I'm Only Human Pt. 7

> > > > > > > > > > I'm Only Human Pt. 7 John felt like he was on a cloud as he awoke from his slumber. Slowly opening his eyes he smiled in just pure happiness for the first time in a while. This was the first time he got to sleep in a bed, an...

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I'm only human Pt. 6

I'm Only Human Pt.6 John opened his eyes and saw nothing but fire. He panicked as he jumped to his feet and saw the fire all around him. '_Wait a second_.' He thought. "Oh not this shit again." He groaned aloud as he remembered the last time he...

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I’m Only Human Pt. 4

I'm Only Human Pt. 4 It was warm. Too warm. The world was still black but it felt like a fire was raging around him. John tried to shove aside the uncomfortable feeling of being too warm but finally he couldn't take it anymore. "What is making it...

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I’m Only Human Pt. 5 (PREVIEW)

'Might as well take as many of them as I can with me.' He thought so he picked a direction and fired. The anthro's running out of the trees fell as John put shots into them but there were too many of them to take out. Finally John's M4 clicked as the...


I'm Only Human Pt. 5 (FULL)

I'm Only Human Pt. 5 'Might as well take as many of them as I can with me.' He thought so he picked a direction and fired. The anthro's running out of the trees fell as John put shots into them, but there were too many of them to take out and for...

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I'm Only Human Pt. 3

Alright so here is the next chapter finally. It took a while to get done and it is quite a bit longer than the last chapter. This one comes out to about 15 pages while the last chapter was around 9 pages. Oh and dl98 do you have something against...

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I'm Only Human

I'm Only Human It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in town. It was one of those days that everyone found it impossible to not be outside and so like the rest of the people John Haller was outside strolling along a walking trail. John was and average...

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I’m Only Human Pt. 2

I'm Only Human Pt. 2 "Oh fuck" he finally said, after what felt like an eternity. The area before him was an open area cut into the jungle, in a circular shape. It seemed about 35 yards long and about as wide as a football field. On the left side...

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I'm Only Human Pt. 8

I'm Only Human Pt. 8 _'Why the hell do I keep getting in these situations?'_ John thought as he looked around. _'I guess in this case I can only blame myself.'_ The enemy advance was slowed by the river, but it could not be stopped by it. Once they...

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