Chapter 1: What are you do....?

Story by Nightstalker on SoFurry

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#1 of 100 Tails: Week With His Brothers

This story contains forced sexual acts between brothers, so if you don?t like that sort of thing, Blah, blah, blah etc.etc.

This is my first attempt at a yiffy story, this is based on my character, Copyrighted to Me (Nightstalker)

Chapter 1: What Are You Do?.

Andrew was a thirteen year old white furred anthro-wolf; his eyes were an icy blue (which some people would comment on as being 'breathtaking') but he never usually paid much attention to them just saying "thank you". He was about just less than 6ft tall, his frame was lithe but his muscles were just toned to be seen under his fairly short fur, he was pretty normal for a wolf his age. Though there was one thing about him that most people could never get over, where on most wolves you would find a tail on him you would find one hundred tails. They were slightly thinner than a normal wolf's tail and the tips of each one had a black patch of fur which some people thought he had painted on which of course he hadn't.

He was normally seen wearing a pair of loose fitting blue jeans, with extra space cut out of the tail slot to fit the excessive amount of tails and would normally wear a black top, with various logos and images on the front and back.

His lived on a small island, it was quite rich for its size meaning most families had good jobs and his was no exception. His father worked as a lawyer and his mother was a seamstress who worked at the local school teaching in the home economics department. He had three older brothers, His eldest brother was quite like a larger version of himself minus the tails and he was eighteen and living off in the next town which was quite a drive from where Andrew lived. His second eldest brother was different he was a lot more muscular and had a grayish tint to his fur and his third eldest brother was like a duplicate of his second eldest brother being that they were twins, except he was not so muscular but he was muscular enough to be able to beat his younger brother in any test of strength.

Andrew awoke as the sun from the window in his bedroom shone down on his face; it was a warm feeling which he would usually not feel, normally being woken up by either of his older brothers usually to a headlock, like he had since the start of summer vacation. He decided to get up before either of his brothers appeared, he practically jumped from his bed throwing the covers to the bottom end and quickly walked from his room to the shower room, he found things strangely quiet it was as if his brothers had moved out. He opened the door and stripped off his pyjamas, put a towel over the radiator and switched on the shower adjusting it to just the right temperature then stepped in. He took a bottle of shower gel and squeezed some onto his hand then started rubbing it through his fur; he shut his eyes and leaned his head back as his paws approached his nether regions, the tip of his red maleness starting to poke out from its hiding place as he started to massage his sheath and balls with both hands. He was to busy with himself that he had not heard the door creak open slowly, the next thing he knew, there was the quick flash of a camera. Andrew froze in place but removed his hands from there previous position, he turned his head slowly only to see the snickering faces of his older brothers. The white fur around his muzzle could not hide the deep blush of embarrassment.

"Roan! Rallen!" he shouted after the initial shock.

"What?" answered Rallen the less muscled of the two "You are the one caught on camera, not us." he finished.

Andrew sat down using his tails to cover his slowly retreating member from the older wolfs.

Andrew knew that he would not hear the end of this, he knew they would use it against him some way probably though blackmail. With the blush still evident on their younger brother's face the two older wolfs left the room but Roan stopped at the door turning t his younger brother "Come to our room after mom and dad leave and we can see what we will do about this." He turned again leaving the young wolf to his thoughts.

'Leave?' Andrew thought to himself he had heard nothing about his parents leaving, this made him worry slightly about being left alone with his brothers. They always found new ways to torture him. He stepped out of the shower and quickly wrapped the towel around his waist then practically running back to his bedroom to get dressed. He emerged a couple of minutes later wearing his usual jeans and black top combo. He walked down the stairs to the kitchen where he was greeted by his mother, he thought a second about telling her what had happened but if he did he might as well have just given her the picture himself.

"Hi mom." he said with a small smile on his maw.

"Morning honey, did you have a nice sleep?" she asked in her usual kind tone.

"Yeah it was okay." Andrew replied.

"Oh I forgot to say, your father and myself will be going out to visit your brother for a week." She said a hint of worry noticeable in her voice.

"Why what's wrong?" he asked a little worried himself.

"You don't need to know, Rallen and Roan will be watching you." She said as she handed Andrew a bowl of his usual cereal and he smiled slightly and headed to the living room, he sat down on the leather couch with his bowl of cereal watching the TV, being careful not to spill any of his cereal which he rarely did unless his brothers made it happen.

He turned as he heard the squeaking of wheels, which was his father rolling the suitcase along. He wondered to himself why had his family not got maids or butlers, his dad was a lawyer and there house was fairly big, and all his friends at school had asked him the same thing but any time he brought it up with his father all he answered with was "We are fit and healthy enough to take care of ourselves."

Andrew turned around and finished his cereal and took his bowl into the kitchen dumping it in the sink, the second he walked out into the hall he saw his mom and dad leaving through the front door. "Bye," is parents both shouted. "Bye," came the words from Andrew and his brothers upstairs, Andrew stared out of the window and watched his parents drive away from the house. He sighed and thought about what Roan had said and walked up the stairs, he took a deep breathe before he knocked twice at the door. "Come in." said the voice, he was sure it was Roan but it was muffled through the door. Andrew pushed open the door to find Roan sitting on a chair at the other side of the room but with Rallen no where in site. Andrew took a few tentative steps forward and stopped as Roan pointed towards the bed "Sit," he said as if he was talking to a pet. Andrew did not like being talked to like that but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. He sat down on the bed but the second he did Rallen jumped out of nowhere and grabbed the wrists of the younger wolf and tied them together with a very tight knot, which Andrew couldn't break free of, "What are you doing!" he shouted very alarmed

"What ever we want." Answered Roan "Because mom and dad are gone and I'm betting you won't say anything unless you want them to see what you were doing in the shower." He added.

"But.." Andrew tried to think of something but his mind came up blank, as Rallen finished with the ropes he was tied firmly to the bed.

Rallen moved around beside Roan, who grabbed the back of the head of his not so muscled brother and pulled him in for a passionate kiss, Andrew shocked by what they were doing turned away as best he could not wanting to see the incestual act. The two older wolfs stopped and moved closer to their brother whose eyes were tightly shut, Rallen placed his paws on his younger brother's stomach, then grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt lifting it up and off his body but it remained on the rope for there was no where to get it off with untying his brother, he then placed his paw back on his brothers stomach and started to rub up and down his furred chest softly enticing a soft whimper from the young wolf, Roan smiled "You like that?" he said in a sarcastic manner "Well it is gonna get much better." He said as he unbuttoned his brother's jeans and started to slip them down. "!" called out Andrew as he felt his Jeans being removed, "Shhhhhh, just relax." Rallen whispered softly into Andrew's sensitive ears.

Andrew had so many different thoughts floating around his mind but one of the most prominent was that of 'this is so wrong, what are they doing, why are they doing this to me. I can't give in I shouldn't let them do this.' But also in his mind there was this urge to just give up and let them have there way with him, that it felt so good but it wasn't as strong as his logic telling him to try and stop this and that is what he did as his jeans were thrown to the floor, he started kicking out try to knock his older brother away. Roan and Rallen looked at him and both of them frowned, just as they did Andrew managed to kick Roan but it didn't do much more than knock him slightly.

"You should have been a good pup but now." He sarcastically sighed, he grabbed Andrew legs and was able to hold him still easily, he moved them to his sides as he moved closer to Andrew's tail hole, without any word of warning he plunged his thick, long member forward getting as much of it in Andrew's tight tail hole as he could. This caused Andrew to scream out in immense pain but at least his brother stopped there for a moment, Roan knew he couldn't cause too much damage or there would be questions. After about a minute Andrew's cries quietened but tears stained his cheek fur, as this went on Rallen bent down and started to lick all over the tied up wolf's chest stopping at each nipple to give it some special attention, Roan started pumping very slowly, causing Andrew to yip at the sudden movements of the intruder in his backside, which quickened in pace. Roan knew he wouldn't last to long with his brother's tightness and Rallen was easily coming to his climax with being able to have his way with his younger sibling. Andrew however was crying but he kept it quiet, the feelings of pleasure had not even entered his mind.

Not long after Roan came to his climax filling his brother's tail hole full of his seed, and soon after Rallen came to his climax, he had been pawing himself off. Rallen stood up and covered Andrew in his seed, matting his white fur. The two older wolfs stood up and left the room to go get showered, "Remember pup, mom and dad are away for a whole week." Roan called as he left the room after Rallen. As soon as they were both gone Andrew's cries grew louder at the throbbing pain in his rear, then the fact that he knew this would be happening the rest of the week his parents were gone.

To be continued, any helpful comments are welcome.