
Story by Hawke on SoFurry

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There she was, lying on her bed, on her stomach, facing away from the door that he was currently standing in, his little daughter, his 16 year old princess. The little slut. Her legs where spread, showing the fact that whichever boy she had let fuck her now had gotten a little prize to keep, and onto the bed linnet his fresh cum was dripping from her exposed pussy. Like the cum of so many males before had been dripping from his daughters cunt. This was it however, that he had told himself before opening the door. This time she hadn't even bothered to lock her door, hadn't even tried to keep quiet, instead filling the house with the sounds of her getting fucked, and loving every second of that barely known cock filling her again and again.

This time, however, he had had enough, enough of that little slut disgracing her mother's name. Oh, how he loved her mother, the most perfect little husky, her fur white as snow, her eyes blue as the bluest sky. The day their daughter was born, 16 years ago, was the most perfect day of their 19 year old lives, and they had both loved her, loved her dearly for the first 14 years of her life. But then, that fateful day, her mother, his wife and soulmate, had passed away, and had left him with her, his little princess, the spitting image of her mother in her teenage years. She had been perfect, and now, now she was soling her memory by fucking every guy she met. But this was going to stop, it was going to stop now. He was going to make sure of it, by getting what he deserved, what he craved and needed. He was going to fuck her, and he was going to fuck her good, and she was going to love it, or at least, she didn't have a chance to say no, as her daddy would take her as his, and make her his. He walked into the room, idly rubbing at his crotch, his cock already hard and ready for his daughters tight wet pussy. She was sleeping soundly on her bed, doing nothing to hide her soaked cunt, her skimpy skirt doing nothing to help either. He came prepared, oh he had been prepared for a while now, quickly he took out the cuffs, and handcuffed her to the bedposts, her legs following suit, but only after forcing her into a crouching position, raising that sweet little teenage ass, an ass he had craved for the past year, into the air, nothing hindering him.

She stirred as she felt the cold steel against her wrists, blinking she found that she couldn't move. Trying to pull her arms to herself, she found them tied down somehow, blinking again she saw the handcuffs. She let out a surprised gasp and tried to move out of the bed, finding her legs locked down as well, and her rump raised high in the air. A sudden realization hit her: She was totally exposed. A trickle of cum rolling down her inner thigh. Inside, she let out a sigh, the bunny hadn't been able to satisfy that craving, that emptiness, that she had felt ever since her mother died. Her friends had told her bunnies where long lasting, and oh yes, he had been, but somehow it wasn't enough. It couldn't fulfill her need. Oh how she missed her mother, she missed her dearly. She knew her daddy did too, she could see it in his eyes when he looked at her. She knew she looked just like her mother had, when they first met, and she knew that he saw her in his daughter. She only wished there was something she could do to help him ease the pain. That last thought was cut off, and cut off suddenly, as she felt a warm paw on her exposed ass, not a harsh paw, but a gentle one, softly stroking her, feeling her up and squeezing her cheeks. Nothing like the eager little teens that had been fondling her recently. Then she hear his voice: "There, there little princess. Don't worry, it's only your daddy. Your daddy loves you, he loves you and he is going to love you, and he is going to take all the pain away." She knew what she heard couldn't be, and that it couldn't be right, a daddy wasn't supposed to fuck his daughter, and he sure wasn't supposed to rape her in her sleep. She knew she should fight it, she knew she should speak up and complain, scream loudly, louder than before, make their neighbors hear, but for some reason she didn't. She didn't scream, but instead let him keep on feeling her, even as he moved his paw down and gently stroked over her exposed pussy lips, sending a shiver through the girl. What was this, why was she feeling so turned on? She didn't know, and soon she didn't care as she felt his finger tryingly entering her soaked tightness. Instead, pushing back against him, letting out a soft: "Oh, daddy, yes."

He let out a surprised gasp as he heard her moan out to him. He had expected her to put up a fight, to resist, to take this as the punishment he had originally thought of it as. But somehow, the sight of her perfect white fur, of her pussy, of her sweet eyes, had made him forget all his hate, and love her instead, love her like he loved her mother. He removed his paw from her and leaned over her, his cock still in his pants, but very much able to be felt through the fabric. He spoke into her ear softly: "Princess, I... I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't, but... but I can't help it."

She spoke up, moving her head to face him, looking straight into his eyes, "It's okay daddy, really. I love you, and I want to help you. Please, help me, help you." she smiled at the last words, knowing they where true. This was what she had been needing all along, her daddy, and his love. "Daddy, please, release me. I promise I'm not going to run or try to get away. But please, release me and let me enjoy this as your equal instead." She looked him straight in the eyes, trying to convince him that she wasn't a flight risk. He looked at her for a moment, before pulling back, rummaging through his pocket he pulled out the key, leaning over her again he unlocked the cuffs, first the right, then the left, and then proceeded to the angle ones. All the while she didn't move, didn't say a word, just kept the position he had placed her in. "Thank you daddy," she finally spoke out, leaning up to kiss his lips softly, "now, do what you came here for, and prove to me, that you still love mommy as much as I do."

He smiled, and returned her kiss tenderly before pulling back, opening his pants he pulled out his erect canine cock, pre already dripping from the tip. He spoke softly: "Are you sure baby?" He asked her, her only response a nod, and a soft wiggle of her rump. He smiled, the mood turned from one of hate, fear and uncertainty, to one of love and trust. He grapped his cock in his paw, and moved up, sitting on his knees on his little princess' bed, his stiff cock aimed straight at her waiting pussy. He knew this was wrong, he knew he shouldn't do this, but it was true what he had said, he loved her, and he couldn't stop now. He slowly pushed forward, his tip hitting her neither lips first, sending a shiver through her, eliciting a moan from his daughter. He kept moving forward, his cock moving into the girl, inch by inch, filling her more and more, soon taking her to the hilt. His knot not having bulged out yet, allowing him to stand there for a moment, her hips pushed against his, their breathing shallow and in sync, her body shivering and moving under his, sending thrills up his spine.

She looked back over her shoulders, and into her daddy's eyes again, nodding she bit her lower lip, somehow the sight of her daddy buried completely in her soaked cunt not disgusting, but perfect, as it should be. Somehow this was right. She whimpering softly and wiggled her rump against him, pushing against his hips, groaning between moans: "Please daddy... Take me... Take your little princess. My prince."

That was all he needed, while looking into her perfect eyes, watching her perfect face contort in pleasure, just like her mother's had, he starting pulling back out, and pushing back in, again and again, taking her completely with each motion, filling her cunt. What had he been thinking, she wasn't a slut, she was a lost puppy, who finally found what she needed, and he was going to give it to her, as often as she needed it. He started bucking faster, his movements changing from slow passionate lovemaking to hard fast fucking. Taking his daughter again and again, moaning loudly into the room, his voice meeting hers, as she bucked against him, screaming with each hard thrust of his fat cock.

Their voices met, in perfect symphony, his raising loudly, her following suit as father and daughter combined in perfect harmony, his cock thrusting deep into her pussy, driving them both mad with lust, and pleasure. This was what he had craved, much better than what he had dreamed. This was what she had needed, what she had looked for, for the past two year, without even knowing it. This moment, this perfect moment of pleasure, which felt like it should last forever.

"P-Princess... I... I'm going to cum..." He moaned, his knot quickly forming, bulging, filling her as he kept thrusting in and out harder and harder. "Oh yes daddy," she responded, "fuck me... Fill me, give me your cum." She moaned loudly. He moaned loudly. Their bucking moving to a strained movement, as he finally locked inside of her, his knot too large to leave her strained pussy and jet after jet of hot cum filled her passage, pushing the cum of the other males from her, cleaning her, cleansing her from their nasty deeds, and restoring her to the perfect princess she was before. Untouched, yet loved. Unsoiled, yet bearing his seed. Exhausted, but satisfied, they collapsed on her bed, father holding onto daughter, both falling asleep in eachothers arms.

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