Chapter 2: A Hidden Fantasy

Story by Nightstalker on SoFurry

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#2 of 100 Tails: Week With His Brothers

This story contains forced sexual acts between brothers, so if you don?t like that sort of thing, Blah, blah, blah etc.etc.

This is a yiffy story based on my character, Copyrighted to Me (Nightstalker)

Chapter 2: A Hidden Fantasy

Andrew was still lying on his brother's bed; his wrists bound and naked covered and filled with his brothers' cum though most of the load in his tail hole had leaked out and landed on his tails and the bed sheets. Most of his fur was matted from the cum on his chest and stomach and from the tears on his cheeks. He felt as if he had been lying there for hours, his breathing was deep and slow but every now and again the pain in his anus would throb causing him to yip. He managed to raise his tired eyes up to see that the sun was finally started to set though this reminded the wolf that it was earlier than he thought it was, the wolf shut his heavy eyes just managing to drift off into an uneasy sleep. His head kept moving about and small groaning sounds could be heard coming from his partially open muzzle and his eyes were squinting every couple of seconds it was obvious to tell he was having a nightmare, about what was probably just as obvious. Rallen was the first of the two older wolfs to re-enter the room he looked down at his younger brother, still tied down and covered in his seed. A small grin appeared on his face, his brother looked so cute and defenceless, he slowly walked over beside the bed his younger sibling was laying on (which was his) he sat down on the edge of the bed and he placed a paw softly on his brother's head.

The look on Andrew's stressed maw almost upset Rallen, he would never admit it but Rallen had always fantasized about this with his brother. He always imagined that smooth tongue gliding over his maleness, he would place his hand between his ears and he would rub softly while whispering "Good Boy." Suddenly a load groan from the wolf beside him brought him back to his senses, he turned and saw that Andrew was slowly opening his eyes. Andrew was about to rub his eyes until he remembered that he was still bound; hoping that it was just a dream, tears started to well up in his eyes and a paw reached down and wiped them away but this caused the young wolf to shudder, causing the fear he felt to return and he yelped out "Please don't, leave me alone." He shut his eyes tightly.

"I'm not going to do anything," Rallen said in a tone that Andrew had never heard him use before, Andrew slowly opened his eyes and saw a look in Rallen's eye that he had never seen before. Rallen stood up and walked over to the door, he knew Roan was downstairs watching TV or something so he decided he would have some time alone with the bound wolf, he shut the door and turned the lock. When Andrew heard the click of the lock he feared the worst despite his brother's words and the look in his eyes, he turned his head and watched Rallen walk towards a bedside cabinet and out of the top drawer he pulled a...collar? Andrew was confused, he thought he was seeing things but as Rallen walked closer he could see it was a blue leather collar, with a tag on it said "Andrew" and underneath that "Good Boy". Andrew was more confused than scared at this point but worry had entered his mind as his brother approached his neck with the collar, when he looked up at his brother's eyes he had a strange almost glowing look, like he had finally gotten something he had always wanted. Andrew's fear began to grow but he let the collar go around his neck while he was absent-mindedly making sad puppy-dog eyes towards his brother. That coupled with the collar, cum covered fur and defencelessness caused a commotion in Rallen's groin, he felt like that alone would cause him to go over the top but where would the fun be in that

Rallen slowly lifted himself onto the bed, then moving a leg over Andrew so he was squatting just over his groin; looking down at him with a sly grin. Andrew finally gathered his thoughts; which was hard with all the fear and confusion, he kicked his legs trying to knock his brother away from above him but despite his attempts he couldn't knock the older and much stronger wolf from above him. His younger siblings's futile attempts to knock him away only turned him on more, causing his wolfhood to become completely erect, it was only at this point that Andrew noticed his brother was as naked as he was. As he saw the large red member he brought his tails up to cover himself (well the ones that weren't trapped underneath him). Rallen just chuckled "You should move them out of the way you do not wanting me hurting them do you?"

"'s better you hurting them than doing what I think you are going to do." Andrew managed to whine out in a whispered tone, he then closed his legs tight together and shut his eyes tightly trying to block out his brother that he might give up and leave him alone though it was but a small hope.

"Awww you look so cute there." Rallen said clearly making sure Andrew would hear, causing Andrew to blush slightly, he hated being called 'cute' but he figured so did all other boy wolfs but he kept his eyes shut. Rallen knew this would be bugging him it always had, "Your such a cute little pup." He made sure to emphasise the last word knowing it would get to him. Andrew as Rallen knew he would; opened his eyes and let out a growl, Rallen didn't know what it was but whenever someone called him 'pup' he lost it. To be honest Andrew never really knew what it was either something just clicks if someone calls him a 'pup'. Rallen was finally bored with the chit chat and decided he was going to get onto what he wanted to do in the first place; first he bent forward rubbing the side of his maw up against Andrew cum stained chest murring softly, bringing Andrew back from his short little outburst. He pushed his chest up to try and knock his brother away "What are you doing? Get off of me!" he shouted trying to sound tough but by now he just wasn't. 'Such a feisty puppy.' Rallen said with a smile causing Andrew to growl but a lot quieter than the previous one. Rallen stepped it up and notch and started to lick the crusted coat of his captive, Andrew despite the situation couldn't help but moan softly.

As Rallen's seemingly expert tongue worked away at his chest he didn't even notice what was going on down near his tail hole as Rallen aimed is maleness up with Andrew's tail hole making sure to keep him distracted just to make sure it was a surprise and that it was; in a matter of seconds Rallen had his wolfhood buried half way into his little brother's hole which was still scarred inside from the rape that took his virginity earlier that day or it was probably 'yesterday' by now but it was still the early hours of the morning. Andrew screamed out in much as he did the first time but this time it hurt even more with the scars but somehow it felt nicer, Andrew did not know why. Rallen stopped allowing his brother to adjust before slowly moving in rhythm, Andrew called out "Stop it, let me go." But his voice was very weak, he had not eaten since breakfast yesterday and he had not had any sleep except for that short period of time but that was racked with nightmares. "Shhh, take it and be a 'Good Boy'." Rallen whispered into Andrew's ear, causing him to shiver as he went back to licking his chest, his nipples in particular. Andrew was screaming in his mind 'This is wrong he has to stop, he shouldn't be doing this we are brothers but then again his tongue feels kind of.... What am I thinking!' Andrew had this strange feeling at the back of his mind. He was actually starting to like this to his own horror, "No!" he mumbled and tried to push the thought to the back of his mind but his will power was as weak as his body, he mentally cursed himself for being so weak. He held on until he couldn't anymore he just let his body indulge in the cursed pleasure, he soon became fully erect and his brother seeing this began to paw him off in time with his thrusts into his abused rear. It didn't take long for the pumping of his erect member for Andrew to come to his climax causing his tail hole to contract which helped Rallen come to his climax filling his brother with his seed.

Rallen rested his head on his brother's chest for about a couple of minutes before he got up and attached a leash to the collar and untied the ropes that bound the wolf picking him up in his arms real easy. The tired and weak form of the younger wolf could not protest against being picked up but was slightly relieved as he felt his arms able to move about even at the lack of energy. Rallen carried the limp body to the bathroom were he laid the form down on the floor while he readied the bath tub making sure the water was not to hot and not to cold, he then took off the collar and leash placing the boy in the bath so he could get clean and remove the crusted, dry cum from his fur. While the boy soaked in the tub, Rallen snuck downstairs as not to alert Roan if he was still awake; and grabbed a bowl and put Andrew's favourite cereal in it with just a little bit of milk then returning upstairs, he placed the bowl in his room before returning to the bathroom and helping to wash the almost sleeping wolf, the sight of the wet boy was starting to arouse him but he knew the boy was in no condition to go again, not yet anyway. Once the boy was completely clean Rallen lifted him out of the tub and wrapped a towel around him and carried him back to the room and drying him off. After he was dry he placed the collar back around his neck as well as the leash, and after he had changed the sheets on the bed he put Andrew back on it tying his wrists together again and placed the bowl of cereal on a table that was just close enough that Andrew would be able to reach it. Andrew was to sleepy to be able to notice much that was going on, he was practically asleep when he was placed on the bed and after his brother stroked his ears a couple of times he was sleeping, his breathing soft and gentle. Rallen moved his hand down his younger brothers back and stopped when he reached his rump, he started to softly massage where his tails connected to the rest of his body which enticed a soft murr from the sleeping wolf but Rallen decided it was time to get some sleep himself so he lied up next to his brother on the bed placing an arm around him.

Roan had just awoken on the chair and the TV was still on, as he stood up to stretch he noticed that something else was awake as well he looked down at his red erection, he brought a paw down and was about to paw himself off but his face lit up he remembered he had a toy upstairs for that. He walked to his room his member standing proudly, he stopped just as he got to the door with a sly almost evil grin on his maw.