Randen -04

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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The Tale Of Randen Arch 01 - The Northern Continent By Afril and Chaos Blackwing (cl) 2011 - The Gay Furry Association

Volume 01 is about the Town named LaFaelt and the outlying areas

Book 04 - The House Of Rornes

Chapter Thirty Four - Lighting Out

Raid! The word passed from House to House. Someone had bribed the wrong guards, or the Duke was having his usual Crackdown to show the peasantry he was a Fair Ruler. Maybe it was just that time of the month... Nobody cared Why - Contraband vanished along with anyone who might be on the wrong side of the law down holes and grates and pipes... Yatt grinned. He had 'tipped off' the Guards to something that wasn't Paid for Yet. Master Husi's House of Youthful Pleasures would be light twenty 'Guests' in just a few minutes. Not that the Bastard cared...

"You will be back - I own you." Was all he said about anyone leaving.

And they did - After a few days of no food, cold rain and doors shut in their faces, The boys would crawl back to the big male. And he would forgive them... With a Special Night in the Cells. Long as you didn't Damage the Merchandise, You could do whatever you wanted... There were even soundproofed - Didn't want to upset the other 'Patrons'.

The mouse whistled and had a pile of boys downstairs, A little puzzled when they saw him and not the canine. The lads eyed Yatt - Something was up! He didn't have the look of someone slinking back... He had a pair of Good pants on - Nobody wore pants in The House, Better to show the Patrons what was for sale. They crowded around him, Waiting for word of what was happening, Some trembling with anticipation - They were going to another House. They were going to form a Gang. They were going to leave the Town completely...

"Lighting Out. Twenty. Now." Feet scrambled after packages hidden from the Best noses and eyes the House had. There was no need to worry about spies - All the 'Favorites' were lined up outside with the House Master. They had to carry Linli - The panda had been in the Basement for daring to stand up to the Master. Tamm had cried a little too loudly - They all cried at one time or another. But Tamm was just a slip of a lizard - Exotic so he was everyone's Favorite at the moment. Linli had been the Favorite a week before. He had quieted the male, Held him throughout the night. Told the dog he shouldn't use the little male so often.

Master Husi nodded and patted the panda on the back. Then Shoved him against a wall, and Stuffed a Huge cock into his mouth. Held it there until the lad was about to pass out, Unable to breathe... Then he pulled back and humped the short muzzle several times before shoving his dick in to the knot again. Did it until he came, Making Linli swallow every last drop. The canine pulled it out, wagging his dick at the other boys.

"Anyone else wish to say anything?"

When the Master got no response, he motioned to his assistants to grab the boy who was gasping for breath. "We will continue this Discussion in the Basement." And walked off...

* * * *

So they tugged, dragged, lifted him - He was coming as well, Period. The mouse grabbed a pair of cloth bound packages - Hard Biscuit. You might break your teeth on it, but it filled the belly and took the taste of unwashed cock out of your mouth. The rest went back to scrubbing and washing... Nobody said stupid things like, 'We will be back for you'. or 'Wish We were going'. Hope was always a good thing. Too much hope would get you tied to a bed, the others taking turns using your mouth and butt from SunsRising to SunsRising. Another of Master Husi's lessons - 'Cum in him Or Take his place'. And of course any Patron who wanted a freebie got their turn as well.

Down the Back Alley, Shedding weight in bribes and possessions that while precious were not as precious as Freedom... They would go naked if need be. Backs against rough walls, bellies tucked in, breath scant as Guards walked past. Then a dash - A chain of clasped hands and running feet out the Gates, with the Street Walkers laughing and waving the boys off... Less competition was fine with Them. But They would be back - The Street of Desires owned your soul.

Chapter Thirty Five - The Boys

Tur looked the place over, hands on hips. Two stories, Ten usable rooms - That didn't include the Servant's Quarters. 'Usable' was a bit of a stretch... Four Bathing Rooms downstairs, Two above - In the Suites. Suites, Ha! But it was cheap and sound and with enough hands, could be made livable. A commotion down the road got his attention for a moment - Huh. Father... Wearing that bit of cloth that showed more than it hid. He was Hot as The Hells in that harness though... Tur laughed at himself. Still, he watched the giant brown bunny trot up, pulling a carriage, everything jiggling and wobbling and with that light sheen of sweat - Urf! 'If you were not my Dad, I Swear I would be pounding your ass all day, Every day!'

Like incest would even make the big male snort - He already had most of the Town wanting to be over or under him. Johsa was always late because Cubs wanted to ride the big shoulders. Older ones wanted to feel his muscles (And grab other places) To see if they were real. Yes the arms and legs and Huge Balls were real. Sorry, but he was already Mated. Ma said they could look and touch all they wanted. But he had to ask permission to bed anyone else.

"Mornin Son - Got some extras today..." Hmmmmm? Out came Otkir - And to the white rabbit's astonishment a carriage-load of rag-tag boys, Most with what they had on for possessions. Tur snagged the mouse and got the rest inside.

"Explain..." And Yatt explained - Parents who had to sell their kits to pay overpriced rent and food. Cubs who had run away from abuse or apathy, or No parents at all. The House took anyone who was Below Age. Gave them Jobs that paid for their upkeep. Scrubbed floors and walls and each other. Always ready to kneel or bend over for a Patron, a Guard or their Master. You learned how best to service Them - The more Popular you were, The less you had to do after. Rest, wash, eat a little... Get ready for the next one. Punishments for failure were Bad, but Never Fatal - There were other places to go if one was into necrophilia. And rubber hoses didn't leave marks to mar the Merchandise. Nor did studded dildoes - At least not where anyone would notice. Salty cum splattering scratched flesh burned for some time afterward - And made sure repeated treatments were not necessary.

And not so much as a tear did the lad shed... He was property. First of Master Husi, And now of Master Rornes. Yatt Was puzzled why the fox had only taken him to bed a couple of times... But since he had Two rabbits, It might be a while before he got around to a mouse-boy again... Or any of the twenty lads who would happily serve a New Master for the chance to learn something besides how to be a Good Sextoy. Of course, If Master Tur or Master Rand doffed Their pants, Gratitude would be happily shown to them as well.

The rabbit shivered... Did they need anything? Maybe some water - Perhaps tea with honey for Linli's throat? The other end would heal in a day or two. They had Hard Biscuit to last a couple of days. And if Master Tur wished, they could start work right away to earn their keep. Perhaps with the Huge male who was kind enough to give them a ride when the Guards were chasing them? Probably take four of them to satisfy the giant, But that was four coppers Master Tur could put in his purse. The rest would take buckets and start scrubbing or whatever Master Tur wished them to do... The mouse-lad was staring at the rabbit's crotch, A pink tongue just touching dry lips.

And Tur finally understood why Tama had groaned and snarled whenever they talked of Debts... He turned to see his Father's hands clenched until the knuckled popped. "Da - We need Tea, Honey, Sugar. Whatever Ma uses for scratches. Buckets, cloths, soap - And the Cart. 'The Crop is Stunted, But may be coaxed to Grow yet'."

A nod and the male was out of his straps, Moving the coach to one side. Trotted off in a lope that ate up ground... And made his ass waggle in such an erotic way. Twenty mouths opened in a sigh, Hearts captured by those big brown buns perched on so hot legs that went on Forever! The lads got shooed back inside again, where a bear stood, looking more lost than ever - But there was anger in his eyes. Seeing the waifs huddle together, Allowing themselves to be touched, patted on shoulders and butts... But with no real sense of enjoyment of the Friendly Gestures. The mouse came through the door with the one who had stolen his heart with a kind word and a warm smile for a harried clerk every time he came to the Mayor's office.

* * * *

The rabbit had asked Him out - To hold hands and eat at a cart and drink wine he could never afford... To sit under the stars and kiss. Otkir came back to Parents who would have tied him up and delivered him to the white male who was obviously the servant to Someone high up. Another visit - This time with a coat with more gold thread than the bear had ever seen... And an invitation to a wedding of a Master and his Journeymale - And might the Clerk stay out a little later tonight? For a silver apiece the Parents would have gone to an Inn and let them have the house for the evening! No, They couldn't come to the HandFasting - Especially not naked. But their Son could...

And under those same stars on top of a blanket, the bear got to show how much he appreciated the male. Got his pants off and his shirt off and as they lay, he fumbled with the white sheath, getting a soft laugh and a husky voice saying, 'He didn't have to...' Oh but he Wanted to! The bruin got on all fours and lifted the so sexy ass with both hands, running his muzzle along the exposed flesh, until he could work up enough nerve to slip it past his quivering lips. Then more courage to let it slide down his tongue. Suck on it slowly, gently... With fingers on his ears and cheeks and face making him feel hot despite the cool air. So he bobbed up and down, tried a tentative swirl of his tongue along the tip. The rabbit arched under him, butt-cheeks grabbing his fingers and seed blasted against the back of his throat. Trickled down his tongue. And he swallowed... A blink later he had it down his throat, sheath shoved into his maw and he was gnawing on it, wanting every inch of cock he could get to drink the hot nectar from. Which his Lover gave him again and again with much ball-grabbing and ass-squeezing until Tur lay like a rag in his hands. But not until the very limp and so tasty cock managed to slip past his tugging teeth and lips did the bruin relent. He gently kissed the abused male's crotch, getting a groan and a gentle tug on his head. And so he kissed and nuzzled the heaving belly, letting his tongue find bone ridges, tracing them in the fur until he encountered a pair of pink nipples that tasted good too. The young bear sucked and nipped them until he was forced up to kiss the exhausted male.

Otkir dared a "Friends?"

Which got him a soft laugh and a slap on his firm butt. 'Lover.' Trumped anything he could hope to ask. He floated home on a cloud, a white rabbit stumbling only slightly while holding his shoulder and teasing his cloth-covered rump with squeezes and caresses that only made the bear count the hours until he might see the male again...

Which was Naked. In the daylight with not a stitch to hide anything from his bright blue eyes. Bears, lizards and some canine species he had seen tended to run to blue eyes... Rarer than Green or the much more common Brown, They stood out - As if the so sexy bruin need anything other than his slim, young, Hot body to attract attention. The bear looked at his Parents, Shrugged and carefully took his clothes off - And as Naked as his Lover, walked off to watch a fox and a rabbit get Mated. Then watched Tur get singled out as well - No rings exchanged, Even though there were two on the fox's hand, making Otkir swell with pride. Oh, His parents would marry him off to a Fish of it raised their status... But Tur had a Master who loved him enough to tell the whole Township - Be Damned the consequences! Which were... The already busy rabbit talking more orders for fine items that the Master Fox was becoming known for. And yet, Tur Still took time to kiss him and to remind the very tipsy Male who he was - Again. He saw other clerks and servants smile at both of them... The rabbit was most welcome in the Circle of Servitude.

He *Blushed* as the fox kissed a very pretty female jaguar, bending her in his arms... And made notes on technique for when it might be His turn to sweep someone into his Arms. He did prefer to be Under the sexy rabbit, but being open-minded (And young and horny) enough to think of Females as - Interesting. Especially the brown-and white ones of Tur's Family. He managed to get a kiss from one called Maia, and one called Teln. Rand hugged him like a brother, eyes red but shining with happiness that he hoped one day to put in another rabbit's eyes - With a ring on the white hand. Then he was snatched away from Third Clerk to Assistant to the Master Clerk and Valet of The Gentrymale Rornes... Who was rumored to be a mere decree from The Duke away from Seiur - Which was a few pen-swipes from Earle, and an Invitation to the Lower Table of the Duke himself. The Mayor was going to have a Stroke!

Chapter Thirty Six - The Mayor

Indeed he was - Every day he heard more and more of the Exploits of The Gentrymale Rornes... Buying Houses and Shops. Taking ruffians off the streets and putting them to work - Those that HeadMaster Pteh didn't snatch for His expanding Millinery. And now they had a warehouse, eyeing a second one to house materials and crafted goods. And Every one of those kits was five less coppers per quarter - Which of course he was compensated for. And all the Farmers complaining about lost workers. Workers, Hah! Slaves were treated better... Let them buy Mules, Damn Land Barons. But, Blast it All! Did it have to be a Fagg that was raising his Town up in the Duke's appreciation? Doing all these Good Works - Bastard even donated a brick in His Name to help in building a new Church. He was ripping at hair he didn't have, Moaning and scattering papers when some new thing the Damn Fox or his Hoard of Rabbits did.

Worse, he Knew he should have swallowed his anger and gone to that Damned HandFasting... To be shown up by a now Ex-Clerk! To have His Banner there because it was MANDITORY - Church and Duke's decree both Demanded it be with theirs at all functions - But to not have Himself show up? Argh! Now all those Prigs who had been wanting a bite of that red fox ass were looking at His furred one, and Sharpening their knives... Mayors were elected and a vote in the Lower Council was all it took to toss his butt out - With a severance, A small house in the outskirts of Town. A few servants - Everything shouting 'Disgraced!' to anyone with eyes. And now This - This abomination! A notarized, stamped form stating that The Gentrymale - Ne Seiur Tama Rornes had bought Fifteen (15) Not Yet of Age servants to help renovate the House of Rornes, from Master Husi of the House of Youthful Pleasures, Residing in the Street of Desires, for One (1) Silver apiece. Signed by that damn rabbit, MasterClerk Mejaginil, and Witnessed by Assistant Lloht! He wanted to rip it up... To grab every parchment, paper and scroll with that fox's name on it and run down the Street, Setting them on Fire and Tossing them behind him!

Instead he signed it. Walked out and gave it to his Assistant... She was Green. She was scaled. She was the Mayor's Assistant before his Father had been Born. She would be here when they tossed his bones in a pile out back someplace. Some whispered she was Immortal. He could growl and yell at all the other staff and They would jump. Yell at her and she would look at him with those Gold eyes... Hold her jeweled hand out for whatever he had to give her. Not a word. Not a flicker of her black-lashed lids... He may be the Mayor, but She held the power. He gave her the document, and actually startled her enough to flick her forked tongue at him -

"Laemai... Find me a Fagg. A Queer/Bi - Whatever. Male, Please. Special Assistant to My Office. Tomorrow would be Nice, Today, Better. And if you manage to snag one of Those rabbits..." A vein throbbed on his bald head. "I will get on my knees and kiss your scaled green ass in front of whoever wishes to watch."

Then he went back to his office and Closed his door. Didn't slam it, Didn't try and tear it off it's hinges... Closed it. With a mutter about the distinct possibility of a Ducal visit, and maybe the King's Son dropping by - Who was known to bed anything he could get his hands on.

* * * *

Laemai stamped, sealed and gave the document to a lower clerk to copy. Then she opened a drawer and got a bottle of something that was only Half as old as she was. When the reptile pulled the stopper, flies fell out of the sky, Drunk on the fumes from Several feet away. She let it flow into a glass for the width of a couple of fingers. Smoothed her dress - Even She had breasts, covered for modesty's sake. A corner of her snout twitched into a grin - Long enough to scare the staff. She had been at that HandFasting. Been kissed shyly by Mister Fox, His Husband... And the white male whose presence she had noted many times, both in the office and around town. Then by a giant of a rabbit who had turned her bones to water... Gods! Between his strong hand gently holding her rump, his Too hot lips and the Firestarter that was passed around, She was very Glad there was a coach to take her home... She couldn't have Slithered if she had wanted to - Flew, maybe...

Laemai inhaled the scent of 100 year old alcohol - And with a quiet word to Staff, went in to the Mayor's office. Serpents were Extremely rare this far North - Rarer than lizards who could regulate their body temperatures more efficiently. In fact there were three in the entire Province - Including her. Laemai had come two centuries ago to this place because she was curious... And bored of the Coast. Her Family had been in Public Service since there were flat stones and Clan-Chiefs to sit on them. So it took nothing to become a Clerk here. Besides, she found she Liked mammals, They were cute and felt nice to caress. She climbed the ladder of Offices and Titles through the years, Knowing where every skeleton had been walled up, Including the three females who were on a nice house tending to the Mayor's cubs they had bore him. The little mammals were cute too...

The reptile slid over to the door, knocked exactly twice, Then entered. Twice to give His Mayorship time to leap out the window before she could stop him - Not that she would. Laemai gave him the glass and watched as he gulped a swallow down - The canine turned several shades of red, and looked about to breath the fire She had sometimes been accused of being able to bring forth... But so far, the only Fire was Verbal - She could rip hide off with a Sneer!

"Thanks..." He didn't grow horns, Spin body one way and head the other - He just stood there, looking at the glass. Then set it down on the desk piled with papers of every color and size. He turned the female, Knelt and lifting her hem, kissed both shiny round cheeks that sprouted from where back and tail met. He kissed them again, then stood.

"In case you thought I was kidding." He explained and then sat back and sipped the booze, looking at papers as if he hadn't just made his Assistant's jeweled face turn crimson. She bowed and went back out the door, mind sorting through Replacements in case he Did jump. She mentally worked through the myriad of males who were both queer and High-up enough to warrant a Special Assistant's Chair. Someone who... A Fagg Mayor? Why not! Her hissed laugh made the staff work a little faster. A bigger Township meant Bigger responsibilities. Perhaps a Liaison's Office to the (Soon-To-Be) new Earle? Hmmmmmm...

Chapter Thirty Seven - So They Worshiped It's Memory

"Excellent!" Tur exclaimed and patted his second Love on the back - The bear had a lot more experience with how to word documents. With the boys in old but serviceable tubs, scrubbing off the dust and sweat of flight, one wincing as another gently applied salve as deep as he could put a small arm up the panda's rear - Some of those studded dildoes had been modeled on draft stallions. Tur gave his Father the document, twenty one silver coins and told him Not to kill the male - Laws be different, This side of the Wall. And if Ma had ta get him out of jail, They wouldn't be enough of him Left to punish... That got the growls softened to grunts, The big ears burning a little... Then a lot as the bear kissed him, and asked him to return to All of them - Whispering, "You can't ask a Dead Father for his Son's hand."

Johsa winked, tucked Purse and parchment in his belt and walked off, Making everyone in the District moan. He wouldn't Kill the male, But let him say a cross word, Refuse the coins and MayBelle or Nae - He would pull down the rafters over his head, one hand on the Bastard's throat!

* * * *

So the big rabbit had walked past the Gilded gates, Past Males and Females - As to which was which, Only They knew... Getting directions and many a caress on his dusty rear. Even some hot kisses that distracted him a little. But only a little... He had to get this paper signed, Sorry. Sorry, Indeed - Especially with a quiet mob of curious onlookers that wore colors nature hadn't thought of yet following his Soooooo Sexy Butt. Johsa stopped on front of a House with the drawing of a young male on his knees above the door. A raised brow got dozens of nodded heads. The rabbit smiled, and opened the door - He didn't knock, or turn the knob... He grabbed the door and Ripped it out - Hinges, locks, casing, sill and all. Then gently put the pieces in his hands to one side. The big male bent over, Creating an intake of breath that made flags up and down the Street jerk towards the epicenter. And stepped inside, with a wag of his tail that had jaws breaking cobblestones, and drool flood the drains. There were rabbits among the Street Walkers and House residents... But none as Big or Hot as Sin as that male who managed to squeeze in the ruination of a doorway. And if he found himself stuck, There were many eager hands reaching to help... Disappointment went through the crowd when he made it through - But they managed to find other rumps to squeeze.

Yes, Master Husi was in. Please - Ummmm... Wait? A moment later the canine came down the stairs, the only one Not staring at the rabbit... At least not as far as anyone could see - But his erection was as hard as all the others. He took the parchment and read it, Laughing. Then signed it, but only took sixteen of the coins.

"Fifteen of them I purchased. The rest stragglers and misfits all - And one coin to fix the door. I an not a thief, No matter what others may say." He put the piece of paper back in the belt with the purse, and Pinched the rabbit's cheek - The upper one... But Damn, He was Tempted! "If you ever wish to visit us - Or another of the fine Houses, we do give discounts for Multiple Partners, which someone your size would probably need... And while you are much too - Aged for our House, I am sure there would be a place for one such as you - Should you need coins." He laughed again...

"I would consider it an Honor to visit you myself." Husi bowed to the thoroughly confused male, and went back upstairs.

Johsa made it back outside again, to cheers and flowers being strewn across his shoulders, both being tossed in abundance from the balconies. A breeze lifted his flap and the cheers rang loud enough to get the Gate Guards' attention. He received offers of marriage, Of employment... Even a few that made him blush when they talked about painting certain parts to show off what the Gods had given him. Put rings around other parts, maybe Bell the Mule so when he walked it would ring out and others would turn to take in his magnificent - Self. The crowd guided him back out with hands and muzzles cascading all over every inch of the rabbit - Including his feet... With kisses and nuzzles and nibbles and caresses on whatever part of his anatomy fueled their particular fetish ... That was until someone - And they still argue over Who, Pressed the right spot and a Massive sword of skin and heat shoved his one nod to modesty away, Standing proud and as long as some of the onlooker's legs. Big around as some too. They gasped... Then knelt to this Demi-God of Desire.

And so Johsa walked through the gates of the Street Of Desires, Regal as a king - And redder than the setting sun. No portrait, no carver could do the maleness justice (Although Butt-Busts can still be found for sale), so they worshiped it's memory.

* * * *

Meanwhile kits were kneeling on floors and standing on tiptoe, Chasing dust wherever it tried to hide with brush and broom and rag. Every one of them Naked, Everyone of them hotter than the MidDay sun. And every one willing to stop whatever they were doing should either the rabbit or the bear twitch a finger. They were quite ready to drop to their knees, Bend over and lift their tails... And the lads were somewhat disappointed when all they did was scrub and clean and push dirt out the back door. Upstairs more kits were polishing windows and brass and whatever needed polishing, flashing passerby with bits of young male anatomy. Oh - House Rornes. If any happened to ask (None did - What a Master did with his servants was His Business... However, it was alright to Stare), Tur would have explained that dirt was easier to clean out of fur than cloth... Not that they had much of that either - Rags a plenty, but not pants and shirts and whatever else might cover a boy-rear... But that was ok, since it seemed a shame to cover up something so Sexy.

Since Da (As they all now called the Giant they still lusted after) had returned, the Cold Box had ice around it, the Water Pots were working - All of them. And MidSun meal found them sitting and eating from wooden bowls. Cider was plentiful and seconds were appreciated with all the lads kissing the two Adults' hands. Yatt had become the HouseMother - Hugging one small male, swatting the butt of another. He pulled splinters, dried tears, popped blisters. He reported what was rotten, what was salvageable but needed work, and what could do with a fresh coat of paint. Otkir *Blushed* again as his hand caressed the gray rear, the mouse barely noticing. When the bear needed something it was at hand - Inkpot, Plans, Teacup, A hot ass...

* * * *

At first Yatt was afraid Tur would be jealous - But all the rabbit did was whisper in the lad's round ear, "We shares what we has - That includes Lovers. But only if he asks... Watch, Learn. Servants we have in plenty, as well as Assistants and Clerks... What we Need is those who can use their minds better than they use their bodies - I lifted my Master from Plain Crafter to Landed Gentry. I went from NightClerk to MasterClerk. How far will you lift Us? How far will you carry those lads on your shoulders - And how far will they carry you... There is a Mill that needs hands. We always need apprentices to work with wood. Maia has a Glassworks in progress. The House Needs Servants. Opportunities, Good Sir - Opportunities. And not just for you and these fine boys... I am sure you know others who would jump at a chance to scrub a floor, wash a wall. Serve a Master a cup of something and maybe spend a night in his bed because he thinks they are cute and maybe he too is lonely. Discreet, Polite, But horny enough to take risks - Small as they may be."

The rabbit had patted his butt and walked off.

The mouse had taken it all in, eyes half-closed. And now he was naked, with a hand sliding across his rear. A hand that felt very good and wasn't groping or squeezing - Much. But even when it did, it was more in awe of what it was touching... Never rough or demanding. And the House had to be ready for it's Lord and his Husband as soon as possible. Even if it Was but a stepping stone for The Gentrymale to propel himself and his Staff to higher places, it Would be presentable. And Yatt intended to be among those lifted from the dirt. He thought of other siblings that Mother and Father wouldn't have to sell if they had a place that didn't cost all they had and more. His time in the shop had taught the male many things about wood and glass. Listening to a Master Crafter taught him how to carve and bend it to his desires. He had been looking over the papers and plans and permits and had an inkling of an idea... The mouse-lad found Tur and asked a few questions. Got asked some more questions - And in turn got a nasty grin that he mirrored... Both returned to the bear, who listened... And grinned also, already getting a fresh sheet of paper.

With a few quill strokes, Otkir condemned a district of houses... Bought them for nothing. And resold them to the inhabitants as Tenants. Who would pay a stipend on the mandate that they repair their abodes and keep them in good order. Signed it, "By order of Seiur-To-Be Rornes, who would Not allow his Servants' Families to live in Squalor." Oh the Mayor was going to have A Stroke... But would sign all three documents. That district had been giving him Fits since it had sprang up, But bribes to all the Right people and Silence from the residents (Talk and Disappear) had kept it as it was. No one on the Lower Council would Dare to say a word to someone who was going to be elevated over their heads in short order - And could have those same heads removed if he wanted. Tama, of course, knew Nothing of what was being done in his name, or to be exact - The name of House Rornes. He would have had a fit of his own probably - Especially if he knew his name had more power than he himself did... People could be argued with, Ignored, even Removed from the board - Disgraced, Sent to a Lower rank in the Council or just plain killed.

Houses were owned not by people but by Titles - Lord, Baron, Earle, Duke. Some by a Family name but once one was Landed (The House name was Registered as such, and Approved), All were the same under the King - And entitled to His Guard if they wished. Nothing like a Knight in full armor astride a horse bigger than most wagons with a few hundred men also armored and with Big, Sharp swords to make one think twice about rebellion. Tucked in a safe place (Literally - Wood houses with open fireplaces burned too easily, so Important papers were kept in metal boxes in metal rooms in a metal warehouse - Under Guard) was a Letter with the Signed Approval of the House of Rornes, The Gentrymale Tama Rornes as it's Lord and Master. Who it seemed was making quite a name for himself amongst the Growing town of LaFaelt and it's Residents - As well as Other places.

Chapter Thirty Eight - The Duke of Qwun

The Duke may giggle and lisp and wave his hand around but Nothing escaped his ears. Not New Trends - Sunbathing! Laying around nude? Heh - Got the Gentry working harder than their servants to get fit enough to Be Seen outdoors without clothing to hide the rolls of fat. He had commissioned a new set of chairs - Not because he needed them, He had chairs that hadn't seen light in decades... But to judge the skill of the crafter - Good work got rewarded. Bad work got made into kindling - There was never enough for all the fireplaces, and Cooking pits. Very good work hung on the wall of his Personal Suite - To keep company with a small but Very nicely made Oak newel post that had been turned by a fox who just happened to live in a town called LaFaelt in the NorthWest Region called Tawe. Not a chip, nick or flaw - It was evenly banded and every day he touched it. His Grandfather had been a carpenter before doing something Grand for the King of the time, and was Deeded this pile of rocks and snow to be Duke of. Tama, Tama... That name rang bells.

"Didn't we have word of someone named Tama Rornes doing something or another that had Poked that Toad of a Mayor in LaFaelt until he croaked loud enough to be heard even here? When you find it, Bring it to me in my Study."

Shortly afterwards a servant brought the requested papers, and Gynn sent his Council away. Once he saw the name on the latest petition, He knew he would give all he had to this Fox for the information it contained. Family names were still kept in moldy books - Letters changed to fit new accents as Sons moved to new places. But the Old names were written beside the New ones. It had taken quite a lot of digging and sneezing, But now he was Sure... Walking back, he opened the door to his Private Rooms, nodding to the guards... And there was the one who made his heart flutter from the moment they had met. Who he made a promise to as a lad, And had made good on as an adult when the be-smitten ferret HandFasted his Love - in Private. Publicly the Servant was just that... And despite all his wishes and power, That is how it remained. Marry a Commoner? The Council would rise up en masse and toss him in the River!

"Shaahar." The big male stood and bowed, getting his Huge but So Damn Hot butt swatted. "How many times have you told you not to do that, Love?"

The Son of a Sharecroppers' Son, Of a Sharecroppers' Son - Taken in when the Family was evicted during a bad drought, Their Fathers had been Lovers until their deaths... And Past. Buried side-by-side in the Family Tomb. Mother? She was more than content they be so - Scandalous, Perhaps. But with no other heirs Her only son would inherit. Besides, His cock was Huge! Gynn learned Love of Males from Father - and Ruthlessness from Mother. But he wasn't here to swat the so hot ass, Much as he loved to. He spoke words that made tears come to the soft brown eyes, That made the big legs weak, Made the giant fall to his knees, Hugging the ferret.

The Duke kissed his One Love, A Big Brown Rabbit. Then sat, rubbed the sexy male's leg and sipped tea. "Shaahar, Son of Kinu Mejaginil - I know where your Brother is."

"Where? How? Is he alive, Alright?"

Gods, Did all rabbits cry at the drop of a name? He gave the notice to the bunny, grinning. "Be it known that The Gentrymale, Tama Rornes is to be HandFasted to Journeymale Randen Mejaginil - What is it with your family and names?"

Laugh, Love, Laugh... Please. "Keep that up and I will have to get a new Notice." Ha! The sun comes out from behind the clouds - Even if it still looks like rain.

"Where was I - Oh Yes, 'Randen Mejaginil On Middle Day. Since Master Rornes has no surviving Parents, Johsa Urkus and Lanine MayBelle Mejaginil, Who are also employed by Master Rornes, Will be there to witness a Traditional Ceremony. Food and Drink will be served after.' So Tama who made yonder newel post married your Nephew. I assume your Brother is still alive and currently in LaFaelt - But I intend to move them closer." Tell me those tears are Joyous ones, Love... Gods! Was that a nod? It Was! Hmmmmm - Now he could think of something besides his beloved rabbit crying, he had work to do.

At his command, a blue lizard came in with quill, inkpot, paper and the Ducal Seal. Also a legacy of his Father's... The male wrote fast, well, And kept his snout shut. There were places in the Outer Regions where Meat was whatever was shot that day. And if it Talked, Yelled... Pleaded before it was shot, Nobody much cared - It didn't afterward.

Ah - There was the scroll he was looking for. He read it again, waiting for his tea to heat. Hmmmmm, seems Seiur-to-Be Rornes had just cleaned up a particularly nasty nest of vipers - 'Not allow his Servants' Families to live in Squalor.' How he had laughed when he saw that line - Someone with Brains and a pair of Balls big enough to roll on the Floor was guiding that Fox. Seiur - Pah. Great Deeds deserve Great Rewards. Besides, He had a wedding present to bestow.

"A Notice to My Subjects - Date it today. *Ahem* By Ducal Decree I, Gynn Of the Royal House Qwun, Hereby entitle Tama Rornes of LaFaelt, as Vice-Earle. Give him that Villa I can't stand off to the west." 20 acres of Trees that needed constant caring, Bushes that made him itch and Horrible decor. "*Ahem* To be Lifted to Full Earle of De La Meiere - That is the name of that Awful place, Isn't it? Ugh! He can change it to whatever he likes - Within one year upon his Good Standing in my purview. Blah... Blah... Blah... Wait - What is his mate's name? Randen... Toss that in the fire."

Gynn rubbed his hand together as the Scribe burned Titles that Several Council Members would Whore themselves out to have... He grinned and kissed the rabbit whose eyes were getting bigger - "A Notice to My Subjects - I (The rest of my title), Do hereby grant the Provence of Randen, Formerly De La Meiere... What was Father Thinking - Of Mother, Right. With all entitlements, et cetra and so forth... Better give him a Baronship - Don't want the Townships to think a mere Earle rules them. Now let's see how Big those Balls are - Don't write that, you Idiot! Get the Good Scribe on it - I want all those big letters and flourishes on the sides... Scare that Fat Mayor and his Council good. Damn - Is a Provence going to be enough I wonder... Heh - Maybe those other Houses should start worrying about being annexed."

Most of them were alright - Old money and older roots in the soil - What there was of it. But one or two could stand to be shaken out of complacency. And if those Brothers complained One More Time about Levies on those of Age, The Roads that They were supposed to fix with Their Taxes... He couldn't Do anything Because of Politics - A Sister in his court. But he Could make a suggestion to the New Owner about what His Rights pertaining to them were. Heh - Complain to the Baron and they might find themselves in a Lower House on the Other side of the Region's Border... Someone else's headache - Gods, Please let him be there to witness That! Witness, The Hells - He would deliver the eviction notice Himself, As soon as the Fox was settled... Just doing his Duty for a Fellow Lord in Good Standing. A thought occurred to him and he grinned nastily.

"Who is the Old Family in LaFaelt? There are not That many... Ryndal! Write up a notice Bequeathing the lands of The Brothers Sudell (Find something, I am sure they have done enough to ruin my Good Name by now!) To Ryndal. My present to your Niece. Sit down Love... Johsa and Lanine had Ten kits. Ten, Eeeesh! Three work for Master, Heh - Soon to be Baron Rornes, and one is to be married to House Ryndal... You know he was a Plains Lord - Yes, That kind of Lord. Went into Exile when his Wife got sick if I recall. Ha - I will kiss this Fox when I see him, Damn the itchy plants! Do you not see Love? No, you don't... And I am not Telling - It is going to be My surprise. And a good one I promise. What? Yes, You are right as always - Send word to my Cousin, The Prince what I am doing... And add the litany of this fox's doings. Let the Lords twitch their tails a little... Not for me, Idiot! I am quite content with Duke. Well - Knighthood with a real Sir before my name wouldn't be a bad thing. If this Tama fellow does as well with his New responsibilities as he has with his Old ones, I may yet be seated at the King's Table - And not as a Guest either. Use my Father's Signet to roust some of the Royal guard to help him pack. And get someone out to That Villa - I doubt the fires have been lit since Last Summer."

The ferret laughed again, dismissing the Scribe. He kissed the tear-streaked cheeks. Then kissed the rabbit he Loved so... "Go - Take my writ and my Guards and see the Baron is settled in. Of course I will miss you - I always miss you, but I have things to do as well. Like attend a wedding - Yes, That One... Sometimes I wish I Wasn't a Duke. See a couple of Scoundrels on the other side of My Border. Now get washed and get Dressed - It won't take them That long to get that scroll done - Woodcuts, of all things... Next it will be Letters one can stamp on the paper, instead having to be written... Pah! Out you crying oaf - Whom I love with all my heart."

Gynn walked out, smiling... Oaf indeed. Niece marrying a Lord, Nephew a Baron's Husband - 'I Will find you a Title, and HandFast you in front All of them!' Hmmmmm - A Lord can raise a Duke to a Knighthood. He spat in the fire - 'If My Cousin Elevates me, Then I will go.'

"I swear by All the Gods' Names - If that Fox somehow Allows Me to Mate my Love, I Will Give him my Dukedom. Hells, I will Give him My ass to Hump!" The ferret knelt and said a quick prayer that it May Be So.

* * * *

As he walked to the doors that set the boundary between Private Life and Public (And When his ring was on that Rabbit's hand - They Were going to be Burned!), He patted a plaque inscribed with Lessons his Mother taught him:

Always show a mule a carrot to make him forget about the stick behind it. ( Always show Rewards while hiding Risks. )

Put a fish in the woodpile and you will attract enough cats to kill the biggest rat. ( If you have an opponent who is too big to take on yourself, Get others to do it for you. )

Rule with an Iron Fist - But keep it Gloved in silk so no one notices. Until you Want them to. ( Rule Fiercely, Tread Lightly - But never let Anyone forget who Rules. )

Show a smile to your Friends, A Frown to your Enemies - Unless you want to scare your enemies. ( Keep your enemies guessing about what you may or may Not know. )

Your bitterest opponent can be your staunchest ally - Against a Third. ( Was That Ever True! )

Cultivate the friendship of Snakes - For Snakes and Rats have a hatred that goes past the Grave. ( That one had puzzled him for a while... Mammals and Reptiles hunted and ate each other for Centuries - We still fear them. So, Make Friends with your Enemy. Make Your Problems, His. Do it Well and the Hatred will pass down the Generations. )

Kill a Rat, And the rest Flee. Trap a Rat, Gain his confidence, And soon you will have every Rat in the House in your sack. But even Tame rats bite. ( Don't kill a Spy, Let them think they are free - To lead you to the rest. But a turncoat may yet turn back, So Never fully trust them. )

Always Mother, Always...

Chapter Thirty Nine - The Horse-Shoes Fly

As usual, Word of the Envoy To The Duke (Whatever That was - Probably some official Promoted for just this visit) got to the town long before the actual caravan. People lined the road for Miles to watch the procession. First came a veiled rabbit - Veiled! And easily rabbit because Mules didn't ride horses. And wearing leather armor so one could assume male - But with The Duke's Tastes, One could never say. Maybe one of those eunuchs - Ouch! All the males crossed their legs, Thinking of many a wife's threat. Then Thirty males with more armor and pikes, banners snapping in the wind. And wagon after wagon... The four-ox kind one could put a house in.

Rumor said that a certain Crafter in Town was going to get kicked up the Titles a few pegs, but This was more like Exodus. Unless - A House was going to have a Wedding and Maybe the wagons contained chests, full of Copper coins to be given to those who attended. Or Silver. Yea, Right... There was a little over 3000 souls in the Township - But, Surely the Duke could afford That much Silver... Or Maybe it was Spices, or Ale! The Duke had some Mighty Fine Ale... Rumors swirled like the dust under the horse's hooves, Both made worse by everybody and his cousin following...

The procession stopped shortly at the gate to ask Directions. Their leader nodded and with a wave of his huge hand, They continued onward.

* * * *

Tama moaned as the knocker pounded a hole in his door, the bell denting and being dented by the wall it was being hit so wildly against. He didn't Want to get up. He wanted to lay with his Mate - Gods! Mate... And ignore the world for a moment longer! He stuffed a pillow over his ears as the din continued - Yatt was in the (Gods!) 'House', and settled. Tur was next door, So Who? Rand giggled...

"Best get it Love - It might be a young bunny wantin Apprenticeship, With a sexy Fox." He grinned at the Dirty Look his Husband gave him.

An army of hot young males had worn a path in the Stones to the fox's Gate... The crafter had to hire Someone and put them in an office just to take names and ages and - If that Damn bell rang one more Time, He was going to Rip It Out, Cord and All! Tama grumbled, kissing the rabbit... Who kissed him back. The fox almost forgot about getting up - Demons Rape whoever it was! But a gentle pat on his face and he rolled over, Sat up... If it wasn't a Funeral, or a Fire or something Really Important, Whoever was on the other side of that door Was going to get Eight inches of fox-cock Rammed Up Their Ass!

"Alright, Alright... Keep your dress or pants or whatever you are wearing on..." He got the door open - To be run over by a spotted female! She promptly Grabbed his balls and after purring for a second, Turned the shocked fox around, Giving his ass a kick with feet that still had her natural foot-claws.

"Bath - Now!" Tama Yelped, and Ran down the hall to the Tub, hands on his rear where four furrows had been cut in the russet fur. A few seconds later Rand almost tackled him, The brown rump bore scratches while the front had ruffled scrotum fur. And on His heels came the Madfemale with a kettle of tepid water.

"Madam -" Tama started... They had never gotten around to names, "If this has to do with the kiss I gave you when I was drunk - I will be happy to bed your beautiful self After I have had time to..." Before he could say more, she Snarled, Clawed fingers swiping at Very sensitive places and Both males dived for the Tub. Had water poured on their quivering bodies, a *slap* on the upturned cheeks making them quiver and their owners Screech, Brushes being tossed in as well.

"Wash - I will be back in a moment..." Mmmmmmm - She couldn't resist a pinch on the pair of So Hot furry male-mounds.

So they washed, Wild-eyed and Rubbing the scratches - Had she finally snapped? Tur came running in, Kissed both of them, and was down the hall before they could blink. OK - No more of those mushrooms for Last meal! And back came the Female, hands on her hips.

"Get dried, We don't have All Day... Tur, Do you have Everything Ready?"

Tama just stared at her. All 3 males at once? That was just plain Kinky... He watched his Love take her hand and get fluffed, giggling as she gave him to Tur. Then it was his turn and he tried his best to watch her hands and her - (So Green!) Emerald compared to his lighter Grass Green Eyes... He barely felt her hand slide between his legs, stroke his nuts, his sheath... And swatted his ass, Making the fox come up on his toes.

"Dry, Dress - We don't have Much Time."

Wait... Dress? The fox almost felt disappointed. Then a white hand was taking his, Fishing his tail into pants - His best? While it's owner was nuzzling his erection... That Isn't Helping. He *Eeped* as the female squeezed his nuts, getting them settled in the pouch of cloth, Buttons making his dick vanish - Almost. Then a shirt, and more buttons and the coat he Hated ever since that damn Rabbit had given it to him. A coat fit for a Seiur Indeed! As he sat and sipped whatever was given to him, The jaguar opened her mouth and words came pouring out like a busted drain-spout...

"I was down at the market - You think I am beautiful? Flatterer... And I ran into Anyes - The Thin one, Not the Fat one. And she was buying some of those Leafears - I tried to tell her, They are not in season yet - And were probably bitter... But she bought them anyway. You look Gorgeous, Honey... Tur, Go get dressed and make sure Everyone is Ready. Anyway, I sniffed at the stupidity of Some people and who runs up but Beill, All out of breath. Gasps out something about The Gate and Important People... You kiss pretty good Mister Rornes, But your Mate kisses better."

Tama knew that, but he enjoyed the brown ears mottling... And kissed the bunny who Did look Gorgeous in his suit. "Gates and Important... Oh Gods!"

The jaguar laughed and gave the fox a swat on his Butt, Getting them both to gulp their Tea and get out the door. "I really like you and your mate - I wasn't sure At First... But you are quiet. Except for a Few Times - I swear, Your bed must have bounced across the Floor, Not that *I* was paying attention Mind... You don't make trouble and it's obvious you are both Madly in Love with Each Other. I Tell You - More marriages should be like Yours... But I heard Beill, and Knowing the rumors of you getting a Title from The Duke, I Rushed over to Wake You Up so you could get Ready."

She suddenly colored... "I am going to be Living next to Royalty... And isn't that just going to Tear the Dress off Tolb! You know, She gossips too much for my liking."

And there was Tur in His finery. And the Rest of the Family clothed in Good pants and dresses. Up came Otkir and Marigola and her crew. Tama was torn between wanting to Faint and to grab a white bunny by his long ears and Slam his head on the cobblestones... He did grab the strong shoulders.


In return he got kissed by the schemer who Grinned, squeezed his butt - "I did it for All Of Us."

Insanity. They were All Insane... Then the mouse-lad appeared, Looking pretty spiffy himself. The fox tried to breathe in his too tight coat. Found a tear trickling down his cheek as his Love squeezed his hand - Today would probably be the Last time he would see this House... As it's owner. He nodded to Tur, Who took a key from his pocket and tossed it to Maia.

"Take care of it..." Tama grinned himself as she went many shades of Red... Good - Let someone else feel faint and sick and keep him company... He peered up the Lane, hearing a puffing noise. Gods, Was that... The Mayor! Followed by his Staff, and a Legend in Green.

"Laemai," Got whispered in his ear... Urf! That jaguar probably Knew the Name of every Damn person in Town. Now more heads came out of windows and More whispers ran through the Grapevine that ringed the neighborhood. People started coming out of houses in Nice dresses and Pants that looked hastily pressed... The assemblage bowed or curtsied to the Mayor - And Tama had to bite back a yelp as the Mayor bowed to Him! A Formal, Lordship kind of bow. What did he Know... And why the Hells was he Grinning so widely? Suddenly the sounds of hooves on stone started coming closer. The fox tried to swallow, mouth dry, hands sweaty.

Rand was in a Little better shape - He didn't care how many Titles they tossed on Tama. He closed his eyes and sent a prayer of Thanks Upwards... The Second Time was the one that Hooked him a True Love! He had a Ring on his finger, A batch of hard working males putting out some really nice and intricate wood work. And more coming most every day... The rabbit-lad lifted the fox's hand to kiss the back of it, watching an ear twitch.

"Love Mine - They can only skin us once!"

Tur stifled a laugh... That was what he and Rand used to whisper whenever they would find a good hiding place to Play, Or the Fisher was asleep and nuzzleable. He reached over and pinched the fox-butt, getting a Glare... But a soft laugh also. Better His hand than Hers! Tama *Yipped* as the Feline squeezed his rear, Winking. Not Even - He was Taken, Thank You Very Much!

Two rings on the fox's hand... A declaration of Love before all who came to the HandFasting. The white rabbit held hands with his Lover, And kissed the *blushing* cheek. Let the Prigs stare - In a few moments none of it will matter. Master Rornes will be Landed. The Family will be Set for life... No More White Fur and Worry Lines on Father's face - As if there was room for more!

Speaking of Family, Here came Lae and her Husband in the Cart that his Dad had first pulled them in. Now it was a bear in front, in Full Dress Uniform. As was the Lion... Wow! Look at all that Gold Thread... They got off and settled as the Envoy came within sight - A Huge Brown Rabbit, Astride a magnificent horse... The Duke's Emissary, Veiled so all you could see was his ears coming out of the Studded Helmet. Behind him came the Herald, a Blue lizard with a long horn riding his saddle. And more men armored and gleaming in the Light.

All this for a Leap from Lower House to Upper? And coincidence the Rabbit was built like his Father? Maybe a bit bigger? Tur felt a shiver run down his spine - A Seiur, Even a Vice-Earle could decide to stay in the Town of their Birth... Anything above that meant moving. Moving into anything from a small castle to... He swallowed. Townships had Mansions for their Royalty. A Township? The whole blasted Place? Town, Farms, Levees, Everything as far as the eye could see for a couple of Miles... Tur reached over and Squeezed Rand's hand, whispering "Township" - While not believing it. Upper Gentry (TownLords/ManorLords/Earles) didn't sit on Councils - Councils came to Them. Every clop brought the caravan closer, The rabbit getting larger and larger - If that was Possible. And behind him and the Guard - Wagons, just coming into view... Enough to pack everybody, the Houses... Hells, the Whole Street up and Move it someplace.

The horse and it's massive rider stopped in front of the gaping rabbits. Stared at them through the Veil, making them squirm... Then the lizard came up as did the Guards. This was getting Very Serious!

The herald bowed to the Mayor. Then to the Fox who was about to pee himself - Best Pants or Not!

"Do I have the Honor of addressing Master Tama Rornes?" For one so slim, the voice was surprising deep and rich. Tama managed a nod...

The trumpet made sure anyone who somehow slept through the Quake was awakened by a Blast from the horn that rattled windows... After getting the attention of everyone even remotely in hearing distance, the herald stowed the horn and unrolled a fat scroll. A Too Fat by Half scroll!

"Hear Ye, Hear Ye... Firstly. The Duke does send his regrets at his inability to be here in person, But affairs of the State detain him. So he has sent his Most Trusted Emissary in his stead. Treat him as you would Your Duke."

The rabbit bowed and everybody did the same, Waiting for the first horse's shoe to hit someone... Probably a certain fox's head as still more wagons appeared.

"Secondly. Having been found Guilty of Treason, The House of Sudell has been vacated of it occupants, and the Lands forfeited. Therefore, We Welcome our New Neighbors with open arms and hope they do a better job."

That got a couple of snickers... Until a Book and a Key on a Gold Chain came out of a saddlebag. They were given to the rabbit, who moved his horse in front of the gape-mouthed lion.

"Limif Ryndal - Do you accept the Key to the House of Ryndal?"

Shaking so badly his teeth chattered, And with the help of the bear who didn't look to be in any Better Shape, the lion took the Chain. Put it around his neck. Took the Book, almost dropping it when the herald spoke again...

"Lord Ryndal of the Southern Plains, With the Prince's Blessing, We add to your Titles that of Northern Lord, and give you the Province to Use in the King's Name until Your Heirs are Fit To Rule in your Stead. Welcome, The Lord and Lady Ryndal." And the gathering bowed to the lion who was white as a sheet. With a few words and a scroll, He had Gone from being a wastrel, from an Old Family with a nice house on a small plot of land, to being One Step Below The Prince. The Book would contain a record of everything he now owned - From contents of the ManorHouse, To the size in Miles of his Land Holdings, To how many grains of meal were in the Bucket of his poorest subject... And probably audited Before the Former owners could so much as grab a Fistful.

"Bow, Idiot... Lest they be Frozen like that. Or shall I sock ye in your fat gut?" Lae whispered to her shocked husband, and laughter exploded from the Newly re-christened Lord. And he did bow, Motioning them to rise. He somehow managed to give the Book to Getmuki... And Fainted. In front of the Duke's Emissary, the Honor Guards and everyone there, Laeare reached down and grabbed the lion, tossing the limp male over her shoulder. She lay the Chain into the waiting cart, her Husband following like a very expensive sack of potatoes.

A black furred wolf came riding up and bowed to her. "Lady, Will you take charge of as many wagons as you need to pack Your household up, so we may start for Ryndal? After the Announcements, Of course."

Lae nodded, Grinning... This was going to be Good! She flashed a hand at Rand to be ready, As it was probably going to be something that Master Fox was going to find very unpalatable. Old Used Boiled Guard-Boot Unpalatable...

* * * *

"Thirdly. Having Read of the exploits of one Master Rornes, and his efforts on behalf of the Citizens of LaFaelt, It's Farms and Districts..."

Tama gritted his teeth - Well, a Township wasn't Too Bad. He could live with...

"And Reading many glowing reports from the Gentry, and Mayoral Office. We have decided to reward The Gentrymale who has given many Refuge, Employment, Coinage and Housing, With what We hope is Sufficient Reward."

The fox held his breath and squeezed Rand's hand. Earledom wasn't Too Awful, So he had heard - And if The Mayor grinned any wider his head was going to break in half! The lizard Smiled, as if agreeing with the damn canine... Tama turned slightly whiter - If that was possible. 'Oh Gods! If he Says... Tur, I am going to Bend you Over and Shove that Scroll up your So Hot Ass!'

"To the House Rornes, We add the Provence of Randen, with a Villa of some 20 acres under your purview." What The... But there was No such place! Nonetheless, out came a Chain of Gold with a Key and a big leather Book with Rand's name on it. Along with a Smaller scroll with a Gold ribbon, Sealed in Red Wax. The rabbit had to take the items as the Fox was looking Very shaky. Another smile and the bushy tail tried to curl up between the trembling legs...

Tama grimaced... '- All the way up to My Elbow!'

"Along with the Title of Baron, with all Entitlements and Responsibilities therein. Welcome, The Baron Rornes and His Husband-Consort."

'With No Lub - Wha? Husband Who?'

"Randen... Love?"

Tur swallowed audibly. The title of Consort means should the fox die Right Now (And the odds were about even at the moment), Rand would be Baron. And all his Kin after... The assembled furs bowed again. Tama decided Now would be a good time to Faint... And did - Into a startled female jaguar's arms.

The brown bunny squeaked, "Thank'ee Ser" and managed a shaky bow. But that was not the Last shoe to fly off the horse...

The huge rabbit got down, and knelt. Taking Tama's limp hand he pressed it to his Head and Heart before kissing it through the Veil. It was probably a good thing the fox was out cold - The Bachelor-Knight (Not the Sir kind of Knight, but the Cut people into Fishbait with Long Steel Blades kind of Knight) had just pledged his Service to the New Baron. Yes, Tama had yet Another Lover!

The lizard rolled more of the scroll out. "Finally. Baron Rornes, We owe you a much greater debt - A mystery two generations old has been solved. My esteemed Father rescued a Rabbit Family from dire circumstances. Took them into his House and gave them all that he could. Their Father stood by My Father until he died. Before you stands the Son of that Rabbit. Birth-Mate, Lifelong Companion and Stalwart Friend..."

Off came the helmet. Almost a twin of Johsa, the male was starting to stream tears...

"I have with all my might, Searched for His Brethren... And Because of you Baron Rornes, They have been found. Now, I may Fulfill a Promise My Father Gave to His Father, And I Gave to Him. Johsa Mejaginil, Son of Kinu - I Present your Brother, Shaahar."

Both males met someplace in the middle of a Street that has never been able to be straightened since. To say it was an explosion was to say the Church Bell was Heavy - Duh! The rabbits came together with a thunderclap that rattled the steel storm grates set in the Street. They laughed, cried, kissed... Danced on each other's feet. And didn't care a whit how much damage they did...

Chapter Forty - Moving

Limif came to with a groan, finding his Key of Office not very pleasant to lay on. He pulled it out from behind his back and looked at it. Then looked at the white female who was watching two grown males breaking paving stones by jumping on them as they continued to babble and hug and slap each others hot butts - Not a single word understandable.

"Ummmmmm - What happened? After I fainted I mean."

"The Big Black Wolf sittin on a horse is our - What are ye exactly again?"

The wolf bowed. "Wagonmaster - If your Lord and Ladyship will show us the way, we have twenty Honor Guard to watch over you and fifty servants to help load the wagons. If you need more, More will be sent."

"Ah - He be the WagonMaster. Master Tama got Baron'd the same way we got Lorded - Key, Book and all. Then he fainted into the arms of a Female Jaguar who lives next door and is the Biggest Gossip I have yet seen. Rand is Husband-Consort... Whatever that is. The two fools kicking up Cobblestones are my Father and my Uncle - Who I be thinking is the Duke's Lover. And after that Hand thingie he did with Master Tama, May well be His also - What's that?"

The lion pulled a ring out of his pocket. Etched in the three crystal gems were scenes of a village - Tiny houses, People, even the Fields with little stalks coming up. "That is the Ring my Father gave to my Mother when he Married her. And now I Give it to you - Lady Ryndal." He said as he slipped it on her Third Finger.

"But we ain't been to the Priest, Nor had the Ceremony..." A finger stopped her. One with a Silver ring that had etched in it 'Forever'. Limif put it in her palm.

"Consort means that if Rand outlives Tama, He becomes Baron of Randen. Just as you are My Consort. And This Ring is the one my Mother gave my Father. Who gave it to Me so Someone could slip it on My Finger..." He waggled his hand and she laughed, sliding it in place. "We can still have the Ceremony, Still see the Priest... But if you won't take the word of our King - Whom you will get to meet soon enough, By the way... I am not sure that Priests and vows are going to mean much."

Limif nodded to the wolf who got the bear in a wagon, and the couple moving, strewing DoubleWeight Copper coins in their wake - Which made Everybody Happy.

* * * *

Meanwhile, his twin was standing before Rand, Asking if this was Baron Rornes' House. At a nod the horses were moved, Oxen came up with big grins for all the goings on. Males jumped out of wagons and proceeded to pick the house clean of anything that wasn't nailed down... And some things that Were! Another pile moved next door stepping around and over little rabbits who were laughing and calling each other Melord, while steering furniture, clothing and whatever else out the door. After a short discussion, the Boys decided they should stay and finish their Apprenticeships with Master Pteh, But would follow on later. Maia didn't care either way since she could do glasswork anyplace. And for once, Lanine just sat and watched as everything she had was again uprooted, but this time by Professionals who packed and stuffed and stacked everything very neatly, lashing it all down - Except for the rolling pin she snagged from a passing otter, then walked over to the two rabbits who were just holding each other.

"Iffen you two drop your Pants and hump each other Butts, I Will be usin this in places you Will be wishin I hadn't..."

She *Yeeped* as the big armored male dropped on a knee before her. Took her hand and kissed it. "Wife of my Brother. My Father never knew what happened to his Son, My Younger Brother. Of the Nine We called Family, He and I are all that is Left. Beat me if you wish, I will drop my pants if you wish... But To find the Family name is being passed on and will not to die with me - That is worth much more than I can Repay you..."

Before she could fully grasp what he'd just said, he reached over and lifted her off the ground, Kissing her! Then let her down on her feet - But only after being threatened with having the weapon in her hand broken over his head... Then he and his brother went back to destroying the street. Bouncing and laughing and slapping each other. The white female looked at her daughter, and just shook her head.

"Rock-Headed, Cloth Stuffed Clear ta Yer - Mules! All you be is Mules with shorter noses! Pah... Get in the Wagon, children." Lanine took the wolf's proffered hand, climbing onto the seat. When asked about the males she growled, "My Husband can walk... Or takes another Wagon. And if he goes ta bed with Anyone else - Besides his Brother that is, *SnipSnap* Off come those mule balls... Ya hears me, ya Horse's Ass?! Ten kits I give him... Ten! But it is enough? Noooo! He had ta seduce the LandLord... Poor Fox. Bad enough he has my two Sons and my Daughter wantin him in bed, But That Mule's Cousin gets in there too! Then he Seduces that poor feller over yonder - The Bear. Says he's a Hundred and Six... A Hundred and Six, My Left Butt-Cheek!

She shook her fist at the males - "And How Many More have been swinging from yer Bell-Clapper, Eh? How many Lads you been teaching about Maypoles and how to dance 'round them? *SnipSnap* I'll have yer Balls in me Pocket Yet!"

The bulls were laughing So Hard they could hardly move, but a tap on their bony butts from the reins got them going... Except one ear on all four of them was turned back in case more wonderful things dropped out of the rabbit's mouth - Which was a string of curses fit to burn ear hair (And lower places). And she didn't stop even when they were way past the Town Gate.

* * * *

And while all this was happening, Somebody was carrying a still out cold fox to yet another wagon. And another black wolf was asking the Jaguar if that was her house across the way? She nodded pointing to it - But she wasn't... They dismantled her house faster than the Baron's. Fevio looked at the brown rabbit and with a shrug, helped him get settled up on the front bench, tickling the lad until he giggled, and didn't look so Wild-eyed, then jerked a thumb towards the back. "He thinks my Tits are beautiful... What did you think?"

Rand *Blushed* and stammered something about spots and he was really not the one to ask and... He *Yeeped* as his butt got pinched. "I guess I will have to Show them to you again... When we get settled." The oxen pulling this wagon were laughing too as they ambled off, Turning to head back to the Town Gates.

* * * *

A bit later, It happened all over again - With three maids yeeping and gasping, Expecting any moment to see something priceless fall and break. The Garden stayed with a promise it would be tended to... The Tomb also - This was his Parent's House. This would be where he and his wife would come to relax if things got too Hectic. One last look around and Getmuki locked the doors, Put the ladies on the wagon, before sitting in the front, a couple of stallions conned into being Coach-Horses.

The bear had mentioned that while they were well built, and Proud to show it - There were a pair of Rabbits that were, Shall we say, Longer? Yeah Right... Perhaps a contest of Length, Loser pulls the Coach? Hah! They would win That bet easily - The stallion's Fourteen-inchers fell short by Four full inches to Johsa, and Six to his Older brother.

* * * *

Still more wagons stopped at the Other Houses of Rornes. But instead of finding Twenty young males, They found closer to Sixty - All but a handful of whom wanted to stay and keep the places clean. There wasn't much to load, so the oxen were happy. The boys all got to see bull-balls up close and Touchable, so They were happy. The only ones Unhappy were in the Street of Desires, as they found out there were a couple of New Houses open - Ones where the Cubs decided who they got their butts plowed by. And a lot of the Lost Souls that the Street prayed on Never even got to the Gates. Fingers got pointed, Inquires got made - All with no result... Sure, The Baron Rornes' Houses had boys in them - So did many others in that same District. And yes, they were often seen naked... Washing, dusting, cleaning. Nothing obscene about That. And the only one that went in or out of the Front Doors were Boys and the occasional Guard to check-up on them - Always the same... Naked lads working their Sexy butts off.

Of course the guard usually came out more tired than he did going in - And if anybody noticed an increase in traffic in the Street behind the Houses, No one said anything - It Was a busy street, After all.

End of Book 04