Eternal Mortality: The Nations Of Osa

Story by Fastolf on SoFurry

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This fine piece of information is more so for RP elements, for those who wish to create a character around the Eternal Mortality universe. Please comment and rate.

"Nations may rise and fall. But the people never truly change."


"Born here or not, if you live and work here, this is your land, our land. Our kingdom has stood for thousands of years, and it will stand thousands more. But only if you are willing to defend what is rightfully yours, and what is rightfully mine. Truth is, these mountains allow us to live here, because we are the only ones who can, why do you think we have been allowed to exist this long? Because we are fated to exist, here, forever..."


Kingdom Of Drothar: Absolute Monarchy

Ethnicity: Germanic.

Government Corruption: Moderate.

Military Strength: Moderate.

Military Tactics: Bombardment, heavy weapons in general.

Economy: Very Lucrative. Poorly managed.

Loyalty of populace: High.


Drothar is the oldest nation in the world, and used to be the largest and richest. However, the old customs of Drothar have not fared well in the modern world. For the last fifty years or so, the once great kingdom, has all but totally collapsed. Eager Valtovkan princes have taken parts of the island of Weah. The economy has become unstable. The king has become unfit to rule. Yet his people remain loyal to him, perhaps the people of Drothar are simply ignorant? Or maybe their aware of something the rest of the world is oblivious to? For now though, it seems Drothar is nothing more than a fragile relic in the modern world.


The weather in Drothar is cold beyond all words; they sit on snow capped mountains so there is little reason to expect anything else. If you're fond of the color white, and lots of uphill battles, you're at home here.


"The gods? We have had no need for gods for thousands of years. Most likely more than that. Ah, our enemies fear us for this, and they fear us for everything else. They are right to fear us. And yet, even though they fear us, they still buy our wares, they still marvel in our accomplishments. We are the envy of the world. This is as it should be. For years we suffered in chaos and heat, but now, now we are free, now we are wealthy, now we are all powerful. Soon the sun shall rise and fall at our whim."


What grows in the desert? Currency. Eighty percent of the worlds wealth is in Esterland. In ancient times, the people of Ester were nomads. Until one day, a jackal brought the tale of Adam the Betrayed to them. Seeing as Adam is the god of light, the people thought if they prayed to him, he would dim the suns harsh light, and bring some peace to the desert. He never did. Perhaps this is why their people hold such a deep seeded hatred of religious practices? It matters not in the present. Esterland is the wealthiest of all nations, its cities the most expansive and impressive, its armies are the best trained and equipped.


Esterland is hot and dry. If you don't bring enough water, it's the end for you. Battles can be won here, simply by being the one with the most water.


Republic Of Esterland: Republic

Ethnicity: Turkish/Persian

Government Corruption: Moderate.

Military Strength: Extremely formidable.

Military Tactics: Shock and Awe.

Economy: Best in the world.

Loyalty of populace: Moderate.


"Welcome. Welcome to rebirth. My child, today you have been reborn, in the past life you may have done great deeds, but in this life, you will do even greater. Take up the sword once more child of the gods! Free Jesoi from its oppressors! But know your calling is not of this world, but of one beyond imagination! Do not hate the nonbelievers, the blind can be made to see again, but death cannot be undone, you must use this life to ensure the stories are still told, that knowledge is preserved, and that the gods are never forgotten. If the blind can be made to see, then darkness can be made into light."


Eulana used to control, the four islands off the mainland, it was once thought that the islands governed the mainland's energy. This is something that can really only make sense to the higher ranks of clergymen. Now, Eulana is old, hated, disrespected, and corrupt. The people still hold strong in their faith, the capitol city of Jesoi may one day be reclaimed, and the clergy may one day be purged of its corruption, one day. Once, the gods seen fit to bless this assembly, but now Eulana is almost as forgotten as the gods themselves.


Eulana, and it's now conquered islands, are humid and wet. The forests and jungles are inhabited by many dangerous and undocumented creatures. Bring a rain coat, and get vaccinated.


Holy Assembly Of Eulana: Theocracy (Capitol occupied for four months)

Ethnicity: All ethnicities on Osa.

Government Corruption: High.

Military Strength: Laughable.

Military Tactics: Pacifist state. No official tactics.

Economy: Profitable.

Loyalty of populace: Very high.


"Unite the people. I beg of you. This war has destroyed so much, killed so many. Soon both sides will run out of soldiers, and we'll just build walls of bodies to keep wild animals out. The world is just waiting to pounce on our rotting corpse. It matters not if you're federal or rebel, mark my words. If we can't end this war soon, it will end us all."


For sixteen years the Tutinian people have been slaughtering each other. The fight is between the loyalists federals, who are democrats. And the rebels, who are a strange mix of monarchist and anarchist. The rebels used to have a far more clear goal, but now it is unknown what they hope to accomplish. What is known is that the Tut civil war has taken more lives, and caused more damage than most twenty year wars fought abroad. Why? Because both federals and rebels have access to Tut technology and air power. Both sides are currently failing to take anymore ground, and the combat has slugged down to grueling urban battles, or even trench warfare. The reason for this is that both sides are slowly running out of resources and furpower. It seems if the war isn't stopped soon, Tutinia will simply collapse into itself.


Tutina has a lovely temperate climate, making it a wonderful place to settle. The lakes here are crystal clear, and the vast forests that hide them are simply breathtaking.


Tut Federation: Democracy (State of civil war for sixteen years)

Ethnicity: British/Greek

Government Corruption: Low.

Military Strength: Formidable.

Military Tactics: Espionage via technical prowess. Air superiority.

Economy: Poor.

Loyalty of populace: Very low.


"Who was the first? The first mortal to walk in these lands? More importantly, who was the first to lay claim to it? Here, at the center of the world, there is no one who can truly claim he or she was the first. Our lands have been fought over for many years, mostly by our own kin. We are an aggressive and ambitious people, yet we are content to fight over and farm the same lands over and over again. Why? Why are we so conflicted? We are brothers, we are sisters, let us embrace these differences that once separated us. Valtovkan, these hills, these plains, they belong to you and yours! While we were divided the nations of the world saw fit to carve our borders. While united we shall carve a star in theirs."


Valtovka has little in the way of ancient history, what little is known is this. Six brothers traveled to what they believed was the center of the world, they thought the gods would notice them if they were at the center. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Legend is the six brothers set out and each settled their own village. Over time, the villages became one great city; however the heirs of the six brothers couldn't decide who should rule the great city. So, they fought, it's not certain who won, but whoever did, named the city Islagrad. And from that point, on and off Valtovkans have fought with their own for control of the center of the world. But now, the people are united a figure has risen to unite Valtovka, and the world is taking notice. This new ruling dynasty, is not like the other petty Valtovkan royalties. Oh no, there is something more to them, something that advises you run, but begs you to stay.


It's hot then cold. But then it's even colder! Then a tornado! Weather in Valtovka is absolutely extreme, mild weather is very rare, and you better be ready for some brutal humidity. All seasons operate at maximum capacity here.


Principality Of Valtovka: Constitutional Monarchial Republic

Ethnicity: Slavic/Greek

Government Corruption: Moderate.

Military Strength: Moderate.

Military Tactics: Steamroller. Propaganda.

Economy: Poor, slowly recovering.

Loyalty of populace: High.

WIROCH INTRO: "Do you stand without crawling first? Can we see the future while blind to the present? Our enemy would seek to destroy us while we were divided, but what if we were to unite? Could they break a wall of solid steel? The short answer, No. They turn a blind eye to the present. To not see that we would unite under threat of extermination. They were nothing but fools. In a way, we should pity them. Had they not searched for something they could not attain, they would likely not be suffering as bad as they do now. Like wounded animals they retreat to their caves. They only made us a stronger people in the end. If we wanted to, we would take the fight to their land and crush them absolutely. But we will not. For my attention currently rests on our lands, not others. The future is not for me to speculate." -Queen Tiralin Nuva. When she was asked what her plan for Drothar was ultimately.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Wiroch, up until recently was a wild-lands that no one had wanted to attain. Harsh desert, Barren plains, Inhospitable rainforests, Volcanic mountains, Blistering arctic tundra, and a savage peoples. They have been nomadic and shamanic tribes for countless years and kept to themselves lest imposed upon. Some warriors had been rumored to be wearing armor that seemed to make them invulnerable to gunfire. Some attempted to recreate this armor with the same materials the savages used, the armor that was recreated lacked the ability to stop even a knife. Further fueling disinterest in the country. Drothar had showed a strange obsession with it though, they attempted to find out exactly how the metal was created. To no avail. They only succeeded in uniting the peoples within and creating a nation that poses them a serious threat. They made a Dragon whom had led them through the war as their Sovereign. Queen Tiralin Nuva. She made the leader of every tribe who joined her a Councilor in a coalition she calls The Grand Assembly. By a process she called The Congressing. She works to this day on the finer details of keeping her country going. Education, Food production, Mining operations, Military training, ext... ext...

CLIMATE: The Mountains create an abundance of different climates. Rain, Wind, Hot, Cold, but the temperatures overall seem to stay on the cooler side. Especially during the nights and winter months. The humidity is also usually high, due to the amount of rain they receive outside of the desert areas. Many swamps and bogs throughout the forests and lakes in the plains. Anything that helps maintain heat is highly valued in this country.

STATS: The Grand Assembly: Monarchical Democracy Ethnicity: Native/Shamanistic, Scales. Government Corruption: Low. Military Strength: Moderate. Military Tactics: Lead by Example, Guerrilla, Close and Personal. Economy: Emerging. Loyalty of Populace: High.

Eternal Mortality: Ian Fastolf

"My father? You mean Ronald? HA! He always preferred my brother. My mother? Bah. She always preferred my sister. But who do the people prefer? Me. And where does the world look to for ideas and innovation? Valtovka. And when they look towards...

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Eternal Mortality: The Gods Of Osa

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