Knowing The Enemy

Story by Draco179 on SoFurry

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#3 of new folder...

Waking up in a cage, the black back gorilla is still much with uneasiness as its new surrounding in combination with this strange and continuous grogginess makes things up further intricate.

Despite the dark and cold atmosphere, Grodd doesn't back out and tries to get out of his iron made to confine, even if it was stronger than him as it realizes the bars wouldn't budge. He tries for long all while building with rage because of its imprisonment and despite the noises he's been making for who knows how long, everything seems quiet or for the worst it all seems like that. If not because this set of lights start appearing within moments and very fast until everything is well lit up.

It's not soon for the gorilla to see that he is within some sort of room, which is filling with these strange devices and machines. Grodd's uneasiness just grows like as if he knows something terrible is going to happen now, the same results in him trying again to get out of its confinement yet to no avail, which only frustrates the gorilla more and more. All seems as if supposed to happen as it has already had as Grodd then hears a yet unknown familiar voice.

_"Subject T62-44 is ready. Commence experiment" _

The male can't understand back then as these strange-looking walls appear to either side of his cage, same which is actually composed by a couple of crystal's rods which in their own are filling with this greenish looking substance. Grodd stands there still much curious but somewhat aware that these rods aren't a good sign. What's worse is that his fear comes true as they start to light up.

Grodd can only watch as the set of cylinders one by one light up with such an intensity until at one point this set of rays start shooting out from the rods. The rods eventually up hitting who else but the gorilla himself whom shudders with immense pain as the beams travel around his body. Grodd growls and bawls as the pain increases up in addition this makes him go into this furious rampage which in terms ends up again getting the test by the iron made cage, the same which seems at first doesn't succumb to his berserk, yet that all changes as the imprisonment bars of the same begin to bend as Grodd pulls them sideways.

It doesn't take long for Grodd then to get free as he's able to open up this hole to which immediately and mysteriously the rays which assault him cease to.

By that time, an angry gorilla is free and ready to punish whoever is responsible for this as he walks outside the cage until it's close to a wall, the same which Grodd commences to pound on. As the iron bars after a while the wall starts to smash, this satisfies the beast thinking that soon he would be able to escape or for at least seems possible, if not because suddenly the gorilla feels this known drowsiness sweeping in.

Immediately, and like last time, his body feels heavy and its senses are dull as everything starts going dark. It's not rare also that he again falls down with this known heaviness and even as Grodd tries to fight its useless as his body doesn't respond. Inert less and on the floor the gorilla can only ponder what was going to happen.

_"Experiment successful, moving on to Phase II" _

As shortly as Grodd hears these words is a short as he sees this couple of shadows lurking over him. A couple of sinister laughs are all the gorilla hears before seeing nothing again as strangely everything goes dark or at yet this seems as if as Grodd opens its eyes again just to find himself at a very familiar place.

The black back male sits as come to realize again everything before is just a memory. Looking around at the cave eases him somewhat yet is in curiosity to see a certain captive of his staring back with much intrigue. Grodd suspicious as to, gets up and closes in Raze just too safely remove the rope around its snout. After this, the ape steps back while talking to the werewolf.

"What's wrong now wolf?"

"You tell me, am not the one who was all grumbling and looking as to having a nightmare"

"Really didn't know you were had any kind of concern for me. Don't tell me you're bonding now"

A tied up lycan snarls with anger at such a ridiculous and mocking comment as he hasn't any intention in letting Grodd press him with such unwise words. Raze answers back with a couple of advising words.

"Watch it ape or you'll see how close I can get before devouring you for meal. You already have angered me with your blabbering noises for a second time."

"I see, well apologize for the same, then as to need anything for now?"

"Now that you mention it, you could untie me"

"Very well, only feet and don't try anything. Got it"

"Just go on with it"

Grodd as to comes close to Raze and undoes the bindings at its legs. After that, he backs away as always gives the lycan some space. The werewolf on his part stands up and stretches at what could at least before moving close to a known water stream and giving the same a few laps.

After a few minutes Raze stands again looking at its capturer as the same chats up with him.

"Now that you freshen up, are you up for eating?"

"If it's worth it..."

"To keep you from eating me, I'd say it's more than enough."

As last time Raze observed as the gorilla takes time to prepare or rather gather up food from the bag. Few minutes are that Grodd takes to serve food for both and the same to be place down for the lupine. Raze on his part walks up to where the food is placed and as usual sits down to munch it.

While at this the gorilla himself follows calmly consuming his part all while viewing in his mind that nightmare, he had. Trivially it wasn't a nightmare at all but instead another relieved on memory of his time in captivity. As Grodd wonders why he has to be dreaming about that again it's soon when finishes eating its food, at first himself not noticing this until his attention is called on by something or someone else, for that matter. The gorilla is listening now to a certain lupine who redirects towards him.

"Something wrong"

"Why'd you ask?"

"Face you have right now, tells that much"

"Nothing that should concern you, for that matter"

"Forget I asked then"

The lupine replies back with a low snarl as he continues to finish eating. The other part on his part filled somewhat with compunction tries to establish some conversation.

"Got to ask you wolf, what your deal is pairing up with a hunter"

"That's doesn't concern you ape"

The lupine replies with another grimace. At the moment, Grodd without much to do for the moment stand somewhat curious as to his captive's background. However, given how well the last conversation went, the ape knows that if he wants to know about Raze, he was going to answer to him first.


"Repeat that again"

"Been relieving past events in my dreams"

"If that's the case by how you have been mumbling and shaking in them they don't seem event be worth remembering."

"Got that right lupine, but it's because they happen to be about the time I was in captivity."



"By that research lab you escaped from?"

"Yes been had on that for years until I finally did and then..."

"Ended being targeted"

"Yes by hunters like the female"

"Careful there ape"

"I am, nevertheless, I responded so it's fair that you answer. Why is that you're with her?"

"She is mate"

The ape is somewhat with stun at an unexpected answer. However, curiosity also sweeps in which makes him go on with more on knowing about the odd werewolf.

"Is she a werewolf too?"

"No, but she doesn´t have to be"

"Care to dig on that"

"Werewolves can also choose a human for a mate as well. It is not uncommon that something like this occurs as those humans can be bitten and turned if wanted. Whatever the case, we can still breed with them without trouble. "

"But her..."


"Her profession?"

"Its odd, but she is not cold or evil as you may think."

"Very well, but am curious as to if you have gotten to that same word you use for her"

"That's personal"

Grodd knows still he is just snooping. Even if the werewolf's answer ended in that, the ape observes his moody expression. The lupine forms this inescapable grin that denotes the other male of an answer.

"What's your plan is anyway. Where are you going?"

"Back home. But for now hiding is essential just to make sure they're not after me"

"And why is that you kidnapped me?"

"I sort of panicked when you said you could track me down. Since you were with the female couldn't risk that"

"Didn't know back then why were you escaping. Just angry because you attack me and my mate and left her unconscious"

"I apologize for that lupine, if you must know though, after our battle she regained consciousness."


"She saw me taking you, but I warned her not to go after me for both of our sakes."

A sudden fuming lupine stands upon hearing that comment. He snarls at his abductor for talking like that to Kara, not to mention remembering the ape attacking his mate in the first place fuels this behavior despite the consequences it could bring for Raze.

"Our sakes, you mean yours Grodd. You're just using me so that they don't go after you"

"Hush down your growling wolf before I do. Remember I'm in charge here, and you're still in disadvantage, so for your sake pipe down."

"Disadvantage, want to prove your theory and let my fangs clutch onto you"

"You could try boy, but that would be the last thing you'll be doing. Could kill me or not, but in that moment I won't hesitate to do the same thing to you. I won't be responsible if you don't see your mate again, so I suggest reconsidering things."

The lupine grumbles and thinks the situation through. The gorilla's warning for all that matter is real and as badly as he can't accept to leave things be, Raze expects that a chance appears to get back at the gorilla when he least sees it.

"You win for now."

"Am not winning anything but preventing things here, and yes retaining you is just an insurance that your mate would have let me go and make sure no one else followed"

"And by doing that you could be putting my mate in some kind of danger"

"More dangerous than having a relationship with you"

The lupine snarls weakly at that comment. For all he knows Grodd's statement is true, nevertheless Kara herself had already assured to Raze that it didn't matter for what they are. She is committed to being with him, something the werewolf acknowledges since months.

"Backtrack on that comment and I apologize for doing this to the two of you, for that matter. I assure you will be seeing her again as soon as the time comes."

"Then let me go if you want to assure me of your word."

"Can't do that. Who's to assure me you won't be attacking when I untie you or that your mate will be coming after me if she asks you for help on tracking"

"Any of those won't happen. I give you my word"

"Your word to me does not matter or something I can believe on. Already have got backstabbed once for trusting blindly and that would not repeat"

A puzzled Raze puffed out at that. Clearly, the gorilla wasn't going to make things easy for a chance to escape or let attack him for that matter. As if Grodd is aware of this lupine's plan, but in any case he will have to be patient. On another hand, the werewolf is somewhat curious as to know more about what happened to Grodd exactly.

"And who is it that betrayed you?"

"A human whom I didn't know was responsible for the experiments."

"What did he do to you?"

"Exposed me just like others to some kind of new radioactive machine. Although I was lucky if you can call it was one some who got out alive. The radiation though is what made me stronger than a normal gorilla and somewhat larger at the same time."

Now that Grodd mentions it the captive werewolf was estranged that a simple animal like him could knock him unconscious or even competes in strength.

"Is that only everything?"

A sudden growl comes the ape which somewhat astonishes Raze. Grodd's reaction has been caused by the comment indeed. Not that the werewolf was in any intention of doing this, but at least it's a detail to be aware of, and that could serve him for something in the future.

"I'll take that growl for an answer"

"Everything, excluding the pain a monstrosity of machine caused to me and others. Not to mention killing others whom I knew."

"Like you said before, I backtrack on that comment. What else where you the subject of"

"Besides more radiation, I and others were used for testing various serums that developed the ability to speak. Yet they were experimental and the results weren't all successful."

Grodd stays silent about a while as he pauses which Raze notices. Certainly even thought he lupine wasn't on that time of a painful moment. The comment and behavior from the gorilla are something Raze himself knows well.

"The others you were with died. That's something painful and unforgivable"

"Seems you have lost some companions of your own when speak like that"

"The pack I belonged to"

"Then we have something in common. What happened to them?"

"They were murdered, but that happened a long time ago."

"And the responsible for that"

"Dead by my hand"

"Timely and inclined if could say the same for mine"

"You mentioned before about trusting him so who is he?

"The human who was responsible goes by the name of Charles Falk. Falk tricked me into trusting him as well as my companions that what the company was doing would serve for a greater purpose to us."

"And found out everything was a lie when the experiments didn't go as should"

Grodd silences as he flashes back to those moments of horror to when other gorillas ended dying in the hands of the multiple procedures being carried out on at Kline Corporation. Resulting of the gruesome tests conducted its hard not to imagine the abominable mutation's other gorillas went through. Yes, they didn't simply die but first mutated into monsters as a result, which resulted uncontrollable and exterminated.

Some others did die because they couldn't they support Falk's machine gamma waves. And then they were those lucky enough if one can say that ended up like Grodd, but that unluckily couldn't accept what have been done to them, and either way went berserk and were put down.

"On the contrary, Falk's didn't care what happened as long as he could get what he was aiming for"

"Which is what exactly?"

"Someone like me"

"How long have you been kept in captivity?" "5 years"

A curious lupine fumes at such a statement.

Five years extended to a monstrous environment and pain away from home. Ahead of being in the hands of a soul-less man who evidently by how Grodd foretells wouldn't quit until his research was completed. Lastly was the painful death of other gorillas that Grodd has been witnesses to. Just like him Raze understands that part very well and somewhat sympathizes to the ape.

"Answer one thing, do you believe am like Falk's?"

"So far you have tried to kill me, but in exchange that is my doing for kidnapping you and attacking your mate."

"Then can't you trust me and let me go. I give you my word won't do any kind retribution."

"Like said been told that in the past. I have waited for this time for so long and have much to lose. So no, I will let you go when the time is near"

Raze moods to some frustration at getting a chance to be let free.

"Keeping me in captivity won't help you Grodd. I sympathize with what happened to you, but what you're doing to me demonstrates how similar you are to Falk's."

"Am not similar but was made to what he wanted no matter the cost. Being captive may increase your angerness and to distrust me more, but it's the only way I can be certain this nightmare will be over"

Certainly, what Grodd says is true; the lupine dislike towards the gorilla only gets worse.

He understands losing companions and still sympathizes to him at that what he can. Nevertheless, keeping him tied up and away doesn't justify the situation and what keeps Raze on the verge to look for a chance to counter back.

Despite the consequences, the lupine for now stays cool and waits for that moment when Grodd lowers his guard down.

"Very well if you want to play things that way, then seems to me I have to earn your trust and prove myself"

"Expect you keep that word then, but should you happen to betray me too, don't expect any mercy."

The two males stare at each other as if trying to acknowledge what has been said.

Raze does understand and knows that Grodd's background certainly makes the situation risky. Partially, it could make him back down from his plan should be considered it can fail. Importantly, a reason why he needs to plan what exactly to do to eliminate any danger at all which for now he has time to as he plays his capturer for the moment being.

As Raze and Grodd observe at, neither of them knows that time will be telling on the outcome.