lady and the dragons part 5

Story by frankteller on SoFurry

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The dragons flew to the site where Maria died. Maria was quite ancient, at 85,000 years old (over 160,000 earth years). Fewer than one in 1000 dragons live this long, though some dragons live more than a million years. The dragons spent the whole day discussing Marias life. They looked up in the sky and saw a blue star so bright it could be seen in daylight. It was the brightest supernova the dragons had seen in several millennia. They took it as a sign of divine favor.

Dragons are naturally quarrelsome, but Maria had no enemies. This was not simply because of her age, though dragons typically treat those of her age with great reverence. Maria was widely known as a healer who showed compassion toward those the other dragons had shunned. In her youth, she was controversial because of this, but in time, everyone came to love her. Dragons from all over the planet came to remember her. It was estimated that more than 10,000 dragons were present. Because of the crowd, they packed in close together; some were actually on top of each other. Many were in shock, including Dick, who felt responsible for her death. Some of the other dragons may have blamed him also, but none dared say so. Dick knew, however, that many of the dragons did not like him, and that this would only add to their sentiments. He kept a low profile, hoping to avoid trouble. Perhaps sensing this, Joseph, who was one of the few dragons older than Maria, said, "Even the most blessed among us cannot live forever. No one is to blame for Marias death."

Word began to get around over the next few days about the relationship between Dick, Rose and Julie. Dragons are quite tolerant of unusual relationships, and many of them laugh at the prudishness of humans. However, some of the dragons were felt that Julie was unduly obsessed with Dick, and saw her as a nuisance. They felt that she had led him to neglect the other dragons for his own pleasure. Dick overheard a conversation among two of the dragons. Sally noted Julies repeated requests that Dick eat her. Thomas responded, "I hope he does. I hate that bitch." Dick threatened to kill them both if anything happened to Julie.

After that incident, Dick, Rose and Julie went away, hoping not to hear from the other dragons for a while. Dick said, "If they want us to make peace with them, then they will have to make peace with us. They treat us like shit and then act like it is our fault for isolating ourselves. There were always a few nice ones, like Maria. They all said they loved her, but she would be furious with them if she saw how they are treating us."

"I came from a world that was quite fucked up," Julie said. "I was ecstatic to get away from there. Now it is becoming clear that dragons have the same flaws that humans do. It is probably worse, since they have so much power."

"Part of this is my fault, but not all of it," Dick said. "I have some growing up to do, but so do they. Why is it so hard for them to accept us? They say it is wrong to harm an intelligent being, yet they openly wish that I will kill you."

"We cannot keep running away from them," Rose said. "We must confront them directly. Julie, do you still want Dick to eat you?"


"Let's do it in front of all of them," Rose responded. "And make sure they all see you come out alive. The ones who want you dead will be shown for what they are. But first, let us work out every detail so that there is no miscommunication. I want you to make sure that Dick knows exactly what you want him to do, step by step."

Dick telepathically probed Julies mind. He wanted to be absolutely sure this is what she wanted. He quickly realized that she was ready, and grew ecstatic. "Do you want to do this privately the first time?" Rose interrupted him. A crowd of hundreds of dragons gathered.

"So, you're finally going to kill the bitch," Thomas said.


"But you are going to eat her," Thomas persisted.

"I know what I'm doing. I did this with Rose and she loved it. I love Julie. And shes probably safer in my belly where you cant get to her."

"Thats what you think," Thomas responded. The elder dragon Joseph pounced upon him.


"Thank you, Joseph," Dick responded. "It is good to know there is someone here who will stand up for me."

"I try to avoid taking sides, but his behavior was unacceptable." Joseph deliberately blocked Thomas's view.

"I hope our show will lift your moods," Rose said. "We all miss Maria, but we must not take it out on each other." Dick laid on his belly, with his mouth wide open, his palatal valve shut and his teeth fully retracted. Julie started giggling uncontrollably. Then she got on all fours and began crawling toward his mouth. Rose kept an eye out to make sure that no one tried anything. Dick lay almost motionless as Julie put her hands on his tongue. She inched forward until her knees were close to his bottom lip. Then, she lay down on his tongue. He gently closed his mouth on her upper thighs and slid his tongue into her pussy. She moaned with pleasure. Dick slowly stood up, first on four legs and then on only his hind legs. The dragons could now see that Dick had a huge erection. Dick was a natural showoff. He wanted the others to see how much he was enjoying this, and could not care less if they approved.

Dicked tilted his head back and opened his mouth slightly. Julie slid further into Dick's mouth, but his mouth was only slightly open, so her feet remained outside. He then opened his mouth a little wider and she slid the rest of the way in. Dicks palatal valve remained closed, and was the only thing between Julie and his throat. Dick closed his mouth, and Julie rolled over onto her back.

The dragons were cheering. Some were merely enjoying the show, but others clearly were hoping that they were witnessing Julies last moments. Dick then tilted his head forward and opened his mouth again, using his tongue to stop her from falling out of his mouth. Once again, he closed his mouth gently upon her upper thighs. Julie shouted "DONT STOP NOW! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD REALLY DO IT THIS TIME!" Julie had a very loud voice, and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. The dragons all knew what she was saying. Up until this point, Dick's motions had been very slow and gentle too much so for Julies taste. She found Dicks power and strength seductive. She had grown stronger, and far more able to withstand abuse than when she first came to the dragons world. She began to wonder if Dick was having second thoughts. "DAMNIT, STOP BEING A PANSY! YOU ARE A LOT STRONGER THAN ME! PROVE IT! EAT ME YOU WUSS!"

Finally, Dick did exactly as she asked. He opened his palatal valve. There was still enough light in his throat the Julie knew what was happening. "I'M FUCKED NOW!" She exclaimed with great pleasure, and flung back her arms as if she were diving. Dick swung his head back and opened his mouth wide, hurling Julie head first into his throat. Julie screamed "THANK YOU!" as she fell into his open throat. Dicks throat was so wide that Julie fell practically unimpeded. Julie was stunned as she landed forcefully in Dicks stomach. He had not thought to tell her that this is why Rose preferred to be swallowed feet first.

"Now you all know why I love Julie so much," Dick told the stunned crowd. Rose rolled over onto her back, and Dick began to lick her pussy. She moaned with delight. Julie could hear everything. Dick had shut off his digestion, so Julie sat safely inside him. There was room for her stretch and move around. She rolled onto her stomach and turned so that she was facing toward Dicks mouth. The she lay down again, surprised by how comfortable the inside of a stomach could be.

Dick and Rose telepathically connected with Julie. This time, the telepathy was so intense that they could directly communicate physical sensations to each other. Dick thrust himself into Roses pussy. They both screamed in ecstasy. Julie felt every thrust through the magic of telepathy. She was far beyond the point at which she would normally experience orgasm, but her arousal just kept increasing. Dick, Rose and Julie all climaxed simultaneously. Julies pleasure was so intense that for a few moments she could not move. Perhaps it is not accurate to say that she was paralyzed, but rather that her mind was so completely flooded with pleasure that she could not even think to do anything but enjoy it. Dick then teleported Julie into the field, about 10 feet to his right. Dick and Rose were comfortably resting; he had not yet pulled out of her. Julie jumped up onto Dicks nose and kissed him. Dick pulled out of Rose and rolled onto his back. Julie then licked about a pint of cum off of him. Rose rolled over away from them and stood up. "So," Rose asked, "Did you all enjoy the show?" The dragons unanimously showed their approval. Their anger was gone. Thomas apologized for his past remarks, and Dick, Rose and Julie all forgave him. Joseph announced that Julie was approved for training to become a dragon, and that it was her choice when to begin. Not a single dragon objected. After discussing the matter with Dick and Rose, Julie announced that she would start training the next day.