The primary elements

For this section, I intend to discuss some of the more natural uses of the primary energies as well as some of the side effects caused by being a being capable of using them. The following template will be used: **[Element]:** a brief description of...


The elements

There are a total of 18 different kinds of elements: 6 primary and 12 secondary. The secondary elements are created by combining 2 primary elements. The primary elements are Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, Dark, and Light. This "works" image shows the...


What the hell?: Beginning words (Part 1)

Lyra and Jen are sisters. They live in a relatively large house with only their mother because their father, a black fox, died in the war. Lyra is like her father, a Fox, black in fur with white in assorted places, the end of her tail and at the tips...


Broken Legacy: Index

Before I released my new story's first chapter I wanted to leave a little guide to help you all understand some of the words used in the story. This take takes place in the starwars and starfox universe. Some words therefore require either previous...



Note: this background is needed to get the rest of the story.


The Background

I'm just another background character.

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The Backgrounds

#3 of the special lovers this is just some background info for the characters, in this you will learn abit about leon and nighteyes. you will also find out why it is called the special lovers in this chapter/segment. whenever you see these " " it is either

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Time Before the Verses

Records are sparse, to say the least, of life before the verses. Much is unknown of life at the beginning of the verses as well, though far more than Origin. What we do know of The Beginning is:   **** In the beginning, we were a proud race. We ruled...

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Origin Tale

Born, Kaeso Acilius Falconius, the first son to well respected general of the legion and a servant of his house near the turn of BC to AD. Shortly before his birth, Kaeso's father was killed in battle, and was left to be raised by his servant mother....

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So this is the second "chapter" of my characters background story.  i had more or less wanted to continue the story after the main background story. 


Non-Traditional / Non-Binary / Same-Sex relationships in WtV

Non-Traditional / Non-Binary / Same-Sex relationships in WtV This is still a WiP, though its the two most relevant factions I am covering here. The Reich officially has no non-standard relationsships, just plenty of, uh, volunteers for its...

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Origin of the Welcome to Valhalla story universe

So the details for the background came, using lots of internet memes and conspiracy stories.

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