair that the fox had been relaxing in earlier. "Sit, my good fox - backward, if you would, lean your arms against the back of the chair. Oh wait... may I?" The wolf tugged at the banner adorning the fox's broad chest. Shyly, the fox nodded, and the wolf - almost reverently, as Tommy came to think of it - lifted the banner from the fox's torso, folded it gently and properly, and set it on a nearby table. "There," he said. "Looks a lot fancier than mine was. Something worth preserving! Now... I'll begin with your neck and shoulders. Just relax, and if anything feels wrong, let me know."

"Wrong?" the fox asked, curious.

"Tickles, or feels sore, that sort of thing. I'll keep the massage light to start with." The wolf rubbed his forepaws gently, flexing his fingers, making sure his pads were free from dust (or sweat, for that matter). Carefully, he set his paws on the fox's broad, strong shoulders, feeling the exquisite softness of the young vulpine's fur, then pressed down gently, acquainting himself with the taut, powerful muscles beneath. By the Gods, he is magnificent, the old wolf thought. Keep your mind on your business, wolfie, or you're likely to embarrass yourself. Concentrate on the massage. This one is about the lad... and a fine lad he is...

Tommy sat in his chair, feeling the wolf's soft paws rubbing his muscles quite expertly indeed. He closed his eyes and let a not-quite-silent moan escape his lips. He continued murring contentedly, letting go all the cares of this world.

Beneath the wolf's firmly kneading paws, the fox's muscles began to relax, to loosen, never losing their finely-honed perfection, but being cajoled into a kind of restfulness. The wolf continued carefully, neck, shoulders, the upper arms, the upper back. The wolf listened as the fox's breath became slower, deeper, a gentle murring that was extremely pleasing to the old wolf's ears. The fox's fur was so soft, the golden highlights seeming to wink even in the artificial light of the dressing room. Leaning a little closer as he worked, the wolf sniffed delicately, quietly - oh, the scent of clean fur, the sweetness of the fox's breath, and beneath, the faint scent that was Tommy's own particular marker, his olfactory signature. The wolf felt himself falter just the slightest bit as the intoxicating aroma reached him. He could not hold back the tiny grunt of desire that he could only hope the young fox would not take wrong.

"Are you all right, Morgan?" Tommy almost whispered.

"Yes, of course." The old wolf started a bit, blushing. "Everything okay?"

"Yes," Tommy murmured. A lot more than all right, he realized. Unseen by Morgan, the fox blushed. The wolf was being very kind, offering him this massage. It hadn't been a come-on, Tommy knew that... just as he knew that the touch of the wolf's paws was more pleasing than he could ever have anticipated. Clad only in his Speedo-style thong, the fox realized that he was beginning to feel the definite stirrings of an erection, whether he wanted it or not. Or whether this wolf would want... he thought, unsure what to do. The wolf continued to massage him, and the fox could only let out another moan of real delight.

"Lean a little more forward, Tommy; I'll get the lower back muscles while I'm here."

Without hesitation, the fox shifted in the chair, and the old wolf noticed that the fox's already bulging briefs were tighter than they were before. His heart thudded for a few beats as he tried very hard not to take that as an invitation... not yet, anyway, perhaps not at all. He fell back on his haunches in order to get to the lower back muscles better, noticing the slight taper from the shoulders down to the hips. The wolf's paws continued their work, quite properly, quite thoroughly, bringing the fox's breathing down yet one more notch. I may yet put him to sleep, the wolf chuckled to himself.

The fox's tail twitched occasionally, mostly from side to side like a very slow wagging motion, but occasionally with a slight lift, as if the youngster were trying to control a twitch in a more sensitive area. From his position, the wolf could not help but inhale the dark, musky aroma, faint yet (dare he think?) slowly growing, emanating from only inches away, from the still-growing bulge of the fox's briefs. The wolf's own loins had gone beyond stirring, beyond concealing; he would have to do some fancy rearranging before he stood up, or the fox would know his every desire, just from catching a glimpse of that hard wolf-cock...

Tommy was in no better condition. He sniffed the air, knowing his own scent and catching the slightest whiff of... was that what wolf musk smells like, this close? It was arousal, he was sure of it, just as sure as he was that his own erection had filled his skimpy trunks, that he was already leaking the first drops of pre-cum. He couldn't hide it anymore, and he was still unsure what to do next; could he possibly hope that the wolf hadn't noticed?

Oh, the wolf had noticed, by scent first, and by a discrete glimpse from around the fox's hard-muscled waist. It would have been impossible not to notice, for if he were honest with himself, it was what he was truly hoping for. The idea of giving pleasure to this incredibly handsome fox burned in his mind and his loins. Even now, he didn't want to make any assumptions; the young todd could be thinking of someone else, or perhaps it was just reflex.

The wolf slowly and carefully moved his paws to the sides of the fox's thighs. "Tommy," he said softly. "I'd be happy to massage your legs as well, if you wish. It would be easier if you were facing me, though." He sensed the fox's entire body twitch slightly - surprise? fear? embarrassment? The old wolf spoke low and kindly. "Nothing to be ashamed of, lad. I've got a hard one myself, actually. We don't have to... I mean, I can keep my paws to myself. I promised you that." The wolf took a slow breath, hoped against hope, and said, "Just let me know what you'd like me to do..."

Blushing hard, Tommy sighed. "You're right, Morgan. I can't go around with an incomplete massage, can I..." He glanced over his shoulder. "I think you should massage my thighs, and my calves, and perhaps my paws, if you would... and anything else that you think might... need attention."

The wolf nodded, smiling softly. "I'd be honored, lad."

Slowly, Tommy stood up and turned to face the wolf. He stripped off the thong, which was concealing nothing, and let his proud erection stand free in the air. He sat in the chair, his legs spread wide before the kneeling wolf, who gazed upon him with something like reverence, and then looked up into the fox's face.

"There's something I want to tell you," Tommy said. "You've been honest with me all along. You didn't start out trying to get me to this point. So... well, it wouldn't be very honorable if I were to leave you without some... token of my appreciation? And... if you wish... something for you as well..." The fox smiled a little. "Do what you like, Morgan."

For a long moment, the wolf could look only at the fox's eyes. Despite the beautiful fur, the pulsing erection, the fox's musk trebling the wolf's desire, he still looked into the fox's sweet, soft blue eyes. The fox was smiling, partly out of a little latent embarrassment, and partly out of a little healthy lust for what lay ahead. There was more there - appreciation, honesty. A very special lad, the wolf realized, and smiled softly in return. No, they weren't going to go out and choose a china pattern for the wedding! Neither were they only strangers, and only about the sex. It was good.

"I'm glad to be here for you, Tommy," the wolf said. He put his firm, warm hands on the fox's thighs, rubbing and massaging as he promised... and as he did so, he took the occasional moment to lick at the big, hard, slick cock that lay before his muzzle. Those drops of pre-cum tasted so very sweet to the wolf. He was ready to give himself quite happily to the fox's needs... slowly, of course...

Tommy leaned back and murred lightly at the feel of the wolf's soft paws and his warm tongue caressing his heavy balls and his hard throbbing cock. The fox could feel the fluids seeping from him, sometimes in dribbles, sometimes in spurts of anticipation. He looked down at the wolf in appreciation and need and smiled. "You don't have to hold back. I do want you. Sweet wolf, I want you."

A deep sigh of contentment oozed from the wolf's throat. His strong paws rubbing on the huge thighs, thick as tree trunks, covered in fur as soft as the finest velvet, the wolf released any hesitation or doubt. Leaning forward, the wolf put his muzzle deeply into the space between those thighs, sniffing at the powerful musk, his head swimming with the intoxicating scent. He opened his maw and licked at the heavy, low-hanging balls, savoring the salty flavor, the dark sweaty heat of this intimate place. The thick wolf tongue, every tastebud standing to attention, worked across the fox's sack and sheath, licking slowly up the big, trembling shaft glistening with Tommy's juices, pausing at the tip to feel the happy spurt of a jet of pre-cum shooting from the tip and landing on the wolf's tongue... the excitement was almost too much to bear. The wolf's mind reeled with need and desire. With one powerful look of raw lust from his eyes to the fox's, he hovered for just a moment over the long, thick, pulsating shaft before moving his head down, the tip in his maw, and then more, and more, and more still, until the fox's cock was balls-deep in the wolf's throat.

Tommy gave out an open-mouthed moan, feeling the wolf's soft tongue and warm mouth over his throbbing cock. It was better than he had ever dreamed. He had played with other males before, but this talented old wolf was revealing to him that "play" was all that it ever was. The fox's cock was so large that most of the smaller young males he had been with couldn't take it all into their maws. Morgan had hilted the lad into himself, and the feeling was more exciting, more intense than anything Tommy had ever even dared to imagine.

"Ohh," he moaned, "oh, Gods, yes... Morgan, it's so warm, so..." The todd's breath was coming more swiftly, making it difficult to speak plainly. He squirmed in the chair, trying not to push harder into the wolf's mouth, just let him take over, let the wolf work his magic...

Morgan pulled his head back up, not letting the shaft leave his maw entirely. He could feel the young fox trembling with pleasure, the sensations rippling through the great hard muscles throughout the fox's body. Slowly, luxuriously, the wolf bobbed his head up and down the rock-hard shaft, as the fox held on to either side of the chair, his firm ass-cheeks barely upon the forward edge, his legs raised as only his toes touched the floor. The wolf's tongue swirled around the young todd's cock, caressing, warming, protecting the skin from the wolf's sharp teeth... oh, he had done this before, this big black wolf, and Tommy was enjoying the benefit of his new friend's experience. Even as the fox's hips twitched and his tail lashed, the wolf could guess. He pulled his maw off of the pulsing fox dick and looked into Tommy's eyes. "I think I know what you want, Tommy. And if you're just a little gentle with me, I can give you what you want. Stand up."

The fox was on his toes in a heartbeat, not quite sure what to do. The wolf knew. Gently, he rearranged himself to the proper height for this mountain-tall muscled male, removed his shirt to give himself a little more room for movement. He reached up, took Tommy's forepaws in his own, and placed them to either side of his muzzle, with the fingers not quite meeting at the back of the wolf's head. Firmly, Morgan's own paws rubbed slowly, firmly up Tommy's hard thighs and moved around to cup his ass-cheeks in a solid grip. The wolf looked into the fox's eyes. "Just a little gently, my lad. I can take a lot. I want it. I want this great big cock, all of it that I can possibly take. I want you to fuck my maw, slowly and well, and let me taste your seed... every... last... drop..." And as the wolf pulled Tommy's hips forward, the hard fox-cock easing back into his maw, the fox's paws gripped the wolf's head a little more firmly, and as his breath caught and then began to get faster, the fox moved his hips forward, then back, forward, then back, holding the head in just the right position, just the right angle, and then Tommy began to do exactly as the wolf had told him...

The fox moaned louder, closing his eyes, softly at first, then tighter, thrusting, fucking the gorgeous wolf's muzzle softly, and then with a more speed. Every thrust filled the soft black-furred muzzle with more of the fox's juices, and he could feel the wolf's throat swallowing when the thick fluid became too much. The claws in his foot paws dug into the carpet of the dressing room as his breathing became stronger, thrusting deeper, deeper still, yet knowing to stop before he got too far down the wolf's throat. Tommy's pleasure built slowly, steadily, his cock growing even harder as he moved toward his climax. Feverishly, lovingly, the fox rubbed his fingers through the black wolf's headfur, caressing, telling in touch the words that he no longer has the presence of mind to say aloud...

Morgan made sounds deep in his throat and chest, half moaning, half lustful growling, as the powerful young fox thrust himself into the wolf's maw. Yes, my lad, thought Morgan. Oh, yes, fuck me well, take me, I want you, I want it all...! The wolf noted the slight change in the fox's stance, could almost feel the fox's hind claws digging deeply into the carpeting at the wolf's knees, definitely could feel the lad's forepaws tightening on his head, holding his muzzle exactly where the fox wanted to thrust, felt the slow and building trembling throughout the fox's body, through the hard and pounding ass muscles, the flailing ecstasy of the tail, the powerful tree-trunk thighs tensing, the sound of the fox grunting, whimpering, wanting to break through to the end, the finish, the climax...

With a sharp cry, the fox made a thrust into the wolf's maw that almost went too far. The wolf adjusted, ready, and felt the first pulsating jet of cum exploding into his maw. Tommy shouted, again and again, as his thick hard cock fired off what felt like gallons of vulpine seed. Greedily, the wolf gulped down stream after steaming stream of fox cum, tasting the salty, sweaty, musky life-fluid as though it were a finely aged whiskey. The fox's hind paws dug deeply as he came up on his toes, bent at his knees, gripped the wolf's head for balance as much as for the ecstasy of these seemingly endless moments of pleasure, of passion, of the shattering of self into a million shards of ecstasy, cumming, cumming, cumming into the wolf's bottomless maw, oh by the Gods it had never been quite like this...

Slowly, the flood became a river, the river a stream, the stream a tiny trickle of cum that lingered on the wolf's tongue. Morgan held Tommy's hips firmly, helping him balance, keeping the flagging fox cock warm inside his muzzle until it had completed its task, given all it had to give. The fox became more aware of himself, lowered his hind paws to the floor, straightened a little, still panting hard as he gently extricated himself from between the wolf's lips. Even as the fox pulled out, Morgan licked at the still-sensitive flesh, cleaning any last remnant of seed that he might have missed. Spent, Tommy moved back slightly and collapsed on the chair as the wolf licked his muzzle clean.

"Oh, Gods," the lad finally managed to breathe. "Oh, Morgan... I've never... nothing like that before in my life. Truly." He panted more, gazing into the wolf's gentle eyes, then smiled. "I think it's your turn now."

"You don't have to..."

"What if I want to?" The fox smiled wider. "I said before that it wouldn't be honorable to let you alone to deal with your own problem. Especially if it's a big problem. Let me see..."

Grinning, the wolf stood, loosed his trousers, stepped out of them. His legs were long and lean, strong like his arms. His cock stood proudly out of its sheath, already gleaming with his own juices. Not as large as the young todd, perhaps, but every bit as full and ready for whatever adventures might be ahead.

"Yes," the fox whispered, gently hypnotized by the snake between Morgan's legs. "That looks like a perfect size to me. Perfect for being inside me." He looked up at the wolf. "Will you take me?"

"Who am I to disobey such agreeable orders?" he chuckled.

"Perhaps we should start here..." Tommy rose from the chair and turned around, kneeling before it, his arms on the seat. The fox looked around behind himself, grinning as well. The fabulously muscled young todd had his tail lifted, presenting himself like a gift to the randy old wolf. Even kneeling, the fox was taller from knee to tailhole than the wolf could mount easily. Fortunately, that could wait for just a moment.

"Let's do this properly," the wolf said softly. "I'm not too big for you, I'm sure... but I think you'll enjoy this anyway."

Morgan leaned in closely, placing his forepaws on either asscheek to widen the space just a bit. The fox's recently-drained balls still hung low, and the wolf started there, lapping up spare drops of seed that had dribbled down the fox's thick cock and settled there. From there, he licked his way to the back of the fox's balls, then up a bit, and then finally, to the puckered tailhole. The wolf's thick wet tongue began rimming the fox's hole, licking, teasing, wetting down the whole area, finally focusing on that tight little rosebud of flesh, using the tongue to push very gently into the fox, opening it, coaxing it, making the fox moan again with the incredible sensations of having himself loosened up so well...

Tommy trembled in pleasure as the wolf's tongue loosed his tight walls, the feeling filling his entire body. As he moaned, he pushed himself back against Morgan's probing and pressing, and he surprised even himself when he began to feel his erection returning. "Oh, by the Gods..." he moaned yet again. The todd felt as if he were not swearing but praying, adulation and adoration for the powerful sexual pleasure that the wolf was giving to him. None of his little playmates had ever done this for him, and Tommy was sure that they couldn't have equaled the wolf's performance. This, he realized, this is what it means to be experienced.

"Oh, Morgan, this is... ah! No one has ever... mph, oh... it's so..." The fox gave up and gave in, the feeling too good to describe...

The wolf reveled in the sounds of the fox's words, redoubling his efforts to please the young fur even more. Morgan knew he couldn't last long, as his erection was throbbing almost painfully; dribbles and tiny jets of pre-cum were already lubricating the shaft into smooth, silken slickness. He finally forced himself to move away from the todd's musk-filled, sweetly salty tailhole, panting as if he'd run for miles. "Tommy, I want you... I want to see your face... please, roll over for me..."

The young fox all but fell off the chair, pushing it aside roughly as he lay back before the wolf, panting, his tongue lolling. "How did you know this is my favorite position?"

"I hoped it was... I want to look into your eyes... my beautiful young fox..."

Tommy lay before the wolf, his eyes steady and burning with desire. The magnificently muscled male knew no subservience, no dominance; he could only be taken by an equal, by this powerful old wolf who had given and taken truly, honorably. Making himself ready, the fox reached up to touch the wolf's muzzle gently. "I want you inside me..." he whispered.

The wolf shifted, moving between the fox's upthrust legs, feeling Tommy's huge hind paws pressing on his chest, balancing him as he guided his thick wolfcock to the waiting, willing, flexing tailhole. He put the tip of his still-leaking cock to the hole, letting it give more lubrication, then pushed slowly, gently against the small resistance of the fox's sweet rosebud. The fox moaned softly, shifted, grunted, pulled at the wolf's hips, yes, yes, more, it's okay give me more... The wolf looked into the young lad's eyes with affection, with adoration, with worship, and pushed further in, further, past the tight ring, further into the fox until the knot bumped up against the todd's tailhole... "Tommy," the wolf moaned. "Oh, Tommy, it feels so good..."

"Ahh..." Tommy panted, feeling the pressure, a slight pain replaced with a warm wave of sheer pleasure. No comparisons; no one had been able to fill him properly, and never in this position, this most dreamed-of position, his hind paws firmly against his assailant's chest, toes digging into the thick fur, pressing and releasing in rhythm with the thrusting of the thick cock that he had waited for, so long, so very long... "Ah, Morgan... you're just the right size, my wolf, my big sweet wolf... Ah. Yes. Yes! Now. Fuck me now. Fuck me, my wolf, fuck me and make me scream!"

The wolf arched his neck down and licked at the fur around the young fox's nipples, baring them to his sharp, careful teeth, which he used to tease more squeals and whimpers from the lad. Morgan pulled his hips back a little, and pushed in again, and again, and again, slowly building his rhythm, building his thrust and power. The heat of the fox's entrails was incredible; the todd had used his long, powerful arms to reach around the wolf and grab his asscheeks, pulling the canine's hips forward, stronger, more quickly. The wolf grabbed Tommy's thick legs for balance, turning his muzzle to lick and tickle his hind paws. It was so intense, so wonderful. The scent of their musk had joined, dancing in their nostrils, heightening the sensations. "Oh, my sweet fox," the wolf moaned, "oh Tommy, you are so incredible, so good, so very good... Ah... getting so close... I don't know if I can hold on much longer..." The wolf looked wide-eyed, passion-filled, ecstatic, deeply into the young fox's eyes, feeling his very soul leaping out to embrace him in purest ecstasy... "Oh Tommy..."

The lad was moaning with him, feeling the thick thrusting of the wolf's cock hitting his prostate, rubbing it to create the juices that were already starting to ooze out of the tip of his hard cock, dappling and matting his brilliant fur. The fox shifted his thick powerful legs to wrap around the wolf's body, his heels digging into the wolf's back just at his tail, urging him on. "Deeper," he called out, moaning, his panting breath creating a rhythmic mantra, "yes, deeper, my wolf, deeper, cum inside me, give me everything, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, make me explode with you, make us both howl, FUCK ME...!"

The old black wolf needed no more encouraging; he could feel the fox's power all around him, the huge muscular legs pulled around him, the arms reaching for him, the clenching hungry tailhole wanting more, more, still more. On the next thrust, aided by Tommy's pulling, the wolf rammed home the full length of his shaft, the knot popping through the todd's tight tailhole ring and deep inside of him. Tommy barked out one cry of brief pain, then a longer call of sheer ecstasy at the fullness inside him. "YES," he screamed, "TAKE ME!"

Unable to deny the rising feeling within himself, the complete burying of his wolf-cock into the fox, the clenching squeeze of the fox's desire at the base of his knot, the wolf braced himself for the climax. A few short, powerful thrusts, and the wolf tipped over. Morgan threw back his head, howling the fox's name in full cry as he felt the many jets of thick, steaming seed that he pumped into the todd's body. He could hear Tommy's cry of desire and release melding with his own, the clench of the fox's tailhole around the base of his cock as the todd ejaculated for the second time, spewing the seed all across the handsome fox's torso, leaping up to his muzzle and his hair. Joined in more than just bodies, the two males reveled in the trembling from them both, the vibration of every muscle, the feel, the sound, the scent, continuing on and on and on, seeming like hours...

The wolf collapsed on top of the big strapping fox, still locked inside. They lay, breath chasing breath, Morgan feeling so much joy and adoration of the young lad that he wondered if he would actually cry from the happiness he was feeling. Slowly, as if in a dream, he reached up to touch the fox's muzzle reverently. "Oh Tommy," he breathed. "What a gift you've given me. Thank you, sweet fox. Thank you..." He hesitated a moment. What he wanted was to kiss this magnificent male, this perfect dream of a lover. Some males don't care for it, or only with a certain few. He would understand... he just didn't want this most perfect lovemaking to end badly...

Smiling softly, the fox sensed clearly what was wanted, and he did not disappoint. He kissed the wolf so passionately that time seemed to stand still. He could taste his own seed as it dripped onto the wolf's tongue when they touched their muzzles together. He could feel the wolf's cock still pulsing inside him, still filling him, still bonding them together. It was a moment that he could savor forever, just this moment, just the two of them.

The fox broke the kiss and looked into the wolf's eyes. "It is you who has given me a gift" he said softly. "From the massage to this timeless moment. Thank you, sweet wolf."

They kissed again, still cuddled together. The rest of the world was forgotten, the accolades of the day set aside. This, Tommy thought, this is what is important.