Two Kings One Prince: Part Six (full)

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#7 of King

"This is where we part ways I'm afraid." It had only been a day since the trio made it out of the clutches of Sage's fortress, no doubt lucky that they were not caught, even when they each took turns watching for any sighs of movement in the area. Brandon and Mar would talk most of the time, Tentra would listen, glad that her mate had at least found a family member left in the world of the living. She found it amazing of what his mother was like, and knew that Brandon would want to learn all that he could with the short time they had together. But they had no idea it would only be a day they would know each other, before coming to the edge of the forest, with him inside, and them outside the clear skies.

"What do you mean Uncle?" asked Brandon moving forward a bit. "You can come with us you know?"

"Yes, yes, I know that." He answered with a smile. "And I would love to come with you, but I have a lady waiting for me back home, and I need to make sure she is safe, and allow her to know I am safe as well; wouln't want, her killing herself over me." He gave a slight chuckle before sighing slightly, looking up at the young man before him. "But we will see each other again, count on it." Brandon only nodded his head as Mar turned to Tentra, and passed her a single piece of paper. "These way of Shadow will help you if you learn from them, but," he raised his finger. "Be warn, going to deep into the magic can cause your heart to blacken, and you will not return to the one you once were" Tentra took the paper and nodded slightly holding it in her hand as Mar smiled. "Both of you be careful, whatever Sage is planning, it can't be good, and never...ever...allow ether one of you to lose the other."

"We won't," they both answered at the same time.

"Good," he answered. "Now, just keep going that way," he said with a point of his finger. "I'm sure your father is waiting Brandon." The human smiled as he turned and left.

"Tell Aunt Lenora I said hi!" he called after his Uncle as he laughed and waved back.

"Come on Brandon keep going!" Tentra laughed digging her heels into his sides as Brandon groaned and laughed.

"Hey, you try carrying me for an hour and see how you feel!" the drake laughed and placed her head on his head, eyes closed as she hummed a soft song.

"They're over here!" Brandon head snapped over at once, his mind racing a mile a minute, thinking for only a second that it was the human king or Sage men, but once hearing that it was dragon tongue, he relaxed slightly. As he turned toward where the voice came from, he saw Drake, running full force toward them. When he was close enough he stopped panting loudly as he looked toward Brandon. "Where have you been?" he asked as Brandon sighed, Tentra still on his back.

"Went to rescue Tentra of course," he answered looking back at his mate as she smiled softly back. More sounds of running was heard, and as the three turned to see who it was, Brandon was shocked to see both Zel and his father Zaptor run up as well. Nixi close behind, but when she saw Brandon, she glared hard, causing him to flinch back a bit.

"My son..." Zaptor sighed softly going up as Brandon let Tentra off, as the older gold dragon pulled him into a hug. Brandon, with a confused look, returned the hug as they held each other in embrace. "Why did you leave the bed?!" he demanded pushing him out with his arms, still holding him firmly in his claws. "What were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking about my mate father!" Brandon shot back, as Zaptor looked from him to Tentra.

"You mean...?" Brandon nodded as the two held each other hand, Brandon was ready to fight for his right to have her as his mate if he refused at all, but what he didn't think to happen, was that his father, unknown to him by blood; started to laugh. "It's about time!" he laughed loudly, slapping his son on the back. "I didn't think you would tell her!"

"You knew?!" Brandon asked blinking in confusion as the dragon only laughed.

"For a while yes I did, Brandon you give her looks unlike any female I seen you with, and you think I care; no, my first mate was a servant of mine as well you know."

"You're...first mate?" Zaptor realized what he said, and now remembering who Brandon was to him. Looking back he saw Zel, who nodded her head slowly.

"Brandon," he spoke softly. "We need to get back home, I will explain everything there, and the ball is tomorrow as well you know."

"I thought it was next week?" he asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Those females were getting restless, and we can't cancel now seeing how it would be so sudden, and we still need to outfit your dear new mate!" Tentra blushed slightly as Zaptor smiled. "And plus, I wish to speak to you alone son," the way he said it, Brandon notice it was stronger, higher then before.

"Alright." He answered as they all left, but before they could move more then ten steps, Nixi stepped before Brandon.

"King Zaptor," he asked. "With your leave?" Zaptor laughed slightly and nodded as she turned to Brandon, and back handed him.

Brandon blinked as his right cheek burned, Tentra gasped as well as Drake.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" she screamed. "Going alone to do a rescue mission, you could've been killed!" Brandon only blinked then rubbed the spot where he was hit, if it was anyone else, he would've punched them right back, but it was Nixi, and she did have a reason for being so mad at him.

"I understand Nixi," he answered. "But you must understand...I had a promise to keep."

"As a mate?"

"From a mother," he looked right into her eyes, a blank look was all she got causing her to back away a bit. Brandon sighed and looked away, still slightly rubbing his cheek as he looked back at the ones looking at him, until Zaptor spoke.

"Let us go home then," he said trying to change the subject. "We need to get Tentra ready anyway."

"Huh?" the drake blinked in confusion as Zaptor laughed.

"Well if you are Brandon mate, then you will have to go to the ball with him then now won't you?" he chuckled once more once he saw her reacting. Like Brandon, she hated dressing up, and knew that she would have to, if she were to go to the ball."

"So the ball is tomorrow then right?" asked Tentra as she fell on her back on the Brandon's bed, or now their bed. The moment they came back to the castle thanks to the Wyverns Zaptor brought along, the tailors had been working non-stop over Tentra to get her dress ready. This was the only time she was able to get away from the working two, as they thought the dress was fine enough that they could fix it without her wearing the pieces.

"That's right," Brandon called from a closed door as he got his sleeping leggings on, stepping out to show he wore the same one when Tentra first stayed the night, and once more he was shirtless. Though this time there was no need to be embarrassed, the two were now mates after all. Tentra smiled, seeing the muscles that rippled though his chest and back as he made his way over to her and lay on his side of the bed he always laid on. Tentra crawling back until her head reached the pillow as well, turning on her side and laid her head on his chest. He smiled and brought her to a hug, before pulling her right on his chest, making her sit on his lap as she would stare down at him.

"So how does it feel?" asked Brandon as she tilted her head.

"How does what feel?" she asked as he only laughed.

"Being a princess of course." She laughed with him, softly running her claws over his chest lightly.

"It's like all my dreams have come true," she answered. "And even more, I'm with you now."

"I could say the same thing as well." He smiled up at her as his hands slowly went to her hips, holding them gentle as she smiled even more before lying on top of him fully, her chest on his, as they shared a heat full kissed.

Her arms draped over his head, making her look like she was kneeling on him, but looking more like she was on all fours as the kiss went even deeper. Both eyes were closed, as mouths opened to allow their tongues to go into the other's jaws. Tentra one being longer and flexible was able to push in a bit more into her human's jaws. She moaned slightly as his hands traced from her hips to her tail, slowly raising it out of the way to rub between her legs. He could feel the heat slowly coming from her hips, the slow trickle of her love slowly falling down her legs. As if on their own, the legs opened to allow more of a way for him to rub her. Until he stopped to look up at her once the kiss stopped.

"Tentra..." he breathed slightly. "Do you...really want to do this, now I mean?" she smiled and leaned down, licking his ear and playfully nibbling on his earlobe causing him to shudder.

"Yes," she only answered as he nodded. Slowly rolling her until she was on her back, her legs spread to see what awaited him. Her vent was now showing, and since he knew she was not in heat, since he had be taught what the sighs of heat was from Zel, he knew it was only her being aroused that it was showing. He smiled; glad that he could make her so hot with just the touch of his hands and his kisses, as she smiled back. Wrapping one arm around his neck making him lean forward to kiss her again, her other hand went to help him with his leggings, slowly dragging them down to show his now harden member , pointing slightly upward, as it pulsed with his heartbeat. She had never seen a human member before, at one time, before her father past, she did glance a time when she saw her mother and father going at it, but it was weird. Two orbs hung below Brandon member, she thought to herself what they could be, and just brushed it aside; she would ask him later. Unlike the member she saw from her father, he had no ridges on the underside, slight hair growing around the ball and around his orbs. He did have a tip though, as it poured a bit of pre down the underside as he panted slightly above her. She smiled and kissed him again, putting both arms around him now as they kissed once more, tongues fighting the other to try and win a fight that they knew ether one could win.

He seemed bigger then what a human would be, he looked close to nine inches, ether he was very lucky, or humans could have such a large member, to the drake standards; since her father was close to ten. Once they broke the kiss again, Brandon lent down, kissing at her chest causing her to shiver as he traced his kissed up her neck to her shoulder blade; his hands slowly working up her legs to her hips as he knelt before her looking down at her. Her face flushed, easily seen as Brandon smiled once more lightly, before lining himself up with her moist lips, and pushed inside.

She was warm, that's what he first thought as the head went in slowly. Warm and slickness was what he felt as he slowly went in, half thinking that he would come to a barrier that would prove she was still pure, but remembered leaning that drakes, dragons, and humans were different; they didn't all have the same traits, so Brandon was glad for that part. But still, he was slow with his pushing; he wanted both of their first time to be something they wouldn't soon forget anytime soon.

As Tentra cooed, Brandon moaned, his father long ago, when he came of age to know what mating was, told him that it was the most wonderful feeling a male and a female could share with each other, and so far, he was right. When skin touched soft scales, Tentra slowly opened her eyes to look up at her mate, who was now hilted inside of her. Her tail slowly swaying left and right on the bed, as he gave her a warm, smile, tracing his hand over her cheek, before pulling himself down to kiss her once more. She moaned in the kiss, his grip on her hip tightened as her inside hugged his member, also causing his body to shudder in bliss. His breath coming out in short heavy takes of air, as Tentra legs wrapped below his rear, keeping him still inside of her.

"Let's..." she gasped slightly looking up at him. "Just stay like this for a while, alright?"

"Alright love," her human whispered to her as she shuddered from what he called her. This was the first time he had ever called her something other then her name when it was just the two of them; it made her scales crawl, but in a good way. Her tail sneaking its way up his back, slowly rubbing just below the shoulders as he brought a bit of his body of top of her, trying his best not to twitch his hips or thrust into her; which was getting harder and harder as time went on. But, none the least, he stayed still for her, both basking in the feeling their bodies were giving to each other.

Once feeling his drake licking his neck and cheek, he knew she was giving him the okay to start up again, so ever so slowly, he started to retreat from her wet folds, a low moan coming from her, as the feeling of being empty was felt, with only his tip inside of her; he would push back in, until his hips pressed up to hers, a small wet slap heard. A small hiss grew from the drake jaws as she would clutch her whole body, making the male above her moan out at each past he would make when he would pull out of her slowly. When reopening her gold eyes, the once circle pupils had becomes silt like eyes, making her look more like a animal then a creature that could speak with words.

"Harder..." she hissed though her locked jaws as Brandon only groaned, half hearing what she said as he would pull out and slam back in, causing Tentra to howl in bliss. Her claws griped his back, to the point they left long red lines on his skin, but thankfully, not enough to draw blood. Brandon's thrust became slow but heavy, slowly pushing himself out, before rutting forward hard, causing the bed's headboard to slam into the wall behind them, the bed shaking as Tentra's own body quaked from the force he gave her. Her tail wrapping around his leg, cutting any blood flow that would go to his legs, but he didn't care, he was too much in focus with giving his mate a night a pleasure. "Faster..." she was speaking lowly now, her voice looking all emotions as Brandon only grunted, going with speed now as he would moan out.

Tentra's hips started to roll and rock with him, matching his speed and power making both cry out as they felt their hips clash together. Wet slaps filled the air as once more Brandon fell forward, clinging to Tentra's shoulders as he slammed into her harder and harder, capturing her lips with his again, this kiss was messy, their spit drooling form the side of their mouths. Tentra eyes shot open as she pulled away from the kiss, her head leaning to the side, her body tensed as she let out a roar unlike Brandon had ever heard from her. Her insides tightening around him causing him to grunt and moan, it was so tight that he couldn't even move. So he would rub her neck, as her orgasms pushed on, her breathing hard and heavy as she soaked his lower legs and her own crouch area.

When she came down from her 'high' she was breathing hard still, looking up at Brandon, who seemed to be laughing somewhat as she gave him a hard glare.

"What's so funny?" she asked as he only chuckled.

"You're kind of scary when you mating, you know that?" Tentra only glared harder as Brandon smiled grew wider and wider, until she was force herself to laugh as she shook her head.

"That was amazing though," she breathed looking at him, then frowning as she felt that he was still hard inside of her as she blushed. "You didn't even get yours yet have you?" Brandon only shook his head as he shrugged.

"It's no worry," he somewhat lied. "I 'm just glad we were at last able to enjoy something like this together."

"But it's not fair if you don't get to release yourself as well," she gave him a coy smile, pushing him out of her as she gasped slightly. "Sit back for a moment alright?" he rolled his eyes but listened all the same, as he watched what she was going to do.

Slowly turning onto her side, she brought her knees to the bed, leaning forward with her chest down, and her rear raised high, her tail curling over onto her back, as she looked back and gave him the smile he would always give her. His jaw nearly dropped, this stance of mating was only given when the female wished to have the males young, but she was not in heat, so she would not carry his children, at least, not yet. The words of the Goddess rang in his head, as he remembered what she said about his future.

But it was not chance that you and Tentra fell for each other, but fate. You will have a child, a female drake. A daughter, he knew he was going to have a daughter sometime in the near future, and then the future him would come to help his daughter in stopping Sage, did that mean that no matter what the Prince of the Dragons would do, that he would not stop Sage.

"Oh Brandon," he snapped out of his thoughts as Tentra wiggled her rear to him, hiking her ass higher, so high that her tight tailhole was easily seen.

"Tentra," he blinked. "Are you saying that..." he still needed to play dumb for this part, he didn't want to tell her just yet that they would have a child together.

"Yes," she whispered. "I want your child Brandon, I know 'm not in heat yet, not for a while, but when I am, I want to carry your child," He smiled, moving closer as he knelt behind her causing her to look forward, purring slightly as she felt his member graze her lower lips once more.

"As you wish," he whispered. "My mate." At once he slammed himself in, knowing that she could take his whole member, and when the female was like this, they really didn't have a say into how hard or fast the male would slam into them. Ether way, Tentra loved it all the more, her body being pushed forward from every thrust as she would scream out, causing Brandon only to hump at her faster.

Heavy breathing once more filled the air, the wet sound of skin and scales, the rocking of the bed as Brandon took his mate as the right of the male, and Tentra taking it as the female of their kind would always do. She would moan and groan as she was pushed down, his chest on her back as his hips pushed more and more. Having been already close in the first place, it didn't take long until he cried out, pushing his hips hard into hers', her lips kissing his orbs slightly as his eyes rolled back, until the first wave of cum rushed out, and rushed out hard. Once she felt her inner walls painted white, it set off another cumming fest for her, as once more she roared out, soaking both of them once more. Hips shaking as they kept gong and going, until at last, Tentra fell forward, with Brandon on top of her, both too tried to move, so slowly closing their eyes, they fell into a deep sleep.

"I love you..." they both mutter, the other not hearing the word of love from the other.

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that email is my school email, if anyone want to chat me up, or PM me, for a while, do it here until i get internet back at my house, im gald they didn't block this site, wierd huh? lol so i hope to get some emails soon, also, if you want me to do a comission for ya, just email there as well!