Unhinderance Part 1: "Aniya"

Story by Hikami Akairion on SoFurry

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Her heated scent preceeded her equally striking beauty that balmy August night as she opened my apartment door.

"Ah, you must be Ms.--" Flipping her silver-white hair, a cute 30-something she-leopard smiles at me.

"--Aniya. You must be the one who called about the--" I nod.

"--Yes, about the, uh, cubsitter.... Would you like to come in?" _ Stepping into my single-room apartment, Aniya drops a dark brown messenger bag to the wooden floor._

"So, Mr.--"

"--Please, call me Akairi." Nodding, she smirks.

"So, Akairi, I understand...." A sudden, steady warmth spread across my crotch. _ Oh, NO! _ I flick my amber eyes up toward Aniya's; had she seen anything that might lead to deeming me as "suspicious"?! Okay, no problem....

"S-sorry, wh-what were you saying?"

"I understand you have a cub, correct?" I frown; of course not, I thought, I was the "cub" in question, but I couldn't let this woman know that. Not yet, anyway....

"Uuhhmmm... Y-yes, of c-course...." As I shift my weight, my fear came to an embarassing reality as I utter a loud swooshing crinkle. Aniya stares into my eyes knowingly.

"A-are you okay? You seem... uncomfortable..." I start to sweat, visably anxious.

"F-f-fine. J-just a little... n-nervous." Aniya frowns.

"Do you need to... y'know...?" I utter a nervous laugh somewhere in-between half-hearted surprise and esoteric embarassment.

"Wh-what d'you--Oh, no, no... I, uh, kind of... did?" Aniya nods with far too much understanding.

"Did you need a... change..." Almost a whisper of the last word, Aniya pulls a single-lined adult diaper out of her bag tentatively. I nod sheepishly, too embarassed; too lost for words.

"Okay. Where did you want to change?" Did she really just ask me that_?!_

"B-bedr-room", I stammer weakly. Taking my paw, Aniya helps me up.

"Can you lead the way?" Nodding, I shuffle to my room, Aniya right behind me. Letting her into my room, she freezes, obviously taken aback.

"Wow", she chuckles. In one corner was a small mountain of plush animals; the other, a small array of my own "cub"-oriented "supplies" including a few various packs of adult diapers and bottles. In the center of it all stood a king-size bed that doubled as a "crib" of sorts.

"S-sorry about", I wave a paw in the set-up's general direction, "all of this..." Aniya laughs.

"I'm not. I think it's kind of... cute. Besides, I've always wanted my own 'cub'", she adds suggestively_. Having me lay on my back, she pulls my sweatpants down to my knees. Seeing my stained-yellow diaper, she smirks._

"Aww", she croons, "did 'Kitty' have to make a pee-pee_?" I nod as Aniya teases my diaper's tabs off the front, her well-practiced movements further intoxicating my already steaming thoughts. Rubbing my lionhood, Aniya pulls the front down._

"Well, looks like my kitty is excited", she purrs_. Leaning over me, her fur-coated chest fully exposed, Aniya nibbles my ear playfully. Moaning softly, I thrust as her paw brushes my shaft._

"No, no kitty; let's get you cleaned up first..." Lifting my legs up, she pulls my diaper out from under me, tossing it aside_. What did she mean by 'clean up'?_

Sliding down, Aniya fingers my full bone teasingly. Jerking instinctively, I grit my teeth as I fight my pent-up, lust-driven seed.

"Come on", I grunt_. Pumping me slowly, Aniya remind's me who was really in control. Wrapping her leathery tongue around my pulsating tip, my "cubsitter" has me practically begging for primal release._

"Who's a good kitty", she coos.

"Me", I sigh. Patting my headfur, she has me go up onto my knees. Now behind me, Aniya gropes my hard. Gasping in shock and surprise, I buckle as her sweet tongue swipes across my tailhole.

"What the--Uurrrggghhhnn! Oooowwwww! St-stop... P-please! Ah--Ooowwww!" _ I couldn't take much more of this torture, no matter how satisfying it may be! As if sensing my imminent release, Aniya rolled me over, picking out an extra-thick (seriously, take the thickest adult diaper you can think of and multiply it be, like, three!) "nighter" from her own bag, and began changing me._

"Hold still, baby", she mutters_. Licking my shaft, she feftly tapes up the sides and waits. That final lick had been too much. Roaring in both pain and pleasure, I shot like a cannon._

"Uuunnggghhh-- Aaaahhhh ooooowwwwww_!" Going limp as I finish, I black out, hitting my head hard on my wooden floor. That was two days ago...._