A Nation in Trouble

Another morning has gone by without the page announcing that so-and-so prince from a distant nation seeks audience with me. i so wish for a day when i can do whatever i want. but nope, i have to fulfill my duties no matter what.



With the two of us on the team, i'd say we've still got a good shot at nationals." i sputtered, and her eyes flicked over to me again. "i wasn't talking about nationals! this was our... this was _his_chance to do something!

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Feel free to leave comments or questions as always if your feeling generous or want to support me you can do so [here](https://ko-fi.com/bridleddragon) nation- vael busied himself with the pile of paperwork strewn across his desk.

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Cold as Steel (A Flexible Survival Fan Fiction) Teaser

Flexible survival fan fiction teaser _us national guard 40th infantry -- transmission transcription readout...

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Fursecution- Part 1

She was wearing some foreign camouflage pattern, and a sky blue baseball cap that had a circular "united nations" emblem on it. "oh thank god you're finally awake!"

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World of Osmis: Nations

Erossia:- a vast desert nation in the south eastern reaches of the romos continent.

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Eternal Mortality: One Last Try

The planet Osa. For the moment she is calm. At least in one part of the world. In the city of Islagrad a leader has died, it's said he and his wife were poisoned by spies. But no one has been allowed to look at the bodies, and the wife's body is not...

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08 - Gang Aft Agley

Craig still didn't believe that we could access what was essentially back country in a national park.

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Flagrant Nation

I rubbed out a cigarette on his fursuit as I lounged, and read the news. That silly, piece-of-shit skunk. I wasn't sure how he took it, his blank gaze staring awkwardly. I didn't like it, but this was my kingdom, to allow it, and I was feeling like a...

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Fall of a nation

With help of life forms from across galaxy, we retaken our nation and brought back our armed forces because we can no longer trust the host nations for what they did to us.

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Nations - intro

#1 of nations hey folks! i thought i would try and break back into writing after years of dabbling without any real purpose.

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Eternal Mortality: The Nations Of Osa

General information: drothar is the oldest nation in the world, and used to be the largest and richest. however, the old customs of drothar have not fared well in the modern world.

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