DA in Pokemon: Bond of Brotherhood Part I: Road to Victory

Story by RikuHeartfire on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemon Bond of Brotherhood

Trainer: DA

Pokemon Team

First Generation:


Moves: Charm, SmokeScreen, Flame Burst, Reflect (Learns Fire Spin)

Dressed in: Black and red baggy shorts.

Personality: Wild


Moves: Strength, Focus Energy, Foresight, Revenge

Dressed in: Wrestling Speedo

Personality: Strong hearted, serious


Moves: Double Kick, Earth Power, Hyper Beam, Protect

Dressed in: Blue muscle shirt with ripped black shorts.

Personality: Non bright

Second Generation:


Moves: Odor Sleuth, Inferno, Beat up, Substitute

Dressed in: Red tank top and dark blue tattered jeans

Personality: Friendly

Third Generation:


Moves: Faint Attack, Shadow Ball, Take Down, Attract

Dressed in: White sleeved open shirt, with black tight jeans

Personality: Cool, collected

Fourth Generation:


Moves: Aura Sphere, Double Team, Force Palm, Feint

Dressed in: Black Bandana, Speedo,

Personality: Easy Going, determined

Trainer: Christian

Pokemon Team

Fourth Generation:


Moves: Aqua Jet, Quick Attack, Water Gun, Ice Beam

Dressed in: yellow colored speedo

Personality: Energetic, Eager

*Trainer: Lt Surge * (1 Vs 1)

Pokemon Team

First Generation:


Moves: Quick Attack, Thunderbolt, Agility, Light Screen

Dressed in: Nothing

Personality: Energetic


Moves: Thunderbolt, Charge Beam, Double Team, Iron Tail

Dressed in: Black Jeans, Yellow & Black lighting graved shirt

Personality: Bully

Second Generation:


Moves: Thunder Wave, Thunderpunch, Thunder, Safeguard

Dressed in: White muscle shirt, tattered shorts and sneakers,

Personality: Naïve

*Trainer: Bruno * (2 Vs 2)

Pokemon Team

First Generation:


Moves: Mach Punch, Ice Punch, Detect, Focus Energy

Dressed in: Purple tunic

Personality: Determined


Moves: Triple Kick, Mega Kick, Feint, Wide Guard

Dressed in: Ninja Gi

Personality: Timid, cold


Moves: Cross Chop, Detect, Strength, Low Kick

Dressed in: Karate Uniform

Personality: Tough

Third Generation:


Moves: Iron Defense, Metal Sound, Ice Beam, Rock Tomb

Dressed in: Wrestling Uniform

Personality: Cocky, Proud

*Trainer: Volkner * (2 Vs 2)

Pokemon Team

First Generation


Moves: Thundershock, Agility, Double Kick, Pin Missile

Dressed in: Electric designed cargo pants

Personality: Wild


Moves: Charge Beam, Thunder Wave, Brick Break, Light Screen

Dressed in: Black Muscle shirt, and yellow and black jeans

Personality: Determined, Naïve

Third Generation:


Moves: Bite, Discharge, Charge, Thunder

Dressed in: Blue and yellow jacket, and tattered jeans

Personality: calm

Fourth Generation:


Moves: Thunderbolt, Leer, Swagger, Wild Charge

Dressed in: Black cloak and blue and black pants

Personality: Serious

Trainer: ** Cynthia ** (2 Vs 2)

Pokemon Team

First Generation:


Moves: Fire Spin, Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Flamethrower

Dressed in: fur jacket with black red tanktop, pants

Personality: Calm

Third Generation:


Moves: Focus Energy, Bulk Up, Sky Uppercut, Blaze Kick

Dressed in: Muscle shirt, leather jacket, biker pants and chaps

Personality: Stern

Fourth Generation:


Moves: Mega Drain, Energy Ball, Toxic, Magical Leaf

Dressed in: multi colored long jacket

Personality: Elegant, Narcissistic


Moves: Flame Thrower, Slash, Dragon Rush, Dual Chop

Dressed in: black long sleeved shirt, deep blue pants

Personality: Serious, cynical


Moves: Teleport, Confusion, Telekinesis, Psychic

Dressed in: Customized outfit

Personality: Serious


Moves: Focus Energy, Take down, Ancient Power, Hyper Beam

Dressed in: cargo Shorts with iron padding along

Personality: Crazed

*Trainer: Champion ???? * (6 VS 6)

Pokemon Team

Second Generation:


Moves: Confuse Ray, Assurance, Helping hand, Faint Attack

Dressed in: Leather fur Jacket, Fingerless black gloves, jeans with chains, steel boots.

Personality: Cold and Cunning


Moves: Confusion, Helping Hand, Psychic, Flash

Dressed in: White black fur jacket, white pants, boots and gloves

Personality: Energetic, Happy

Third Generation:


Moves: Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Attract, Twister

Dressed in: White blouse, frills, blue sequin vest, blue overcoat, pants, blue belt, Lace rose fan.

Personality: Narcissist

Fourth Generation:

Lucario: (Lucian)

Moves: Force Palm, Detect, Aura Sphere, Extreme Speed

Dressed in: Tattered shorts, open vest, cloak, and gauntlets

Personality: Cruel, Stern, Callous

Fifth Generation:


Moves: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Spite, Telekinesis

Dressed in: Black cloak, dark wrappings along its arms and legs

Personality: Quiet


Moves: Night Daze, Nasty Plot, Taunt, Punishment Dressed in: Short crop fur jacket, 3 belts, pants x crossed strap, black wrappings, lip piercing

Personality: Wicked

Chapter I: Road to Victory

DA and Luke looked at the large mouth of the cave. "We're going in there...? But how long will it take to get to the exit?" DA grinned and nodded "Don't worry. I came prepared! We'll use this rope in case we get stuck." He showed Luke the rope as Luke raised a brow looking back "Um... How will that even work?" DA blinked and looked back to the cave "A-anyway...let's go!" He marched on in leaving Luke to wonder. It was very dark inside "Hmm...let's use Charmeleon's flaming tail!" He sent him out as Charmeleon growled and looked around in a fighting stance "Who wants some!? Hey...where are we?" DA set his hand on his hip "Oh we're at the Pokemon Carnival, where do you think!? Inside Victory Road." Charmeleon swung his tail and looked around "Lotta...rocks and stuff. You sure we can get through this?" DA tilted his head, "Well...I guess I'll send out any other Pokemon I need in case of an emergency." Luke looked around "Master. Up there!" Luke pointed towards a rocky path that leads upwards. "No other choice...?" Luke pointed towards a series of large boulders that were bigger than DA. He rubbed his head then looked back to the rocky path "...Let's...go there instead."

DA and the others climbed the rocky steep while Luke and Charmeleon climbed behind him "Yknow...this would be a lot agh...less difficult if Machoke JUST knew Rock Climb!" DA growled "Well thank you Mr. Smartass!" He grabbed onto a rock yet lost his grip with his eyes widening "Whoa whoa whoa!!" Charmeleon and Luke gasped anime style as the two struggled to keep DA up, DA almost lost his balance as he waved his arms. Charmeleon yelled out "Why did you bring us here!? We could've had Machoke and Nidoking move the boulders!!" DA growled and struggled to reach a rock, "Shut up! This way's easier!" Charmeleon growled as he pushed DA "We're about to be crushed to death! Does this look easy!? Why couldn't you have been one of those small, skinnier types Master!?" DA clinged onto a rock "I said shut up!"

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Minutes later, they reached the top. Panting and out of breath, DA rubbed his nose "That wasn't so bad." Luke set his hands on his knees "Not so bad?! We could've been killed by a 200 pound male full of muscle!!" Charmeleon and DA both looked to Luke, surprised by his statement. Luke smiled and pointed "Um...there's a bridge! Lets go!" the three walked along the bridge carefully as it shook from side to side, "D-d-don't go so fast!" Luke exclaimed as DA shook "Shut...it! We're almost- "A loud snapping sound was heard, the three froze and looked behind them as the rope connecting the bridge slowly snapped. Charmeleon's jaw dropped as the other rope snapped, the bridge collapsed as all three fell. "Master!! I hate youuu!!!" Charmeleon shouted as DA growled "Shut i-" All three fell into a large river of water with a splash. Charmeleon screamed out and jumped up in mid air, DA spat water out from his mouth as Charmeleon balanced on his head. Luke looked to Charmeleon's tail as he extended his hand and covered his flaming tip in a dark aura. "Oh...thanks Luke!" DA growled and pushed Charmeleon off him "Get off! Look what you got us into!" Charmeleon growled "I didn't do this! The bridge just broke!" Luke's eyes widened as the current slowly started to push them "Um...hey guys."

DA grabbed Charmeleon by his neck and grinned "Oh I think you did! And if we make it out of here alive, I'm going to SO finger your ass so hard you won't be able to sit down for a month!" Luke pointed again "Guys...?" Charmeleon leaned in close to DA "That's so perverted of you! You got anything but sex on your mind!?" Luke growled and grew irritated as the current moved them faster. "DA...Char...!" DA growled and pushed his nose towards Charmeleon's snout "What'd you say you overgrown lizard!" Luke sighed and shrugged "Oh well..." DA and Charmeleon both blinked and looked towards a large waterfall as they hugged each other tightly. The three screamed as they fell all the way down.

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They washed up along the ground shore, DA shook himself off as Luke slipped off his shorts, he sighed as they were too worn out and ripped from the fall to wear anymore, he flung them away. "Can we please get out of this stupid cave?!" DA and Charmeleon nodded "Let's go. I'm pretty sure we're almost out." The three walked up a stairway as there were more paths and bridges to follow. "Oh Come ON!!!" Charmeleon screamed out as it echoed. "We'll never get out of here!" DA growled as they continued to walk "We'll make it out. I hope..." He gulped as a voice was heard "Hey!! You there!!" The three blinked and looked behind them as a trainer with white hair appeared on top of a boulder. "Don't you think you got it easy in here! This is Victory Road and only the best of the best can make it outta here!" DA raised a brow as the trainer jumped down with a grin "My name's Christian. Since im a Pokemon Trainer, I have no choice but to challenge you!" DA and Luke blinked "Uh...sure! I accept it!" DA grinned as the trainer extended his hand with a Pokeball. "Go! Floatzel!" The ball burst in a white light as a large, Pokemon appeared. He grinned as he looked to the other "C'mon! I can handle anything you throw at me!" Floatzel clenched his fists as Luke blinked and blushed, looking away. DA gave a light blush "Uh...right! Go!" He threw his own Pokeball as Mightyena came out. He set a hand on his hip and sighed "I was resting... What is it now?" He looked towards his opponent and narrowed his eyes. "A battle? My, DA you're quick to meet friends." DA smirked and crossed his arms "Show em what yer made of Yena!" Mightyena scoffed and flipped his hair, "I guess I could use the exercise..."

Floatzel rushed at Mightyena and jabbed him, Mightyena dodged the next blow as he kneed the Pokemon in the stomach, soon followed by a Shadow Ball. Floatzel grunted and sent a stream of water at Mightyena (Water Gun) Mightyena gasped as he was thrown back, Floatzel appeared behind him and kneed him in the back. Mightyena cried out and fell. "Tch...! Not bad. I'm impressed." Mightyena's eyes glowed as he smirked, Floatzel flinched before growling "Get serious!" He rushed at Mightyena head first with a stream of water following him (Aqua Jet) attacking him again as Mightyena cried out. He soon vanished in a black streak before appearing behind Floatzel and slashed at him. Floatzel grunted as he leaped back, panting. Mightyena set his hand in his pocket "You really shouldn't go through with this. I cant guarantee your safety." Floatzel smiled before closing his eyes. "Heh...this battle's heating up. It's too late to back down now." He opened his eyes and drew in breath before spewing a beam of ice directly at Mightyena. (Ice Beam) Mightyena gasped as his lower part was encased in ice. "What!?" DA growled "This doesn't look good..."

Floatzel laughed and grinned "Cant guarantee my safety? YOUR not so safe yourself right now." He walked over to Mightyena before attacking him with a punch quickly (Quick Attack) Mightyena spat out blood as he looked back to Floatzel. Floatzel smirked and looked back "It's over for y- " He blinked as he tilted his head, Mightyena looked at Floatzel with a light blush. (Attract) Floatzel blushed furiously as he curled his tail then leaned in close. Mightyena closed his eyes lightly as the two kissed tenderly. Luke and DA both blushed and snickered "God it's almost impossible to hurt him when he's like that...!" Floatzel pulled away softly with a light sigh, as he blinked then Mightyena grinned. "Too bad." He headbutted Floatzel hard as he gasped, he held his head and soon fell backwards with a thud. His eyes spiraling as his trainer; Christian gasped and groaned. "Aw no! Floatzel!" DA grinned as Charmeleon and Luke hi-fived each other. "He did it! That was awesome!" Mightyena broke through the ice and smirked, setting his hand in his pocket.

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Christian sighed and shook hands with DA "That was a great match. Perhaps I can learn something from it." DA grinned and nodded "Yeah. Bring more than one Pokemon!" The trainer rubbed his neck with a laugh "Haha! Yeah I'll keep that in mind." DA set his hands in his pockets while Luke waved back "Master are we almost there...? I'm getting tired..." DA growled and put his hands behind his head "How should I know? Do I look like a map wiz?" Charmeleon grinned as he swayed his tail left and right "Man this place is huge. Why don't they just make it easier and have the Pokemon League RIGHT there!" DA rolled his eyes "Everything ain't easy." Just then, two Pokemon come out of nowhere. One from the ground, its body incased in steel, the other appears before the trio, its body entirely purple with a red underside.

"Hey there. Don't think I'll just let you pass on by!" the Pokemon said as DA flinched "Damn. A Lairon. No sweat, Luke go take that one down!" The Lairon took its stance as Luke nodded and rushed forward. The other pokemon gripped Charmeleon by the tail and swung him into a wall. "I will not allow you to continue." Charmeleon grunted and gasped as he looked up to see a Gabite. The pokemon were entirely naked, and Luke and Charmeleon were having trouble trying to hide their urges. Even DA blushed lightly as he growled "Damn these wild Pokemon. Their always in the buff..." Charmeleon leaned up with a hot growl as he blew fire straight up, the Gabite leaped backwards and licked his lips with a grin. "You're gonna be fun tearing to shreds!" The two Pokemon prepared themselves "Oh yeah?! We wont go down that easy!"

DA in Pokemon MBTY: Part V:

**Part V: You think you're ready?** After the excessive orgy, DA and Lance shook hands. "Nice battle. However... that was... interesting how it turned out!" Lance blushed and looked away snorting. DA grinned and rubbed the back of his head...

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DA in Pokemon MBTY: Part IV: One HAWT Orgy!

Houndoom shivered as Arcanine slipped in his massive cock, pumping in gently with ease as he held Houndoom by the waist. He growled and slammed his meat inside the other's tailhole, splashing semen along his rump. He shivered and looked to Arcanine...

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DA in Pokemon MBTY: Part III: A Hot Victory

Arcanine smirked and rushed quickly towards Houndoom, elbowing him in the stomach before punching him again (**Extremespeed)** Luke gasped as he rushed to Arcanine and attempted to punch him as the stronger Pokemon gripped Luke's fist grinning "Yer...

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