Guardians: Chapter Nine

Story by Alyx Z Ranas on SoFurry

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#10 of Guardians: The First Cycle

(...Another chapter? And soo soon after the last one!? yes I know I'm amazed too, but on top of that it's more PORN!? *Facepalms* Meh writing myself down a deeper darker hole. x3 I'll find something evetually. Anyway, enjoy the next installment...



Chapter Nine: Saturday Experiences

Alyx slowly clambered over the fallen machinery towards the Adamos device that he'd finally laid eyes on. It wasn't big, no bigger than a small car and he would have overlooked it except for the fact he'd recognized the detonation charges on it. He limped up to the front and an oath flew from his mouth. This wasn't the Adamos! It was a hydrogen bomb. But... that actually made more sense; why destroy the world when all you want dead is a small team of evolutionaries? He groaned and tried to remember what he could about the construction of a dirty hydrogen bomb.

His radio crackled on,

"All right, we're all about five miles out now Alyx." Swanson's voice came on.

Alyx nodded before realizing that Raurian couldn't see him.

"Okay, you might want to get farther out, this isn't an Adamos, but it's an H-Bomb."

Swanson swore,

"Think you can disarm it? And where the hell is Sain!?"

"No but I might be able to remove the detonator." He sighed, "Don't worry about her."

He looked around and found what he wanted quickly grabbing up a small cutting torch and a toolbox that he hoped had some magnets in it. Quickly he began examining the bomb.

. . .

Sain woke up slowly and stretched languorously before opening her eyes with a yawn. She looked down and smiled at the blue dragon underneath her and purred quietly and glanced around at the black and red furniture of Alyx's bedroom. She sat up slowly and started, looking back down at the dragon in the bed with her. She was looking at herself; she looked down at her hands and chest realizing she had red and brown scales. She paused before her eye widened, comprehension dawning over her. Their minds must have switched bodies while they were asleep; it wasn't uncommon with mated Western Points. She reached out with her consciousness and tried tugging Alyx's sleeping mind back into its respective container and sighed unable to do anything with the still sleeping dragon.

Sain laid back down next to herself, no, lay back down next to Alyx. She giggled at the absurdity of that thought. She nuzzled into Alyx's blue scaled next softly taking in the slightly spicy smell, she had never thought that she smelled that good before. She smiled, that's what she smelled like to Alyx. She licked her neck softly before drawing her head back. She even tasted good! She kissed and licked at Alyx's feminine face for a few second more before relaxing back down into the sheets.

Bored she flexed an arm slowly feeling the larger muscles that Alyx had tighten underneath his scarlet scaled hide. She murred; this body certainly felt powerful, she ran her claws over the defined pectorals and abs gently, being female, she'd never be able to have a build like this, but now inhabiting a males body she had it. She giggled again and then giggled harder realizing how ridiculous a feminine giggle sounded from Alyx's mouth. She almost felt like a thief with her mates body, but inwardly, she found this quite amusing.

Sain's claws wandered around aimlessly before one brushed over his genital slit she growled softly and looked down. She was male now... Should she go ahead and enjoy it? Both hands reached down to gently slide a claw into her slit. It felt good. Not as good as sliding a finger into her own sex, but good in a different way, she meeped softly as the head of her penis pushed slowly out of the slit throbbing gently. She pulled the one claw from the sensitive inner flesh of the slit and watched as her erection grew slowly the sensation completely foreign. Sure she'd shifted before to become a male and had played around like that, but it felt completely different when you're blood stream was full of testosterone and not estrogen. She murred softly and realized her nose was picking up more scents than before and her mouth almost watered at the smell of the female in the bed next to her. Alyx's male instincts pounded through her mind quickly, his mate was in bed next to her and she was aroused, what else would her-his, body want? She shook her head trying to clear it and murred softly, how could Alyx stand it? She slid a little ways away from Alyx; she would not molest herself no, him, while he slept... Well, not yet anyway.

She looked back down at her throbbing erection that was demanding attention; it was easier to ignore the sex in her body simply because it didn't rub against everything like this clumsy piece of flesh did. She licked her hand thickly and reached down to wrap it around the dark pink rod, purring at the immediate sensation. She stroked it slowly still not quite sure how to deal with her now male body's needs. She sighed softly the stroking felt good, but she did wish for her own sex, because she could just shove her tail up it as far as it would go and ride on it until an orgasm. She grinned a little getting an idea pulling Alyx's long tail around her she rubbed it gently and stopped moving. God! Her tail was sensitive in a sexual way but it wasn't that sensitive, why was his? She brought it down and gently ran the tailtip down her cock and farther down to the little pucker of her anal orifice. She ran it gently along the outside in little circles, but sighed. It didn't feel half as good as when she did it to herself, this body only wanted its tail and penis pleasured nothing else.

She pushed the first few inched in and winced at the pain, wriggling the tip around to try and excite the nerves there, but the only thing that felt good was the tail itself so she just pulled it back out and hugged it with one arm and began to rub it as she pumped her cock faster with the other arm.

She growled softly as she began to figure out what felt good and what didn't, it didn't take long for her to seize up, her eyes closing as an orgasm creating a rushing feeling through her crotch as she painted thick and sticky white stripes of seed over her ruddy brown belly. She closed her eyes tightly the sensation wasn't as powerful or as body numbing as her own orgasms but for some reason she couldn't move or open her eyes as she orgasmed. She came down after a very short period and groaned softly the afterglow leaving her feeling drowsy and shaky. She shook her head gently and reached down to try for another orgasm but groaned as her hand touched her cock again, the hypersensitivity almost hurting. That was different, it explained why Alyx just didn't lose himself to an orgasm whenever he could like she did.

She looked down at the quickly softening member and gently cleaned the cum off of it as it retreated back into its slit. She sighed still feeling like she needed more orgasms especially with the completely maddening smell of a female beside her. She pushed her face into a pillow to try and rid her nostrils of the smell, it made her feel so needy but so soon after an orgasm she couldn't do anything. She sighed missing her female ability to orgasm repeatedly; she pulled her head back out of the pillow and began to clean herself off her cum getting cold against her scales. She enjoyed licking up the seed slowly savoring the thick potent taste. Alyx's tongue certainly tasted more than hers did. It was funny to Sain, parts of this body were sensitive that weren't in hers and others were not nearly as sensitive as her body's pieces..

She compared this experience to her own masturbation with her body and found she greatly preferred her body. This one got maddeningly horny very quickly and it was easier to get off and definitely had a thicker and more extreme pleasure in the way if felt, but her own orgasms very easily put this one to shame in the length and way if felt like it consumed her entire body not just her groin. The multiple orgasms helped along the fact too. Still, it was different from the norm and if she got the chance again she might try orgasm denial, now knowing only one climax was possible in quick succession. She also wondered what it would feel like to mate herself, she knew what if felt like for Alyx because of their link during lovemaking and whenever else they put it to use, but it was comparable to watching a movie rather than doing it yourself. It felt good and the pleasure rebounded greatly, but to actually be the one doing it and not just an observer of the feeling had to be great.

Sain looked back down and was surprised to see she was already erect again she hadn't noticed as her mind had drifted elsewhere. She reached down and touched the head gently again making her suck her breath in; it was still too sensitive to try and jack off again. She wrapped a hand around it and stroked it once before just letting it go, as it felt pleasurable, but bruised at the same time. She glanced over at Alyx and wished he would wake up. She grabbed her tail and stroked it slowly murring at the sensation, it wasn't post-orgasm sensitive like her cock was and still felt intensely pleasurable. She purred and then nibbled gently along the tip as her hands kneaded and massaged the rest of her tail gently. She quickly became uninterested with this too though, as the smell of the dragoness beside her seemed to grow stronger with her arousal drowning out all else. She crawled over and gently spread the blue-scaled legs apart and nuzzled at the small niche in the plates between her legs where she knew her sex was. She growled the smell almost obliterating reason, she nuzzled and licked gently as the small slit softened and grew darker as the blood flow increased. She licked between the folds softly as a small bit of pink became visible and purred at the taste; it was electrifying and urged her to continue. She lapped slowly at the strong flavor and gently nibbled on the slowly swelling clitoris. She heard a small grunt above her and stopped to look up at Alyx.

Alyx stirred slowly and yawned his eyes opening blearily as Sain immediately quit pleasuring him and slunk up her mate's stolen body and kissed him passionately.

"Finally you're awake." She purred.

Alyx returned the kiss softly and murred quietly, he closed his eyes and purred quietly enjoying the kiss before his eyes snapped open and he broke away from her muzzle,

"Wha!?" He blinked and rubbed his eyes a few times, "You're red..." He paused and sniffed the air softly, "And... Are you male? And why do I feel so..." He trailed off and looked down at himself as Sain drew off of him to watch and see his reaction to their body switching. He ran his blue hands gently down his body and shivered slowly realizing how aroused he felt. He looked down at the scaled folds in between his legs and the clear fluid that was gently pressed out as he flexed the muscles there, "Were you just...?"

Sain nodded and grinned rufishly.

"We swapped bodies in our sleep. Now that you're awake when can switch back if you want..." She laid back down beside him and grabbed his clitoris and pinched it gently making him gasp, "But I think this could be a fun experience." She noticed him sniffing the air gently before he stated,

"I see you've been enjoying my body." He smiled at Sain's blush.

"It wasn't half as good as I thought it would be."

Alyx nodded,

"Alas, the curse of being male." He laughed, "At least we don't have to lay eggs, or bear children."

"Mmm... Bearing children is a curse... But us being reptile, egg laying sounds..." Sain trailed off and watched as Alyx ran his hands over her body slowly and spread his folds gingerly as a low moan escaped his throat.

"This is intense..." He panted softly as he slid a finger into himself with a slick sound. He groaned feeling his folds grip and squeeze of their own accord at the single digit within. He made a small sound and panted starting pump the finger in and out. If this was what one finger felt like, what would... he glanced at Sain and his gaze drifted down to her pulsing cock. He pulled the finger out slowly and looked at her hungrily feeling odd.

Sain grinned inwardly recognizing the expression crossing Alyx's face as a feeling she usually only had when she was in heat or painfully aroused, an aching desire to pin him to the ground and mate him senseless. She meeped as he did nearly just that, pouncing upon her and kissing her hard, tongue wrapping around hers as a low growl emanated from him.

"I'm sooo glad we're mated and you're mine." He growled into her ear as he ineffectually rolled his hips around searching for her penis. Sain smiled sweetly and easily avoided pressing herself into him making him growl in frustration.

"Remember that your mine too dear." She purred quietly back, "So we can both do as we please with the other." She smiled her words dripping with honey as she prevented him from getting the pleasure his body so desperately wanted. She grabbed his arms and held them against her also entwining her tail around his easily pinning him with her now much stronger form

She teased him like this for a few minutes until his growls became pitiful whimpers as he nearly begged her to penetrate him. He slumped against her and whined softly before she flipped the two of them over so she was on top of him.

"I'm the male now." She hissed in his ear softly. He looked up at her pleading in his eyes as his legs spread beneath her, "Ask for it, and maybe I'll give it to you."

He gave her an offended expression,

"I've never made you beg for it!" He panted weakly.

"True... True..." Sain mulled over it for a few moments before she suddenly speared him with her rod. Both of them groaning in unison as Alyx immediately began to involuntarily hump up against her as Sain stayed still murring at the tight feeling around her penis.

"I c-can't stop." Alyx groaned under her, his hips still working rapidly in the small space between her and the mattress. He growled and then nearly screamed an orgasm suddenly twisting through his body, his vaginal walls pulling at Sain's cock as much as they could.

Sain closed her eyes and purred softly at the strong feeling and kissed Alyx softly,

"You worked yourself up a bit much lovey." She paused and watched the look of bliss on Alyx's face as his body was still assaulted by an orgasm, "No... I worked you up a bit much." She giggled almost embarrassed by it, but the shrugged inwardly and started to pull herself out of Alyx's folds and then push herself back in starting a slow pace that prolonged Alyx's orgasm and then skipped over into another one as he orgasmed multiple times under her. He quieted to a soft purr and occasional gasps and groans unable to roar anymore as the orgasm seemed to sap his strength in the pleasurable drunkenness.

Sain smiled and closed her eyes feeling the male hormones urging her on, she didn't know if she could stop now, instinct almost completely taking over as she bred the female under her. She moaned quietly the pleasure was minimal compared to the need to reach an orgasm and pass on her genes into another generation. She growled softly and shook her head clearing the thoughts of impregnating Al-herself, and having offspring. She continued to press in and out as Alyx had finally stopped orgasming leaving his tunnel slick and easy to piston in and out of.

Alyx groaned softly and looked up at Sain softly basking in the feeling of being spread by a male, and certainly finding interest in watching himself from the eyes of a female. He moaned feeling his inner muscles begin to tighten again as another orgasm threatened to break rampant through his entire body again.

Sain felt the muscles tightening as she suddenly felt the rush from her testicles and something else that felt odd, then intensely pleasurable as the thought of procreating roared through her mind again as she felt something twist within her as she orgasmed hard into Alyx roaring out her claim to him as her mate.

The second Alyx felt the seed begin to splash into his body his mouth opened into a soundless scream as color exploded behind his vision another mind blistering orgasm rushing though him with abandon as his walls contracted around Sain's shaft milking her for all she was worth. Sain groaned softly after coming down off of her orgasm. That one was so much better than the one she had while masturbating a few minutes ago. She grunted pulling herself from Alyx's still grasping folds, and purred quietly. She got a sudden urge to and began licking and kissing Alyx's face softly.

"Mmm, God I love you." She purred quietly as she pulled his mind from her body and deposited both of them back into their respective forms. Alyx groaned softly his vision flickering and shook his head.

"That was amazing..." He panted softly and kissed Sain enjoying being able to taste her as a female again, "We'll certainly have to do that again, but I think I vastly prefer being male."

Sain nodded and agreed purring softly and chirped as Alyx leaned down to lick their combined fluids from her folds. She moaned softly and smiled leaning down to kiss the fluids off of his member as it withdrew back to its dwelling in his slit. She groaned softly, his licking bringing her a weak orgasm that tickled at her body gently until he finished.

Alyx lay beside her purring hard, and nuzzled and kissed at Sain's neck and face. Sain smiled and purred nuzzling back gently. She looked questioningly up at Alyx as he suddenly sat bolt upright.


"Yes dearest?" she purred quietly.

"You didn't shift right before you orgasmed did you?" He asked running a hand down to his crotch and pressing gently there, finding what he didn't want to find.

"I don't think so. The orgasm felt odd, like something got twisted and..." She trailed off her eyes widening, she whispered quietly, "I did shift... Oh no..."

Alyx looked down at her and nuzzled her cheek softly,

"Maybe it won't take."

Sain let out a deep groan and blinked back a few tears,

"Maybe." She shivered, "Alyx. I don't want to get egg heavy while we're still property of the NSP" She looked up at him, "What would they do?"

Alyx shrugged,

"I don't know. And we won't know unless you do become gravid." He kissed her nose, "Try not to worry about it. We'll know in what? A week?"

Sain nodded and put a hand over where uterus would be,

"God, please, no."

Alyx nuzzled her face gently,

"If we find out that we shall have a child I will do everything I can to get us away from the NSP."

Sain looked up at him both puzzled and hopeful,


Alyx grunted and stood up tottering a little still feeling high from the orgasms in his body, even if the murky pleasure was gone from his mind. He opened a drawer in his night stand and brought out two files, one thick and heavy, the other small in comparison and labeled burn.

"Before I show you these I have two things to say." Sain nodded and Alyx continued, "The NSP could very well kill me or worse for possession of these files, and because I'm showing them to you the same goes for you if you look at them."

Sain sighed,

"Of course."

"Everything on these must remain secret."

"Okay, that's a given; what's the second thing?"

Alyx grinned,

"Do you realize you might have just got yourself pregnant?" He laughed, "I had almost no part in this child if it is born."

Sain looked up at him and giggled,

"An amusing thought..." She paused and frowned, "But sad at the same time."

Alyx shrugged,

"I'll have you make up for it later."

"How do you not shift every time we have sex? The urge was...." She trailed off for a moment, "Obviously overwhelming."

Alyx laughed,

"Probably because I'm used to the testosterone. You're not."

Sain nodded,

"Do you think I could shift into a male temporarily to remove the possibility of having a child?"

Alyx shook his head,

"No. And I wouldn't even try it, because you'd possibly develop an egg, or eggs, inside a testicle." He frowned as Sain, finding this funny, broke into a fit of giggles, "What?"

"An egg inside an egg." Sain giggled more,

Alyx winced,

"That would be torture."

Sain kept laughing until Alyx lay back down and pulled open the larger file first.

"Okay, you're right. It would be torture." She looked at the file Alyx had set before her, "So what is this?"

"Everything there is to know about how to escape the NSP." Sain nodded, and motioned towards the other one,

"And this one?"

"It's the file I told you about. The one that I found on myself."

Sain nodded,

"Alright well the one on you is the only one I care about right now, show me the other if we find out I am actually pregnant."

Alyx set the file aside and then opened his up and pulled out four sheets of paper covered in squiggly lines and odd looking runes.

"It's coded of course. All I can make out of it are the two sections in Drakine."

Sain nodded and looked over the paper critically,

"I recognize the code. It'll take me about three hours without a computer, maybe half if I can use one."

Alyx snorted,

"Use whichever one you'd like."

Sain nodded and rolled off of the bed standing up and wincing,

"I think I was too rough on my body, I feel bruised."

Alyx laughed,

"You put all my weight on yours--Err, me, and you weren't gentle at all." He grinned, "You're ferocious as a male."

Sain snorted and sat down at his desk and started to decode the papers he'd handed her.

. . .

About half an hour later Sain sighed and leaned back in the chair,

"Alright... I'm finished." She paused, "Some of it is still gibberish though."

Alyx nodded and roused himself from the bed to stand next to her.

"It doesn't say where you were born, just that they located you as a test subject in the United States."

Alyx looked confusedly at the data on the screen,

"American? But that'd make me one of the nomads that still roam that continent."

Sain nodded,

"Yeah the wars did a number on the Americas. But still it sounds like a good place to go to escape people like the NSP." She laughed, "Explains you're accent."

Alyx looked down at her,

"What accent?"


Alyx shook his head and read over the papers,

"American, fugitive, The Entity, an- "

"The Entity?" Sain interrupted.

Alyx lifted his Oroboros tattoo and she mouthed an 'Oh',

"Also it says I'm a master at disappearing...." He paused, "And of course I don't remember a thing." He sighed and slumped down to the floor and shook his head, "There has got to be a way to remember."

Sain poked him gently before sitting down beside him wrapping her wings about him,

"You'll remember, don't lose hope."

Alyx snorted,

"What hope?"

Sain drew back slightly to look him in the eyes and said slowly,

"The hope for a better future, that life shall improve, and that we can make it through."

Alyx looked down,

"If only it was always that easy love. Sometimes... Sometimes, I wonder if any of this is worth anything."

Sain smacked him, hard,

"Shut up! And quit moaning and groaning okay? Yes things could be better, but they could be much worse, so shut up. Appreciate what you have while you have it. We rarely get a second chance."

Alyx winced and looked back up at her recognizing truth of her words,

"Of course." He shook himself like a dog trying to rid itself of a flea and stood slowly, "The logical thing to do right now is plan for the future." He gestured to Sain's belly, "Known, and unknown."

Sain nodded and sighed,

"Alright. But can it at least wait until tomorrow? I'd at least like to spend most of my weekend enjoying myself."

"Of course."

Sain smiled and pushed the larger dragon down onto the mattress before climbing on top of him,

"Good then." She purred quietly, "Because I do want to enjoy what I have while I have it. And I want to make up possibly impregnating myself to you."

Both of them murred as her maw sought his hungrily as they shared a passionate kiss.