Through the City

Story by Desolation35 on SoFurry

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I look upon the city lights dreaming of a long trip. Am I the one driving? Not necessarily.

I dream of a leader; filled with a sense of responsibility, honesty, and devotion. They want to

show me everything as I want to show them. Do I want to take responsibility?

I can when needed, but I am a follower; filled with trust, honesty, and loyalty to my leader.

Although submissive, I can stand when needed. I can take my own as I see wrong happening.

It takes not much to catch my attention. The complete overview of the city; warm lights of the

street at late dawn.

I see myself independent; able to be by myself, but also able to rely on one other person in that

factor. Some things require another, but it takes time to get there.

The sound of music plays when the conductor is ready to count off. Standing at center front of

the band, they make themselves known. Being seated in that music, I only play when told.

This road trip of music and leaderships is a long one. It may take over a thousand miles to reach

the destination, it may take more. But to be able to experience all of the things around you

within that time span is to be more alive.

You see more than what has been kept around you during your childhood and teenage years.