All in a Month's Work

Story by Fox_Fusion on SoFurry

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Placid. That was the way he always felt about space. Placid, empty, dead. It was a hollow place within itself that contained nothing more than its own essence. Sure, you had creatures running around on planets, or jumping between the various constellations on business, but all that paled in comparison to the vast void that was outer space. Only when you left the atmosphere, when the light outside of your ship had no meaning, did one realize just how bleak space was.

Of course, Fox McCloud only ever really made note of this when he wasn't in the middle of something more important, like keeping himself alive. Free time allowed for contemplation, but when he had to veer starboard to avoid a volley of missiles, he didn't exactly have the chance to sit around thinking. Everything was reaction, instinct. There was no moment to think, only to do: give an order, do a barrel roll, take the attacker down.

In this particular case, Star Fox was hired to capture a pair of brigands who had gotten their hands on a set of experimental ships under the prototype name Blazing Star. A joke of a mission, Fox felt, to match the joke his team had become. The miscreants could barely fire their weapons, let alone actually hit an experienced pilot like himself. About the only difficulty in the mission at hand lay in recapturing the prototypes without seriously damaging them.

With a single loop, Fox was flying on the tail of one of the brigands. Unfamiliar with aeronautics or even basic steering, the brigand was at a loss when it came to maneuvering his ship. Careful to aim for the engines, Fox's first shot disabled the pathetic pilot, the Blazing Star floating uselessly. It didn't qualify as barely a challenge.

The second bandit put up the same resistance, and fell prey to the same trick. They failed to grasp such simple flying it seemed that Fox wondered how they'd even gotten the prototypes into the air. He had to guess there'd been another thief involved, but that wasn't his concern. He'd done his job, and he was going to get paid for it. Anything else after that didn't really make a difference.

"Alright, team," he said into his headset, "bring them on in. I'll let the scientists know you've got them." His co-pilots, a corgi by the name of Prince and a Siamese cat who went by Jeff, affirmed their orders. Fox didn't really care to listen, he just headed back to the planet he'd gotten the job from, the planet he was also living on for the time being- planet Romanus.

He landed his Arwing beside the scientific research facility which had hired him, the rather old but well-cared for spacecraft landing with minimal noise. After the hood over the cockpit popped open, allowing fresh air to enter the ship, Fox took a deep breath of the planet's oxygen before bounding out, from seat to pavement in one smooth leap: sudden movement had always helped him regain feeling in his legs after a flight. While he cracked his neck, a pigeon in a lab coat was thanking Fox profusely.

"Save it," he growled, the bird immediately shutting her beak. "The other two will be back with the prototypes. Only the engines should be damaged, so you're going to have to pay a little extra for this one." He'd already been given a paltry sum of 1000 quartz, an amount that wouldn't last for more than a month's worth of living. That was the way of it now, though. He reflected that mercenary work just didn't have the same charm to it without the old team. Even the money was better before, he griped to himself while pocketing the 200 quartz bonus. The worst part of it was the boredom. Without Falco's wit, Peppy's over cautious warnings, and Slippy's bumbling, there was nothing left to keep the long flights interesting.

Fox always walked back to his apartment - it helped get him used to non-artificial gravity. The thinking was an unfortunate side-effect, brought upon from the lack of interesting people left to converse with along the way. The Cornerian sector was at peace, at least for now, and the number of larger threats had declined with that peace. In the resulting calm, commerce had flourished, with planets like Romanus rising in popularity for their convenient location along major trade routes. While Fox refused to take jobs body guarding transport ships, he'd hoped that the growing sectors would give rise to criminals with grand designs. All he'd found for work was thieves and the occasional renegade fighter pilot.

The streets reflected the sort of position Romanus had in the growing economy, with apartments built above shops, which were in turn built over factories. Every street had no less than one major outlet's warehouse on it, and you were lucky if you could find anything resembling an alley way. Towers of construction stretched to the sky, blocking out the horizon from any angle you could look on. And of course, the apartments on the outskirts of Romanus' cities had rent in the ten thousands of quartz. Only the wealthy business types could even think about paying for something like that.

His own grey apartment, on the 23rd floor of a 70 floor skyscraper, rested above a clothing outlet by the name of Junk. He'd never bought anything from the store after his first pair of pants - the company's name couldn't describe their products any better. He'd worn through the seat within two weeks of training, and had been forced to order Prince to give over his pants. The walk back home had Fox with his hands in his pockets the whole way, trying to keep the wide waist of the pants from slipping down to around his ankles.

"23," he told the elevator, which beeped its assent. Musak played duly in the back ground, which the sow standing beside him was humming off key along with. He was going to tell her to knock it off when the doors opened to his floor, allowing him to rush out instead. He could imagine her still humming along as she sped towards whatever floor she lived on. His own floor, done up in a blue-orange motif, didn't have any carpeting on it like the other floors - somebody in one of the rooms complained that he was allergic to the shag. When it came down to it, he thought, people were either annoying or idiots, only worth associating with for the money needed to live. He entered through a blue wooden door with an orange lintel marked 2374.

A green beanbag couch stared back at him from across the room, sitting beside a small table with a lamp resting on it. The TV, unseen from his position in the hall, was on, spouting the pleasures of using Suds&Studs newest body wash. That was all he'd find in his living room, since that was all he could afford now. He'd had enough trouble springing the money for a queen sized bed, not to mention the extra stomach that needed to eat. On his current income, they'd been brushing their teeth with hand soap, just to cut back on buying toothpaste.

"Hey hon!" called a voice from the living room. The TV clicked off, and a wolf blocked Fox's view to the bean bag chair. When the word got out that the great pilot Fox McCloud was living with a wolf, a rumor had spread that he was dating Wolf O'Donnell, putting a smug expression on all those who knew those two rivals secretly had a thing for each other. Fox didn't speak about his private life, so when he didn't respond to the press, the rumor was taken as fact, something which suited Fox just fine. He didn't need people to be bothering Ziude: the grey wolf with white molting on his left side was rather camera shy. Currently, Ziude was wearing red shorts and a white polo, a black hair-band keeping his ponytail together.

Ziude ran up and gave Fox a warm hug, his face a little bit bright under his fur. Fox still found it amusing that even after their six months together, the slightly smaller wolf still hadn't gotten over his shyness around the celebrity. "Supper's ready, it's tuna and soup." It was always something and soup, these days. "The table's all set and ready. If you want to eat a bit later, I can keep the soup on simmer and we can..." Fox silence Ziude with a kiss.

"I'll take my suit off, and we'll eat right away, okay Ziude?" Fox smiled, and the wolf giggled. The daily grind, the same routine. That regularity was part of what kept Fox going, and it was one of the many reasons he loved the wolf. As he stripped off the green flying suit and red scarf, leaving him in a white undershirt and plaid boxers, Fox considered that maybe not all people were idiots.

After dinner, the pair settled into the bean bag couch to watch a bit of TV, Ziude laying with eyes closed on Fox's lap. Neither really had much to do the next day, Fox without any contracts at the moment and Ziude preferring to attend to all the needs around the house, so there was no reason to get to sleep early. But Fox said he was tired after a long day, and it was getting close to ten, so they might as well head to sleep. Ziude bounded off to the bedroom to make sure the sheets were prepared, while Fox stopped in the bathroom for his nightly clean up. He believed in meticulous grooming before spending the night in the same bed as another.

"So have you got any plans for work, hon?" asked Ziude as he snuggled up close to Fox. The two shared the bed, though they kept a spare inflatable mattress around for emergencies, or just for when Ziude was in the mood for it.

Fox sighed. "Like I said before, I'll get whatever I can find, which isn't much these days. Seems like nobody wants to try anything dramatic, and I'm stuck with these little half-time thieves and low paying jobs. But like I said," and to emphasize his point the gave Ziude's nose a kiss, "we'll make it by, and I'll find something."

Ziude squeezed his mate, the wolf's eyes closing in preparation for sleep. "You'll always have me, hun. And I'm sure you'll always protect me, too."

There was no sleep for Fox after that. The warmth of his significant other became stifling under the thin cotton blanket they shared, the weight of another's head on his chest keeping him pinned to the bed. He wished Ziude wouldn't keep bringing that up, that notion of protection. It was making him uncomfortable - he couldn't live up to the title, not like he once imagined. He'd tried to be Krystal's protector, and what had that gotten him?

He tried to sleep, but with the vixen again in his thoughts, he was more awake than prior. What was it he'd said to her? "I don't want you up there. It's too dangerous, and you've had too many close calls already." That was the second time she'd threatened to leave, after their last big mission. Things were already starting to fall apart, with Falco having gone off on his own again to find better, higher paying work, even if some of those jobs involved breaking the law. When she countered that he was doing the same thing, why should she have to worry, he had tried to explain to her that it was a man's job being in the thick of the fight, not a woman's. She'd slapped him, and they hadn't spoken since. Last he heard, she was dating Panther and joining up with Star Wolf. Slippy didn't call Fox again after that news was transmitted - it wasn't worth the risk of dealing with McCloud's ire.

And while he could tell himself over and over again that it was because he'd tried to be protective that he'd lost Krystal, he couldn't get the nagging doubt out of his mind that that incident was only the breaking point. Knowing that she was with Panther even confirmed his suspicion, that Krystal was into the more muscular guys. She'd dropped lines during missions, things like "Maybe you wouldn't be out of breath if you bulked up a bit," or "I can just see you at Panther's size.... Mreow." These kinds of comments always made him uncomfortable, as they implied she was checking out other males. They also suggested that he wasn't good enough, that he could be better. And Fox McCloud would not stand for the notion that a woman could tell him how to be better.

So there he'd been, broken hearted, furious, without a team to his name, and doubting his own abilities. He'd gone flying, trying to bring his mood up with some stunts, honing his skills, but there wasn't any joy in it without somebody there to banter with. It just felt empty, like the space he was coasting through. A month passed like this, without any improvement in his mood. People began to watch him take off and land, always at the same times each day. Some wanted to join up, only to get turned down immediately for not being "up to snuff". The crowds varied, but Fox had noticed one wolf who showed up everyday, a wolf who stood out because of the strange way his face split between grey and white fur.

Invariably, somebody in the crowd would come over to Fox and ask for an autograph, or a one-night stand, both of which he ignored. Once spurned, the gatherings slowly died away, until only the wolf continued to show up to the daily landings. His curiosity getting the better of him, Fox finally asked who the wolf was and why he kept coming. "I'm Ziude," had been the reply with a bit of a flush in the wolf's colouring, "and I just like watching you." When Ziude turned away, Fox laid a hand on the wolf's shoulder.

"Why don't you come with me for supper?" he'd asked. The relationship had only blossomed from there, the two spending increasing amounts of time together, both on the ground and in the air. After two months of what Fox called dating, he'd invited Ziude to live with him. The Star Fox team was dead, and in it's place Fox had Ziude - a fair trade, for the leader, even if it meant there was no income anymore. His relationship meant more, and the thought of losing it in the same way he'd lost Krystal terrified him, even as the rational part of him told him that Ziude was nothing like the vixen. Still, rational thoughts had never helped Fox with paranoia in the past.

The sun was beginning to rise when Fox finally managed to drift off to sleep. He would start going to a gym, become the muscular figure Krystal had wanted to date. But he would be doing it for Ziude, and it would be on his terms: nobody told Fox McCloud how to behave. He did what he decided for himself.

Fox awoke shortly after noon, to the sound of eggs sizzling in the kitchen, a routine breakfast the couple shared twice a week, usually on Mondays and Thursdays. Ziude's side of the bed was neatly tucked, the pillow fluffed and clean of hair and fur - Fox was glad at least one of them could keep things cleaned and remaining organized. Ziude's talents were numerous in Fox's eyes, though the wolf's sincerity and trust were the two things that truly won the vulpine's heart.

As Fox dressed, it dawned on him that if he told Ziude about the decision to bulk up, Ziude would probably ask why, which would in turn lead to Fox expressing his concerns. This was an unallowable option, as it displayed a weakness Fox was desperately trying to cover up. Wracking his brain for a solution, the answer came as he found himself automatically putting on his flight suit: he would tell Ziude that he was just going out for training, and leave it at that. The statement was true, if misleading, but it prevented Fox from having to lie in addition to keeping Ziude in the dark about the true nature of the excursion. Decided on this course of action, Fox said he would be heading out as they ate their omelets.

"I'll have dinner ready for you when you get back, hun," Ziude replied faithfully. A twinge of guilt ran through Fox, his mate not even questioning his intentions. It would be for the best, he reassured himself. Even if he was doing this for himself, it was also going to be beneficial for Ziude, assuming the wolf even liked buff males. They had never discussed the topic in the time they'd been dating, as they spent most of their time in happy silence, either while watching TV or making out. He kissed Ziude goodbye, promising to be home before dark.

The gym was about five blocks away, the bottom floor of a rather run down old apartment complex. Chipped paint reveled eroding bricks, held together by blackened mortar. Every window had a curtain on the outside, and those with the curtain up reveled glass stained with smoke, grit, and bird droppings. Somebody on the 34th floor threw a banana peel out into the street. The entrance way, the only part that looked to be in reputable repair, sported a flashing sign, the message it displayed switching between "Fold's - The Everyman's Gym", "Membership: Ask Inside", and "Try Our Supplements".

Inside wasn't much better. Standing in front of the receptionist's desk, a bland brown jutting out from the sky blue walls, Fox could see the interior of the gym. The reinforced floor was covered in black rubber that was peeling off the ground in the more treaded upon areas, or where too much weight had been dropped on it. Corners on the various machines were covered in rust, or discolored in ways he didn't want to think about. Grunts and the sound of banging metal on metal filled his ears, while an off-putting musky scent crammed its way into his nose.

"Can I help you, sir?" the receptionist asked, a rotund female badger who, judging by the look of her arms, used to work out but had given up when she had decided it just wasn't worth the effort. Standing beside her, a bored looking chameleon sat typing away at his computer, his glassed pressed close to his eyes. The clicking of his claws barely sounded under the din of the weight room and hum of exercise machines.

A seagull walked past, holding his spare gym clothes in his right hand. The bird's chest alone looked twice as big as Fox's. He swallowed. "I was hoping to buy a membership, actually. How much is that going to set me back?"

"For a month's membership, we charge three hundred quartz. Three months is eight hundred, or you can get the full year package for only sixteen hundred. If you rent one of the rooms from this apartment, we offer a twenty percent discount and provide free access to the hot tub on the fourth floor. We only accept money orders and credit cards, no cash allowed, sorry. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Now, what would you like, sir?"

The monotony was lost on Fox, who had essentially stopped processing after he'd heard the price. "Three hundred quartz for a month? Like any sensible person is going to pay that much. Maybe if you cut it in half, it would be reasonable, but three hundred for a month? Inexcusable."

"The fee is non-negotiable sir. All the local gym's cost the same amount, before you say you will take your business elsewhere. If the price is too much for one month, I can recommend the year long plan. It's two thousand quartz cheaper, after all."

Not one to pass up on a bargain, Fox couldn't quite convince himself that even the full year was worth the cost. What if he stopped going during the time? He'd have wasted a lot of money he didn't have to spend. As it was, he would need to dip into his saving funds just to pay for the blasted thing. The merit of paying won, however, when he thought about the alternative - the fear of losing his mate. Fox shelled out the money.

"Make sure you bring your membership card with you each time you come. No refunds will be accepted, unless cancellation occurs in the first week. Thank you for joining Fold's, have a nice day, sir." She pulled our a nail file. The chameleon continued his typing, as if the conversation had never happened.

Fox had seen the interior of a workout gym a few times, though he'd never actually used any of the weights or machines. He was naturally fit, relied on his agility more than strength, and generally found being smaller helped in getting through crowded places. The times he'd been to a gym, it was to escort a friend, or when his father had tried to convince him that to be a great pilot, you needed to be a well rounded person. He'd never lifted weights for the sake of exercise once, and so he found himself staring blankly around the room, completely unsure of what exactly it was he was suppose to do.

On his first day in the gym, Fox got next to nothing done. Between the realization that working in his flight suit wasn't a good idea and that he was much, much weaker than most of the people there, the experience could only be described as disheartening. Until he could figure out how to do some of the exercises, there was no point in attempting them. He'd tried to do some bench pressing, after watching a hyena and studying the form, but even twenty pounds plus the bar was too much weight. An attempt at curling dumbbells ended when he couldn't get the ten pounders up a sixth time. He didn't even try squats, as they looked way out of his league. Fox was thinking about just forgetting the whole thing, until Ziude asked him how the training went.

"You smell especially good tonight," the wolf said earnestly. This devolved into Ziude licking over his naked mate, the wolf's tongue lapping at chest and armpits. As the wet appendage progressed down, Fox's arousal grew stronger, a hard prick awaiting the lick of affection. Ziude, just to tease, licked around the base and over Fox's balls, careful not to touch the flesh of the shaft in anyway, making Fox shiver with anticipation.

Ziude took the full six inches of Fox's member into his mouth without any difficulty. The wolf had gotten expert at deep throating his love's manhood, to the point where the gag reflex no longer needed suppression - it just didn't occur. Moaning from the heat around his cock, Fox gripped the sheets, his hips bucking forward into Ziude's mouth. It didn't take long for Fox to climax, and soon his seed was gulped down by the happy wolf. Fox lay spent, his eyes staring at the ceiling. He needed a moment to catch his breath.

While they were making out before bed, his own seed now on his palate, Fox convinced himself that even if he wouldn't get bigger or didn't learn how to lift, it would still be worth going to the gym regularly just to get Ziude into a frisky mood.

Before he left on the second day, Fox did a little bit of research on what sort of exercises to do and how to perform them. According to the routine he found, it said to split days between upper and lower body, for the first two months going only twice a week, and later on going four times, once his body could handle the work. He assumed that the resource he was using, a random server page he'd searched, was only giving advice for those who wanted to put on mass slowly, where as he was aiming for quick gains. As the day before he'd tried to do his upper body, he planned on doing the lower body. This time, he remembered to take a duffle bag with a change of clothing in it, too.

In the middle of doing leg presses, a panther in tight shorts and a sports bra approached him. "Sorry, you must get this all the time, but you look an awful lot like the leader from the old Star Fox team." He had to keep his eyes above her chest, not an easy feet considering her above average height.

"Actually, I am the leader of the still current Star Fox team," he said, somewhat miffed that rumours to the contrary were going around. It would make it hard to find work if his name wasn't being spread around.

His voice must have carried over the machinery, for he noticed several heads turn towards him, some out right pointing and staring.

"That's Fox McCloud?"

"Why's he in this gym?"

"Isn't he dating Wolf, you know, his rival?"

"What a weakling. Look how much he's lifting, my ten year old son could do that."

For the rest of his workout, Fox had to endure stares and the occasional comment that somebody didn't mutter quietly enough. He refused to let the pressure get to him, though: he would not let a bunch of wannabes push him around, ruining his efforts. The money was spent, the research was done, everything else hinged on his determination, something that wasn't going to falter on him. Still, after forty minutes of listening to people try and be discrete, Fox had had enough. He grabbed his bag, and without changing out of his gym clothes, left for home. On his way out, the chameleon at the counter reminded him to try their supplements for fast results.

The dusty wind blowing into his fur felt nice, a refreshing cleanser to counteract the annoyance of the gym session. As he rounded the corner back to his own apartment, it occurred to Fox that he was wearing his gym clothing still, instead of his flight suit. Fox always wore his suit on his way back home, so doing otherwise would alert Ziude that something was off. The vulpine backtracked, looking for a place where he could quickly change that wouldn't require him to go back to the gym for further ridicule. A sign flashed "Fond's Supplements". It was as good a place as any, and with the chameleon's sales pitch fresh in his ears, Fox figured he might as well get a product any way, assuming it would in fact encourage growth.

The interior was in a lot better shape than that of the gym. The paint on the walls looked fresh, the bright blues and reds lending a vibrant energy to the blacks and whites of the containers on the shelves. Most of the words were meaningless to him, with labels like "Pure Whey Protein Isolate" or "For Extreme Hypertrophy", in addition to other jargon. Every bottle looked as though it had a picture of a flexing bicep, or a completely formed six pack, as if using the product inside would guarantee results. He was more interested in if the store had a bathroom, though, so that he could change. Behind the counter, a muscular lion sat on a stool, reading a copy of a novel with the title "Crescendo". His name tag read "Simeon".

"Excuse me," Fox asked. "could you tell me..."

"You're Fox McCloud, aren't you? The leader of Star Fox?" Simeon smiled. "It's a pleasure to actually meet you in person, you know. It's thanks to your efforts in the last year that my supplies manage to arrive on time. Could I shake your hand?" Bewildered, Fox watched as his hand was engulfed by the lion's larger one before being shaken vigorously. "To what do I have the honor of helping you today, sir?"

"The gym you share a name with recommend that I stop over here for some products, but everything just looks like it's labeled fancy without any merit. Frankly, I'm not convinced that there really is anything to get from this junk."

"Hmmm, how about I get you something special then." Simeon reached bellow the counter to pull up a two liter blank container, unadorned with any of the frivolous markings that other products spouted. "I've been holding on to this to give to somebody special, and I'd say you fill that quota rather nicely."

"How much will it cost?"

Simeon smiled. "Just as pragmatic as they say you are. Tell you what, you can have it free. Think of it as a proper thank you present, for the help you've given me and this store. Take it, please. I insist." He shoved the container into Fox's arms. "If you don't see great results by the end of this month, I'll pay you what that product costs."

Still skeptical, Fox asked: "And how much of it should I take? And when?"

"Oh, the instructions are under the lid. I'd recommend reading them carefully, though. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm closing up shop for the day. I've got to go count the inventory, you know how it is."

"Wait! Do you mind if I use your bathroom first?"

"Oh, of course. It's just in the back, go right ahead."

Not many public bathrooms had full length mirrors in them, Fox knew, but it probably made sense to have one in the bathroom of a fitness supply store. With the door securely locked behind him, Fox stripped out of his gym clothes so that he could get a good look at his frame in the mirror: medium height, lightly muscled but without the strength they should have. In their place was agility, speed, maneuverability, the sort of things one wanted in an aircraft, not in the pilot. A bit ashamed of his body compared to that of the shop keep, Fox quickly put his flight suit back on, stuffing the gym clothes and the container of mystery supplement into his duffle bag. When he left the store, the sun was already beginning to set.

Ziude didn't grill him on why Fox had been out later than normal. Nor did the wolf question him at any point during the three weeks that followed, which only made Fox feel more guilty about the situation. The vulpine had to force his trainees into practices they really didn't need anymore just to cover up so he could get to the gym more regularly, five times a week, taking the weekend for rest and relaxation. It became a weekday routine: get up in the morning, run drills until the fuel started to run out, go to the gym, take a serving of the protein powder, get home, eat a light supper, spend the night with Ziude.

On Saturday of the third week, Fox, believing that he wasn't seeing any progress yet from his workouts, decided to go to the gym an extra time, if only to do a little bit of running. The sight of him working at Fond's no longer raised a clamour, making his exercise routines more efficient. After an hour jog, he returned home to find Ziude sitting in the bean bag chair, ears dropped slightly. Worried, Fox went over to check on his boyfriend, who looked up from the chair with a sort of sad smile.

"Sorry, I didn't know when you were going to be back, so I don't have supper ready yet for you." Fox felt his heart tear a little bit. It took all his resolve not to blurt out the whole situation to Ziude. It was for his benefit, Fox had to remind himself. It was for Ziude.

Fox didn't know why he was expecting results so quickly. The research he'd done showed him that he wasn't going to see any increase in muscle mass for at least 6 weeks, and he wasn't trying to loss any body fat just yet, so there shouldn't be any reduction there. He did feel better about himself, he had to admit, in the sense that he felt physically better - emotionally, he was wrecking himself. In the end, while spending a late morning in bed with Ziude on Sunday, Fox attributed his expectancy to the mysterious supplement Simeon had given him. The odd encounter had left an impression in his mind, like it would lead to something bigger quicker.

It was with a bit of disappointment at this revelation that Fox trudged to the gym on Monday.

While putting his gear away, Fox prepared his supplement just as told: exactly one scoop, just below the line, and not a bit more. Normally, he was careful to keep it under, but he'd hoped that by taking a bit more he would get some results. While he was measuring the amount off, a heavy built otter strutted past, naked and smelling of musk, muscles glistening from the shower spray. Fox couldn't help but stare at the otter, wondering if that was the sort of size and build that Krystal had really wanted, that Ziude might find attractive. In this state, Fox didn't notice the little bit of powder that fell into his water. He checked his measurement again, found that it was slightly below the required dosage, and made up the difference. Confident that he'd hit the right amount, he dumped the contents of the scoop into his water bottle, shook it vigorously, and drank it swiftly.

Ziude was standing by the door when he got home, smiling and just as exuberant as ever, like nothing was out of the ordinary, yet the signs of worry were in the house. Some of the dishes weren't washed, the food was slightly colder than usual, Ziude talked less during the shows that night. Fox would have worried more, but he was so hyped up after his workout, he didn't think he could sit still, or keep himself off Ziude. About halfway through the second program, a show titled "Hard Knock Living", Fox grabbed Ziude by the muzzle and brought the wolf in for a passionate kiss. As Ziude was taken by surprise, Fox had complete control over the situation, forcing his tongue into Ziude's slowly relaxing maw. Two minutes later, both were panting, smiles etched on their faces, bulges evident in their pants.

Fox sprang out of bed the next morning, arousing Ziude in the process. The vulpine went about his morning business with a bounce in his step, humming to himself in the shower, whistling while he read the paper. "You're certainly in bright mood this morning, hon" Ziude commented while he prepared the coffee. "I don't think I've ever seen you this chipper."

"I'm just feeling great," Fox admitted, practically bouncing out of his chair. His energy drive made him want to run out the door and straight to the gym, but he'd schedule target practice for today's training. It'll just have to wait, he thought as he geared up in his suit, the fabric fitting snuggly around the contours of his figure. Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, he had to admit that he looked damn good.

It was during the training that afternoon that Fox began to realize something wasn't quite right. He knew every inch of his Arwing, was perfectly comfortable in it. Today, it felt like there was just a little less space, the seat was too high up, the buttons misplaced. Everything just seemed a bit smaller, not to mention the constraint his flight suit was putting on him. When he sent the crew home, he felt like he'd made a spectacle of himself, constantly scratching his butt: his underwear was riding up, for some reason.

When he hit the gym, things started to become a little bit more clear. His gym clothing fit tighter, too tight. It was showing off the contours of his arms, the slight jut of his chest. He paused for a minute as he saw that in the mirror. There hadn't been a chest there yesterday. And suddenly, a day later, there was. Nothing could explain that logically, but the evidence was right there in front of him: he was bigger, if only a tiny bit. Only somebody who was familiar with his exact body would recognize it, somebody like himself or Ziude.

This made him pause again. If he was bigger, and he could tell, than Ziude would notice also. And if Ziude noticed, it would ruin the entire purpose of going to the gym. Whatever the cause of the mysterious growth, Fox's concern shifted to how to hide it. He was going to need bigger clothes, for one thing, and to wear them at all time around Ziude. The wolf wasn't dumb, he'd notice the different clothing and the reluctance to take it off. Fox had to admit Ziude was taking the late nights rather well - adding another layer of distrust could only cause Ziude further distress.

Fox tried to come up with a way to conceal his growth without risking Ziude's affection, but all his plans went out the window the second he started his workout. Everything which had been difficult previously felt light in his hands, too easy to be considered a legitimate exercise. He upped his bench press by twenty pounds, to a point where he found it challenging, though not so much that he couldn't handle it himself. His curls went up by five pounds, his triceps extensions by the same amount. Even pull ups where easier, though he only risked lowering the weight assist machine by one interval.

Later, while preparing his supplement, Fox began to get an inkling of what might have caused the sudden improvements, but he had no way to confirm his suspicions without breaking the rules: overdosing. It was the only option that made sense, as little sense as it really made. "If I'm going to do this," he said to himself, "I'm going to need to prepare in advance to keep Ziude from noticing." Fox made a list for himself of things he'd need, mostly new clothing, as he measured out the supplement, making sure that the powdery substance passed over the line by just a hair before mixing it into his water and downing the concoction.

He stopped by the clothing store on the way home, the one in the basement of his building. There were only familiar faces, all people who lived in the apartment complex and couldn't afford to spend anymore money on better clothing than the cheap crap the store sold, people who had the same income Fox currentl had - none. Browsing through the aisles turned Fox's stomach; he could smell the chemicals used to clean and preserve the shirts, almost all of them in various shades of dark brown and green. He settled for only buying three shirts, one that wasn't too dirty brown, one grassy green, and a white tank top for the gym. Pants could wait until later, right now most of his were too big anyway.

Upstairs, Fox found Ziude sitting at the table, poking at the supper he'd prepared: canned beans with a packaged soup, all seasoned with garlic and pepper. It wasn't much, really all they could afford without dipping into their savings again, but it got them by, and they were happy just living together. Saddened, Fox went over to give Ziude a warm hug, one which the wolf did not respond to. "What's the matter?" Fox asked Ziude.

"Well," the wolf replied as he prodded his cooling food, "you've been coming home late. I stopped by the training grounds today to see if you were there, but I couldn't find you. Where have you been going, hon?" The tone of depression in his lover's voice rocked Fox's world. It would have been so easy to tell the truth right then, just to give it all up and come clean.

He kissed the back of Ziude's neck. "I didn't want to tell you, I was hoping it could be a surprise. I managed to find a part time job, though. Nothing glorious, it's just cleaning up at one of the local gyms. It'll keep us going, so you can dip into the savings and buy us a real supper tomorrow. I'd been hoping to save it as a surprise, by buying you that necklace you pointed out on our third date, but I can't stand seeing you this sad. That's why I've been coming home late the last two weeks."

Fox could see the improvement in Ziude's mood immediately. The wolf literally jumped out of his seat to give Fox a hug, one the vulpine returned carefully, so as not to reveal his slightly increased strength. Fox didn't know how long it would take for the supplement to create results, or even if it had been the supplement in the first place, but there was no sense in taking chances. Ziude smiled: "I'm sorry I doubted you, dear. I just got nervous, I guess, and worried. I'm sorry."

While they prepared for bed that night, Fox made sure to get changed in the bathroom, coughing every so often loud enough to be heard through the closed door. In bed, Ziude sidled up to Fox, who shook his head. "Not tonight, Ziude. I think I'm coming down with something, and I'd hate for you to catch it too." He hacked a little bit, for emphasis, which kept Ziude a safe distance away.

Immediately upon waking, Fox knew what was different: his feet were hanging off the edge of the bed, his shirt sleeves were a little tight, and his pants were cutting a little into his ankles. Cautiously glancing over to Ziude, he could see the wolf still sleeping soundly, light from the open window highlighting the white fur on his face. Careful not to disturb his sleeping lover, Fox rose from bed, getting a better sense of his increased height. It wasn't much, only two inches, but it was enough that a bit of his stomach was showing where his shirt should be covering. He donned the green t-shirt he'd purchased the day before, only to find that the bigger clothing still showed off his newly increased musculature around his shoulders and arms. Even his pecs were visible, the firm muscle on his chest pushing the fabric out, instead of the usual smooth surface he was used to seeing. If he wanted to overdose again, he'd have to make sure to buy even more new clothing.

Before heading out for the morning's flight routines, he left a note for Ziude: "You looked so cute sleeping, I didn't have the heart to wake you. Don't forget to wait a little bit before making supper, as I'll be back later now that I've got a job." He paused for a moment after writing this, deciding if he really needed to tell Ziude when to make supper, as the wolf had always been perfectly reliable until this point. Something inside Fox told him that he needed to be firm, though, and lay down some new ground rules. He continued writing: "If I'm not home before supper is ready, just let it sit on the stove a little longer. Something with fish would be nice tonight, I'm feeling. Looking forward to whatever you plan on doing with it. Love, Fox". He left the note on the kitchen table before heading over, his duffle bag over his right shoulder stuffed with gym clothes, his flight suit, and the container of supplement. It looked like the fabric might burst from the growing amount of materials stuck inside it.

On Saturday, at the end of four weeks of training, Fox had taken an increased amount of the supplement four times total, with incredibly noticeable results. While bench pressing a set totaling 135 pounds, he overheard some of the conversations in the gym.

"How'd he get so bulky so fast?"

"He could barely lift a third of that last week."

"Check out his arms, I'd kill for those."

"Is he wearing tighter clothing, or did his package get bigger?"

"Whatever he's taking I want some!"

"Stop staring, Sheryl. He'll notice."

Gazing into the mirror, Fox did have to admit that he looked a handsome figure. Six defined abs showed under a muscular 40 inch chest. His arms were pushing on 16 inches themselves, the biceps almost keeping him from touching the shoulder of the arm it was growing out of, while his triceps looked to be taking on a horseshoe shape. And then there were his quads, thick and firm, clearly delineated into four different muscle groups. The scale weighed him in at just shy of two hundred pounds: at a height of 6 feet even, that was perfectly respectable he felt. Some girls were watching as he left, the formally too big shirts he'd purchased earlier now clinging to his sweaty fur, displaying his pecs. He kissed his bicep to show off, and the girls swooned.

Walking into the front door of his apartment complex, Fox gave the week a review. He'd been telling Ziude every night he wasn't feeling too good, but even still he'd gone out for training everyday. Fox flashed a grin to the security. It occurred to the vulpine that he couldn't be sick indefinitely, and that sooner or later he was going to have to tell Ziude. Frankly, today would have been a good day, considering the results he'd been seeing. In his own mind, Fox felt he had surpassed whatever sort of build Panther had - Krystal would be dying to get in bed with him now, if he'd be willing to give the bitch a second chance. Entering his domicile, Fox caught Ziude lying on the bean bag chair, watching TV with a happy grin. The wolf turned to his lover and waved vigorously before bouncing out of his seat to hug Fox.

"Ziude, I'm letting you know right now, I'm feeling much better." He gave the wolf a kiss to emphasize his point, bending a little at the knee so Ziude wouldn't have to look up for their lips to meet. "But things are going to be a little different now." Ziude flashed a quizzical look. "For tonight, though, I'm going to sleep on the inflatable mattress, so I can get up early tomorrow. I have a morning shift at the gym, and they might want me to keep to it No protesting," he added, seeing Ziude about to say something. "It's just the way it's going to be if they want me to keep that position. Think of it as us being able to have supper at a normal hour again."

"I wasn't going to complain, hon," Ziude responded. "I wanted to ask, though... you seem taller. Did you grow taller while you were sick?" He looked Fox up and down, his eyes drinking in the contours and shape of his boyfriend. "And a more muscular. How did you manage that?"

"The height is just some new shoes, and I'm wearing some tighter clothing, since it was cheaper. Don't worry about, Ziude, you're just imagining things again." Fox ruffled Ziude's hair, a signal that the point of conversation was over, nothing more to talk about. He went off to plug in the air mattress, letting it plump up nice and firm before deactivating the pump. Ziude watched from the corner the whole time, not saying a word, his expression flitting between confusion, bemusement, and concern, non of which Fox noticed. They bid their goodnights with a kiss, the couple parting to their separate sleeping arrangements for the night.

True to his word, Fox was up bright and early the next day, with the rising of the sun. Today would be the day, he said to himself as he prepared a breakfast of scrambled eggs, using the entire cartoon of twelve. Today he would tell Ziude everything, because after the dose he was going to take this morning, there would be no way to hide his increased size and weight. Plus, he had to admit to himself, he missed the sex, and the thought of pinning Ziude to the bed was getting Fox wound up - he had to focus on eating breakfast to keep himself from getting aroused too much.

His work out went by without incident, nothing notable. The usual stares, the same murmurs in the background, the thrill of lifting, of pushing himself to the limit. If it wasn't so invigorating, Fox figured he'd have gotten bored of it. As he unscrewed the lid to the supplement container, he attributed his desire to keep working out to whatever chemicals were getting him big fast. Careful to spoon out just a smidgen more, Fox eagerly lapped down the bottle of enriched water, drinking the contents without stopping for a breath.

For a moment, he thought he was going to be sick. His forehead dripped with sweat as his body shook violently, to the point where he was close to losing his balance. Fox would have screamed, but he had something of an image to keep, so he bottled it in as best he could, though he couldn't keep his teeth from chattering. As it had begun, so it stopped: suddenly. The whole experience lasted no more than twenty seconds, though the remnants of sweat still dripped from his dampened fur. His t-shirt felt too tight, more so than he had come to expect from the post workout pump he'd gotten previously. A check in the mirror confirmed what movement had already realized - he was bigger again.

Flexing in the mirror, his biceps nearly ripped through the fabric trying to contain them, his pecs fighting for space under the material, while beneath those slabs of muscle the shirt hung away from his stomach. His shorts looked ridiculous, painted on to his legs, outlining ever muscle and a clear bulge. A bigger bulge, he was quick to note with a grin. Fox hadn't been entirely sure prior to this growth if his cock and balls had really been getting bigger, as he wasn't vain enough to measure. Now he could see the difference. Now everybody could, and he didn't care an ounce if it was obscene, or uncalled for. This was the new Fox McCloud: bodybuilder fit, and cocksure. Nobody was going to tell him what to do, and nobody was going to turn him down for somebody else.

Fox practically kicked the door down into his apartment, he was so eager just to go in and show off for Ziude. He had just enough restraint though to only open the door, rather than make a grand entrance that was sure to flabbergast his lover. As it was, Ziude's eyes lit up into wide expanses of white when he saw how muscular Fox had become since last night.

"Ziude, I'm coming clean," Fox said as he went to his boyfriend, scooped up the smaller wolf in his arms, and bent over to kiss Ziude passionately. "I've been working out, trying to get muscular, and it's been working. It's been working tremendously well." He flexed his chest into Ziude's muzzle, just to prove his point. "Why I did this isn't important, I did it for you and me, and that's enough. And like I said last night, things are going to be different here. We're going to run out of money soon, since I've been spending it on clothing to try and conceal the changes, and for food.

"I don't know what we're going to do, but that's not what natters right now. What is important is that I love you, and you're not going anywhere as long as I'm around, alright? You're mine, and only mine. Understand?"

Stunned for a few moments, Ziude responded to Fox's outburst with a smile and a hug for the bigger vulpine. "Oh, hon, why didn't you just tell me? I was really worried what with all the changes in your schedule, and I knew something wasn't right since I could tell you were getting bigger, but you could have just told me, I'd have been happy with it because I'm happy with you, you look beautiful no matter what shape your body is in... though I do have to admit you look rather ravishing buffed up." Ziude nuzzled Fox's chest. "I could definitely get used to this, you sexy hunk of..." The sentence died off, lost in an impassioned kiss, in the middle of which Fox scooped his lover up into his arms and carried the blissed-out wolf to bed.

Prince and Jeff were ecstatic to here that there weren't going to be anymore training sessions. "Star Fox is done," Fox announced to the pair. The reluctant co-pilots high-fived each other before they ran off to celebrate their freedom with a good day's worth of alcohol. Both had taken part time jobs, so neither was as strapped for cash as Fox - they had money to spend, and didn't need to be weighed down by the dying dreams of a star fighter pilot. Fox watched them go with a sense of amusement, almost glad he wouldn't have them around anymore. They were terrible fliers.

This time when Fox walked into the gym, already in his white tank top and brown shorts, he didn't have a shred of guilt dragging around the back of his mind. Ziude knew where the gym was, knew Fox would be there. There was no more reason to lie and cover up what was happening, no more need for subterfuge. Fox felt freedom walking in, and a bit of pride that he'd gotten his boyfriends acceptance. It helped that almost all the patrons in the gym were staring at him these days. He'd outgrown the other members, in a noticeable amount of time. How long had it been since he'd started working out, almost a month now? Nobody got results that fast, and not in that amount, not like he had. There was every reason to relish the pride inherent in his accomplishment, and he made sure to show it. He strutted to the locker room, his legs rolling around to accommodate his widened gait, biceps subtly flexing as he ran his hands through his hair. A tiger leaving the bathroom had to quickly run back into a stall to hide his embarrassment.

Fox dropped his duffle bag in the locker he'd come to think of as "his", the one right beside the water fountain. Nobody came anywhere near him, some even trying actively to avoid looking at him, but his presence filled the room, both in physical form and attitude. He was flexing in the mirror, trying to copy the posing routines he'd seen a couple bodybuilders on the internet do; he thought he looked better than them. Running on this high, and a sense of 'I know best', Fox prepared his supplement before his workout, adding a about an extra tablespoon to the mixture more than he should have. As he chugged down the drink, he wondered what sort of results he'd get with this increased dose. Probably something enormous, he hoped.

Keeping to the usual routine, Fox started with a bench press. As he loaded on two 45 plates on each side of the bar, he recalled how he'd barely been able to lift the bar alone when he first started. Now he was benching just under his considerable weight, two hundred and twenty five pounds to his two thirty. Lying on the bench, Fox gripped the bar shoulder width apart, preparing himself for the lift, and what had last time been a grueling but satisfactory ten reps. This time, though, the bar went up and down with ease, requiring no more effort than he might exert to open a firmly closed jar of pickles. Disappointed with this, Fox racked the bar and added another 45 pounds to each side. As he performed the ten repetitions of over 300 pounds, he could feel his chest swelling, gorging up with muscle beyond the normal pump he'd come to expect. The tank-top was skin tight when he put the bar back.

Next up were pull-ups. These had been one of the worst exercises when he'd first begun, as he could barely get himself up more than three times before ending up winded. Now, he wouldn't be surprised if he could do a hundred without even breaking a sweat. For an added challenge, Fox strapped himself with a belt, which had a chain attached to it. The chain could get roped around a plate, to add extra weight to chest dips and pull ups. Not wanting to over do, but certain he could handle more, Fox attached a 45er to the chain before heading over to the pull up bars. Using a wide grip, his arms stretched out farther than shoulder width with palms facing away from his body, he began the exercise, his legs tucked up behind his butt. Even after twelve reps, he didn't feel the added weight attached to him. All he noticed was the pressure on the back of his shirt, his lats dangerously close to busting the fabric. At twenty, he stopped, not because he was tired, but because he'd heard a tear. So had most of the gym, members almost completely stopped in their workouts to watch the buff vulpine.

There wasn't any reason to switch shirts though, he knew, for two reasons. One, this was his largest, there wasn't going to be anything bigger. And two, there were no sleeves on the shirts, so doing curls wouldn't cause any further strain on the material. He reached instinctively for the 30 pound dumbbells, stopping himself as his hands curled around the weights. They would be too light. Instead, he grabbed the 50s, and began to do simple bicep curls with those. With each successive upwards motion, the muscle in his arms would swell noticeably larger. Somebody watching swore over the silence that had filled the gym. When he put the weights back, Fox had biceps that looked bigger than the size of footballs.

He always did his tricep extensions with a weight twenty pounds heavier than those he used for curling. With a seventy pounder in his right hand, Fox eased the weight over his head, gripping it tightly with both hands as the weight was lowered behind his head. His shirt rode up a little, revealing the bottom row of his chiseled abs, as well as soliciting another rip from the tank top. With care, he slowly lifted the weight until his arms were straight, his triceps hardening into a horseshoe shape before just as carefully lowering the weight back down. Each of his fifteen repetitions resulted in another tearing sound, but he couldn't be bothered to see where it was coming from. He was in the zone.

Squats, he'd heard, were the most hated exercise at the gym, though he could never figure out why. Fox had a liking for legs, slim or muscular, depending on the gender. Given the opportunity to work his to perfection, he gladly took it, reveling in the heavy weight supported by his back as he eased himself down into a sitting position before rocketing up with the power of his quads. His legs loved the work, and he gave it to them. With the surplus energy he was feeling, he loaded the bar with four plates on each side. Looking at it, he shrugged, then added another twenty pounds total for a sum of 425, just to be sure. At first, he thought it might be too much, since he was having difficulty getting the bar off the rack. With a grunt, the weight came up and rested on his shoulders behind his neck, his legs primed and ready for action. Each rep got easier and easier, his quads ballooning together. He had to widen his stance at seven reps, and again at eleven, just to keep his thighs from rubbing together. When finished, he rested the bar on the rack so he could wipe the sweat from his forehead. His package jutted rudely out, forced forward by his legs, an obvious bulge under his clinging shorts.

Continuing with legs, Fox moved on to leg curls. This particular exercise, he felt, was silly, but effective. He'd seen others doing it, lying on the machine, their hands grasping firmly to the supporters, legs extended under the cushion, their asses in the air. Admittedly, it was the asses he would really notice, since those who regularly used the leg curl machine tended to have better butts, mostly as a result of using it. Today, he noticed for the first time that the machine's pulley weights only went up to 200, not nearly enough to be difficult. It would have to do though. With his ass sticking up in the air, rounding and hardening with each rep, Fox had a difficult time suppressing a laugh: he was eye level with a lot of crotches, and more than a few males were sporting tents.

Finally, Fox nabbed one of the yoga balls for crunches. With these, he was just going to go until he felt tired, or three hundred, whichever came first. Steadying himself with his legs, his shoulders off the ball, he proceeded to do his abdominal workout, alternating left and right for a more thorough routine. He wasn't even grunting at fifty, his past limit. At ninety six, his shirt couldn't take anymore of the pressure, succumbing to the mass of muscle it was attempting to contain. The rips that had built up on the sides and back during his workout finally connected to each other, and with one loud tear, the shirt came apart, revealing the sculpted physique underneath.

The full length mirrors on the wall reflected a body artists would die to chisel. Every crevice of Fox's muscled hid behind a thick shadow, making the curves and bumps look that much more impressive. His pecs hung out, firm with mass, nipples rolled down to the point where they were nearly directed straight to the floor, towards the pillars called legs. The calves looked big enough to be the size of a normal person's thigh, but on him looked just right, almost a little small even under the umbra of his quads and hamstrings. A slight rotation gave him a nice view of his glutes, flexed into a round butt, obscured slightly by his tail. With one hand testing the firmness of his ass, the other traced the shape of his abdominals, though in the mirror all he saw was the arm: it was thick enough to block most of his stomach from view.

Just the sight of himself was turning him on, the bulge in his shorts stretching out the material to a dangerous level. It had grown again, but how much he wasn't quite sure. The idea of just whipping it out and checking, right there and then, was extremely tempting. No doubt most of the patrons still standing around staring wanted to get a view of it too. The head of his member inched its way down his thigh, bulking up with blood, and Fox realized he didn't care who saw. "I am a tank," he announced, only half aware of what he was saying. "I am a tank!" The gym filled with the shouts and calls for a pose down. Fox didn't care, he barely even registered them. He grabbed his duffle bag before walking out of the gym with one goal in mind, his erection clearly defined. Nobody was going to stop him, so it didn't matter what they saw, what they even thought. He would do whatever he pleased.

"Ziude!" he shouted when he entered the apartment, startling the wolf who had been watching TV from the bean bag couch. Ziude did a double take when he saw his boyfriend, noticeably bigger than he'd been only a few hours before, shirtless, and an erection just barely poking out of his shorts. There was no response to give, Ziude was just too stunned to say anything. When he didn't react, Fox pointed to the bedroom. "Ziude, bed. Now!"

The wolf jumped out of his seat, startled by the demand. Fox had always been more dominant, that was part of the attraction for Ziude, but the vulpine had never been this dominant. It was like a different person, in mind and body, but what a body it was. With his ears flat on his head, Ziude quickly ran to the bedroom, his own jeans tenting up a little. Once he was laying down, Fox entered behind and locked the door behind him. Ziude gulped in anticipation.

With one hand on the waistband, Fox ripped off his shorts and underwear in one go, releasing his member to the air. The hardened meat bounced upwards, hitting his abs with a loud thwack, before bobbing into place, sticking out straight in front of him. His balls, freed from their confines, hung low, about a third of the way to his knees, each one the size of an egg. Ziude started to pant as Fox grabbed hold of himself at the base, slowly stroking towards the head while he flexed his free arm. He moaned as he licked his massive bicep in time to the lethargic stroking of his member.

"Strip." Eager to comply to the whim of his seducer, Ziude shed his t-shirt and jeans, revealing his sheath and balls. Contrasted to the improved Fox, Ziude looked small, even with his respectable 7 inches. But comparing to his boyfriend's cock was like comparing a dagger to a sword - there had to be a good five inches of difference in size between their dicks. Fully naked in the eyes of his love, Ziude reached for his black meat, anticipating getting off to the sight of the muscleman in front of him. Before he could get a grip though, Fox commanded Ziude to stop. "Flip over." Ziude's eyes lit up. He rolled over, exposing his back to the air, his tail rounding towards his neck to reveal a well-used hole.

A coy grin on his face, Fox sauntered his way over to the bed, his leaking dick leading the way to the ass. Ziude had his head turned back, watching each of his lover's steps with awe, in wonder that the thighs walking towards him, so packed with muscle, didn't get in the way of one another. When he'd reached the edge of the bed, his feet and quads pressed up against the wood, Fox reached out and grabbed Ziude's tail, lifting it playfully. The wolf giggled, attempting to scuttle away from the firm grip, only to get pulled closer to the vulpine. Fox dragged Ziude until the footlong attached to his crotch made contact with the puckered ring of his lover.

Without any hesitation, Fox plowed his way into Ziude, soliciting a yelp from the smaller male. Whereas previously Fox had found no difficulty in entering his lover, the increased girth of his member prevented the whole of it from fitting inside Ziude's ass. This, however, did not deter Fox from trying to get it in as deep as possible, stretching the wolf to the limits. Lost somewhere between heaven and hell, Ziude didn't know just how much meat was inside him. It was only ten inches, truthfully, but the width made it feel like two were shoved up there, struggling to get deeper inside.

Eventually frustrated with his inability to get his dick down the chute any further, Fox pulled back, steadying himself by grabbing Ziude's butt cheeks before slamming back in, getting a tiny bit more flesh inside. Ziude howled and whined, his grip tight on the pillow, as Fox continued to mercilessly pound the tight hole, until finally he was all the way in, his balls resting on the bed, sac against ass. He held the position, a dopey grin of euphoria on his face. Fox forced Ziude's rump to clench around the rod by squeezing the wolf's rear with his hands, then relaxed the pressure before doing it again - it was like masturbating himself with a warm wet towel, wrapped to the tightest it could go.

Satisfied, and itching to get off, Fox pulled back again, letting the head of his member pop out. Ziude breathed a sigh of longing, only to have it switch to a groan as Fox shoved the full of himself inside, his big balls slapping against fabric and fur. Three slow pistons later, Ziude had one hand on the bed frame for stability, and the other on his cock, jerking it for whatever strength he had to focus. He didn't even get two complete strokes before Fox moved the hand away, replacing it with his own. The vulpine began stroking and bucking in a steady rhythm, sweat pouring down his muscles, dripping off his nipples onto Ziude's curves.

All too soon for his liking, Fox felt his balls pulling up, preparing to release their load into his mate's ass. He held off as long as he could, slowing down a little to relieve some of the tension: he wasn't going to climax before Ziude. The wolf wasn't far off himself, and with a moan, the canine's spunk hit the bed sheets, coating it with a sticky mess. Only once Ziude had finished did Fox resume his previous pace, eager to cum into the hole he'd been toying with. When his release arrived, his entire being froze up and focused on the exit of semen from his slit, the increased wetness sensation against his sensitive head building with each pump from his sac. He flexed as he ejaculated, admiring the beauty of his muscles, their perfection turning him on higher, fueling his climax. It was a full minute before it finally slowed and stopped, seed trickling down the side of his shaft, out of Ziude's rump.

The cock came out with slurp, Ziude's hand instinctively going to check on his butt, as if that might fill the sudden void there. Fox collapsed beside the wolf, the bed shaking under the heavy bulk. When he rolled over, his manhood projected straight up, still hard and itching for more action. For the moment, he was just content to lie there, Ziude's muzzle resting on the mound of chest. "I love you," Ziude said, lightly nuzzling Fox's damp fur, taking in the deep scent of his lover.

Fox kissed Ziude's forehead, then rose from the bed, taking Ziude by surprise. The vulpine went straight for his duffle bag, bending over to reveal a firm bubble butt behind his tail. "I love you too, Ziude," he said, fumbling with the zipper, his eyes darting to the succulent piece of flesh blocking his view. "I've done all of this for you. This too, is for you." Fox turned back around, revealing the container of supplement powder to Ziude. "I'm going to finish whatever is left in here, right now."

He didn't wait for Ziude's confirmation, and he didn't need it - it was Fox's decision to make. Fox dumped the remainder of the mysterious supplement into his gaping maw, his tongue careful to catch any of the powder that drifted too far away. When he couldn't hold anymore in his mouth, he swallowed, then started again. He got through four fillings like this, until the container was empty. The plastic hit the floor with a dull clunk before it rolled under the bed, a sound and motion unnoticed by the pair, who only had eyes and ears for the now quaking vulpine.

Both watched as individual muscle groups swelled to beyond normal sizes, soon giving Fox arms the size of a bodybuilder's legs, and then going past that quickly. When he tried to look down, he couldn't see over his chest, the muscles had swollen up to his neck, hanging out from his torso almost a foot. He had to feel his stomach to know that the abs there were washboard tight, 8 peaks in a series of valleys all distinct and shadowed. It was difficult to touch them, though - his lats were keeping him from moving his arms with the kind of mobility he was used to. Ziude was watching from the bed, too shocked and in awe of the growing behemoth in front of him to move. The duffle bag shifted as Fox adjusted his stance to accommodate his quads. It didn't matter where that bag went, anyway, as no clothing would have a chance of covering him now anyway.

At the point when his head hit the ceiling, he realized there was going to be a problem. He hadn't counted on growing this much, but now that he was, he couldn't deny that he was enjoying it tremendously. The issue was the lack of space, the furniture, bed, and body all fighting for room, with the wooden structures loosing the battle. Ziude scrambled off the bed when he saw Fox sit down, the vulpine's legs extending into the bed frame and smashing it into the wall. Fox continued to enlarge, and soon even sitting his head was touching the ceiling, the furniture in the room all smashed to splinters, and Ziude clinging to a leg for safety. Something was going to have to give soon.

Of all the things to be reminded of, Fox couldn't help but imagine a mime, trapped in an invisible box. The notion had always seemed silly - it was just a box, after all. What was the invisible box made out of, metal? It was probably cardboard, and if that was the case, all the mime needed was an invisible jackknife. There were plenty of ways Fox had come up with to get out of an invisible box, but he never imagined he might be trapped in a real one like this. And certainly growing out of the box had never occurred to him as viable option. He chuckled, the deep bass of his voice shaking the walls.

With a roar, Fox pushed his head into the ceiling, busting through the concrete into the room above. Debris came tumbling down, bouncing off his pecs without him even noticing. Ziude, far less protected than the titan his boyfriend had become, took cover under said pectorals. As the structural integrity of the building began to become compromised, the floor gave way, and Fox crashed through, slamming into the next floor, which in turn gave out under the growing bulk. By the time they'd fallen to the twelth floor, the building couldn't take it anymore, and they just went straight down, Fox's rump crashing through down to the factory in the basement. The buildings trembled when the colossus hit the ground.

When he stood up, he easily cleared the first six stories of the high rise, the walls falling down around him. To help the process along, Fox shoved at whatever standing concrete remained around him, clearing the way into a sky lit by the setting sun. Whatever reaction from the supplement made him grow seemed to be quickening - ten stories came and went, the stones falling from above like light rain on his fur. His muscles could take any sort of punishment dished out against them, as they were clearly demonstrating.

Something poked up at the bottom of his chest. At first, Fox wondered if it was Ziude, but no, he could feel the wolf clinging to the fur on his leg. When it poked him again, harder, Fox realized it was his phallus, straining to get some more attention and action. The hard member, growing just a massive as the rest of its host, was no longer at a reasonable proportion to Fox. His cock stood up, proud and strong, trying to inch its way into the valley of the vulpine's chest, balls hanging down to his knees churning away with eagerness. As he turned his body around, his dick swung wide, knocking into an adjacent building. It was like watching a wrecking ball, the concrete didn't stand a chance.

The dust piled high into the sky, adding grey to the orange light of the dusk. His apartment was gone, destroyed by his own... well, not hands, he had to admit. By his body, the incredible force of muscle that wouldn't stop growing. It was hard to tell, but by using a nearby building, and keeping his member close to his body so the structure wouldn't accidentally get destroyed, he was able to measure himself at 50 stories, his eye squinting to make out the tiny windows. Nothing would be able to cover him, but on the plus side, he wouldn't have to pay rent.

Fox's bulk would not be stopped. His tail, a menace itself, was casually toppling buildings as it wagged, sending concrete and dust into the air. People were running in all directions, away from the giant that had materialized in their midst. Cars couldn't make it through the rubble strewn about in the streets, but those walking weren't fairing any better: the street was cracking apart, uneven due to the numerous quakes caused by the titan's footfalls.

Ziude didn't have to hold on anymore. The individual bristles in Fox's fur were large enough for the wolf to sit on. Under the shadow of his lover's testicles, Ziude couldn't really see all that much other than the wall of sac in front of him. There were worse places to be, he knew, and in fact it was rather pleasant where he was. It was warm, it had a great view, and he was spending time with the man he loved. What more could a wolf ask for?

"I am a tank!" bellowed Fox, the air resonating with his cry. Clouds of dust parted to the sound of his voice, blowing off into the distance as he exhaled. This little town was his now, and there was only one person he had any desire to share it with. Poor Krystal, she'd her chance, but had decided to run off for the better looking stud. Fox laughed. Nobody was bigger than he was, nor could possibly claim they were more of a stud. The bitch lost her chance, he didn't want her anymore. He wanted Ziude, and Ziude was his.

When the growth finally started to level out, Fox's balls were just about the same height as the upper skyscrapers, about 90 stories tall. Fox didn't care to do the calculation in his head to figure how big that made him, probably something over 200 stories. It didn't really matter, considering he could kick these building over if he really wanted to. Some of them were rather pointed at the top though, which gave him a wicked idea. There would be time for that later, though. "Hey Ziude, you down there?" he said, a boom to the rest of the world. "Climb up here, you're missing a beautiful sunset."

Ziude gave up trying to scale his boyfriend about the same time Fox succumbed to the need to jerk his sky scrapper sized meat. Riding at the base of his mate's cock, Ziude licked the sensitive skin, a feeling Fox didn't even register. But he knew that Ziude was trying. Given the option, Fox knew he wouldn't change the last month for anything. They didn't have money, but did it really matter anymore? His approaching climax cut off all thoughts other than pleasure.

Exiting the atmosphere, a lion piloting an Arwing looked back down to the planet he had just left. A white geyser burst into view, coating one of the largest cities on the surface with sticky rain. He chuckled as he took his name tag off, dropping it on the floor between his legs. "I don't think he'll mind that I'm taking this. He probably won't even notice it's gone." The lion hit the boosters, and because he'd always wanted to, he did a barrel roll.