When bark turns to bite- Blood?!

Story by SilverWolfen on SoFurry

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#3 of When bark turns to bite.

All Characters © ME. Except Drake, who is © AquaDwaggy. This story might and probably will Contain M/M yiff, love, relationships. If any of that disgusts you, then don't read. If you're underage, don't read it. * * *


  • * * A few hours after the sun was up, so was Risuke. He sighed, already bored at the prospect of not going out at all. He had slept as long as he could to while away the day, but his stomach woke him as it neared Lunch and he had to oblige with a trip to the kitchen. He quickly pulled on a pair of jeans before leaving his room. Drake was rolling around in his bed as his dreams became more graphic. Very graphic about certain a Wolf he had never ever thought of in that sense before. In fact as a vampire he had always been a bit non-sexual. Still the dreams were graphical about that all the same causing him to uncharacteristically wake up panting and sweating. Risuke cocked an ear as he heard noises from the other room when he walked passed towards the kitchen. The other normally never made any noise once the sun was up. "You ok?" He couldn't help but call at the door stopping at it. Drake had his head low as he was panting. Sticking up under the sheets was his member fully extended. His ear frills twitched a bit from Risuke's question, but he just couldn't move as he panted heavily still his naked chest rising and lowering with each breathe. "Drake?" HE asked putting a paw on the door knob and slowly turning it. He very slowly pushed the door open. "Drake?" Drake looked up at the last moment and then down at himself as he grabbed a pillow to cover himself in embarrassment. He then turned so his back was to Risuke coming into his room. "I'm fine." He said finally. Risuke nodded eyeing the dragons bare back. "Ok, just making sure." HE said softly. He blinked as he suddenly realized why the other had turned so quickly. "See you tonight then, I guess." He told him before turning to leave. Drake sighed and laid back when his door was finally closed. His member stuck straight into the air. He breathed in deeply and then got angry with himself realizing he had the erection because of his roommate. Risuke walked to the kitchen to grab himself some lunch. As he made himself a sandwich he thought on all that was happening. He would have to play the part of Drakes pet, that much was clear. He grumbled as he felt a pressure in his groin and realized he had a semi even from just seeing the other bare back, combined with the whole prospect of the pet thing. Drake lay on his side trying to get back to sleep. His member though still stuck in the air aching from needing attention. He hadn't had this kind of thing sense he had become a vampire. It being about his roommate just made it worse as his mind said it was terrible, but his groin said otherwise. Risuke groaned lightly as he finished his sandwich and glanced out a window. 'Drake should be down for another few hours' He thought smirking. He happily lost his pants after he went back to his room. Flopping on the bed he spread his legs and slowly ran a claw tip along his sheath. Drake groaned as he tried to sleep not wanting to touch himself. Still he couldn't help reaching down with his claw and slowly stroking his member slowly. If only he knew his roommate was in a similar state. Risuke shuddered lightly as he ran his paw gently over the partially revealed wolf hood, urging more from its furry prison. With a moan he started to slowly stroke himself, his other paw wandering down to massage his furry sack. Drake stopped stroking just then as he felt bad doing this with thoughts of his roommate. He was on his back staring up at the ceiling as he grudgingly got up. He slowly walked out of his room towards the bathroom noticing his roommates door cracked open. He could see his roommate naked on his bed teasing his sack. He groaned ducking into the bedroom quickly trying not to think of what he just saw. Having closed his eyes as he stroked himself he didn't see the other at his door. Nor did he hear him since his own moans and groans covered up any noise. Drake looked at himself in the mirror. He sighed feeling very bad at that moment. He moved the collar that was around his neck. He himself had been another person's pet for a couple months. It didn't last long because his master had been killed, But once turned there was no cure to being a vampire. Underneath the collar were the bite marks. Because of his scales his bite marks would never disappear. It was a constant reminder that he was just a monster. Sighing he got into the cold shower not even feeling the temperature or caring. Shuddering and moaning out as he continued, Risuke massaged and kneaded his sack roughly as he stroked faster and harder. His breath became more ragged as he neared the edge his knot clearly engorged at the base of his length. Within another few moments, he blew his load coating his stomach and chest in wolfcum. Panting, he closed his eyes curling up lightly ready to get more sleep. Drake let the cold water calm him down. Memories of his last master filled his mind blocking out the prospect of being someone else's. He know knew how terrible the prospect and life changing such a thing was. Risuke blinked tiredly and thought idly on the fact that he now needed a shower. He slid from the bed and wandered out of his bedroom towards the bathroom, He stopped, blinking as he walked in, hearing the shower running. Drake had his hand against the wall as he breathed in heavily panting from the memories hitting him of his last master. He had gone through hell and he was shaking now as all he could see was what he had to do as a pet. He didn't even register Risuke walking into the room. Risuke eyed the other a moment. Here he was covered in cum with his roommate only a few feet away. He noticed the Dragon seemed to be in distress. "Hey drake? you ok?" Drake was about to snap out of it and respond when his eyes rolled back and he passed out pulling the shower curtains down with him as he fell. He didn't realize it until the last second that his dislike for himself being a vampire had lead him to forget to get some blood into his system and add on top of that the memories of his past hitting him, he had passed out from the stress and the lack of energy. Risuke blinked and jumped forward. He groaned as he grabbed the other slowing the others fall with his own body. Though since Drake was a bit bigger it wasn't that easy and he ended up crashing to the floor with the other on top of him. gasping and panting he struggled out from under the dragon and moved to untangle him from the shower curtain. Drake was completely out of it. While passed out he had no idea what was going on. His scales had paled a lot and were now grey in appearance. The last thing he said before he passed out was. "Risuke.... blood." Risuke blinked at this, till he remembered that Drake was a vampire. "DAmn damn damn" He muttered glancing around the bathroom. He spotted the scissor he used to keep his fur trimmed laying on the sink. Grabbing It, he sliced open his wrist. He gently held Drakes mouth open with the other paw placing his bleeding wrist to the others mouth so it dripped in. Drake could feel the blood hit his tongue as his snout twitched from side to side from the smell. He was too weak though as his eyes slowly opened. He smiled weakly. "Forgot the.... the blood packs in the fridge." he said weakly licking Risuke's wound a little bit. "Thanks." Risuke smiled. "No problem." He told him. "whats a little blood between friends." He commented smiling down at the other, allowing the other to continue to lick his wrist. Drake sighed laying back a bit against the wall. He breathed in deeply closing his eyes. "Thanks again. Your blood though won't be enough. I need rest and one of the blood packs." He sighed though struggling to his feet as he stumbled to the door. He didn't realize his collar had fallen off revealing his bite marks either. Risuke nodded then noticed the collar among the mess. "Uh Drake?" He said picking it up as he stood. He then spotted the bite marks. "ooh" He said softly. He made his way to Drakes side to help the other out of the bathroom and back to his bedroom. Drake laid down on his bed when he got there with help from Risuke. He didn't really notice the cum in Risuke's fur. He took a hold of the collar looking at the tag. It read that if ever found he was to be returned to his master. He sighed not even bothering to put it back on as it the clasp was broken now. The wolf walked to the kitchen and grabbed a blood pack from the fridge. He came back to the dragon and sat down on the edge of the bed as he handed the blood pack to Drake. Drake took the pack of blood out of Risuke's hands and looked at it. "I don't know if you want to see me sucking the blood out of this. It can get a bit... a bit scary." He tossed the collar on to his bed stand, the broken clasp clicking against the wood. Risuke shrugged. "Some of the porn I watch has more blood involved than that." He commented chuckling. "I don't mind blood at all." He added. Drake nodded as he looked down. He opened his mouth revealing his fangs. They were quite large as he stuck the pack into his mouth sucking on it. His lips got a bit of blood on them as he devoured the blood from the bag. His eyes almost went feral from it as the blood was soon gone from the empty bag. He sighed laying back with some blood on his hands and lips licking his lips lightly. "Feeling better?" He asked after watching him suck the bag dry. His tail twitched still a bit nervous with the whole thing, not really the blood, but what was wrong with Drake. Drake just nodded as he stared up at the ceiling his eyes still feral. It happened when had blood in his system. He was feeling wonderful at that moment as the color began to slowly return to his scales. Risuke watched the other concernedly, happy the other was starting to look better. "Well that was enough excitement for one day." HE commented. "You going to be ok, I really need a shower." He looked away embarrassed since Drake was indirectly the cause of the mess covering his chest and abs. Drake nodded again not even looking at Risuke. He brought his hand to his mouth and licked the blood off of his fingers. "Just tell me when you are done, because it looks like I'll need one as well again." Risuke nodded and slid off the bed. He walked quickly from the room ands jumped into the shower just kicking the curtains into a corner. Drake knew it was going to be wet in the shower because there was no curtain now blocking the water from getting out, but he didn't mind at all. He sat up a bit still licking off the blood from his hands. His mind was a near blank as he smiled happily from the taste of blood. He scrubbed the cum from his fur and smiled loving the feeling of being clean as he got out. "All yours!" He called as he pulled on a damp robe from the bathroom. Drake was actually in a dog sitting position outside the bathroom when Risuke came out with his tail whacking. "Blood?" he asked holding up the empty bag. He was in a primitive state right now thinking Risuke was the one who could bring him more blood. Risuke blinked looking down at Drake. He slowly took the bag and grinned. "Sure." He said simply and started off back to the kitchen. Hey if drake wanted blood, who was he to deny a vampire. Drake followed after Risuke on all fours with his tail wagging from side to side. He nuzzled Risuke's hand when they got to the kitchen and he waited patiently. He smiled warmly at Risuke. Risuke blinked at this primitive behavior. He smiled back at the other and couldn't help but pet the other between the ear flaps. He opened the fridge and got out another blood pack handing it to Drake, chuckling lightly. Drake took the blood pack happily and stuck his fangs into it. He laid on his back sucking in the blood. When it was empty he sighed. He pulled it out of his mouth and nuzzled Risuke's hand before running off and snuggling down on the couch beginning to snooze. Risuke chuckled watching this behavior, finding it all amusing. Though in the back of his mind, he wondered what was wrong, and why? He followed into the living room and watched the other snuggle down on the couch. Drake was sleeping now completely happy. His scales had returned to a shinny black color as his tail wagged slowly from side to side. Inside Drake's head he knew he had done this before. Every time he had blood it seemed he went to a near primitive and harmless state. Risuke sat down on the other end of the couch leaning on the arm just watching the dragon contentedly. Mustn't be anything wrong if the other could just sleep like that. His mind drifted to all that had happened the past two days. He was a bit nervous about the prospect of having to act as Drakes pet in front of others. He eyed the sleeping dragon and smiled a bit as he relaxed and soon drifted off.