Kodi Loses Her Virginity

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#3 of Balto Has Lost Or Has he??

Waking up and rolling over Kodi yawned and brushed off the last few dregs of sleep from out of his eyes with his paws before getting up and stretching himself out. The young husky slapped his muzzle close before going and padding to where breakfast had been left out for him by his owners and immediately set to filling his empty stomach by burying himself face first into his dog dish. It had been four weeks since his 'transformation' and as it stood Kodi was resignedly growing used to it as wagged his tail into the air and felt the odd sensation of his lower bits not present between his legs.

It was a strange thing to go from being a male to a female but at the same time there wasn't much Kodi could do to go back to the opposite side of the spectrum now so all he could do was suck it up and live with it. It didn't help matters that his dad had been sniffing around him lately, though thankfully Jenna had been keeping Balto at bay by being more frisky than usual. Just the thought of his mother and father going at it made Kodi shudder on multiple levels as he realized that if he wasn't careful some dog out there might decide to take him the same was Balto took his mother.

Why that fact made his stomach tighten and his new 'lips' squeeze Kodi really didn't want to know but as he finished eating the new female decided that there wasn't much to do but go through his daily grooming and check on his new anatomy. Treading back over to his little spot on the floor Kodi sat himself down flush onto the hardwood floor and then proceeded to raise his left leg up and bent down to have a look at his pussy. His dark eyes passed over where the healed scar tissue and stitches has seamed up nicely, missing his canine orbs and sheath more than he would let on, and then took a gander at where his new sex twitched eagerly beneath his tailhole.

In the time beforehand Kodi did everything he could think of to not look at his altered sex organs, letting Jenna do it for him since he argued that the older husky would have more experience with these things than him anyway. However, now as he looked at it Kodi didn't feel as repulsed as he thought he would about it. Oh sure he was still peeved that his owners could do such a thing to him, but his pink lips didn't look as dreadful as he first thought they might appear. Lowering his head and licking out across the tightly held twin folds Kodi shuddered as his nose caught the scent of female while feeling an electric tingle run right up his spine at the same time.

Taking more laps at himself Kodi spread his feminine sex open with stronger and harder pushes of his tongue in through himself before finally coming to bury his nose at the crux of the outer rim. The smell that wafted out was both sharp but instead of being musky it was more of an earthy smell. It was enticing to say the least but it didn't feel right coming from his body. After so many years of being male and lapping at his own nuts Kodi had grown to like that part of himself very much and it was with a little ire that he realized that that part of his life was now over with.

Spending several more minutes inside of his cleft Kodi pulled out suddenly when he realized that he was supposed to be on mail duty today. Withdrawing his sloppy wet tongue from his now moist cunt the young husky shook himself and stood up to pad off towards the front door to go to work.

Getting outside Kodi breathed in the refreshing cool morning wind of Nome and watched as the sun was making its way up into the sky while shining down on the busy streets below. The usual riffraff was mulling around trying to get the day started and as he walked along pass some of them Kodi realized that no one but his family really knew about his altered condition yet. That thoughtmade the husky put on the brakes sadly it did not stop the person who was walking along right behind him. The person in question stumbled into Kodi making the red dog muffle a whimper before barking in apology and moving along out of the way.

Grunting to himself the husky realized that today was going to be a hell of a day as he just knew that his new condition was going to make the round of the dog circuit once Steele and the rest found out about it. The mere thought of the large black and white malamute getting a whiff of his new sex and eagerly wanting to mount him made Kodi hurry in his steps to get to the post and then inside before anyone could really get a bead in on him.

A few dogs did see him but Kodi barely made a passing comment as he rushed passed and then went into the large post office building to go to work. Many of the passing canines looked a little curious but shrugged it off as they had their own things to deal with today but one in particular looked to where Kodi had gone with a curious eye before moving along.

When he was finally in the safety of the stone and concrete walls around him Kodi breathed a sigh and then went to where the manager would be waiting for him with his satchel of letters and papers that he would need Kodi to deliver around town. Like clockwork the older human met him with a smile and then handed him the strap of his carrier to which Kodi gratefully took into his muzzle and then put on.

Once he got his instructions Kodi made his way out of the post building to start his day. Thankfully everyone had enough respect for the job that no one bothered Kodi leaving the husky in relative peace throughout the morning and then into the mid-afternoon when it was time for lunch.

Of course like any good day things decided to take a turn for the worse when Kodi finished eating lunch and decided to go out and mark the trees outside and realized that he would no longer be able to lift his leg like he used to. This fact was made every more irritating as Kodi naturally felt the need to squat and bent his legs so that his rear was facing down letting his urine out to soak the ground.

After finishing, thoroughly humiliated Kodi grumbled to himself and then walked off never noticing when another dog came up behind him to use the same tree and then stopped to sniff at the ground. The confused dog wasn't sure what was going on but did find himself getting stiff in his crotch as he scented where Kodi had gone to use the bathroom on the tall tree and then looked up to where the husky had walked off to.

For Kodi he finished up the rest of the day with little problem and then tiredly went to go home after getting patted on the head. Walking out of the building and then heading on the road home Kodi nearly face planted himself into the ground when several dogs started whistling in his direction.

"Hey, Jenna baby why not come over this way and take on a real stud!" Some unknown dog yelled out.

"Come on Jenna you know I've got what you need right here," Kodi barely had to look so see some dog had his leg cocked and into the air.

"Hey Jenna,"

"Come on Jenna!"

"Over here Jenna!"

Kodi made his way home a little quicker as he realized that it wouldn't be long before someone decided to come up to him and realize that he wasn't Jenna. It was totally annoying to have his sex altered but it was even more embarrassing since everyone thought that he was his mother.

Getting through the dog flap and into the house Kodi buried himself underneath the kitchen table and refused to come out for any reason the rest of the night.

Falling asleep there Kodi found himself waking up again in the middle of the night, stomach grumbling and bladder full, and uncurled himself from underneath the table so that he could stretch out to his full length. Rising up and seeing that he had missed dinner the husky grunted before walking out of the yard and then going to his favorite tree to take a leak. Making his way over and then squatting Kodi barely missed it when someone came up behind him and sniffed at where he had just marked the base of the tree. He did however yelp out loud when a cool nose brushed up into his sopping cunt and gave him a strong lick.

Instinct made Kodi turn around and lower his rear to the ground only to find that he was staring into the face of no one else but Steele. The black and white malamute looked only too smug with himself as he stared down at Kodi and chuckled in his usual fashion as if he knew everything and ruled all of Nome.

"Good evening, bitch." Steele said haughtily and Kodi felt indignant before he realized what the other canine meant.

"Steele," Kodi didn't even want to think up the ramifications of what tonight's little altercation was going to mean for him and instead made his way back to the house to try and get away.

"And where are you going, bitch? I'm not done with you yet." Steele growled making the ruff on the back of his neck stand up in agitation.

Kodi stopped in midstride before sighing and turning his head to look at the other. "Look, it's been a long day and I'm tired. I just want to go inside and go back to sleep, ok?" Kodi reasoned.

However, Steele had other plans as he walked over to the husky and then begin to circle him like some kind of vulture. "I don't think so, bitch. Not with what I've smell on you tonight." The malamute said as he got in close to Kodi and then started to sniff the other's hindquarters before licking out along Kodi's taint and tuft below.

The young husky shivered but didn't tell the other to back off, knowing it would be a useless venture anyway even if he did if Steele's prior affections were anything to go by. Kodi just stood and tried to muster as much courage as he could as the other dog began to play with the edges of his new cunt while nipping at the folds and getting a shrill yip from Kodi in return.

"Heard something really interesting from one of the guys today and was looking forward to seeing if it was true or not." Steele said while nosing at Kodi's backside making the red husky lean forward some to try and get away only to have a sharp growl hold him into position. "And here I come to find out that not only is it true but at the same time the new bitch in question is both virgin and eager. What a lucky dog I must be to have stumbled on to such a fresh female in the midst of Nome."

"C-come on Steele. Don't do this. I-I have to go to work in the morning." Kodi tried to reason and got a laugh in response.

"Hey, I'm just trying to look out for you. Just imagine if it wasn't me who found you and it was some other dog that didn't have as much restraint as I do." Steele murmured while pulling his head up and then sauntering over to look at Kodi in the face.

For a split second Kodi could imagine such a thing; he could actually see himself getting bred by two other mutts from around the street. Both of their long and hard cocks aimed straight at his holes, though with his newer one being taken instead of his tailhole while his muzzle was stuffed full and left leaking out drool around a voracious male who would pounding the inside of his throat so hard that it would leave his jaw aching. At his tail end though the other randy canine would be almost trying to lift himself up off of the ground with one leg in the air as he fucked Kodi in his new snatch hard enough so that the new female would be walking with a limp for days to come.

Cum drooling out of his back and front Kodi had to snap himself out of his daze as he realized that it was only Steele looking at him and that he was safe with the other. Though then again this was Steele he was considering and that made Kodi wonder just how safe he was, knowing he malamute's temperament. Not helping things was what Steel was doing to the back of his body.

The husky was both flush and panting as he tried to keep himself together but it was a battle that he was fighting uphill as Steele's talented tongue had made him hotter than he had ever been before while at the same time more than slightly repulsing him.

"Oh, I'm sorry was I being to forward? Maybe you actually want to meet those other dogs and get their opinions?" Steele said in a voice that was sweeter than honey and no less teasing making Kodi almost think the other was serious. Though given Steele's somewhat possessive nature Kodi wasn't about to call the other's bluff.

"I-I just want to get into the house now..." Kodi said while panting like a steam engine.

"Well I think we should make a stop first." Steele said before grabbing Kodi by the neck with his jaws and then herding the other away from the safety of his home. Times like these Kodi really wished the other would go for a long sleigh ride somewhere off a cliff.

The two walked, well Steele walked while Kodi tried to resist with little effect, through the darkened streets of Nome with Kodi whimpering and trying to tuck his tail down while Steele murred things in his ear that the husky would never repeat. The pair made their way to the boiler room and then Kodi grunts as he was pushed through the flap that lead inside before being butted out of the way by Steele as the other came in right behind him. Kodi moved to a corner out of the way once he realized that the room was occupied by more dogs than just himself and Steele as several pair of eyes turned to regard the two of them with varying looks on their faces.

"Alright boys line up; I've got some news for you." Steele commanded and like soldiers the rest of the dogs did as he said and stood side by side of each other while staring at him in question. "Here's the deal boys, there's a new bitch in town and as such I know that there's going to be a big ruckus over who gets at her first that's why I'm coming and claiming her as mine. Any arguments?" Steele growled at the others while pulling his lips over his teeth and showing them to the crowd.

The others shuddered and curled tails between their legs while some bowed their heads in distaste. No one there had the gall to challenge the malamute so that meant that he usually got first pick at all the other females first while they got second fiddle. Thankfully Steele lost interest as quickly as he picked it up so the malamute never stayed with one bitch long giving the others time to pick and choose from the leftovers for themselves.

"That's good and just so you know who I'm talking about I brought her over for everyone to see." Steele announced while turning to look at Kodi who wished he could have sunk into the floor out of sight.

"Who are you talking about Steele?" One of the dogs asked as they looked around for the female in question and only seeing Kodi.

"Oh that's right. Some of you don't know." Steele turned to regard the husky and then barked for him/her to come over.

Kodi did so with great reluctance and walked to stand right beside Steele making the large canine chuckle at being obeyed so easily.

"Huh? That's just Kodi. We've all had him before?" Kaltag said as he eyed the other.

"Not like this you haven't. Go ahead and show them the new good, bitch." Steele barked making Kodi whine and then turn around and lift his tail higher up into the air.

Silence fell over the room before a great serious of barks and yips resounded throughout the air as everyone looked at the new and improved Kodi. Though some of them had seen the other throughout the day and knew about what was going on with the husky but the rest hadn't and it made the energy in the room almost bounce off the walls as many wanted to go over and have a sniff at the new female.

"Alright, shut up already. You're all giving me a headache." Steele said as he tried not to smirk from the hungry looks the others were giving the new female.

Kodi didn't think there was any way that he could be any more embarrassed as he felt his nethers tighten as everyone looked at his new sex like they had never seen a female's pussy before. It wasn't helping things that Steele was snickering right next to him like some kinda of moron.

"Alright, already. That's enough. This bitch is mine but I'm going to be charitable enough to let you use her just like before but only this time, her cunt stays mine. That understood?"

Several dogs barked at this getting a grunt from Steele. "Alright then, bitch. Turn around and face me proper so that I can show these mutts just how much you belong to me." Steele grunted into Kodi's ear.

"C-come on Steele. Can't I just muzzle you off or something?" Kodi tried to reason only getting an angry bark from the malamute for his troubles before he reluctantly turned around and presented Steele with his new anatomy.

"No you can't bitch. I'm taking what belongs to me and if you keep me waiting anymore then I'm going to change my mind about owning you and let the other guys breed you until you're pumping out cum instead of my pups." Steele snarled down at Kodi while secretly knowing that he would never let another dog have at his bitch, especially not one carrying his litter.

Kodi's eyes nearly popped out of his head at what Steele said and then the realization that he could actually have pups now since he was technically female all around, except for not having breast which with to feed any pups with.

"Oh yes bitch, I know that you can have pups. I could smell it on you when I first licked at the inside of that cunt of yours. You're primed and fertile and by the time I'm done with you you'll be popping out at least six strong malamutes out of this thing before winter." Steele mocked as he watched Kodi shudder and freeze stock-still at the revelation.

"Steele, please don't. Don't do this. I don't want to lose my virginity and I d-don't want to have your puppies."

"What, am I not good enough for you or something?"

"I-I..." Kodi tried to say only to get cut off.

"It really doesn't matter what you want or don't want. This is happening so just grin and fucking bare it."

Steele didn't waste any more time talking after that as he buried his head back underneath Kodi's ass and then began to make loud and lewd slurps across the new female's cunt. The surrounding dogs listened with rapt attention as Steele thoroughly ate Kodi out, making sure to bury his tongue deep into the husky and roll the red organ around so that it spread Kodi open as much as possible. The effect was instant on Kodi's face as he began to moan and then bite at his lower lip as Steele dexterous tongue roved around inside of him like it was supposed to be there. The wet feel of the malamute eating him out was much better than it had been when Steele had licked inside of his ass as there were extra nerves inside of his new pussy that made Kodi groan and loll out own tongue while pushing back into the other.

"See that, Steele really knows how to do a bitch right." Someone said getting snickers of approval from the other.

"Yeah, with the way he's going the bitch is going to come just from the tongue job alone."

"Wonder what s/he taste like back there?"

"We'll never know. Not with the way Steele's being so possessive over her. Give it a few months though and then he'll get bored and we can get a chance at her."

Kodi listened to the surrounding conversation without really hearing it as his ears lowered onto the top of his head while at the same time his front legs gave out slightly and he slowly fell to the ground. Quivering and rocking back against Steele's snout Kodi never knew anything could feel so good as he spread his hind legs farther apart to give the malamute as much access to him as he could. Steele, for his part, was enjoying the taste and texture from Kodi's new snatch and made sure to dig as deeply in as he could inside of the other to taste the young husky. While not as thick as the honey that usually came out of Jenna's pussy Kodi had a thin, yet tastey mixture of female juice inside of him/her that made him anxious to bury his bone inside of the other.

Pulling back some minute later, his nose and snout fur almost liberally covered with a thin film of sexual fluids, Steele looked down to see that his own cock was half way out of his sheath and gaining inches as his arousal was reaching its peak. Deciding not to waste any more time on foreplay the bigger dog walked directly over Kodi, easy enough since the husky hadn't pulled himself back up to stand on his front paws, and then placed his eager cock at the cleft of the husky's backdoor. The others watched as Steele, in true canine fashion, grunted and poked around trying to find the right hole to get himself into.

There were several missed shots as Kodi squealed and grunted while flexing his muscles as Steele hit his tailhole and then pulled out only to aim a little lower on the next strike. Several stokes of his doghood later Steele got in and then rammed forward making Kodi gasp and hiss as his virginity got taken.

"There we go, almost forgot how to aim that thing; defiantly been fucking too much ass around here lately. So glad you're going to help me change that, bitch."

Kodi whimpered from the feel of Steele so tightly buried inside of him that he actually felt something poking farther into him than it had before. Odd since he had more cocks up his tailhole in the past two months than most female. However, the fact of the matter was that he had a new womb now that meant that there was an empty space inside of Kodi that needed to be filled and with the malamute's ample girth that was any easy enough task to fulfill. Kodi tried to whine and plead for mercy but Steele wasn't having any of it and as he pulled himself back and out of the husky Kodi could actually feel every vein of the bigger dog's cock pulse out and onto his sensitive nerve endings making him moan aloud and shiver violently.

Knowing that he was in perfect control made Steele move at a slow pace despite what Kodi had wanted, which was none of this to happen at all, and as he pulled out to almost the tip the malamute made sure that the surrounding dogs could see him for all his worth as he wrapped himself snuggly around his new bitch's cunt muscles. Many of them were in awe as they watched a little blood and some fluids come out of Kodi and they all realized that Steele had busted through kodi's cervix wall on the first shot just from length alone. Usually it took several deep thrusts and an added knot for most of them to do such a thing but with Steele's cock still growing to full hardness he had done it on one stroke.

The malamute grunted and then slammed himself back into Kodi making the husky female jump up onto his front legs and then howl as he was broken in on the second thrust. It hurt like nothing he had felt before but that was because this was so much more different than before. Back when he was only taken in the ass there was nothing but muscle to pass through on up into his guts but now there had been a blockade, which was super tender after being destroyed, and a wall which Steele pressed up into making everything squeeze and clench around the invading cock. Kodi yelped but Steele didn't care as the bigger canine leaned in forward and grabbed Kodi on the shoulder with his teeth and then started to really go at it inside of his pussy.

Steele wanted to move slowly at first but the tightness of Kodi's snatch was just too good to try to savor on the first shot and instead he made it a mission to fuck the other fully and as deeply as he could. The cheers of the surrounding mutts was only adding to his already inflated ego as Steele rocked his hips forward into Kodi's behind, forcing the other to tilt forward and then pull back to rebalance himself, while at the same moment drilling his cock into his new bitch until only a quarter of his shaft was coming back out.

Kodi grunted and yelped as tears flooded his eyes. If this is what it felt like to be female then he didn't understand how his mother could let his father do this to him. Steele was just too big and too wide, tearing at things inside of his body and filling him up so deeply that it physically hurt to have the malamute inside of his cunt. Where before his ass was able to adjust his new sex wasn't at all prepared for the rough strokes of Steele's need blasting a path into him over and over nor for the small egg shaped knot that was ramming against him unseen at the end of the malamute's cock. Steele moved like he was possessed and left Kodi with little choice but to hold on and try to ride out the waves of pain that were streaking a path up his spine. Grunting and shaking his head the husky barely felt a drop of pleasure from this as Steele took everything from him all at once and then demanded more in the following seconds afterwards.

On and on Steele kept up his motions of spreading Kodi open and leaking his pre into the new female. The wet sounds of mating filled up the mechanical noise of the boilers going as the two dogs rutted right there in front of the barking crowd. At their feet a small trickle of fluid was becoming a small ocean as Steele began to get some response out of Kodi's pussy as he sawed through the tender tissue again and again making honey leak around his shaft and then give himself extra lubricant with which to hammer himself inside of the husky even further. The musk between the two was hot and stank of sweat but to Steele it was aromatic as he placed his mark both inside and outside of the husky while digging his fangs into Kodi's shoulder and gripping tight enough that he could taste skin. Nibbling and grunting Steele felt his knot filling the expanse of the outer rim of the bitch's snatch and decided that he would show everyone just why he was the dominant alpha over all bitches, both male and female, as he pulled back and power drove inside of Kodi once and then held still.

Kodi's eyes widened like saucers as he felt Steele right at the edge of the inside of his cunt and then slowly begin to expand wider and wider, stretching him open to new heights as his fat bulb blossomed with blood. The husky flailed around in a panic then as pain coursed up inside of him as Steele's knot began to grow more and more until finally it was at its full width and straining the other open so far that one could actually put a small fist inside of the husky.

Steele pulled himself off of Kodi's shoulder and then licked his lips to spit out the fur tangled in his teeth before snarling down at the younger dog. "You want it to move then you'd better show everyone how much you want it because I'm not moving from this spot, bitch."

Kodi whimpered but knew that Steele was serious and moved on reflex to try and get the aching pain in his cunt to go away. Pulling forward didn't help since Steele's front paws kept him from going anywhere so that only left Kodi with thrusting himself back in small humps to try and get the malamute's knot to delve fully inside of his pussy. It was a laugh riot for the surrounding dogs to watch as they got a chance to see just how desperate a female would be trapped at the end of Steele's girth. Kodi twisted and yelped, struggled and whined as he moved his ass back and forth onto the malamute getting Steele to moan and pant as he let himself be massaged by the tight depths of the husky.

It took several minutes and some deep jerks but finally Kodi was able to push himself back onto Steele and then lock the other inside of his cunt. The next thing to happen was nothing he expected as soon after Steele hunched forward and then came explosively in torrents. The feeling of the hot wetness inside of him sparked Kodi's own orgasm as his pussy literally twitched around Steele's cock and then let out a flood of juice that gushed around the knot that was blockading inside of him. The husky yowled and howled to the roof as he came for the first time with his new sex. The feelings were more than he could stand and like a light switching off Kodi collapsed on the end of Steele's cock out cold as the malamute continued to come inside of him and claim him as his new bitch.

The group of males laughed and howled in response and just on the edge of Nome's borders another female was moving along with her pups wondering what all the noise she could hear was about. Not sure the female ushered her troop along and wondered just what had changed in her former home since she had been gone, never knowing that her answer was not going to be as pleasant as she had hoped.