I'm Only Human

Story by SierraActual on SoFurry

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#1 of I'm Only Human

I'm Only Human

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in town. It was one of those days that everyone found it impossible to not be outside and so like the rest of the people John Haller was outside strolling along a walking trail. John was and average guy of nineteen years. He was of average build, brown hair, and brown eyes. He wore cargo shorts and a simple tee shirt with some snickers. His hobbies included hanging out with friends, reading books, watching tv, and playing videogames. He would soon go to college but for now he lived with his family as he waited for that day to come. He was nothing special, or so he thought in his mind. Of course on this beautiful day John had no idea how his life would change forever. John was just strolling along on this trail in a park on the edge of town thinking about what he might do later. He wondered whether or not he wanted to go to some movies or maybe spend a quiet evening in his small but cozy apartment. As he walked he looked at the world around him. Families out biking and people jogging. In the distance he could hear the crack of a bat as a baseball games was being played and the ever-present laughter and screams of children playing games. Around him were trees of various sizes and shapes. It was a great day to be outside.

It was at this time that he was alone for a brief second that the world he knew would disappear as a great flash of light consumed him and he was thrown into darkness form that beautiful day. He felt like he was tumbling end over end, to and fro. He wanted to puke as he screamed in this dark nightmare, but that was the last feeling he remembered before he lost consciousness.

Unknown time later

A portal opened up in a bare spot of a jungle and spit out a figure. The figure stirred opening his eyes.

"Fuck!" he cursed as his head pounded in pain. Closing his eyes for a few more seconds the pounding subsided and he opened his eyes again. Looking down on himself he was shocked to see he had changed. He was still human which was good for him but he was now more built then when he remembered. Lowering his gaze his eyes locked on his hips, to which were strapped two M1911 pistols. The strange thing was that he wasn't surprised they were there, or that there at his feet lay a M4 assault rifle.

"What's going on here?" He questioned. Picking up the M4 his head pounded again like someone was hitting his head with a bat. Yelling in pain he dropped back to the ground, eyes snapped shut. He remembered voices. He remembered a training ground, and people who called themselves The Masters. He remembered training. Homing his skills in combat, but he couldn't remember specifics. It was a very vague to him like a dream, but if it were a dream "Then why would these be here?" He thought. Tentatively picking up the rifle he winced expecting to feel pain, but none came. He shouldered the weapon. It felt good, almost natural like he had been using it all of his life. "Strange. Ok so I don't think I'm dreaming if that headache was any indication." He reasoned.

Pulling himself together he looked at his surroundings. He was in a jungle that much was for sure. The foliage was all around but it looked thin enough to manage. "If I'm in the Amazon I'm gonna be pissed" he thought. He also thought about home. How long have I been gone? Did they search for me? Will they recognize me? These thoughts and more raced through his head as he made his way through the jungle. "Well might as well have a look around. Maybe I can find a tribe around here." he said to himself. The foliage was, as he thought, thick enough to slow his progress through but thin enough he could navigate it without having to hack and slash his way through it. Which was good because all he had on him was a combat knife, then stopping he looked down at his waist and sure enough "Ok I'm creeping myself out now" he said with a nervous laugh. "What the hell is going on here?"

He had been walking for about ten minutes when he made another unusual discovery. He was in a jungle. Jungles are notorious for being hot and humid yet here he was in a black hoodie and camouflage pants feeling fine. By his thoughts he should be sweating profusely at the very least if not ripping off his clothes. "Something is definitely off.... I don't think I'm home bu-" He was cut off by a sound. It wasn't close enough to be worried but it was close enough to hear which put him on edge. It sounded like the roar of an animal....a meat eating animal like a tiger or some other big cat. His mind raced at the possibilities of what kinds of predators lived in the jungle. He unslung the M4 and continued walking. He would be ready if that beasty came his way. He was not ready for what he heard next.

"Laughter?" he thought. His blood went cold. Did the people laughing not hear the roar? He turned in the direction of both noise and ran for the people before whatever beast got to them first. He didn't want to think about what would happen if he got there second. All thoughts he had before had now left as his only objective now was to make sure these people were safe. He kept running until he approached a thicker part of the forest that was like a natural wall blocking access. He backed up a bit, turned, and then went into a dead sprint. His intent to force his way through, but as he jumped into the wall of foliage something impossible happened. The foliage seemed to bend around him, swallowing him up in its depths.

"What the-?" He shouted, but he had no time to finish the sentence as he broke through the tree line and landed in an open patch in the trees with grass. He hit the ground, on his feet thankfully, and snapped his gun up to sights looking for the beast. He expected to see a beast tearing into the flesh of people and blood and guts to be everywhere. What he saw immediate told him he wasn't home anymore. What he saw paralyzed him with fear.

"Oh fuck" he finally said, after an eternity of silent starring.


Alright so this is my first story I've done. I wrote it in-between classes so it is a little rushed. Oh and I know the first two paragraphs are crap but I don't really care about that. I'm not sure if I'm gonna write more to this story because I don't know where I want to go with it. Although it does seem rather cruel to end this story on a cliffhanger. If I do decide to make more chapeters there will be a M/F scene. That's a huge if.