Darkness & Desire, Part V: The Wolves' Den

Story by Seres North on SoFurry

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#5 of The Court of Darkness & Desire

This is the next part of the Court of Darkness storyline. I hope you guys will enjoy this and keep sending my feedback to let me know what I'm doing right and what I could do better. After all, your input is the most surefire way to help me improve.

I'm sorry that these chapters keep taking so long to get out, but I've been busy with my job, so I don't have the time to work on these that I did when I first started writing this (and the other series that I'm working on at the moment). Anyway, I'm hoping to improve my release schedule, so you can expect to see some new activity on my account in the days to come.

I don't want to hold you guys up any longer with this author blurb, so I'll wrap this whole thing up by giving thanks to Little Red Wolf for all the input they've given me.

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Act 2: Victims of the Court

Part 2- "The Wolves' Den"

The young woman gasped for breath as the gag was removed from her mouth by one of her unseen captors, sucking in slightly musky air as she tried to calm down. The next thing to come off was her blindfold, causing her to close her eyes in response to the sudden flood of light hitting her. Her eyes eventually came into focus and she looked around...

The room she now found herself in was large, with rounded walls and high ceiling. There was enough light in the room, likely from torches that were too high up for her see in her current position, that she could make out the details of her surroundings. She observed that the chamber was constructed entirely from interlocking darkened gray stones. Her bare feet were touching the floor, but thankfully, the stones felt smooth against the pads of her feet.

She managed to crane her neck back to look over her shoulder and saw that her abdomen was covered in a leather corset-like garment. She could feel, without needing to look downward, that her breasts were exposed... Her nipples stiffened slightly from the cool air as she determined that there was some sort of tether attached to the corset- leading up the ceiling. The effect of this was that she was left partially suspended. Her flesh prickled slightly as she registered the cool air against her nether regions, making her clamp her thighs shut as her whole body blushed.

The next thing she spotted was what looked like some sort of viewing gallery, though a black veil prevent her she from seeing anything beyond it. She returned her gaze to wall and noted that the while the unseen light source illuminated the immediate area around her while obscuring the outer area and the fringe of the room in half-shadows...

"Well, I'm glad to see you've finally regained your senses, my dear..."

A deep voice remarked from just behind her, causing her to turn and look over her shoulder. She saw a tall lean wolf creature, with brown and gray fur, standing there and looking at her... She'd never seen one first-hand, but the girl still knew what he was from reputation- a werewolf!

She heard foot falls nearby, and turned to see four others- all werewolfs! The most striking of the group was covered totally in dark, almost black fur. The others wolves were more typical in their appearance, with one being covered in light gray fur and the other being a darker shade of gray. The fourth and final werewolf was covered mostly in dark brown fur.

The dark wolf approached the girl. He stopped and looked at her, before reaching up to cup her chin with a gently but firm grip. "What's your name, girl?"

The wolf's deep voice made her shiver. "I-it's... A-Anna..." She managed to reply (amidst a whimper), with some effort. She was desperate to avoid his burning predatory gaze as he spoke to her.

The dark-furred wolf (Lucian) smiled and released her. "You're scared, girl... I can smell the fear radiating from you like a sweat perfume." He replied in a husky tone. "This doesn't have to be unpleasant... Just give in and enjoy what's about to happen to you..."

As the dark wolf had spoken, the gray and brown wolf appeared behind her and gently traced a claw across her slit in in a teasing motion. Anna bucked her hips and cried out in response to the feeling of the clawed digit moving lightly across her nether lips. The brown and gray wolf smiled and looked to Lucian, who gave him a nod to continue.

The gray and brown wolf continued to gently stroke her slit for a moment, before sliding a clawed digit into her. The wolfs all smiled as she bucked her hips his hand and a gasp escaped her lips. The wolf soon slipped a second finger inside her and began teasing her insides, brushing his fingertips against her slick inner passage as the young woman whimpered and cried out.

"She may be scared, but she's wet..." The wolf observed with a smile, as he began to slowly thrust his fingers into her. "It's like you always say, Lucian... The body never lies." He remarked, watching as the young woman's body reacted the pleasuring movements of his hand.

"My dear Darius," Lucian began with a toothy smile. "You have no idea how much it pleases me to know that you took my words to heart." The dark-color wolf remarked, as he reached down and lifted up a strand of her hair and smelled it. "...Sweet." He murmured softly to himself.

Darius had been gradually increasing his pace, striking a critical spot deep inside her with each thrust of his fingers. As much as she hated it, her body was reacting- betraying her! And yet, here she was: exposed, shackled up in a dark room, and being watched by these wolves... And as much as she tried to fight it, it was a loosing battle. Anna suddenly felt her inner walls clamp down around the wolf's hand and powerful shiver run through her whole body...

And then, in an instant, she came in front of all of them!

It felt so humiliating to her to know that her own body could betray her like this... That all it took was the caress of her captors and her flesh would react in ways that her mind simply couldn't accept. Anna wanted to feel angry, but she just felt degraded and embarrassed. And the worst part was that she knew that this was only the beginning, these wolves had far more in store for her...


Lucian looked down at the young woman and was silent for a moment, almost as if his keen senses could pick up on the potent conflict within her. He shook his head, reaching down to tilt her chin up again as he spoke up. "...You know, this doesn't have to be so difficult." He offered, sounding far more amiable then someone in his position really should.

"When I look at you, I can see the conflict in you... It's not really pleasure that you're fighting, it's the fact that part of you is enjoying it." Lucian continued in his deep voice. "Right now, I'm sure you're thinking that our ultimate goal is to 'break' you?" The dark wolf asked her. "But that's where you're mistaken... While we could easily break your will and mind, you'd be of now value to us then... A broken shell of a woman holds no interest to me."

Anna was silent for a moment, taking in what the wolf had just told her. "Then... what do you want?" She asked him, her voice little more than a whisper.

The question elicited a grin from the wolf. "What else?" He began, still smiling. "Your pleasure, I want to hear you cry out in ecstasy this night." He replied, gently tracing a clawed finger across her back, between her shoulder blades and making her shiver. The wolfed walked around behind her, his hands coming to rest on her round bottom. "It's high time you started enjoying yourself." He remarked with a smile as he brushed the tip of his shaft against the woman's dripping folds.

Lucian pressed against her, slowly parting her slick folds as he entered her. She let out a yelp, causing the wolf to pause for a moment. "Anna... Just relax." He remarked, his tone stern but calm. He then braced himself and thrust into her, making her cry out. While he could tell that she wasn't totally inexperienced sexually, it was clear that her body was unaccustomed to his size.

The other wolves all watched quietly from the shadows as Lucian slowly and methodically began to thrust into the woman, her body racking back and forth with each thrust. She grit her teeth and her eyes watered as he continued to slowly thrust into her. As this went on, the tension in Anna's body began to slowly fade. The woman's body slowly began to feel warm all over as the wolf continued moving inside her, and a small moan escaped her lips.

Lucian was unable to suppress a smile as the young woman began rubbing her round bottom against the dark wolf. Still thrusting into her tight warm passage, he leaned forward and reached under her to cup her breasts. The wolf began to work at her breasts, gently tweaking her nipples as he gradually began to speed up his movements inside her. He smiled again, realizing that his efforts were now rewarded when he felt her inner walls tighten around his hard shaft.

Anna opened her eyes as the wolf continued thrusting inside her. She could see the other wolves watching her as Lucian moved in and out of her. Her toes curled and her back arched with each thrust, a moan slipping past her lips with each powerful thrust. It was at this moment that Anna suddenly realized that she didn't care about the circumstances... The pleasure she was now feeling negated everything else, even the circumstances that brought her to this point.

Lucian began increasing the speed of his thrusts, and was instantly rewarded by the young woman's cries of pleasure. He could feel her insides tightening around him as he continued- moving faster and going deeper inside her with every thrust. He straightened himself out as he continued, pleased with how the woman was now responding to him. He knew that he was reaching his limit, but it was clear tohim that the woman was close as well...

Before long, Anna's entire body arched, almost painfully so, as the wolf coupling with her buried himself to the hilt inside her. She cried out, her vision turning a blazing white as she climaxed around Lucian's hard shaft. She wolf growled as Anna's gripped him for all he was worth, filling her with his seed as he came inside her.

Anna's body went limp as and she gasped for breath as Lucian withdrew from her, their combined fluids dripping out of her as he pulled out. The wolf walked around in front of her and reached down to tilt her head up so that she was now looking right at him. "So... Tell me now, woman, do you still want to end this?" The wolf asked her with a smile.

The young human woman blushed darkly at the wolf's question and fell silent for a moment, but eventually shook her head in response to the question. "No..." She replied. "I... want... more." She confessed in a slightly awkward tone.

Lucian nodded in understanding and cast a look to the others. Anna then heard a noise above her and dropped onto the ground. She got up onto her knees and looked around, suddenly realizing that her captors had released her from her bonds...

(- End of Act 2, Part 2 -)

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I hoped that you guys enjoyed this. I just want to say thanks to Little Red Wolf again for helping out and letting me know what I needed to do to make this series better.

I worked hard to make this one better, and also longer than the last chapter. So I hope that this will come across as an improvement over the last chapter. Anyway, please send me some feedback to let me know what you all thought about it. Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated.

So until next time, see you guys later.

-Seres North