Trans Lab 002

Story by Lemuel on SoFurry

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#2 of Mekuf Trans Lab

The following story contains adult content that may be offensive to anyone. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to view adult material is wherever you live, please do not continue. I aint planning on getting sued. This is part two in an ongoing story series. It would probably be beneficial to you to read the installments in order, but I'm not the boss of you.

Test Subject Analysis Form Subject 002-Female Hermification Subject Information Sex: Female Species: Fox Name: Mary Anderson Description: Short, light figure, deep red coat

Experimentation details: Subject will have the experimental gelcap administered orally. Results should show growth of male sexual organs on subject. ======================== [o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o] ======================== Subject Log: I had been living with my mom for the past few years. When she died, the house got repossessed. She always told me to get a job incase that happened, but I didn't feel that it was important. I had no home, no money and no family. I had nowhere to go. I tried to get a job at blockbuster, but I got fired for repeatedly slamming a guy's head into a counter because he grabbed my ass. It's not my fault that he was a perv. I spent several months living at the homeless shelter, doing community service. The guy ended up pressing charges, so I got stuck with 100 hours community service. I was picking up trash on the side of a highway, when I came across a paper. It was torn open to a page with a strange ad. A medical testing lab offered free residency for anyone who underwent their tests. It sounded simple enough, so I decided to check it out. I had to hoof it to the building, but it didn't take too long. It was kinda dome-ish. like that movie with the dome. No, that other movie with the dome. Yeah that one. I went inside to find a empty waiting room, and a old lady manning the desk. She was a cougar who looked to be in her fifties. She reminded me of my school nurse from Elementary school. Meh. She promptly handed me a clipboard with about seven different papers on it for me to read and sign. I just skimmed over them and signed my name. Then I returned the clipboard, and she said that she would take me to my new quarters. She opened the door in the back of the room. I peered out into the bleak empty corridor. 'not to exiting around here, is it?' I asked her. She just smiled and started walking down the hall. The evil kind of smile where she knows something that I don't. Something evil and devilish and crafty and dangerous and- 'This way please' She announced. I followed her down the hall and finally arrived at my room, room number 002. The woman gave me a two keys, and left to go back and man the desk. I was betting that she probably had a TV there. I opened the door to greet my new apartment with gratitude. Unfortunately, it was solid white and very dull. I plopped down onto the provided bed, and stared at the blank ceiling. 'Well, this is my new life' I thought out loud. 'I guess I'll go meet some other people in the morning. The next morning I awoke to a very load ding. Instinctively, I flailed around for a nonexistent alarm clock to shut off. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. I figured that it must have come from the holes in the ceiling that resembled an intercom. I didn't notice those before. Before another thought surfaced in my head, a voice came over the intercom. 'Greetings to our new residents, we welcome you to the Mekuf Research Institution. All new residents must report to the Assessment Lab for briefing' I had no idea what the assessment lab thingy was, but I figured I didn't have to be there this instant. I got up and stretched a little bit. I decided to go find the lab, so I opened up the door and took a few steps. Then I remembered that I might need a key to get back in. So before the door closed on its own, I stuck my foot out to stop it. Something didn't look right with this picture. I didn't remember wearing shorts... I was wearing baggy pants when I came in here... I looked up my leg all the way to discover that I was completely naked! I let out a loud shriek and jumped back in my room. I locked the door from inside and slinked back against it. 'Where the heck are my clothes?!?' I shouted. Not that it did me any good to question the chair. I got up and started searching the room. I couldn't find a trace of them. Man was I a wreck at this point. It's surprising how your mood can shift with a complete lack of coverage. After awhile I heard two more dings over the loudspeaker. I decided to get up and read the phonebook sized manual that was sitting on the chair. It was called 'Guest Handbook to the Trans-Lab'. How aptly titled. I opened it up and started reading. The beginning was just a bunch of legal garbage that made my head hurt, so I skipped on through that. I got caught up in reading the map. This place was friggin huge. It had enough space to house 100 people, a cafeteria, an indoor garden, and dozens of weird rooms that I had no idea what they were. There were three more dings over the loudspeaker. About ten minutes after that I closed the big book, pushed it to the side, and opened my door. I poked my head out, and looked in both direction. Solitude. It was kind of eerie. I tried to find my way back to the entrance door, but I'm not too good with maps. Not that solid white hallways that looked exactly the same helped any. Eventually I came to a door that read "Assessment Lab' 'Huh, I guess I might as well, there might be some extra clothes in there. I opened the door to find a fur wearing solid white and a gas mask. He told me to come right in, and didn't seem at all surprised at my lack of clothing. I sat down on the white table in the middle of the room. It wasn't super-cold like those metallic tables in doctor's offices. But then suddenly, everything in the room just disappeared. All that I saw, heard, and even smelled was nothingness. I tried to grasp around, but there was only air around me. Then suddenly, a green light appeared. It was very dull, but slowly became brighter, and a dull buzz came into being, it too slowly becoming greater. The two poked around at my very soul, until I felt that I could bare them no more. And then, I felt a warm liquid on my stomach. It seemed to expand and completely entrap me. And then suddenly everything disappeared again, and I was back in the office. I lost my balance and fell backwards over the table, hit my head on the ground and my legs went up into the air, spread eagle, giving the doctor a good view of my secret spot. I quickly closed my legs and jumped to my feet. The doctor told me that my appointment was at 6 bells tomorrow. And before I knew it, I was already out the door. Dazed and confused from the blow to my head, I somehow managed to find my way back to my room. I plopped down on my bed at the loudspeaker activated again, dinging four times. I sighed and went back to the colossal book. I was mad that there was no TV in this place. Heck, they even have basic cable in prison. The only thing I could find to do was read my big manual. I cracked that open again, and started reading, and reading, and reading. Like if the energizer bunny was addicted to Harry Potter. Eventually the bell rang seven times. Then a voice came over the loudspeaker saying that dinner would now be served in the cafeteria. I took a good look at the map and set of in the direction that I thought I should go. About five minutes later I arrived at the cafeteria. I didn't want to go in at first, since I was still wearing my birthday suit. So I peeked around the corner. There was only one other fur in there. A wolf, eating a burger. I debated whether or not I should go out and talk to him. He seemed rather lonely, and I felt rather hungry. I felt a sneeze coming on. I have an annoying habit of sneezing whenever I'm really, really nervous. I let it out, and dove back behind the wall. I knew that the wolf had heard me, and were it not for the food in front of him, he probably would have smelled me by now too. Several minutes went by, with me frozen in fear. I figured he had probably forgotten about the noise by now. I was just about to turn around and head back to my room when he walked around the corner and bumped into me. I was startled to say the least, so naturally I screamed and jumped back several feet. He seemed just as shocked and backed off considerably. His eyes then refocused squarely on my lower quarters, and he repositioned his legs to try and hide his obvious erection. I laughed at his futile attempts and regained my nerve. He extended his paw to me, 'Hi, my name is Robert' he said to me. 'Mine's Mary' I said back. He showed me into the cafeteria, and explained the weird pills too. I had a simply delicious Caesar salad. We agreed to meet back here tomorrow night, after both of us had our 'procedures' I didn't really think about what I might have to go through until then. I imagined that it would just be some stupid new pain reliever or something. After my refreshing meal, Robert had already left, so I decided to fin the bathrooms. After some searching I found them right outside the cafeteria. There was only one though, and inside it was just one big room with drains in the middle. There were multiple pressure-sensitive pads on the ground that triggered overhead showers. I figured why not, and just relieved myself right there in the middle of the room. I didn't really like the idea, but it was my best option at this point. I leisurely walked back to my room, and went back to reading. I was getting pretty sleepy, so I didn't get too far. I hit they hey shortly after. I awoke at fourth ding. I have a tendency to oversleep when excruciatingly bored. Anyway, I got up and started reading, but I found myself bored again. I went back down to the 'bathroom' and relieved myself again. I didn't want to have to do that too many more times. I would have tried to find Robert's room but I forgot to ask him what it was yesterday. I didn't have to read too much longer before I found a large section labeled 'experiment details' I was about to look through there, when the bell dinged six times. I counted along with it, and figured my number was up, so I headed down to the room with the doctor-ish guy in it. He was there again, waiting for me. For some reason he smelled a little bit like Robert today, no it wasn't him, it was the table. That evil table with its weird green glow and buzz. The doctor told me that I would be given an experimental gel-cap that would perform a procedure that was a very big scientific word that I swear was at least fifteen syllables long. Anyway, I took the gel-cap thing. It tasted like rubber. And not the good kind of rubber. *cough* dildo *cough* So I bit into it, that wasn't such a good idea. It tasted like human excrements mixed with cough syrup and earwax. No, I don't know what that would taste like, but that's what came to mind. I managed not to lose my lunch, and was told to return to my room for further monitoring. When I got back to my room, I was feeling really hot for some reason. I plopped over to my bed, as I became increasingly horny. I let my fingers wander down to my nether-regions and played with myself a little. I circles around my little private cave a few times, them plunged my finger in. Waves of excitement rushed through my body, making my fur stand on end. I let out a soft moan and started to rub up against the hot steamy walls of my inner sex drive. I started to think of Robert, and that beautiful member of his that he tried to conceal. 'Yes, Yes!' I began to shout, as just the thought of his sweet, sweet maleness made me cum right there on the spot. After that, I passed out. 'Ding Ding Ding' Was what I heard when I woke up from my moment of self-satisfaction. I playfully began to hum that it my head as I got out of bed. 'Ding ding ding ding' I got up and felt a little off balance. 'ding ding ding ding' I started to look down at my feet. 'Ding ding ding... dingaling?' What I saw before me was what many would refer to as 'morning wood'. In lamens terms, I HAD A FUCKING COCK!!! I screamed and started to scramble around the room. 'Whydoihaveapenisisitpermanantwherediditcomefromcockcockcockahhhhwhypenishwhywahhhhhhhhh...' Needless to say, I was just a tad bit perturbed. I sat down on my bed and looked at my new appendage. It seemed to throb with need of release. But I wasn't going to give it any. I wanted that blasted thing out of my crotch, and I wanted it gone NOW. I figured that I was just a little bit short of a foot long, and two inches thick. But it wasn't thee size that bothered me, it was the fact that it was there in the first place! I started crying. I didn't know what had happened. Then I figured it out. This must have been because of the gelcap. I came to this place, and now i'm a freak. No one will ever be able to love me. No one. Then I thought of Robert. It made me cry even harder. Then there came a knock at the door. It was him. I yelled at him to go away, but I knew he was worried about me. But there was no way I could let him see me like this. He would hate me forever. I could never be loved by anyone ever again. The fourth bell came and went, as did fifth, sixth, and seventh. I was still on my bed crying. By now I had lost my erection. I didn't know what I was going to do. I finally stopped crying. Not because I wasn't sad, but because I was out of tears. After awhile Robert came back. I still didn't want him to see me like this. 'Mary? Are you in there?' 'Robert? I'm sorry for yelling at you, but...' 'It's ok Mary, I... I know' I began to cry again. This was the end of everything for me. But just the thought of Robert made me horny again. I regained my erection, the red little rod really pumping this time. 'Mary, don't cry, please. I know this is hard for you, but I'm here. I.. I love you, Mary He burst in through the door and spotted me on the bed. He rushed over to me, and held me in his arms, 'Everything is going to be ok, Mary' he said to me. 'No it's not' I said back to him as he rocked me in his arms. "I'm a freak now, you could never love me now.' 'Mary, do you really think that? Do you really think that I'd hate you just because you have a cock? Mary, I don't care, I love you. Nothing will ever change that. 'Thank you. *sniff* I love you too Robert' I replied to him. He ran his fingers through my headfur. My erection started throbbing harder, he was really turning me on. The thing that really bothered me, even more so then me actually having grown a penis, was the fact that through on this turmoil, I was becoming increasingly horny. At that point I got up and finally got a good look at the new Robert. It was breathtaking. From the waist up, he was the same. But past there... wowsers. Where normally his cock would lie waiting in its comfy little sheath, there was a monstrous sheath about a foot long, and about 10 inches in diameter. Under that were two gigantic furry balls, almost the size of basketballs. They just sat there, laying wait for when their master decided they were necessary. His stance was slightly altered, to accompany their obviously great weight. The shear beauty of what had become of his crotch was making me start to leak pre from my newly formed cock. Robert seemed to take notice of this. He leaned in closer to me. 'Mary, I think your leaking.' He jested. 'Robert, I'm sorry. I just... I can't control these new urges that I have for you... 'Mary, I know its hard, but I'm going to help make it a little easier for you.' 'You-You mean it?' I finally spat out. 'Yes, you can mate with me.' 'Thank you Robert.' I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek. I couldn't believe that he was going to let me mate him. He must really have loved me deeply to help me like this. I positioned myself behind him, and I licked my finger, trying to lube him up a little. AS I approached, I pushed his furry cheeks aside and stuck my wet finger in his now exposed tailhole. At first he let out a soft yelp, but as I pushed my finger in farther, I could feel him start to open up. Maybe this wouldn't be so painful for him after all. After I was done with my makeshift lube-job, I pulled my finger back and grabbed his hips. I could already tell that this was getting him off too. I wondered just how big that new cock of his could get. I wasn't the best position to see it though. I held onto his hips tight as I slowly began to enter his backdoor. He was much tighter than I ever could have imagined. That virgin ass of his wouldn't let me enter without a fight. I really had to push for every inch, but it was well worth it. I had no idea how good this could feel. I could already see that his cock was already coming unsheathed, and growing to quite a large size. I reached my hands around and started to stroke his beautiful malehood. He melted into my arms and started moaning in obscene amounts of pleasure. He seemed to open up a little, so I took advantage of his state. I pulled out then rammed my cock into him, reaching my full member in and banging it against his prostate. Another moan of please escape his maw as I continues to stroke that gargantuan member of his. Precum covered the floor in front of him, as I could tell that we were both nearing our climax. I continued to ram into his tailhole until I felt myself about to break. This was it. I was going to come. I pushed in one final time and my seed burst through me and flowed into his open passage. Aw it was the most wonderful feeling I had ever had. I had stopped momentarily to allow my fluids to flow freely into him, but now I had started to dry hump him a few more times just for the added pleasure. As I pushed myself into him again, I felt his prostate start to spasm. This was gouing to be big. All of the sudden, I hear a low rumble, then like a fire hose, cum rocketed out of Robert, knocking both him and I off of our feet. The blast splattered against the wall, as more waves were shot upwards towards the ceiling. Cum came raining down upon us as it ricocheted from the ceiling. I opened my mouth as if it were light rain, and took in mouthful after mouthful of Robert's delectable cum. I was in nirvana, collapsed on the floor with my new mate, showering in his fresh cum. I was happy now. I had Robert. For the first time that day, it seemed like everything would be ok. * * *

Final Analysis Procedure infused subject with male penis and genitalea. Subject has mated with subject 001. ======================== [o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o] ======================== Its the end, of this part as we know it, and I feel fine... I'm already working on #3. Look to see it out in the next couple of weeks. Feel free to send questions, concerns, comments, suggestions, rants, spam, hate mail, and half price condoms to [email protected] Now if you'll excuse me, I believe my hot pockets are on fire.

Trans Lab 001

The following story contains adult content that may be offensive to anyone. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to view adult material is wherever you live, please do not continue. I aint planning on gettting sued. It also contains spelling...

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