The Greenvale Misfits, Chapter One - Arrival

Story by Kali the Cuddlewolf on SoFurry

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#2 of The Greensvale Misfits (Original)

            Kanar sighed and looked around the bus that he was in.


Kanar sighed and looked around the bus that he was in.

He was a Dalynther, a teenage one. He was fifteen years old, but no less imposing for it. He was around seven feet tall, with wide wings, currently folded up. His scales were dark bronze, with a black belly, silvery hair, and red eyes. He had a tendency to smile a lot.

There were a number of others on the bus with him as well.

Sitting at the very front, laughing and joking, was another Dalynther, his scales bright green, his hair and eyes silvery-white, his belly not visible, and a pair of Esquali, tall and literally stick-thin, both with black skin and red eyes, a long beak and back-flaring spines completing their odd appearance. The Dalynther was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, the same as Kanar, but the odd creatures sitting with him were dressed only in loincloths, certainly an odd choice of clothing now, of all times.

Over towards the middle of the bus, on the opposite side as Kanar himself, was a trio of female Dalynther, with two female Esquali and a pair of Phelgon females as well. One of the Dalynther had rainbow-coloured scales, each one a different colour from the last - reds, blues, greens, pinks, oranges, bronzes, golds, silvers, brasses, copper and combinations and other colours. Her eyes were multi-coloured swirls, one of them orange and green, the other blue and red. She had pure white hair. The second Dalynther had beautiful gray scales, with playful green eyes and similarly green hair. The third had black scales, red hair and red eyes, as well as swirling, arcane-looking red tattoos decorating her face. They were each about his own age, though their forms were quite well developed, each one being curvaceous and slim. They each had ankle-length pants and a short-sleeved shirt, with the black-scaled one having a twine necklace around her neck, any amulet or medallion it held hidden beneath her shirt, the rainbow-scaled one having a corded charm bracelet which rattled as she moved her hands to relate some story or another.

The Esquali joined in with the Dalynther's laughter over the story, both of them similar to the male at the front of the bus, with only a slight difference in voice and shape to distinguish their genders, as well as a strip of cloth over their chests. In fact, they may as well have been related, given their colouration. Still, as far as he knew, they were all tinted such as that.

And the Phelgon were strange as well. They kept to themselves. One of them had black fur, green eyes, a vest, loincloth, and a quiet smile, while the other one had reddish-brown fur, with reddish eyes, as well as a tight-fitting bodysuit of soft leather that had all-together complicated look about it, as well as a belligerent manner. Both of them had a number of strange totems strewn about themselves - teeth, bones, and other items.

Then, in the very back, there was another group. Two more Dalynther, these ones male as well, several more Esquali that looked exactly the same as the two up front, and three Phelgon males completed this group. One of the Dalynther, he knew. His brother, Rauth, was an irritating "nerdy" type, with far too many facts and too much knowledge for his own good. He was constantly chattering on about different things in the world that few people actually cared about. He had on a pair of pants and a long-sleeved shirt, mostly obscuring his bland brown scales, though his red eyes and black hair still showed. The other one, with deep purple scales and white eyes, hair, and belly, he didn't know, even larger than Kanar himself and dressed in a pair of shorts and a muscle shirt. The Phelgon, again, were a different matter. Two of them were dressed in a shirt and pants, one with white fur and the other with gray, both with yellow-green eyes, and then the third had on a heavy black trench coat, with a helmet obscuring his entire snouted head, not even leaving a spot for his eyes. Nor was much of his fur showing, and a lot of that was covered, strangely, in white bandages, though that which was visible was a deep, midnight black. He carried a heavy wooden walking stick, and the other two were deferentially respectful to him.

Kanar sighed again and returned to looking out the window, ignoring the laughter and conversations of the others as he watched the rolling green countryside pass by him.

Eventually, about ten minutes later, they stopped. Kanar blinked himself awake, looking out onto a large, grey-granite building looming outside the bus, a flagpole nearby flying a flag with thirteen red-and-white stripes as well as a dark blue square with numerous white stars on it. Dozens of human teenagers dawdled around the building, some looking up curiously at the unexpected approach of the bus. The closest ones recoiled, startled, as Kanar and the other new students filed off of the bus, and they started pointing and whispering. Ignoring them, these students moved towards the building with singular purpose, approaching the previously human-only building with great reluctance.

Time for school.