Chris and Sera

Story by FALCONCOMMAND on SoFurry

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#4 of Kane and chris

All right I finale got to doing chapter 3 tried something a little different. Mind the grammar

Chapter 3

Chris walked into his families' cave he smelt a familiar sent in the air.

His older sister was back. "Sera I can smell you from a mile away stop hiding and just come greet me already."

Chris heard a feint noise at the back of him and jumped around to meet her face to face.

"Crap Christopher when did you get so good hearing? " "I wanted to give you a surprise but I guess you heard me already. "

"So when did you get back and why are you looking at me like that."

Sera smelt a familiar sent on her brother.

"You smell different almost like another male."

At that moment, Chris was thinking 'O crap I forgot to wash off again.'

Chris wanting to get the hell out of there and tried to think of an excuse.

"I was playing with one of my friends and I want to show you something..."

Before Sera could even say anything, he ran into his room and got one of the containers out thinking it would keep his sister busy.

"Year Sera I found this do you know what it is."

"It's some kind of liquid let me get it open then I can see."

"Wait no don't open it."

Chris could not get the words out his mouth fast enough.

The whole cave filled with the gas, both of them getting a nice big dose.

The next thing that Chris smelt was Sera's dripping arousal.

His sister recognizing the sent se smelt on him before and wanting her share.

"O Christopher did I ever tell you how much I loved you."

"Do you want to see something I leant my beautiful green sister?" Chris said as he went around to the back of his sister.

"And what is that."

"I am going to mount you and fuck you until you pass out."

Sera remembering how many times she had been mated before decided to tease him.

"Ok but you must remember you have a small shaft and I will probably not even feel it... so you are probably wasting your time."

The gas had an opposite effect on her instead of making her vent bigger it made it smaller and formed a barrier like the humans have.

Chris remembering the effects of the gas just grinned at her.

Seeing his grin made her look, back at his shaft "O my god Christopher how did you get such a big shaft it's the biggest I've ever seen, even bigger than some of the dark clan I have been with."

Chris climbing up on her back positioned his shaft at his sister's vent.

"Are you ready for this sis?"

As she opened he mouth to answer him, he pushed the tip of his shaft into her receiving a scream from her.

"O crap bro what the hell was that it stings like hell."

"I think it was your cherry it's a skin barrier that breaks the first time you have sex."

"But this is not my first time I mated with plenty of other dragons before."

"Just forget about it and enjoy this."

Chris thrust his entire shaft into her with one thrust.

His sister screaming out in pure pleasure as he started to fuck here slowly as he did with Kane.

"Chris stop fucking around and get a move on will you."

Chris started fucking her at a much faster his knot starting to push at the pace of her vent.

Sera with all her experience was trying to hold back her impending climax after a few more thrusts her vent clamped down on her brothers shaft as she started to cum her juices leaking out of her vent forming a puddle on the cave floor .

Chris still far from his climax continued to pound at his sister that was screaming from pleasure underneath him.

After about an hour of good hardcore mating Chris finally felt his own climax approaching, and began to thrust his shaft deeper and faster into his sister.

Sera felling yet another climax approaching began to push back at his thrusts and the felt something new.

"Chris what are you doing back there ... agg crap what the hell was that I feel so fucken full."

Chris did not speak and he only gave short thrusts that almost drove both of them mad with pleasure.

Chris hit his climax first spraying hot cum directly into his sister's womb.

When sere felt his hot cum filling her up she climaxed as well and passed out on the ground.

Chris followed suit shortly after.

When Chris woke up, he saw he was in his room but he was still tied with his sister.

"Um Sera wake up how did we get here."

"What now O yes that was me I found this teleportation spell and it seems it works quite nicely."

"What happened to mom and dad, where are they?"

"They will only be home in a few days don't know why but that is why I am here to babysit you."

"And while we are at it what the hell were you doing at the dark clan sis."

"I went to see my old mate. "

"Old mate who is your new mate."

"Take a guess he is in the same clan as me."

"I give up who."

"Are all males the same you , you little idiot."

"Since you are messing around with the other males."

"Stop right there mister I know he sent of another male and I can tell you already have a mate."

"Yes kinder he was a friend from the fire clan but now I cannot stop thinking about him."

"well like I was saying I want to go and try something with you and him together are you up to it ."

"Is that a challenge young one and what does that vial of gas do?"

"What I found out so far it makes my shaft bigger and gave me this lump of flesh that is holding us together."

"Yes all very interesting but what did it do to me."

"It made you tighter and also gave you a cherry that if I am right might grow back."

"So what are you going to be doing tomorrow" at the same time Chris said that he gave a firm pull on his shaft making his sister squeal in pain as he pulled out his knot.

Chris and Kane 2

For my small amount of watches out there here is chapter 2 enjoy I finally run a spell check on this one so I don't think there is any errors on it Writing is not one of my strong points When Chris left Kane to go, back home he went back to the...

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Chris and Kane

This is my first time writing a storie like this please comment on the work ,tell me what you lot like and i might write...

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