Team Spirit

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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Every social sports group has it's token minority. A gesture that's supposed to say "Hey! Look, we aren't bigoted jocks at all!". The club near where I work makes sure to always have a non mammal on the team, the one in the town I grew up in had a foreigner. I never had expected myself to be the token minority really but then I suppose that is what you get when an openly gay raccoon tries out for a non gay social rugby team.

I say openly gay but it's not like I wear a rainbow scarf or a pink triangle or anything. They asked and I didn't lie and so instead of being the raccoon team member I became the gay team member. There was some teasing about it but it was all good natured as most of the players were my age. In fact I think David, the big christian bear, got more attention when he prayed before the games and gave thanks for our good games.

The season was all but over and we were well out of it. In a word our team was nothing. We weren't rubbish but we never would make it up the championship ladder. The club hadn't seen a semi final in a decade and according to the trophies and such on the walls had never won a final. Not that the guys cared, it was a social club first and a rugby club second really. We trained as a group once a week, played a game, caught up for drinks afterwards.

We hadn't had a game this week but we were still catching up for drinks. Our sister club, the one we supported when we were out of the game, had made it into the finals. So the first round of drinks had been free in exchange for everyones clothes, a deal pretty much everyone, myself included, had taken the bar up on.

I don't know why but there is just this thing about guys getting naked in the club house. The first time it had happened a couple of the guys had given me a nervous look but when I failed to do anything but glance at their junk occasionally they calmed down, even started joking about what kind of a heaven I must be in. Which was more or less the truth, but it's not like I don't have self control or anything.

"So," Patrick, our lion star player (But not captain, he had the moves but not the smarts to back it up), leaned over the table towards me, looking right at me to get my attention. He is tall but sitting down you can't tell, most of that height is in his legs. His body's muscled but a little beer belly has been starting to form, but then his brilliant mane, sapphire eyes and the devils smile means he isn't worrying too much about it. "So..." He repeated, the drink obviously getting to his head a little. "Which guy here has the nicest cock?"

"Dude!"Colin sputtered out in reply, a few drops of beer joining the patterns of spilled beer over the table. "You can't ask Sean that!"

"I asked you who had the best tits at the Happenin' Hippo last week." The lion replies with a grin, as though he has the wolf conquered. But the wolf wasn't anywhere near as drunk as the lion was and was normally smarter than the lion anyway.

"That was strippers. They are there to show you tits and jiggle." The wolf replied as he placed his now empty glass on the table. He turns to me and his yellow eyes flash with humour before he grins. "So really you should be asking him here who has the best tits. I'd go with Brian."

I glance over across the room, it's not too big but it's more finding him in the crowd, and have to smirk. I wouldn't say Brian had the best tits in the room but he definitely had the largest moobs. I decide to play along though and reach over the table and gently stroke the wolfs chest, the top part of it grey but the bottom leading down to his belly and then his underwear creamy white, and put on my best gay voice.

"Sweety," I always preface my gay remarks with sweety so everyone knows its a joke "These are the only tits I'm checking out."

For a moment the wolfs grin fade and his muscles tense and I wonder if I've gone too far. The wolf's chest has actually pretty well defined, more solid than fat, but compared to the lean graceful wolfs playing AFL he may have felt self concious. Not that he should have at all, I would pick Colin's solid build over any of the agile runners from the footy. Then he bursts out laughing and I lean back and it's all good.

"Seriously though," Patrick continues, his brain obviously caught on this one path. "Who has the best cock?"

Colin just rolls his eyes, crosses his arms and doesn't say a thing.

"Cocks aren't like tits. I mean first of all cocks get hard and that can change your opinion completely." I reply after a pause, trying to work out how to be diplomatic. Really though after a while I'd stopped checking out other guys junk while at the club or getting changed unless they drew my attention to it. "Plus you've got to think of how hard does it get, how nicely does it shoot, how sensitive it is..."

Patrick just nods as he listens and I wonder if he's taking any of that in. "Out of mine and Colin's then?" He says and I know he hasn't got it. The wolf grunts out a jeeze and rolls his eyes and moves to leave. Before he can though I move around the bench of the booth we are sitting in and slide my hand from his chest to his stomach, stopping above quite an impressive sheath but moving my arm so it looks to the lion like I'm groping the wolf.

"Colin's every time." I reply and then almost stumble over the next sentence. "I.. I like a guy with a knot."

The reason I had stumbled was because Colin's hand had grabbed my wrist and moved it down so my paw was there on his sheath. A sheath which was swelling in my paw and heating up every second it was there. I glance down and see the dark red tip pushing out and up through my pawful of sheath and my mouth dries up. I look up at the wolf's face and see no hint of this being sincere or a joke or what.

"Lots of guys here bigger than Colin." The lion replies. I'm about to ask how he knows when Colin puts his paw on my head and slowly guides me down to his crotch. The scent of his arousal rolls over me and in a second I'm his. It's always been this way for me and wolves though, they stick their dick near my nose and I turn into a complete slut. I had gotten quite the reputation in high school from that.

"The 'coon likes quality, not size." I faintly hear Colin reply as he shifts his hips a little further forward so the dark red meat can push out of his sheath a little more. I lean in and lick the tip slowly and the entire thing pulses, shaft, sheath and balls. My own sheath is tight and I can feel the tip pushing out into the almost blessedly cool air compared to the cramped heat of my sheath.

"Like you've got either." The lion replied. I coudln't see his body but glancing over under the table I could see him fiddling with his own cock, the lion one of those guys born without a sheath. I quickly grew tired of the sight of that lesser prick when I felt Colin's longer one rub against my cheek. I turned and stared.

Colin's dick was no monster but it was still big. It was probably seven inches before the knot and on canines that's all I ever included because unless you're really loose or really into it that knot was as good as the tits on a nun. It was quite thick though and had a human style head, which is just the way I like it. His hips pushed up and I swear I could hear a soft grunt but that could have just been in my mind so I opened my muzzle and took in the tip.

The noise of the bar, the discussion between Colin and Patrick even the scent of the beer all faded away and my existance became the red rocket between my lips. The grey furred hips slid down and my muzzle followed and then overtook, taking more than just the thick head into my muzzle, easily half the shaft as well. I didn't go any further though and explored Colin's dick with my tongue.

I envy canines with their longer muzzles, once i get more than a couple of inches down my tongue's no where near as effective. But I'm at the sweet spot where I have him just deep enough and can still use my tongue so I work it along the bottom of his shaft, up past the frenulum and through the glans. I feel him shudder and grunt so I do it again, and again until I feel his paw pressing me down further and I don't deny him.

My nose bumps his knot and it's like a new wave of scent rolls over me. My cock pushes free and hangs in the air throbbing almost painfully as I start to suck and bob my muzzle a little. His paw ruffles my hair slowly but doesn't give me any further direction. So I stay deep, deep throating always has come naturally to me and guy love it when their head is buried in my throat and my lips are squeezing the base of their shaft. "Like fucking but looser" One eloquent guy had put it.

Suddenly I feel a paw on my ass and I freak out. I lift my head up and the wolfs ock slips from my lips with a moist pop before the wolf cock falls back against the large, firm stomach of the wolf. glance back and the lions muscular body has moved along the bench and one hand is stroking my ass, the other is stroking a... well I don't want to be cruel, but a fairly average cock. One anyone elses body it would be average at least but on the firm, healthy muscles of the lion it just looked small, and slim. It was a little smaller than mine even and I'm pretty much text book average, for a raccoon at least.

Part of me wants to kick the lion away. But the six inches throbbing in the air between my legs insists that actually five and it inches of lion cock could be quite nice right now. Colin decides for me though as his paw leaves my head and moves down to lift my tail. His other paw then moves down and I gasp as his moist fingers press into me. Two fingers press into me without my body complaining too much, the spit not as good as lube but my arousal helps to make up the difference. I turn my face away and bury it into the wolfs crotch again which just makes his fingers press deeper.

At some point over the next five minutes the wolfs fingers are replaced by a lions fingers but I'm too distracted by slowly gyrating hips to attend completely. I move my muzzle in time with his hips, pushing flush against his knot as he rises and away to the tip as he pulls away. My tognue massages him for brief seconds before he thrusts up and I dive down again. A large part of me is wishing those agile hips were the ones about to mount me instead of the lion but then of course it couldn't be in my mouth at the same time so either way I'd be left wanting.

Then the lion must think I'm ready because his fingers pull back and then I feel the dull blunt heat of his pre slickened knob against me. He doesn't hesitate for long though and I moan as it spreads me open. All the stuff I said about him being kinda small? It didn't feel that way at all as he took his time pressing it into me and the lack of proper lube made him feel all the bigger. I continued to moan around Colin's cock until Patrick's body pressed up against mine and he held there.

If anyone had looked over, which they mustn't have or else we'd have had people either crowding around or telling us to quit it or possibly worse, they would have seen quite the tableau. A wolf siting back with a thick dick buried in a raccoons jaw while a lion presses himself inside me to the hilt. Three guys all at different levels of manly build locked together in something most guys would call faggy.

Then we start to move, I start by pressing back against Patrick which lets him know to start thrusting. It's painful at first but I relax and soon it starts to feel good, not amazingly good but good enough that I can concentrate on the wolfs cock. Not that he's been missing out at all, his tongue is hanging from his muzzle and he's panting even before I start to bob back and forth from knot to tip. I let my tongue dance over his knot like I would normally work someones balls and his dick throbs even faster.

All this time the lion has been fucking me for himself. His dick brushes my prostate once or twice but he's not trying to find it, he's fucking me to make himself feel good and that's fine because, well, sometimes it's hot to be treated like that. His hips are now slamming hard and fast and feel him swell and then pulse and I know he's shooting into me, lions have never seemed to last long but then they recover so fast. As he's shooting though he makes this noise and it's hard to describe. It's like when you sneeze and stop it halfway and it makes this weird retarded noise? Well imagine that but with a roar, even drunk Patrick realises what a mistake roaring his domination of my ass to a room of rugby players would be.

Colin's hips are jigging left and right and I can hear him panting so I press down to the base and move my paw to his knot. Only it never gets there as he takes my wrist in his paw and lifts it away and then slowly eases my head off his fat dong. I look up to him and I honest to god whimper because I want that thing back in my muzzle, I want his spunk in my throat, my mouth, fuck even my face and I usually hate getting cum in my fur.

"Lie back on the table" He says and a second after he says it I realise I'm already moving. Like I said, a complete slut for wolves. Patrick grabs out glasses and puts them on the ground and then settles back to watch, his hand wrapped around his still stiff cock. I don't even care about the spilled beer in my fur, afterall it's supposed to be good for it right?

Then Colin's got my ankles in his paws and he's lifting them up and putting them over his shoulder. I look down and see the same grin he has when we're practicing against each other and he's going to tackle me and I know it's going to hurt. It's going to hurt and there is nothing I can do to stop it. But for once I wouldn't stop it for the world.

Although couldn't see it I guess his feet are on the bench and then the table wobbles a little as he leans down over me. Patrick grabs the table just in case and flashes a grin at me and I wonder if he's been here under the wolf before or if they just share partner. That thought is lost though as his muzzle comes down and licks my nose and lips, a wolf kiss. I lick back and he smiles as he comes down and his head presses against my already fucked hole. Then I realise why the wolf had wanted the lion in there, so I was stretched and lubed for his comparatively gigantic wang.

Then in order my breath, my thoughts and my slight fear about his size leave me and my world is the heat of his cock and the tightness of my ring. Well I say tightness but after the lions quite thorough fucking and the scent of the wolf running through me I am pretty much his for the taking. I shiver, half in pain as his prick was a thick fucker, and half in pleasure as he grinds past my prostate. My paws reach up and wrap around him, my dull claw tips digging into his shoulder blades and I press myself up against him.

The look in his eyes told me that hasn't happened before, that usually they lay there and take it and he just supplies it. The way his muzzle then digs into my neck and bites down softly tells me he likes this more and I press against him just a little more, my body straining to lift any more than it is now. And then there was his knot, the great big bundle of muscle and blood that we both know wants to be inside me.

I've already admitted it, I'm a complete whore for wolves. But the one thing that stops me from signing a exclusivity contract with them is those fucking knots. Once I've got that scent in my nose, their dicks up my ass I can't deny them anything and the amount of wolves who don't have the control to know that "Wait, something the size of my fist will probably hurt a lot." is troubling. Once they get their dicks in a hot hole it's like their brain shuts down and they just thrust and thrust and grind and whine and puff and pant and try to tie you. Not Colin though.

He grinds it against me slowly but with no real intent of pushing it in and then pulls back. As he pull back I wonder if he's fucked other men before or if this is his first. Then his hips are pressing forward down to the knot again and I don't care in the slightest. Despite the fact I know where we are and that calling attention to us is not the best idea in the world I can't help it. His head rubs straight past my prostate with more pressure than other guys deliver when aiming for it and I see coloured dots in my vision and holler.

It's loud, clear and there is no mistaking it for something other than a guy being made into a wolf's bitch. Guys look over at the wolf thrusting in and out of me, at my body wrapped around the studly wolf, the lion behind us watching with a grin, and a crowd started to form. Three guys at first come over but more are following, beer in one hand and their other hand either "scratching" themselves or hanging around that area, trying to hide the way their sheaths or dicks are starting to swell.

I'm not sure if Colin ignores them or is actually turned on by being watched but he straightens up his body to give everyone a good view. My cheeks flush as my own cock is revealed, my belly wet from the preseed leaking out in drips and spurts. I hear a few noises of approval from the crowd but can't see who the guys admiring my cock are. Then Colin pounds his hips forward and my cock shoots a wad of pre over my chest along the underside of my chin. That's never happened before and I try to tell him this but all that comes out it a mixture of sylables.

Then Colin shifts himself and pulls me closer. He's hanging over the top of me, his paws on either side of my head while his cock slides back and forth, his wonderful hips driving him faster and faster until the slap of his balls against me starts to fill the room. I moan and then our eyes lock and there is something there, something past the half feral lust, the wolf taking his bitch, something I can't quite understand. Then his eyes are closed and his muzzle is looking forward as he concentrates on his hips.

I glance at the crowd, a good six of the team are watching now. Some are pawing themselves openly and two of them even have each others dicks in their paws. Quite a few impressive cocks amongst them and yet I wouldn't trade any of them for the wolf mounting me. Then one of them grins, I think it's Earl, a horse with a truly huge dick in the paws of a rabbit, but given the thick cock rubbing past my prostate and stretching me open I'm not one hundred percent sure. Anyway one of them calls out "Tie!". Then another, and another and soon it's like out on the field with the fans cheering us on.

"Tie! Tie! Tie!" Even the guys at the other end of the room who aren't watching, or at least not openly, join in on the cry.

"TIE! TIE! TIE!" The chant echoes through the social club and I feel Colin's thrusts getting harder. His hips hammer against me and I can't help but cry out because damn does it feel good to have him slam against me so hard. And part of me wants to echo the chant, to beg this wolf to tie with me, to ram his knot into me and make me his. The other more sensible side of me says that actually being able to walk tomorrow would be a nice thing. Of course it's not up to me and I can feel Colin's thrusts getting shorter, harder.

His knot presses against me and I feel myself starting to stretch...

And then..

And then...


It's like his entire cock swells up, like the thing is getting hard all over again. My ass pushes his now oversized knot away by reflex but that doesn't stop the wolf from grunting and thrusting harder. He throws his head back and... well it's not a howl. Wolves always howl in porn but I've never met a single one who does it naturally. Colin instead makes this feral snarling noise as he slams himself against me and I can feel him cumming. Not the actual cum itself, but the swelling of his cock, there is no mistaking that feeling, especially with his cock so large.

The chant dies off as it's apparent the wolf is done and didn't take his advice but the crowd doesn't move away. Colin stays in his weird pose for what feels likes minutes but is probably only one and then he slowly uncurls himself and brings his muzzle down to mine. He again licks at my lips and I kiss back, the shape of our muzzles making real kissing impossible and for a minute I realise why people stick to their own species. Then a pulse in my rump reminds me why I don't.

My own cock still is hard, still is wet and still hasn't fired it load so I move my paw down there to stroke myself only for Colin to catch my paw and hold it away. I open my muzzle to ask what he's playing at but then shiver as I feel his fat cock slipping out of me. Inch by inch it pulls back as the wolf does the same until with a grunt I let the tip slip out of me. Then the wolf's muzzle descends and swallows my cock to the root.

I'm ashamed to admit it but that was me gone right then and there. I can't even manage to squeak out a warning to Colin as my cock explodes into his muzzle. Seven or eight, i'm far too worn out to count now, spurts of my seed fill his muzzle and he just swallows it down like a natural. Then slowly he pulls up, catches my eye and puts on that cheeky grin than led to all this in the first place and swallows.

"I'm next!" Earl says with a grin and I look down at his monster and almost faint, the damn things as big as my arm.

"Nope" Patrick says and I'm suddenly reminded of the lion behind us. I look around to see that he's made a sticky mess on the table next to me at some point oer the last ten minutes while Colin had been occupying my attention.

"He's ours." Colin says calmly and then looks at me to see if that's alright. I just nod my assent since well my body is still recovering and now my mind reeling to work out what exactly is going on here. I thought I had been the token gay guy now suddenly my lion and wolf friends are taking me home and this big studly horse wants to ruin my ass.

I don't have long to think about it though as Patrick take me under one arm and Colin takes me under the other and they lead me out to the car like I was an injured team mate. I feel like mentioning to them about our clothes but all that comes out is "Wassa boot clothes?".

"Clothes?" Says Patrick with a grin. "Where we're going we don't need clothes!"