Giving in to Daddy

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There was a banging in my head as i woke up that morning. My paws were aching and my eyes refused to open for me. I finnaly forced myself to open one eye, flightened that what I saw wasnt just a dream. My wrists were tired to the concreat floor with thick black rope, along with my ankles. I growled as i tried to wriggle out. My tail lashing in pure fear and anger. There was a noise from the spiral staircase behind me, i could barley see it from the coner of my eye.

A large brute walked down, whip in paw. I scowled as he looked down on me, his eyes showed lust and his tounge lawled out of his mouth lightly. He bent down and looked at me with a a smirk, his lips coming closer and closer, soon enough he forced me into a kiss. I fought back as hard as I could but how much could a young teenaged fox do against a big male wolf? His muscle worked its way into my mouth and began writhing with my own. I groaned lightly, giving up the fight and letting him kiss me, he didnt taste to much to my liking.

"Well little bitch...are you ready for your daily dues?" He growled. I snapped up at him lightly as he walked around me, slapping me with the whip I cryed out in pain. He got down on his muscular knees and removed my painties and bra with his large fingers. He leaned over my back and cupped my breasts in his hands. I growled at the sensation and he snickered, fondling me more. He the pinched my nipples and you can bet i screamed in terror. He smacked my muzzle, telling me to shut up. I obeyed hesitantly but what was I to do?

I growled in pain as I felt his member begin to rub at my soft, untouched entrance. I squealed through his paw fur as he pushed himself in all the way with such force. Tears flowed from my eyes as i bled. He quickly pulled out and plummeted back in. and in pain i nearly collapsed but his massive paws kept me up. He growled as he began doing me like a bitch in heat, my black, raven like fur swishing as he did.

His member felt so big, it hurt but slowly, every moment the pain began to subside. I soon turned myself into it, no longer struggling anf moaning now in both pain and pleasure.

He stopped and I whimpered lightly, asking him why. He looked at me and untied my wrists and ankles, wrapping his large paws around my waist and grasping me, taking me up into the air. He lay on his back and placed me on his stomach and i helplesly let him, the absence of his member left my insides feel cold and empty. He growled and looked at me menicingly. "Do me. NOW~" I cryed lightly but did as he said...I wanted it needed it. I placed myself on his member and slowly slid down on it, holding back crys i bounced up and down moving my hips ever so slightly. I felt his knot popping and prodding at me and when it went in I felt something i never felt before. It was a sentation of the meixture of lust and love for his member. Something white and warm poured into me and he howled with pleasure. I looked down and grabbed his chest fur as my muscles tenced and i did the same. I lay on his chest and rub his neck fur as we both breathed heavily.

"i love you daddy"