The Digimon Wars Chapter 8 We Have A Problem...

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Michael roared to his victory.

He had defeated Kimeramon and saved the city.... Well the rest of the city from destruction.

As he was going to roar again he got hit with an missile, it was from an army chopper.

The chopper spinned up its miniguns and opened fire.

''No!'' Katie yelled and grabbed the chopper, she didnt destroy it but onlu took out the rotors and the guns and put it down.

''See mom they arent really dangerous.''

Tom said, they had all stood up from the ground.

''Not until we're provoked.'' Tailmon said.

Jane was looking at the monsters, they were tired and hurt.

''Where did that mutant one disappear?''

''That's how we die, when we suffer enough damage we get destroyed to bits of data.''

Tailmon said, she heard something.

She didnt say anything she just started running towards the monsters.

Tom was confused, why would she just run away?

Then some military guys showed up.

''Thank god we found you professor!''

Jane answered to them.

''Get me the vice president, I have new info.''

Michael was exhausted, he didnt care about a smooth landing he just wanted to sit down.

''I have to say, that was fun.''

Katie was sitting infront of him.

''How do we get back?''

Michael sighed.

''I don't know.''

Lilymon flew in closer to them.

''You did great! I would have never imagined you to fight like that!''

''Hey guys!'' Tailmon yelled, she had already reached them.

''Are you okay?''

Michael looked at his scratchy metal arm.

''I hope that that goes away when I devolve but other than that We're fine.''

They all laughed a little.

Katie looked around.

''I don't think we should run away from them.'' She was referring to the huge army of soldiers and vehicles.

Michael started thinking.

''I think I have a plan, If we would somehow devolve into rookie digimon we might have a chance.''

Katie panicked a little.

''But what about your sickness?''

Michael looked at his sister.

''Don't worry, I can be a hew days without the pills without their effect wearing off.''

He sighed.

''To them we look like freaks, tools of war and mythological creatures.''

He looked up to the sky.

''If my plan works then we will be back in the digital world soon enough, but first we have to talk to them.'' He said and stood up.

The soldiers readied their weapons at Michael, he took only a few steppes forward.

''We come in peace! We are here to destroy these evil monsters you might have already seen, we never ment to scare you!''

The soldiers looked confused and scared.

Jane was being escorted by four soldiers, her kids were with her as well.

She had reached the man in charge.

''Give me a microphone!''

The man obeyed and handed her a radio phone that was linked to many speakers around them.

''Listen to me. I believe that you come in peace but what about those monsters who are attacking us?''

Michael answered.

''I don't know why but lately these wierd portals have been opening up in our world and they have taken many of our kind here against their will!

I would be glad if you could ensure our stay here, we would be happy to answer all your questions!''

Jane could not turn this offer around, she spoke again.

''I would be happy to ask you about you and your kind but you must first tranfoem into smaller creatures.''

They were playing into Michaels pocket, because they had seen them transform they figured why not make us transgorm into smaller less dangerous creature.

''Alright! We'll tranform back to our true forms, but! We need food and sleep before we can be of any use for you!''


Michael turned around to walk back to Katie and the other.

''Okay let's tranform into rookie digimon, Lilymon you pretend to be a rookie level and you too Tailmon. Also, guy- I mean gals remember to pretend not to understand any human machine or habit.''

Then he started to glow and was getting smaller and smaller, he had become an blue skinned Agumon with black eyes.

It was Katies turn, she turned into a normal looking Piyomon.

Tailmon and Lilymon were amazed on how could they become rookie level digimon.

Michael sat down.

''Let's just hope that my plan works.''

After a few minutes of waiting the humans had reached them.

They looked at Michael and Katie especially because a moment ago they were these huge monsters who could easily destroy countrys in mere hours and now they were these small creatures.

They aproached them with coution, Jane was in the lead way ahead of the soldiers.

Jane had already reached them while the soldiers were still a while back.

''Are you... Napoleon.''

She asked from the blue skinned dragon like creature who was looking to the sky.


Janes hearth began racing, she was speaking to their leader.

''Why a-''

''Follow the agreement, food and rest first.''

She was startled by Napoleons quick answer.

''R-right! Men, get them to base Zeta and radio them to have food for them.''

The soldiers commander came to them.

He was a guy in his twenties and had short dark hair.

''If you could follow me so we can transport you there.''

Michael stood up and so did the rest, he started walking to the direction the commander pointed with the others close behind.

They had reached an armored transport that had it's back door open, they walked in.

The girls pretended to be amazed by the machine and what it looked like while Michael was completely silent.

A few good hours had passed on the trip, Michael didnt say a word and the girls were a little intimated by that.

When they stopped the back door opened, there was the woman from before and tho guys in suits with soldiers near them.

Michael got out of the car with the girls behind him.

The woman started to speak.

''This young looking man is our vice president, or he is now our current president. And this man with glasses is our secretary of defence, and you already know me.''

Michael looked a little mean when he was checking around, the people he laid his eyes upon felt a little scared.

They were infront of an mountain somewhere and it seemed that there was an military base mined in the mountain.

''I still don't know your name.''

The woman looked a bit suprised.

''Oh I'm sorry my name is Jane and the president is Jack and the secretarys name is Gary.''

''Mon?'' Tailmon said.

Everyone was confused this and wondered why she said that.

Michael looked at her and said.

''No. Humans names arent like ours, they don't end with an mon.''

''Aaah!'' Tailmon said, pretending that she gets it now.

Jane showed them to the entrance.

''We have your food right this way.''

Michael started walking to the door with the girls following him.

They were sitting in a table with loads of food, it had everything from meat to salad.

The girls were anxious to eat but waited for a permission from Michael.

He was touching his food with his claw.

''Are you sure this is not poisoned?''

Jane and the others were startled by this.

''O-ofcourse not, we wouldnt want to kill our saviours now would we?''

With that said Michael tried some of it, he liked it.

He started eating some more and more, the girls were soon eating like pigs.

The humans were really confused, they didnt have any table manners...

Jane was talking with the president.

''See? They are very intelligent creatures, ofcourse they can't use a fork and a knife for obvious reasons but they are still very smart.''

The president was still a little scared.

''Are you sure you can have a peace treaty with them?''

''Ofcourse I am!''

''What?'' Tailmon asked.

That's when Jane realized that she didnt only resemble an cat, she had cats feats.


After they had finished their diner they had been directed to an room with four beds, the room itself didnt have windows or any other furniture.

Michael was tired and walked straight to bed, the others just sat down on theirs.

''So what is your plan?'' Lilymon asked.

Shut uup, they're probably monitoring us as we speak.'' Michael said wanting to go to sleep.

In the morning they had been awakened and taken to an room with no windows, it only had a table few chairs and a mirror.

Michael and the girls all sat down to the other side while Jane sat infront of them.

''Shall we begin?'' She said while taking some notes.

''Yes, let's.'' Michael answered.

''First, why is your name Napoleon?''

''Well it's only my code name.''

''Then what is your real name?''

''Id rather keep that to myself.''

''Okay, why are you here?''

''We got dragged here by a portal that suddenly appeared infront of us.''

''So you are here against your own will?''


''But what sbout that monster you fought against?''

''The first one that came throught was ChaosDukemon, an evil digimon who hates all of us. And that mutanted freak was his creation, ment to spread panic and dispair.''

''So he is 'evil'?''


''Do you know what causes these portals to open?''

''No, but I do think that someone is controlling them.''

''How's so?''

''Our friend Plotmon was just taken here and the portal that got us back to our world and this portal that got us here, they are way too convenient.''

''I see.... What is your opinion on humans?''

''I don't know much about humans but what I can say they seem pretty barbaric and stupid.''

Then the door got slammed open and a man came out wearing military clothes.

''Barbaric? You are the one who attacked us!''

Michael stood up.

''That's because I had to save my friend from your torture!''

Now the soldier walked to the table.

''How dare you? We didnt do anything to you!''

''You almost killed Plotmon!''

Jane came infront of them.

''Now now, calm down.''

''Calm dowm? Didnt you see these monsters destroying half of L.A?''

Tailmon jumped on the table.

''That was Kimeramon not us!''

Some soldiers came in to take the raged soldier away, after the door closed Tailmon and Michael sat down to their seats.

Michael was frustrtaded.

''Humans... Hm!''

Jane was about to sit down when another human came to the room, it was an officer.

''We have a problem! Another one of those portals opened!''

They had all ran outside the base to look at the portal, Michael was getting worried.

''Another digital gate? I have a bad feeling about this.''

Then something wierd happened, the digital gate began lighting.

It seemed that something tried to come out of the gate.

They saw multiple small digimon coming out of the gate, Tailmon could see what they were.

''Theres two Kuzuhamon and a bunch of Doumon, I think they all work for ChaosDukemon.''

As the soldier commanders were about to give orders Michael yelled.

''Leave this to us! Your weapons won't hurt them.''

''Piyomon let's go! Lilymon take Tailmon and come after us!''

Michael ran towards the gate with Katie behind him.

''VirusAgumon warp digivolve too!''

''Piyomon warp digivolve too!''

As they were transforming the soldiers felt scared.



They flew towards their soon to be battlefield, Jane was wondering to her self.


Michael and Katie were flying so fast even they were amazed.

[Wow! Digimon heal fast! If a human gets a paper got it takes a week to heal but after those battles I'm completely healed!]

They had already reached their enemy, they began to attack them.

Michael tried to get may as he could with his metal claw, Katie just grabbed them and then crushed them.

Doumon didnt stand a chance against them, Michael was about to kill another when he got hit to the back.

Luzuhamon had attacked him with their fox spirit attack.

Michael attacked them but they dodged it, he attacked again but they were too fast.

''Aw come on! Fight me!''

''Very well!''

They launched their attack again, they both hit Michael.

Michael managed to block their attacks, he then launched his claw at them.

The Kuzuhamon were way too fast for him.

[Damn! They're too fast! This body is too slow! Mabey if I could... I don't know, all my digivolutions have happened in rage but if...]

Michael closed his eyes and focused, he didnt even think that the Kuzuhamon would attack him.

He was just standing there, he had blocked all sounds from his mind but then he heard Katie screaming.

''Katie!'' He saw her lying on the ground with the Kuzuhamon flying around her, Michael suddenly got filled with anger.

He roared and began to shine, he was shining so bright the Kuzuhamon couldnt see him.

Instead of getting even bigger he started to begome smaller, he almost got to the size of an Agumon.

He was taking color, he was black and yellow.

He had become a BlackWarGreymon.