The Attack 2

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Steam Punk

Vander runs into s...

Vander runs into some troubles... as enemies of his new roomy target the wrong sexy stud...

The Attack

Having already packed his bags, Vander rode the mechanical lift down to the Hotels lobby. And swaggered up to the front desk, explaining that he was checking out. And was there to retrieve the things he'd stored within The Imperial Hotel's safe. The handsome young Squirrel desk clerk brought out the heft iron safety box. Vander opened it quickly, and took out the few things of value he had stored within. His old pistol belt with its awkward semi automatic service pistol, that he as an officer had bought privately. It had been the newest design at the time, and its rapid fire capability had saved his life once while he was serving in Navel Intelligence.

He began to pack it into his old kit bag, but then remembering that the Zebracorn was arming himself with two revolvers he thought better of it. Pulling the action open, he took out a stripper clip of Cupronickel 7.65-21mm ammunition. Quickly loading the automatic pistol, he tucked it into a inside pocket of his jacket. And then quickly grabbed a couple more stripper clip's from his belt pouches, tucking then into the side pockets of his waist coat. That done, he packed the belt and holster in his kit bag. And then took the small ornate box of silver and gold jewelry, that he'd pick up in his travels around the world. And the small amount of money that he had saved up before his discharge from the Imperial Navy. Placing both of those within his Sporran, that thumped solidly against the crotch of his kilt. Thanking the young clerk for his assistance, the tall red Stag strolled across the lobby and out onto the street.

"Oi Mr. Vander." The Otter coachman called, as he deftly guided the gleaming brass and dark polished wooden carriage up to the Hotels entrance. Vander had all but forgotten, that he'd taken Cameron's private carriage over to his Hotel. Clouds of steam billowed out as the middle aged Otter stopped the carriage directly in front of the Stag. Opening the side door Vander loaded his kit bag inside, and then stepped up onto the side board.

"Take us home Danial." He ordered, a little shocked at how easily those words rolled off his tongue. Home... what was that... his families ancient castle... the Ship's he'd lived the last ten years of his life on. Oddly the Zebracorns town house he'd visited only once, already felt more like home than either of those places. The older Otter grinned and nodded his sleek brown head, before yanking the levers back and triggered the steam flow. The carriage took off swiftly as Vander swung into the seat, and closed the side door. Sitting back he filled the bowl of his pipe, before striking a match with his thumb. When he couldn't help noticing a pair of steam powered Velocipede's swing rapidly out of an alleyway and began trailing the carriage. Followed almost at once, by two more from the next alley up. Leaning out the carriage's side window the big Stag called up. "I say Danial we've got hangers on..."

"Aye... I see'em Sir." The Otter called, as he pulled his great coat tighter around his sleek frame. Increasing the coal and water feeds into the carriage's boiler, swiftly the carriage lurch forwards.

"Do you think you can lose them?" Vander called up to the Otter, as the carriage shot around a sharp corner.

"Dunno sir... those bloody Velocipede's are damn fast." Danial called back, as he guided the rattling wheezing steam powered carriage through the narrow twisting alleyways and side street's. But the riders were skilled... and the tri-wheeled Velocipede's were faster that the bulky older carriage. Their tiny boiler and pistons powered by twin methane gas burners belching flame from their crenelated side covers. The two lead Velocipede's split out wide, coming up on either side of the carriage. A huge glaring cape Buffalo piloting the one on the right, while a nasty looking Gorilla on the left. Reaching into his coat pocket, Vander drew his service pistol. Even as the big Buffalo grabbed the carriage door and peered in the side window. A big five shot 50. caliber Tanter revolver, which was almost swallowed up in his huge dark fist. Vander pointed the automatic at that huge horned head, but as the Buffalo peered into the window. He frowned when he saw the red Stag, ignoring the pistol pointed at his head.

"Blimey where's E' stripy butt?" The Buffalo demanded, as he saw the tall red Stag sitting in the otherwise empty carriage.

"None of your business." Vander replied firmly as he squeezed the trigger, 'POP POP POP' sending a hail of Cupronickel clad bullets slamming into the Buffalo's thick horn ridge. The carriage cabin instantly filled with the reek of Cordite, as the big bovine let go of the carriage window and swerved off. 'BOOM.' A huge fifty caliber lead slug ripped through the carriages wooden frame. Even as the tall red Stag twisted and send a flurry of bullets at the Gorilla. Punching a number of small holes in the Velocipede's steam drive system, the big primate howled and drove away from his Tri-wheeled conveyances. As scalding hot steam scorched his nether regions, the other two Velocipede's pulled back as the big Buffalo gestured wildly. Vander understood at once that the pursuit had been called off not because of his shooting. But by the fact that he was not the prey they had been looking to hunt.

"I guess ol' Cam's not as much of a worry wart as I believed..." Vander muttered under his breath, even as he reloaded his pistol. "No wonder he carries two revolvers..." The Stag snorted, for the first time regretting his choice of a smaller caliber weapon.

"Well that went better than I was expecting." Danial called back, as he pulled back on the throttle dropping speed. But still twisting and turning down dark narrow side streets for awhile longer.


"I see..." The handsome Zebracorn grunted, as the sat at the head of the long dark wooden dinner table. A pint of stout sitting half drank just to one side, as the sexy equine cleaned a small arsenal of weapons. A brace of .450 Adams caliber Webley Bull Dog revolvers were carefully lay out, while Cameron cleaned and inspected a second pair of Webley Pryse revolver's in the same caliber. Three Purdey .577 caliber twin barrel Howdah pistols lay broken open.

"No... no I don't think you do." Vander countered, as he picked up one of the Purdey's. Thinking it would have been proper medicine, for the big cape Buffalo who had tried to board the carriage. "There was four of them... big brutes all armed with heavy pistols. You should see the hole in your carriage..." The red Stag tossed the massive fifty caliber lead slug onto the table. Cameron reached forwards and picked the deformed chunk of lead up.

"Yes... I should check on how my new carriage is coming along." The Zebracorn grunted thoughtfully, as he tossed the slug up and down catching it nimbly. "Three hundred grains... fifty caliber someone is very serious indeed."

"Yes... yes they are... and a new carriage isn't going solve this problem." Vander countered as he reach forward and snatched the slug out of mid air.

"Oh you might just be surprised." Cameron answered glibly as he looked up at his new friends worried muzzle. And then repeated his earlier statement even more firmly. "I do not want police involvement. They'll want to put me in protective custody, and while I have met a couple of policemen I wouldn't mind being restrained by..." The Zebracorn's velvety black muzzle twisted into a lewd lustful smile as he thought that over. "However I have much to much going on within my life to allow that. No I can and will protect myself... if that's to much for you perhaps you should room else where."

"Oh don't be balmy..." Vander chuckled drawing his bulky automatic pistol, unloading and then handing it over to the Zebracorn. "As long as your cleaning firearms... would you be a dear." Cameron took the small caliber automatic curiously, examining its toggle action with real interest.

"Oh so I'm to polish your tube..." The Zebracorn smirked, as he licked those shiny black lip's lusciously. While he looked over the tall masculine red Stag, with a look of obvious desire.

"Well according to the Telegraph bois your very good at it." Vander countered, making Cameron grin broadly.

"You'll find out first hand..." The Zebracorn assured licking those sexy lip's once again, as Vander began to erect under his kilt.

"Oho I'm sure I will... hopefully sooner rather than later." Vander chuckled lewdly, as the Zebracorn noticed the growing bulge under that kilt.

"Ingenious..." Cameron mumbled, as he began disassembling and cleaning the pistol. "Haven't you ever had trouble with the small caliber?"

"Not until today." Vander snorted, as he held up the twin barreled Howdah pistol and grunted. "Might I barrow this?" As he recounted his encounter with big Buffalo, before quickly explaining that the gun had worked well enough on lesser creatures.

"If your to be my body guard... take two..." Cameron smirked, handing the tall red Stag a second big bore handgun. And twin pouches of heavy brass shells, drawing a curious look from Vander. The huge bullets were not the rounded lead projectiles he'd been expecting. Noticing the Stag's curiosity the Zebracorn picked up two of the huge brass cartridge cases. "I have up graded the loadings for my Howdah pistols." Cameron explained with a bright smile his nose picking up the scent of Vander arousal, supple and sensuous over the strong chemical scents of the oil and bore cleaner.

"This..." Cameron explained, holding up the first cartridge that seemingly had an all brass make up. The sleek pointed modern bullet looking shockingly out of place in the older shell casing. "This is my solid, five hundred grains in weight... I have it turned from solid navy bronze. It will penetrate seventeen inches of pine boards at a distance of twenty five yards. It's a bit hard on the bore, be sure to interchange it each loading so both barrels wear equally." The Zebracorn sat the first shell aside, and lifted the second which had a large conical lead bullet with a odd cavity in its tip. "The is my multiple projectile slug, fired from the pistol it is a single six hundred grain bullet. But upon impacting a target, it breaks into three equal two hundred grain slugs that spread out within the target." Vander's eyes widen at that and he studied that huge bullet thoughtfully.

"Should be bloody devastatingly." The red Stag choked, looking again at the tiny solid bullets of his own automatic pistol. Shocked at how bloody minded the otherwise smiling and pleasant Zebracorn.

"In testing... it has proven to be exactly that." The Zebracorn assured with a look of pride, that made the red Stag doubt his sanity for a moment. "I've designed cup point bullets for my revolvers as well." Cameron explain enthusiastically, as he showed off the lead bullets his Bulldogs and Webley Pryse revolvers were loaded with. The bullets appeared to have been flat to begin with, with a deep hollow cavity cut into it only the center of the bullet remaining thrust up.

"And how does this work?" Vander asked, looking the bullets over in wonder.

"Well the center post pushes the resistant force from the target outwards." Cameron explained, sounding surprisingly like a Professor of mechanical engineering lecturing his classroom. "The resisting force rolling the outer rim out and back... thus enlarging bullet diameter even as it penetrates. Allowing the bullet to do more damage to the target, of course this reduces penetration. I therefore load three chambers inter-space with standard Cupro nickle cartridges and three with my cup points."

"How very well thought out." Vander chuckled, thinking the Zebracorn applied his brilliant mind to mayhem just as intensely as he did anything else. "So now that the ordinance has been cleaned and oiled, perhaps..." Cameron's expressive black lip's curled up slowly into a soft leering smile. As he lay the pistols aside, he instead slipped a big three fingered hand up under the red Stags kilt.

"Perhaps what?" The sexy Zebrcorn inquired lewdly, as his nimble fingers explored the long hard male organ he found throbbing there. "Ohooooo my... what have I found here good master Vander... tis a trout of massive proportions luckily I am an expert angler." The randy Zebracorn chuckled teasingly, while slowly tugging on that long cervine rut stick.

"Ohooo hoho is that so..." The mighty red Stag chuckled, as the Zebracorn shoved his muzzle under that kilt. Hot breath washing over the Stag's naked loins, even as velvety lips brushed against his pulsing organ. Reaching down Vander steadied himself on the Zebracorn's broad shoulders. As he felt big hot three fingered hands slid up the out side of his strong thigh's. Up to those dangling globes of flesh, cupping and squeezing Vander's firm ass cheeks as the big red Stag moaned in delight. There were just so many good things going on under his kilt.

"Ummmmmm hmmmmm." Hooves moaned cheerfully under his breath, even as he let that drooling cock head rub around his soft lip's. Smearing them with stick pre-cum and filling the Zebracorn's nostrils with the heady scent of male arousal. Parting those smooth hot lip's, he let that long slick tongue snake out to lick the Stag's dripping cock head.

"Ohooo ho ho ho..." Vander breathed lustfully, as that hot tongue slithered teasingly around his glands. Even as big hot hands rubbed up and down his leg's, over his sleek buttocks. Nimble fingers caressing and bouncing his hefty low dangling orb's. "Ammmm... Dear." Vander groaned passionately, as in a sudden motion the whole length of his Cervine sausage was engulfed by that hot mouth. The sudden sensation on that naked organ, hot, wet and suckling in growing intensity. "You are quite good at that!" The red Stag moaned leaning back to sit on the table top, as Cameron slid off his chair and onto his knee's in front the Stag. Who was starring down at the passive Earl in a special kind of class satisfaction and sexual delectation.

"One has practiced a great deal." Cameron moaned around that delightfully hard and thick erection, even as his lip's wrapped around it tighter. The suction becoming almost too powerful, the sensations hovering on the verge of painful. Vander shocked by the lustful power of those velvety lip's, even as that demanding tongue teased his throbbing cock.

"Gods..." Vander moaned leaning farther back on the cool table top, as the Zebracorn's lustful suckling drove him wild with pleasure. His big three fingered hands clasping around Cameron's long spiral horn, and pulled those lip's farther down that throbbing erection.


The huge black Cape Buffalo climbed the iron framework stairway slowly, knowing his master was not going to like what he had to report. The Zebracorn was weary now after they're first assault, and was taking precautions. Sending out decoys in his carriage, and even the decoys it seemed were arming themselves. Of course Reese had wanted to keep the Zebracorn that first time, a point he would remind his master of. Even through he doubted very much that it would make any difference to the air pirate. His heavy hoof falls echoed down the iron stairway loudly, as the big Bull at last surmounted the tower. And then strolled across the gang plank onto the massive air ship concealed within the old foundry building. The narrow hallways were crowded with smartly dress young males in black and gold uniforms, hurrying around even at this late hour. Making his way with practiced ease through the narrow corridors, unto the masters cabin.

"Darius?" The big Tiger growled, looking up from the mechanical drawings he had been puzzling over. It was a question that the big feline didn't bother voicing, it was his cool imperious manner that irritated the Buffalo.

"It was not the Zebracorn in the carriage Baron..." Darius stated flatly, as he watched the Tigers emerald green eyes blaze with suppressed fury.

"So it is as you predicted... The Zebracorn is weary now, after our first assault. And is now taking precautions, against any second attack. I understand one of your team was injured, and I can see you have been damaged yourself if only superficially." The big feline stood, and strolled over to look at the bullets still embedded in the Buffalo's heavy horn ridge. "It seems that out prey had gotten dangerous... Do you still feel up to the challenge Darius?" The big Cape Buffalo snorted angrily, as he reached up to feel the ragged chipped surface of his horn ridge.

"He has hired a body guard... a Red Stag ex-military by the looks of him and his willingness to pull the trigger. And I... as you are well aware live for a challenge sir. The Stag will die, and the Zebracorn will belong to you this I swear." The big bovine rumbled, as he stood trembling in rage at the felines skillful motivational taunting.

"I will hold you to that promise Darius..." The big striped feline purred, as he strolled across the room to a cabinet. "I think this may call for something a bit more dangerous than just a revolver." The Baron growled as he opened the cabinet and pulled out a odd looking handgun. "This is my Gas gun..." The Baron explained as he took the weapon out of it's holster, and showed it to the Buffalo. "Each of the pouches on the bandoleer contain ten cartridges. The silver produce a simple, but effective knock out gas that will disable any one it seconds of inhaling it. The red ones are irritants, closing choking and eye watering that can disable attackers. While the golden cartridges contain a deadly gas, that will kill anyone who happens to inhale it. You will of course need this mask to keep you safe, you may want to ask the purser for a few more masks for you team mates." The Baron smiled, showing his huge deadly white teeth as the Buffalo studied this new weapon. The big Tiger turned his back strolling over to study the cryptic plans once more. "I shall expect more... positive results next time Darius."

"You shall have him..." The huge black bovine snorted, as he slung the bandoleer over his broad shoulders. As the Tiger waved one huge paw dismissively at him...

Power to the Pack

n Hooves runs afoul of a sexy Husky team... Power to the pack! The short bushy coated Husky walked up behind the pretty Zebracorn, wrapping his arms around and fondles this lovely velvet coated balls. "Hurr Hurr...

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Back to school 11

Jordan the fat black Bull from Hard Times is back at school and is invited to join a certain secret society for only the richest most privileged and perverted... Heading back to school Jordan looked around the huge dorm...

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Putting on a show...

Puttin' on a Show... "We all have our little talents." The big black lupine murmured, tilting his muzzle to nibble over the nape of that long black and white equines neck. With a salacious little murr. and a smile so lustfully explicit...

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