Powers To Know

Story by Foxx_Icefire on SoFurry

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#2 of Powers of the Forgotten

Powers To Know

Chap 2

I woke i little while later to s hift of weight in the bed."Oh sorry did I wake you."I role over to see Wind Through sliding under the covers next to me and I was a liyyle startled because I have never shared a bed with another male befor.

"Its ok I never really did fall asleep.And this is kinda wierd for me if understand what i am saying."

"I understand this is your first night in a new place u do not know that good and sharing a bed with me a person u do not relly know yet.Oh and one thing i have to tell you?"


"Have a good sleep."With that i roled over again and fell asleep quickly.Wind Through said barly more then a whisper " Dam he is cute, I hope he is gay." with that he shut he eyes and slowly went to sleep thinking of what Earth Mover looked like under the clothes Triss gave him.When i woke up i found there was a arm around me and warm breath on my neck so i slowly roled over and i saw Wind's sleeping face.A knock at the door made me a jump and i heard Mage call.

"Wake up or you will miss breackfast."I was up and ready to go but i was held down by the arm around my chest.

"Mage can i get some help please?"I said so he could hear me through the door.

"What is it u need help with?" He asked opening the door and saw that Wind Had his arm over my chest holding me there in his sleep."Oh haha. WIND WAKE UP."He belowed in the door way which made Wind jump out from under the covers revealing a unmissable bulge in his crotch.

"Hey why do u do that all the time."

"Well I did it today because you were holding Earth to your chest."Mage turns around and head to the kitchen laughing while Winds face turns red in embarassment.

"Sorry about that i didn't even know i was doing it."

"Its ok it was kind of nice waking up to see someone holding me next to them just warn me next time ok."

"Ok and the rest of us think it makes a point if we wear what we brought with us it help us remember."

"Ok can u pass me my stuff then its over on the dresser."

"Here u go." A gust of wind picks it up and carries it across the room to me.

"Thanks, oh and what u going to to about that?"I poimt at his wood."It hasn't seem to have gone down." With a smile I turn around while my face gos red for asking that.

"Oh umm maybe i will just leave it. It has to go done some time."The reason it was still hard was because he couldn't stop looking at Earth's morning wood but after a while his went down and his was going soft."I will wait out side till u are done to take u to the kitchen."With that he turned around and went out the door and shut it after him.I Quickly put back on my old clothes and jewlery and went out the door.

"So how do i look?" I ask with a little smile on my face for being back in my slik.

"You are hot,Oh god I am sorry I didn't meant to say that."He turns red in embarassment again.

"Oh so thats why your wood wasn't going down you were cheking me out.Well your not bad yourself."I look him up and down with a little smile on my face."Will u take me to breackfast." I hold out my paw for him to take and lead me to the kitchen.

"Gladly."He takes hold of my paw with a smile and walks me down the hall and through a doorway on the left into a room with a table set with the others waiting.I new Mage but the others i still needed to be intorduced to.He takes me to sit by mage and sits on my other side."Ok guys this is Earth."

"Hey I am Fire" A blacland white wolf says.He waves and i notice a sowrd on his right and all he is wearing is what was left of his purple shorts but now all it was is a piece of pirple fabrik that covered his crotch and his rump.

'And I am Water." A Brown husky in nothing waves.

"Hi, I noticed everyones closes are burned or cut and water u got nothing.Is it from they people that came from the sky?"

"Ya"They all say with sad faces.

"So whats for breackfast guys i am starved."Pipes up Wind from the seat next to me.Mage turns to look at him and notices we are still holding hands he gives me and Wind a look that says What did you two do last night.

"We got bacon and eggs."Says Fire handing out plates with the food on them.We wait till everone has a plate and start digging in.

"Mmm this is good did u make it Fire?" I ask stuffing my mouth with more.

"Ya I did, Well after this lets go out back and show Earth what our pwers look like guys."

"That sounds good."Mage says pulling back from the table and putting his plate on the conter by the sink.He turns towards a glass door and opens it and walks out.He takes a seat in a chair on the lawn.Fire and Water get up and follow himleaving me and Wind at the table to finish eating.I got up and adn pushed in my chair i turn to take my dishes to were the others put them when I feel a light slap on my rump.I look at wind who is smiling at me.

"What you smiling at?"

"You and your soft rump."He is by now smiling like an idiot and his tail wagging. I lean to his ear.

"Do yout think the others would aprove of what you are thinking of doing or what we are going to do."With a little nibble on his ear i go put my dishes down and walk outside and sit with the others."Ok who is first to show me there power??"

"I am." Mage steps forward puts his hands out to his sides looks fromone to the other then one goes up in flames and the others starts freezing."See what she ment I have powers like a mage.

"Now me." Fire walks up and Mage puts out his hands, He turns a looks at a dead tree in the yard and then points his hands at it ans says "Ignight" and boom up it goes in flames.

"Now i better put that out." Water says while walking up and fire sits down. he holds out his hands and water jets shoot from his hands dosing the flames."Your turn Wind blow him away."

"Ok ok." Wind walks out to the middle of the yard and lifts his hand.A second later he is lifted up in a gust of wind and moving his hands side to side he moves the direction of the wind.He seta down walks over to me and says "Lets see what you can do."I walk out a little scared but I kneel down and place both my paws on the ground and then i stand lifting them up and two pillars of earth shoot up into the sky.I Tiwsit my hands they tunr into a wall and i set down my hands the go back into the ground.

"There you go now what do we do?" I ask with a slight glance at Wind. He was standing there aw struck at what I did everyone was.Wind shakes his head and motions for me to follow.We go back to or room and he shuts the door behind me thenn all of a sudden he pulls me into a a kiss.I was shockedat it but i kissed back and then he started licking at my lips wanting me to open up so i did and let his tounge enter and exsplore my mouth.Wind breaks the kiss and pulls me down onto the bed.I could feel his bonner poking my thigh I reach down and grab it in my paw and say"oo my kittie getting horny." Wind nods and starts to grind inyo my hand.I move my hand up to his belt and undo it.I Hook my fingures into the belt loops and pull down revealing is 6" cock standind out of its sheath.Wind wiggles a little as the cold air hits is cock.He undoes my belt and pulls down my pants to reveal the pink head of my cock poping out of its sheath.taking his hand from my pants he rubs and pulls down my sheath to get the rest of my 7" member to come out.

"Oo looks like my Earthy friend has a big rod to play with."He laughs and then a kiss him on the lips he melts under me.I turn my muzzle to lock out muzzles together.He slips his younge into my muzzle and i suckle on it for awhile.I break the kiss and move myself around so my muzzle is at his cock which is throbing and begging for pleasure.Wind was the first to make a move, licking the under side of my cock making me moan and gasp at how it felt.I Took hold of his cock in my hand at the base and slowly licked the head and ilecked a moan from under me.I wraped my lips around the head of his cock and he did the same.We started bobing and trusting into each others mouths moaning, grunting and purring.I could feel the pleasure building up in my balls and i was going to blow and then i felt him moan around my cock as his first shot of seed went down my throught making me gag and pull off a bit.It tasted sweet and salty.Then after he rode out his orgasm he remebered that there was somthing in his moth throbing and so close to release.He garbed my balls and suckled my head till i finally gave out a gasp as I shot my seed into his mouth.He swalloed quikly then he turned around under me kissing me on the lips witch made me swallow his load."That was great."he said with a goofy smile but it was wasted on my I was already drifting off to sleep in his arms.


Here u go seconds chapter

I will still take sugestions