I Liked That Shirt...

Another little quickie, this time for fox_fusion a little practice for me of writing growth scenarios. trying to practice adding more in depth detail too them. hopefully you guys like it <3 a soft grunt escaped the fox's lips, filling the air of the otherwise

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World Like Hunger

#5 of story commissions a short story commission done for fox_fusion / nuclear_fusion @ fa. involves lots of the eating people and things and lots of big things getting bigger very fast. world like hungerby thunderdramon "pleeeeease?"

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All in a Month's Work

Placid. That was the way he always felt about space. Placid, empty, dead. It was a hollow place within itself that contained nothing more than its own essence. Sure, you had creatures running around on planets, or jumping between the various...

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Testing the Limits

Another emergency commission, this one features zev, also known as nuclear_fusion or fox_fusion. it seems the foxy has signed on for some muscle growth experiments and a certain hunky tiger has been assigned to be his caretaker.

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Don't Want

Dimitri dropped his pants, the belt buckle clattering on the wooden floorboards beneath his desk. He wrapped a hand around his cock, tugging on the flaccid piece of meat to bring it to full erection. The browser continued loading until a video popped...

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Buff and Fluff vs the Muscelid Menace

The red phone rang itself off the receiver. In the sky, searchlights crossed paths, forming the shape of a flexing bicep against the cloud coverage. A falcon dove in through the open window, dropping a rolled up parchment with an imperial seal on the...

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Dear love, excuse my absent minded thoughts, They mean no harm, they lack proper focus, A smattering of random blips and dots, Your image shared as pivotal locus. Grant pardon for the tumbling of phrase, Disjointed jumbled words in broken line,...


Brevity of Fire

What burned with passion's flare Has fallen to despair. Reserves of kindling drained, Its energy has waned. The lantern's final flame, One moment brief of shame, A flicker and it's out, Expunged beyond a doubt. Another drop of light,...



I'm watching you within this bush, Preparing for a quick ambush. Now did my appearance frighten, And did your rosy cheeks whiten? Since I have failed to surprise, Next time success, I should surmise. There's nothing else to do but scare,...


Art Block

Obstructions, strewn across the narrow path, Leave no alternative but going back. These obstacles, prevent a forward march, It's rugged armour without hole or crack. A barricade, inhuman guardian, Withstands the pleas of traveler's request. You...


Amber Scenery

An amber hill on sunny day, A cooling wind to guide the way. Fresh air blows through the scenery, Sends shivers through the greenery. Across the floor a yellow rug, The grass a carpet warm and snug. Adorned in splendid autumn's dress, The...



I've watched the animals at play, They have their love on full display, Compassion before simple needs, With lover critter spends the day. To frolic free of narrowed eyes, Not troubled by the whos and whys, The animals have got it right, They...
