His destiny 3

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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#3 of His Destiny


Note: I haven't mentioned this in the past chapters, but you probably already figured it out by now, the characters on this story don't use clothes... Why? Because they didn't used clothes on the movie. This characters don't wear clothes and don't use any kinds of weapons or tools.

A few weeks ago...

Angel, Naru and a group of five dragons were flying through the immense labyrinth of rocks that was the northern entrance to the outer world.

"Have we lost them?" asked Anger.

Before Naru could answer him, a burst of flames hit one of the other dragons and he fell to the ground as the air filled with the smell of burned flesh. Angel and the rest watched as ten red dragons appeared right behind them.

"Keep flying!" yelled Naru at Angel "We'll cover you!"

"You'll never be able to defeat them all!" said Angel.

One of the red dragons hit the ceiling of the cave and a bunch of rocks fell on both dragons, forcing them to take shelter on the ground, Angel and Naru watched in horror as the remaining four blue dragons were reached by the fierce red dragons and were slaughtered before they reached the ground. Angel noticed a large cut on his mate's right wing.

"There is no choice" whispered Naru "You're the only one that can get out of here, you'll have to fly for a long time and I won't be able to follow you"

"It's not worth it" said Angel hugging his mate "You matter more than the entire kingdom to me"

"I know, that why it has to be you"

"I won't leave you, I love you!"

"I know that" said Naru "I love you too"

Angel hugged his mate again and he felt a weird feeling in the back of his head, then everything went black.

"And I know you'll understand why I had to do that" said Naru leaving his unconscious lover on the ground.

The batch of red dragons were searching frantically for them when they saw Naru flying straight towards them, the lean blue dragon passed amongst them while they were still surprised but their leader quickly regained his senses.

"Go after him you idiots! He's the last one! Whoever brings me his head will have a double time with Zaarkaban!"

All ten dragons went after Naru, a couple of seconds later Naru's scream echoed all over the place.

Angel woke up and immediately took off in the direction of the entrance to the outer world, his eyes were filled with tears and there was blood on his mouth, he had to bit his lip to stop himself from going back to search for his mate, but he knew Naru was dead and all that was left was to find the prince and return to avenge his lover.

It's been almost three weeks now, but everytime Angel closed his eyes he could still see the last look his mate gave him. He and Devon had decided that they would travel by foot to help Shinji exercise his new body, now that the young dragon knew his father was still alive he and Angel trained every day on their way to the inner world. Angel was to tense on this particular day and found difficult to concentrate, he couldn't stop thinking about Naru, a swift kick to his chest brought him back to the present, Angel fell to the ground and groaned as his left leg hit a branch, the dragon grasped his leg and pulled a piece of wood that had stuck between his scales.

"Are you ok?" asked Shinji helping him to stand up.

"Yeah, it's just a scratch" replied Angel

"I'm sorry" said Shinji.

"No, it was good, it means you're getting better, you are definitely your father's son, you have the fighting spirit of the Drakkenvar... now I have one more task for you"

"What is it?" asked Shinji.

"I want you to exercise your wings, and look for a lake"

The young dragon flapped his wings and Devon approached Angel.

"He is getting better" said the golden eagle "But there's something else, isn't it?"

"Yes" answered Angel "I haven't been able to concentrate the entire day, I can't stop thinking about my mate"

"I'm very sorry about what happened to him" said Devon "I think you should rest and I'll finish training with Shinji"

"Thanks" said Angel "I'll take a shower and a quick nap as soon as Shinji returns"

There was a small and awkward silence between them for a moment.

"Devon..."finally said Angel "You do realize you may not be able to come with us all the way to the inner world? The temperature could kill you"

"I know" said the eagle "I also know I may not be able to see Shinji again, but I don't care, he's my son and I love him, I'll go with you as far as I can, just promise me you won't let him die down there"

"You know very well I'll protect him with my life"

"Hey guys"

Shinji's voice made them turn upwards and see the young dragon looming above them.

"There's a very cool lake to the east, not far from here"

Angel and Devon took off and were soon next to Shinji.

"Where?" asked the dragon.

Shinji pointed to the place where the lake was.

"Good, Devon will help you train a little more, when you are finished, meet me there at sun down and we'll all take a break"

The elder dragon started flying towards the lake leaving the golden eagle and the young dragon behind.

"Is he okay?" asked Shinji.

"Don't worry about him" said Devon "He's been through a lot just to find you,"

"We've been traveling for almost a week" said Shinji as they flew over the threes. "I wonder how much will it take us to reach the gate?"

"I'm pretty sure it's not far from here" said Devon "But Angel won't take us there yet, you still need to learn a few more things, and part of them is something I happen to be very good at"

"And what is that?" asked Shinji.

"What do you think?" asked Devon as he started speeding, quickly pulling away from the dragon.

"You think you can at least cope up with this old bird son?"

Shinji smiled and tried to reach his father, the eagle was incredibly fast, making circles and all kinds of stunts in mid air, the young dragon was starting to fell tired, finally he was able to stay side by side with Devon, the sun reflected on Shinji's blue and violet scales making them shine, Devon looked at his adoptive son and marveled at how beautiful his body was, the taunt muscles of the dragon showed off nicely as he flapped his wings every now and then.

"Try to stretch your neck a little further to cut through the air" instructed Devon "Use your head to lead the currents around your body and let the air do the work"

"Shinji did as he was told and discovered he barely needed to move as the high and strong air currents dragged his body like a leaf, he only had to use his wings and head to maintain his direction.

"This is great!" he yelled, his face was showing the happiness he was feeling "Now I see why you like it so much"

"You have no idea how long I been wanting to do this with you, son" said Devon still looking at the dragon. "Now, What do you say if we have a race from here to the lake?"

Angel was resting under a tree near the lake Shinji had found when he heard Shinji and Devon approaching, the young dragon was at least a couple of feet ahead of the eagle.

When they landed, Devon was panting heavily.


"What happened?" asked Angel

"Shinji not only learned how to fly in a few hours, he is now faster and even more agile than me"

"I'm glad to hear that" said Angel "I suggest you to rest well tonight Shinji, tomorrow I'm going to show you all about breathing fire, and that takes a lot of energy"

Shinji's face lightened, he had been begging Angel to teach him about that since they left the tree house.

"it's my turn to hunt dinner" aid Angel "I'll be back in a few minutes"

The dragon took off and Devon went to the lake.

"I thought he said he was tired" said Shinji.

"Shinji... Angel is not tired, he's confused"


"That is something only he can tell you, I think you should follow him and talk to him, you two need to get things clear so you can train properly, I'll hunt my own food so you don't have to worry about returning soon, "

Shinji gave the bird a puzzled look.

"I know what I'm talking about, just trust me"

"Okay" said Shinji and went after Angel.

The deer saw the shadow of the dragon above him before Angel could reach him and sneaked away amongst the trees.

"Damn it!" cursed the dragon "Now I can't even hunt well"

He heard the sound of flapping wings and a few seconds later, Shinji was next to him.

"That's a first one, I've never seen you miss"

"I'll caught the next one, don't worry"


Shinji placed a claw on Angel's shoulder.

"Devon said he'd hunt his own food and I'm not really hungry... and I think we need to talk"

"About what?"

"I don't know, you tell me, you've been acting strange all day, there's something bothering you"

Angel sighed, he knew he had to tell Shinji, but he wasn't sure of the dragon's reaction, he wasn't sure of his own reaction and that frightened him even more.

"Shinji, I told you my mate was killed during my escape of the inner world, if he were alive, today would be our fifth year together"

"I see, I'm sorry about that" said Shinji looking to the ground "Angel, I care about you a lot, I whish there was something I could do to help you, but all I can do is to be here for you, I don't know what else to do"

Shinji lifted his gaze and saw the tears descending down the other dragon's scaled face.

"You probably want to be alone"

The young dragon was ready to leave when Angel stopped him.

"Wait! please don't go"

Shinji turned and approached the crying dragon, he extended his arms and wrapped them around angel.

"When I feel bad about something my father always gives me a big hug, Will it help?"

"More than you could ever imagine" said Angel and he too embraced Shinji.

Shinji just stood there, holding his friend while Angel cried burying his head on the young dragon's scaled chest. It felt warm, it felt exactly like...Naru's.

"There's something else" said Angel when he regained his composure a little.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me" said Shinji without letting him go.

"I still miss him, I miss him a lot, but I think I'm starting to have feelings for you, and that makes me feel very confused"

Shinji hugged him even harder.

"I know it must be very hard for you to have these feelings for me with all that has happened to you recently" said Shinji "I think I feel the same about you, you're the first dragon I've ever met, but I can tell what your mate saw in you"

Angel lifted his gaze until he was eye to eye with Shinji, their snots were only a couple of inched apart and they could feel the other's warm breath, Shinji slowly mover forwards and his lips meet Angel's, it was a very brief kiss, but it was enough to send shivers down Angel's spine.

"I've never done this, and I'd love to do it with you, but this may not be the right time, I'll wait all the time you want, I just want you to know..."

Shinji was interrupted by Angel's lips as the elder dragon kissed him again, this time the kiss was longer and more passionate, Shinji felt Angel's tongue brushing against his fangs and he opened his mouth. Angel embraced Shinji a little hard, feeling the young dragon's muscles beneath the soft and warm scales, Angel's claws traced patterns all over Shinji's back, feeling the muscles and the grooves and the space between his wings, burning every contour of the young dragon's body on his mind, Shinji started exploring the other dragon's body too, noticing the differences between their psyche. Despite being younger, Shinji was a little taller and more heavily muscled than Angel, but the innocent look in his face and his boyish features made his age evident. Shinji felt something warm and moist poking at his stomach and he looked down.

"Wow!" exclaimed the young dragon.

He had never seen a dragon's penis before and this one definitely looked big, purple, almost black in color, with a series of ridges behind the swollen head and throbbing veins traveling all over it, the base protruded from a small slit between Angel's legs, two heavy looking orbs were visible a little lower, Shinji ran a claw across them and Angel blew hot air over the young one's ear. Angel's right claw found Shinji's genital slit and a finger slowly entered it, rubbing the hardening member inside, Shinji shuddered at the feeling and held Angel tighter, they both looked between his legs and saw the tip of his cock poking out, Angel wrapped two fingers around it and slowly coaxed it out.

"Wow!" exclaimed Angel when Shinji's member was fully erect. It was easily 12 inches long and very thick, it almost dwarfed the 9 inches he was so proud of.

"You're definitely your father's son"

"What do you mean?" asked Shinji breathing a little hard.

"You'll see, but right now, let me show you how much you mean to me"

Both dragons laid on the soft ground, Shinji was on his back and Angel was leaning on his elbow to his right, his claw gently stroking the young dragon, Shinji had his eyes closed, he had never felt this kind of pleasure, he felt something warm touching the tip of his penis and opened his eyes in time to see Angel's tongue taking another long lick at his member from base to tip, a clear bead of pre formed in the head and Angel slurped eagerly, then opened his muzzle and took the entire member in, Shinji gasped at the feeling, Angel had to wait a moment to adjust himself to the huge length, then he started bobbing his head up and down, using one claw to scratch Shinji's chest scales and his other one to fondle his balls, Shinji saw Angel's erection beating with the dragon's heart and took it in his claw, it felt so warm, so strong and at the same time soft. Suddenly, the wonderful sensation around his member disappeared, Shinji found Angel's face a couple of inches from his, they kissed again and Shinji tasted his own cock for the first time.

"There's something I want you to do" said Angel

Shinji looked at him with a questioning look, Angel got on his hands and knees and lifted his tail, exposing his anal slit to the young dragon.

"I want you to penetrate me"

Shinji kneeled behind Angel and ran his claw all over the elder dragon's cheeks, marveling at the firmness, he tentatively inserted a talon in the warm opening eliciting a moan from Angel, Shinji's other claw was busy stroking his own hardness, Angel felt a second finger joining the one that was probing his insides and bucked his hips backwards, his tail wrapped around Shinji's shoulder like a snake. Finally, the young dragon pulled his fingers and pressed the dripping tip of his member against Angel's entrance. The thick cock started entering Angel's anus and he gasped at the feeling, inch by inch slowly disappeared inside the tight tunnel, Shinji's body was trembling with excitement, never in his entire life had he feel such pleasure, both dragons sighed when Shinji's hips met Angel's rear.

"You feel wonderful" whispered Angel

Shinji started moving, pumping his cock in and out of his mate, he could feel Angel clenching his anal muscles everytime he hilted inside him, Shinji took Angel's member and started stroking him, Angel felt Shinji's thrusts were becoming stronger, the young dragon was now pulling almost all of his cock out before ramming it back in.

"That's it" moaned Angel "Harder"

Shinji was happy to comply and used all his strength to push his cock as far as he could, both dragons were sweating profusely, Angel felt thick droplets of sweat landing on his back and disappearing between his scales, Shinji was grunting and puffing, he felt a strange heat growing inside him, his pace became erratic and soon he roared and Angel felt the cock inside him pulse and a warmth spreading inside him, then something happened that surprised them both, in the middle of his orgasmic roar, Shinji managed to throw his first burst of fire, it reached a nearby rock and melted to the ground. The young dragon almost passed out and just collapsed on top of Angel, the eldest dragon slowly helped Shinji to lay on his back, his cock was still hard and brushed against Shinji's scales, leaving a few trails of pre cum.

"That was great" said Angel caressing Shinji's chest.

"What about you?" asked the young dragon seeing the throbbing maleness.

"I'll take care of it for now" said Angel "Don't worry, we have all night to do it over and over again."

Angel took his rock hard cock in his claw and started masturbating kneeling next to Shinji.

"Do it all over me" said Shinji with a grin.

Angel sat on Shinji's abdomen, some cum leaked from his ass onto Shinji's stomach, Angel's cock was just inches from Shinji's face, rubbing against his warm chest scales, Angel was so exited that it only took a few strokes before he unloaded a generous amount of sperm all over Shinji's chest, a few spurts even reaching the young dragon's face, Shinji lapped it up, enjoying the wonderful taste, Angel leaned and licked Shinji's chest clean, then he approached Shinji's face and they shared the sweet cream, Angel moved to lay next to Shinji on the ground, his right claw started to make circles around Shinji's anus.

"Ready for round two?"

"Just give me five minutes" said Shinji panting.

The next morning, Devon was already awake and a few fishes were already cooking on a fire next to the lake when he saw the two dragons approaching, they landed at the same time.

"Welcome back" said the eagle "it looks like you had a rough night"

"How can you know that?" asked Shinji blushing.

"I have a keen sense of smell, and you both look rather tired" said Devon smiling.

"look, it was me who started it all" started to explain Angel.

"No, actually, it was me" said Devon "I noticed the way Shinji was looking at you and I knew you felt the same about him, neither of you could have trained correctly with that much tension between you"

"Thanks father" said Shinji "Both for understanding and for helping me"

"Well, what do you say if we have breakfast so we can continue our travel? The place I want to show you is not far"

During breakfast, Angel felt as if a huge burden had just banished from his shoulders. They flew during a couple of hours Devon lead them to the edge of the forest, where it was abruptly cut by huge mountains.

"What are we doing here?" asked Shinji.

"There's something I want you to see" said Devon "Actually, someone"

They entered a cold and dark cavern, Shinji and Angel started to shiver.

"Is it far?" asked Angel "I'm freezing"

"I noticed you can't stand low temperatures for too long" said the eagle "That's one of the reasons o brought her here"


They continued walking for a few more minutes, they noticed the cave floor was covered by a thin layer of ice.

"There" said Devon.

A few feet from them was a big block of ice, Shinji and Angel slowly approached it, they saw a strangely familiar shade inside it.

"It's a dragon!" said Angel.

"She is Shinji's mother" said Devon "The night she died and Shinji was born I was very confused about what to do with her, I couldn't leave her out there to rot, so I thought about bringing her body here, so it could be preserved"

Angel kneeled next to the frozen figure and a lonely tear descended down his left cheek.

"My queen" he muttered "it is an honor to be in your presence, I swear on my own life that your sacrifice will not be in vain"

Shinji was also crying. Devon was hugging him.

"Why didn't you showed her to me before?" he asked his father.

"I wasn't sure you could understand, I didn't knew what she was myself, but now that Angel appeared, I knew you had to see her."

Angel slowly stood and walked towards Devon.

"my race owes you more than we could ever pay you" he said to the eagle

"It was nothing" said Devon "Now, let's get out of here before you freeze to death"

The left the cave and returned to the forest, Devon was leading the way and Shinji and Angel were walking behind, the eldest dragon felt Shinji's claw taking his own.

"Are you ok?" he asked Shinji.

"I will be, if anything, now I want to go back to my land more than ever"

"The entrance to the inner world is not far from here" said Angel.

"I'm glad to hear that" said Devon, "But Shinji still needs to train... and you'll have to do it without me"

"Why?" said Shinji stopping on his tracks.

"Lets get things real" said Devon "I'm not sure I could survive in the inner world, besides, the next part of your training will be so hard that the only thing that I'll do is slow you down. Am I right Angel?"

The dragon nodded not looking into Shinji's eyes.

"Don't think of this as a goodbye son" said Devon "I'm sure you're going to defeat Khan-Ro"

The eagle started walking away from them, then he stopped and without looking back said:

"When you are a prince, remember me and come visit me from time to time"

The eagle took off and Angel had to hold Shinji to prevent him from jumping after him, instead, the young dragon just hugged Angel tightly and cried.

Devon flapped his wings with all his strength, trying to gain as much distance between he and Shinji as soon as possible, his face was filled with tears, but he knew this was the best.

To be continued...