Pokémon Trainer Raichu (Part 1)

Story by Jared Todd on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokémon Trainer Raichu

**Pokémon Trainer Raichu

This is the intro into a larger story about a pokémon trainer who is a raichu, or two. Still working on plot and which character follow. Maybe you could post a comment on who you'd like the story to follow, Ray or Chuck, or whoever, going back in time, forward in time, in the present, whatever. Anyways, right from the beginning almost, there's sex, and it's sudden and somewhat unconsentual. I didn't realise until I re-read it for errors, that pretty much the entire thing is sex. Which, since I wanted a good storyline, that disappointed me. Oh well. But anyway, if any of this isn't your cup of tea or legal, that's isn't my problem. Enjoy! ^ ^''..**

The sheets flung from the bed, and stirred the naked vermillion body. My dark red lightning tail moved, then hid under my belly.

"Ray. Ray, wake up, today's your lucky day," the raspy voice before me exclaimed, holding the blankets my cold body sorely needed.

"Dammit, Chuck, put those back on me and let me freaking sleep.." is all I could say, eyes closed. I didn't want to wake up, and wiping my eyes or moving would screw my capability to fall right back asleep.

"Oh, so that's the hello I get for being away for a year, huh? Well, maybe you don't need these sheets, after all, then," he stubbornly said.

I sighed heavily. He always got what he wanted from mum, and never had to do anything to get his way. My older brother always had a gift for turning situations to his favor, so I knew there was nothing I could do. Gently, I shoved my face into the pillow, and with a paw, rubbed my eyes, one after the other. My body rose, back facing him, face still in the pillow.

"Oh, look what we got here, eh..?" he said, probably eyeing my morning wood.

I growled, and instinctively moved my tail between my ass cheeks, turning my head to the messy raichu face behind me. "It's not for show.."

There was a pause, and I was about to look at him, when I felt his own paw between my legs, wrapping it around my member. It pulsed in his hand, and I almost jumped. I had to hide my surprise, so I just glared back at him.

"Chuck, what do you want."

"Brother, you're so grumpy today. I mean, I did go to all that trouble to find where you went to, after I got an earful from mum. I mean, I do believe I deserve some credit," he stroked me, and I fought back the feelings rushing to my loins.

"Chuck, stop it.." I tried moving away from him, but he squeezed me, and I fell uncontrollably onto the sheets loudly.

This only elicited a hard cackle from the older Raichu, and I growled hard, feeling his hand try to massage more of my member.

"Come on, I want to make sure you're in good spirits before we go," he smiled, and moved closer to me.

I impulsively moved forward to the pillow. He was so manipulative, and I didn't like him at all. The fact he kept tabs with mum and dad only made me more upset. He was also a pokémon trainer. A half Raichu capturing pokémon.. Deep inside, I hated him. Even so, he was my brother, and I still had that stupid unconditional love for him, and there was no explanation I had for why.

He stroked some more, and this time, I moaned. He was getting his way again. But why was he trying to get his way with his own brother? The thought sickened me, and I tried protesting and pulling away, but every time, he'd squeeze me and I'd fall back in place.

"Ray, come on," he put his warm paw on my back, and I cringed, "Relax a little for once in your life, brother."

I tried turning, and he let go of me. My orange-white belly faced him, and two inches of pink peaked out of the four inch-long red-orange sheath, the color of the rest of my body. I was completely hard? The red pouches on my cheeks covered my blush, thankfully, and I stared at him. I could see the bulge in his jeans wanting to come out. His jeans were baggy, and he wore a white T-shirt that clung to him, stained with a few grass stains like the back of his jeans. I dared not say anything. Inside, I knew I had to release before I got up, if Chuck was actually going to drag me somewhere like he said. Slowly, the paw approached my member again, and my member responded, and moved to disappointingly welcome the paw.

Instead of hugging the member with itself, the paw moved away a second later, and his whole body moved toward me.

".. Chuck...?"

I leaned back, but before I knew it, his face was on mine, and he was kissing me like a selfish older brother would. It was surprising that my first kiss was with my own brother, but as good as it felt, and as good as his tongue felt in my mouth, I was far too uncomfortable to accept it. I was pushing my paws against his toned abs, but he seemed to only grin and kiss me harder. I whimpered, and felt his tongue exploring my mouth. What was he thinking?

My member was pulsing against his stomach, and he growled in response, slowly moving his own body up, probably to meet me cock-to-cock. I struggled against him, and there was a growing whimpering in the back of my throat. My own tongue played against him. Though, to me, it was to battle his tongue away. His own tongue played back, as if I was loosening up.

As his paw migrated between our legs, I moaned into the kiss and leaned forward. I was not enjoying this... Was I?

It was all too soon before I could be fully used to the taste of his mouth before I felt him lean it away from me. He flicked my tongue one last time before our lips parted with an almost inaudible smack.

I stared at him, and he moved to my neck, then kisses the side of it. He was smiling up at me. I gave him a confused glare. I honestly had no idea what was happening, or what he was doing.

Something inside me ached as he rubbed his paw back against my member again, and before I could see, he was moving his kissing mouth down to my chest. My brother nibbled on my nipple, and it felt good when he took it into his mouth and sucked on it, especially since he gave me another squeeze. I fought back from giving him the satisfaction of a moan. I was only letting him fool around with me so he'd get over it and I'd get rid of my hardness. But he was intent on making me enjoy it before he got to my member. It was working, but I didn't want it to.

Letting go of my nipple slowly with another smack, he nibbled on it before moving quickly down my stomach. At the time, I was clueless to what he was doing, and I simply watched him as his face lowered to my member. It ached so much that by now, pre-cum was leaking from the tip.

"Aww..." he was noticing my pain, and my member pulsed, pre-cum dripping into my soft sheath, and so he rubbed it with two fingers, which elicited more, "This hurt?"

Slowly, I nodded obediently, to my surprise, "Not when you do that.." I answered, then bit my lip back from doing something stupid from my completely apparent confusion.

He smiled sweetly up at me, then leaned to the tip of my member, licking the backside of it. I gasped out, and my cock jumped, spattering droplets of pre-cum on myself. This was all the warning he thought I needed before he forced his mouth on my cock like he did my face. Suddenly, my lower body was cooking in warmth, and my cock was enveloped by an inviting and softly wet muscle. I moaned loudly for my brother, and it felt like he was massaging my entire malehood with his moist tongue, but he only went down to lick up the wetness pouching in my sheath.

As his tongue searched in my sheath, he murred his appreciation for the taste of my warm tip, licking up to it slowly, then quickly burying his tongue back in my sheath. I was in heaven or ecstasy, whichever that was, I didn't care. It didn't occur to me anymore that my much hated brother was giving me my first ever blowjob. All that mattered was that his tongue explore more of me. My knees rose over him while he was licking my sheath deeper. His lips moved my sheath down, his tongue lapping at exposed cock was making my legs vibrate.

I could see he was intent on getting his entire mouth around all six inches. He stopped two away, and lapped up my pole. I wasn't disappointed, though. I thought for sure if he buried his entire mouth into me, I would cum right then and there. His tongue felt so good. He ran his tongue between my cock's lips, and I rewarded him with more pre-cum. As I shuddered, he lapped his tongue around the tip of my cock.

Chuck bobbed his head back down, lapping my sheath back down, then came back up. He began this rhythm steadily and at a slow enough pace that I could keep up. His lips sucked while his tongue massaged, and wrapped around me like a coil as he came up and devilishly lapped at the tip. As he went down, he kept pushing my sheath back down, exposing more and more cock as he did so, which made me only moan louder. I was enjoying this, badly, and part of me wished he'd stop, but I knew I wanted him to keep doing it. As much as I disliked my brother, I loved the feeling of his mouth giving me absolute attention. I was his for a short enough moment for it to be worth it.

Suddenly, I felt something prod at below my balls, and I almost opened my eyes back to look at what was going on. It felt good too, and as he slurped up on my cock, I quickly groan-growled as I felt his cold nose pressed against my pubic fur. I breathed heavily. But he wouldn't give me a chance to recover. Instead, he gave me a new sensation, a finger rubbing between my spread ass cheeks, against my pucker. I groaned loudly, and arched my back, pushing my cock back into his face, something he probably planned.

As he massaged outside of my anus, he grinned on my member, slurping back down to press his cold nose against me again. Every time his nose touched me, I cringed, but it felt extraordinary. He was teasing me, but I didn't care, it felt good. As he tried entering his finger in me, his tongue flicked hard against my now-pulsing tool.

"Ahh-hh..!! Ch-Ch-Chuck-ck, sss...!!" I tried telling him to stop, but I didn't want to.

My cock was burning in his mouth. I didn't have a choice, he had complete control over me. As he sucked appreciatively and defiantly at my member, his finger wriggled deeper little by little, but dared not go too far. This was enough for me, though. My loins were already tingling. There was no way I wanted this to stop, but I knew I had to come some time.

By now, I was purring as a raichu would, and my cheeks felt electric. My heart was pounding, and so was my cock. It felt like my member was being rubbed and sucked everywhere. I had started bucking my hips up to his mouth for his cold nose, and he was purring back to me happily. We both liked the situation we were in, obviously, but I'd never seen my brother in such a submissive role before. Still humping my brother's mouth, I let out a sigh, struggling to keep up the pace. I was tired out, and his constant teasing and the finger in my ass wasn't helping. As it wriggled, I shoved myself against it, pushing it in deeper, then pushed back up to fill his mouth. I was building my own rhythm too, but my hot member didn't want me to. It was tingling warmer and harder now, and I was struggling to hold my orgasm off. I slowed my pace, even though my brother was sucking harder and faster. By now, he stopped fingering me, and I learned that I was enjoying it a little too much. Slowly, I began working my ass back into the finger, continuing. Then, as Chuck licked all the way down my cock's underside, the tingle suddenly began to dissipate into pure warmth. I could feel my balls tighten to me, and I could feel every movement of his delicious tongue. I moved to his finger and mouth a little harder and faster.

"Oh, god... Oh-hh-hh, god, Ch-Chuck.." I leaned my head up to the ceiling and stared at it.

A pause in the wonderful feelings as if they went unconscious for a second, was all I needed for logic to kick in. My spoiled, seemingly straight brother who I hadn't seen for over a year was sucking me off and enjoying it, and I was getting fingered and sucked off, and I was enjoying it too.

"Oh, god, n-no.." I protested. But it was too late.

I gave his face one last hump, and all my logic faded away, it replaced with ecstasy again. I howled loudly in disagreement, and shut my eyes tightly, shooting hot cum into my brother's mouth. He pushed me back with a paw that I hadn't noticed was fondling my balls, and his finger pierced my anus. I yelled out, shaking my head, shooting more of my load into his mouth. My cheeks were sparking, and my cock was shooting spill after spill of warm ooze into Chuck's face, as he continued to please me, licking and lapping at my tip expertly as he gently swallowed down my cum easily. The whole time, I moaned, and moaned until my balls felt they were finished, which took a long and numbing time, at least to me.

I turned my head to the side, hating and loving what just happened. I was still releasing in his mouth, but after my throat became dry from all the moaning, and the orgasm passed, I was simply spent. He suckled on my tip, but it didn't feel as good as it did a moment earlier.

"God, Chuck..... Why..?" I tried opening my tired eyes, and looked to the orange and brown figure in front of me, sucking on me like a lollipop.

He slowly released me with a pop, and licked his lips. My brother softly put a paw on my stomach. "I told you, I wanted you to relax before I took you to come see what I've been doing for the past year."

Immediately, I perked up, and moved my belly away from him, which made me slide off his finger painfully. He only smiled more.

"You've been catching pokémon.." I tried fighting off what just happened.

"Brother.. You say that as if you have something against it," he dared to say, flatly.

"Chuck, the way people confine pokémon in a tiny cage, where they're basically treated like.. like computer data.. It's horrible. Don't act like you don't know that," I fought back.

"Who said anything about confining them in a tiny cage? I catch my pokémon, but a trainer doesn't have to catch their pokémon in a pokéball.." he looked at me kindly, and nodded, to my confusion again, "Ray, I wanted to show you to Dr. Levis' place. I met him early on, before I had the guts to catch a pokémon in a pokéball, and he showed me how not to."

I stared at him. What else could I do? As I stared at him, it was hard for me to process all of this. I had expected him to stay the same as he was when he left, but he obviously wasn't. From the second he woke me up, he did seem more polite and was playful rather than spoiled. Whoever this 'Dr. Levis' was must've been a miracle worker, because whatever he did, it did miracles for Chuck.

"So.. Then what do you do?" I was curious now, as any younger brother would be.

His answer was a modest laugh, and he looked at me. He put a paw on my chest.

"I thought you weren't interested in pokémon," he scritched on me.

I growled. "Chuck.." was all I had to say to have him laughing again, but this time, he nodded in agreement.

"Look, I'll show you, okay? There's really.. no way to explain Dr. Levis' lab. It's too..." he paused a minute, looking up, then looked back at me as his paw slipped off my chest, "Amazing."

There was a moment where I had to think. This was crazy. My brother and I have been estranged from each other since we were born, and now he's acting like I'm his lover after he just came back? When I thought back on him fingering me, I had to admit to myself that it felt good, but how willing was I to have another male-on-male sex session like that, and how much further was my own brother going to go with it?

As I was thinking, I was quickly realising there was no turning back if I went with him. I was too curious. Also, there was something else. I actually found myself liking Chuck now. Thoroughly. Whether it was the amazing blowjob, or it was really his attitude, I was starting to feel things for him that seemed to surpass just a normal friendship. I'd never felt true brotherly love before. I wondered, was this it?

I shook my head hard to stop myself from thinking. If I really wanted to go with him, which, deep inside, I really, honestly did, it would have to be fast, before I changed my mind.

"Okay," I looked at him sternly, and in the eye.

He returned a gaze to me that spelled nothing but kindness, and I tried hard not to smile back at him. That definitely wasn't my style.

Gently, he got up and nodded to me. "That's what I was hoping you'd say! Good!"

I got dressed in a loose-fitting leather jacket, then slipped a tight pair of dark red pants which had noticeable bell-bottom attributes and an orange streak down the leg. As I got dressed, he talked to me about the amazing pokémon he had met along his own adventure, and how he'd changed and now regretted the way he treated me. I could only nod. I was getting used to his new attitude, obviously, but I still somewhat had a problem with him, and how sudden it was to me. After all, I did hate him one minute, then the next, he was treating me like a long-lost mate. It was still distressing knowing that while he was changing into a better person, all I was doing was stewing against him and my parents. Part of me wanted to see Dr. Levis' lab to join him in his adventure, or create a new adventure by myself.

I wasn't expecting, though, how many surprises were in store for me.

_ Okay, now it's your chance to vote on where you want the story to go. Should it follow Ray? or should it follow both of the brothers? or maybe it should even show Chuck's adventure? If there are any other plots, feel free to comment on them, and if you want the story to go forward to a specific place, please, comment too, and tell me what you want to see. I forced myself to finish this piece quickly on purpose, so I could form a good story with the help of those who'd want to read more.

  • Jared Todd, of ToddTech Productions!_