Runaways: Pt. 4

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#4 of Runaways.

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. Try not to get caught. If you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!


"F-f-f-furpile?" Hatchet stuttered as he remembered snickering with his old friends on

the playground about such an idea. "But... I haven't even done anything with another


"How about women?" Tigerlilly murred inquisitively. "Have any experience with the

females of your age?"

"I've been alone with girls..." Hatchet responded in an awkward tone. "It was fun...

From what I can remember anyway..." He put his ears down in shame.

"Hold on!" Alfa said, rolling out of his bunk. He walked up to Hatchet and came within

3 inches of his muzzle. "So... You're a virgin?"

Hatchet just nodded, feeling like he was a misfit among misfits, all because he had

never had an experience with another male before.

"That's..." Alpha smiled wide. "That's awesome! You're gonna love the feeling of my

cock in your rear, don't worry."

He started pulling Hatchet out of his bunk when Digger intervened.

"Alpha! Get a grip!" The badger shouted at him, smacking his paws away from the

wolf. "Remember when you were a virgin? Remember how brutal it was your first time

being screwed from behind?"

"Nope...?" Alpha put his paw up to his chin. "It was so long ago... I can't even

remember who it was with... Ah well... Can we get this furpile underway now? My cocks

gettin' lonely here!"

"Oh calm down," Fangs said as he pulled Alpha's tail. The lion fell backwards onto the

cougars bunk, but cried in pain after accidentally hitting his head on the way down.

"Damnit!" His shouted as he rubbed his head through his thick mane. "What the hell

did you do that for?!"

"Serves ya right you horny cat," Fangs chuckled as he spoke softly. "Now kiss me for a

while and leave the virgin alone, k?"

Alpha nodded and locked muzzles with the cougar while everyone else just kept up

the previous conversation or told them to get a room.

"So..." Hatchet broke the silence of everyone watching the two felines going at it.

"Why exactly is the initiation a furfile...?"

"Well," Digger said with an awkward snicker. "Sometimes we are cooped up in this

wagon for days and there's nothing better to do then to have an orgy here and there."

Hatchet was amazed at how freely the badger could talk about this kind of stuff without

so much as a blush. "And it helps us bond, ya know? Every orgasm, every spunk-shot,

every moan of pleasure holds us together as a family."

"Aren't you guys..." Hatchet started to ask. "...self-conscious or anything? Isn't it

embarrassing that everyone knows what... you look like down there...?"

The badger couldn't help but burst into laughter, same with just about everyone else

in the wagon.

"Hell no!" Alpha said as he broke his make-out session with fangs, slipped off his thin

trousers, and revealed his rock-hard cock. "See?" He bounced up and down, making his

lion-hood dance. "What's there to be ashamed of? I got a cock and you got a cock. All

there's left to do is use it!"

Hatchet just sat there in his bunk with his eyes glued to sight of the lion's meat. His

mind went blank as he felt his own cock peek out from its sheath and start to slip up

against his pants.

"Oh Alpha..." Fangs said as he pulled the lion's tail, causing him to fall to the floor of

the wagon. "Why do you have to be so goddamn sexy!" He ripped his own clothes off

and lunged onto him, locking his muzzle together with Alpha's with intense passion.

"You two are almost as horny as dogs!" Tigerlilly exclaimed as she threw her pillow at

the two males. "I swear! You guys are always the first to start the piles!"

"How about we become the second...?" Diamond purred as she seemingly floated down

from her bunk with a type of grace that could only be achieved through years of

experience. She tip-toed up to Tigerlilly's bed and licked his small nose with her delicate


Hatchet's eyes were glued to them as they began making out. He then noticed the

sound of furs restlessly rolling around in their bunks. One look would show that each and

every one of them were wrestling off there clothes and then meeting with one another in

the space between the bunks.

It astonished Hatchet how these furs could just simply pick someone out of the room

and begin yiffing with them like it meant nothing.

"Looks like I get first dibs on the new guy," Coke the polar bear said as he stepped

over every fur that was currently moaning on the ground. He was already naked and

unsheathed as he pulled Hatchet out of his bunk with only one paw.

"Please!" Hatchet yelped as he suddenly felt like he was in danger. "I still need time

to adjust!"

"Nope," The dopey polar bear said as he suspended the wolf in mid-air with one paw

while stripping him naked with the other. "It's initiation time!"

"Aren't you going to do something?!" Hatchet said as he looked up to Digger's bunk.

The badger already had his cock in his hand and was stroking it generously.

"Well," He giggled as he adjusted himself. "It IS time for your initiation, and the whole scene is actually very hot."

Wha...?!" The wolf started to say before he felt Coke's giant tongue slide across his


"Tastes good," The bear said as he looked Hatchet in the eye. "And you can't say

you're not enjoying this."

Hatchet saw Coke's paw pointing to his wolf-hood, which had been awakened and slid

out from inside his body.

"I..." He said as his eyes now focused on the part of Coke that was in front of his face.

The throbbing bear-meat was suspended and waited for attention from the

less-then-experienced wolf. "What do I do...?"

"Just play with it?" Digger said as he picked up his own pace. "Just pretend it's like...

an ice cream cone? Or maybe a nice new lollypop your mommy bought you."

"Just go..." A voice from behind Hatchet said, and, because he hadn't been there for so

long, he couldn't tell who it was. All he felt was a padded paw touch the back of his and

push him forward.

"But!" he tried shouting, but the bear-cock made its way into his muzzle before he

could get the words out.

The taste of it made him wince and it made him gag when it touched the back of his

throat. He wasn't used to anything yet and his mind seemed to be screaming at him for

not trying harder to stop all this from going on.

'What are you doing!!??' He kept asking himself as he moved in and out of focus from

the work from his mouth and whether he should put an end to it or not. 'Am I ready for

this? Is this what I should be doing?!'

All these question piled up in his head, but while he was off his guard he heard the

bear grumble and saw his ball-sac flex.

"Ughhhhh!" Coke moaned as he painted the back of Hatchet's throat, making his gag

as hard as could as he tried to swallow the foul tasting stuff.

"Holy Fuck that tastes bad," Hatchet said as he wiped his lips dry and cleared his

throat. He then looked up to Coke and saw his face still in ecstasy.

"Alright!" One of the other furs said. "My turn with the virgin!" He grabbed him from

the pleased bear, spread his legs, and then began lapping at his tailhole.

"You sure he can handle that?" Another bodiless voice asked as he felt something

hard kiss the entrance to his rump.

"Let's hope..." Hatchet heard as he felt the penetration. He then felt his head get

lighter and began seeing blobs instead of faces. Voices become less recognizable, and

everything seemed to fad into the same shade of black.


Hatchet woke the next day on the floor of wagon B in-between the soft belly of Coke

the polar bear and the boney frame of Speedy the greyhound.

"Ugh..." He grunted as he tried to pull himself out of the mass of fur. Placing his paw

on the bed beside him, he released himself and climbed back into his bunk. He then

became aware of the fact that he was totally naked... but the worst park is that his fur

was matted to the extreme with spunk from, probably, everyone of his bunk-mates. And

not just little patches here and there, either. His face was covered with crusted cum and

his body fur was twisted and knotted from all of the stuff that covered it.

"What a night, huh?" Fangs said as he groomed himself on his bed. "You look like you

got the brunt of everyone's shots, too..."

"Ya think...?" Hatchet said as he tried licking himself clean.

"Did it at least feel good?" The cougar chuckled as he saw the disgust in Hatchet's

face from the taste of what he licked out.

"It felt alright..." The wolf murmured in embarrassment, feeling his rump's soreness

with his paw. "It hurt a lot, though... Especially when everyone kept taking turns on

me..." He then rubbed his calves together felt liquid leak from his tailhole. "Goddamn it


"You'll get used to it, young one," Fangs said sincerely. "I'll tell the boys to ease up

for the next ride."

"Wait a sec," Hatchet said, pausing from his self-grooming. "We've stopped!"

"Yeah," Digger yawned as he peeked his little face down to get a look at Hatchet.

"Pretty soon they'll be calling the post choppers to get out there and take down a couple

support trunks."

Not a second after Digger spoke did the door to the wagon fly open. The ringleader

waddled in with a whistle in his beak.

"Alright you lazy bunch of rejects!" He screamed, then followed with 3 sharp blasts

from his whistle. "I want all the post choppers, post diggers, and tent carriers outside

this instant!"

"Is he mad?" Hatchet whispered to Digger as they got down from they're bed. "Cause

he sounds like he slept on the couch last night..."

"Yeah," Digger said as he tried his best not to burst out laughing. "He gets into these

spaztastic moods sometimes. It's just best to lye low while he is and do your job."

They climbed over the still sleeping furs together and tip-toed outside, shielding their

eyes from the mid-day sun. Furs had already lined up and the two joined the ranks, but

couldn't help hearing fierce snickering from the ones from Wagon A. One look at Hatchet

and you could tell how rough his last night had been. After all, they had all gone through

their initiation.

"Alright everyone!" R.L. called out, as if it were a military scenario they were in. "You

see this forest?" He pointed a wing behind him.

Everyone groaned and nodded their tired head.

"Good!" He chuckled. "Then you all know the routine from here. Move out!"

"What...?" Hatchet said as everyone went back into their wagons and emerged with

they're tools. Hatchet put an arm on Tank the rhino as he walked by with a humongous

axe across his shoulder and begged for his attention.

"Oh hey there little fella!" He greeted Hatchet in a joyful, booming tone. He put his

giant hand on top of Hatchet knotted head and rubbed it with a surprising gentleness.

"Whatcha need?"

"First," Hatchet said, feeling embarrassed that he didn't know anything about what he

was doing. "Where do I get my equipment?" He put his ears down as he saw the rhino

crack up.

"You just gotta talk to R.L. or Jeffery about that one," The rhino instructed as he

raised his massive hand away from hatchets head. "Oh! And don't forget to beg R.L. for

the use of his shower! It's the only one we've got, but in your case I think he'll let ya

use it!"

"Thanks Tank!" Hatchet called out, still in mid-sprint. "I owe ya...!" He started to say

before one of his foot-paws was snared by an uplifted tree root. He fell nose-first into

the dust, landing with a thud that made a giant cloud around him rise.

"Careful, young one," The familiar voice of R.L. rang in Hatchet's ears as he felt a

tender wing caress his back and help him up. "We need you in top condition, especially

for your first outing through the wood."

"I know, sir," Hatchet panted as he got back on his feet. "I needed to ask you two

quick things, though... If that's ok, that is..."

"Sure, Hatchet," The penguin said as he puffed on a cigar. "What can I help you with?"

"Well," The wolf said. "For one... I need an actual hatchet to help chop trees down

with. And two... can I... maybe use your shower?" He put his ears down a braced himself

for R.L. to shout at him for asking such stupid questions, but heard the little bird laugh

as he almost dropped his cigar.

"Well looky here," The penguin grinned as he put on the monocle that was hanging

from his shirt. "Looks like a certain wolf had his share of spurts last night, eh?" He

nudged Hatchet in the ribs with his wing.

"Yeah," Hatchet said as he rolled his eyes. "I feel disgusting so could I please use

your shower?"

"Now," The penguin's tone got a little more serious. "I'll let you use it, but remember,"

The penguins eyes grew narrow and beckoned contact from Hatchet's. "I'm only letting

you use it because you're basically covered. It's MY shower, no one else's, understand?"

"Yes sir!" Hatchet yelped as he ran towards R.L.'s trailer. "I'll make sure I don't leave

any fur in the drain either!"

"Better not!" He shouted at him as he raised his wing. "If there's any in there I'll make

you lick it out!"

The wolf opened the shredded screen door to the trailer and stepped inside. The

smoke-stained walls had pictures of R.L. and Jeffery on them and the furniture was

ripped and had stuffing falling out of it.

"That you, babe?" Hatchet heard someone say from the bedroom.

"I'm just here for the shower..." Hatchet replied as loud as his shy voice would let him. "I hope that's alright..."

"Bartleby?" The voice asked as he heard footsteps coming closer to the door. Then it opened and Jeffery's head popped out. "Or should I say... Hatchet?"

"Oh!" The wolf gasped in surprise. "Jeffery! I didn't recognize your voice!"

"The shower's in here, young one," The fox grinned with his jagged teeth. "Don't let me being in here disturb you cleaning yourself."

"After last night I don't think it will..."


After the shower, the cleansed wolf stepped out and toweled himself dry. He got his clothes on and received his hatchet, which was slightly bigger then the one his dad used to chop down and split fire wood when his old family used to go camping.

"Go talk to Tank," They told him as he left they're trailer. "He'll show you what your duties are and what needs to be done."

Hatchet smiled and waved and headed out in the direction of the forest, but not before tripping over the same root that took him out just 20 minutes prior.


And that concludes Part 4 of this series.

I appologise sincerely for the extreme shortness of it, but you gonna sympathise that its summer.

I could have made it a little longer,but im heading away on a camping trip with a couple friends for about 3 weeks, so i thought id leave you guys with this taste.

I'll post part five as soon as i get back and write it, and ill make it 2 times as long as this one. Deal?

But i hope you enjoyed it none-the-less and I hope i get a bunch of lovely comment for you guys.

-Pup*hugs you all*

Ps-Thanks again everyone for reading. You guys make me wanna write and give me a reason to keep going