Part 3: Unspoken Words

Story by Ashen Hugo on SoFurry

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#3 of The Darkness of Life

Warning: This is not suited for weak minded or under age kids. If you are reading

This then you is at your own risk, I do not take any responsibility for your own

Action. This story will contain Yiffy, and disturbing Real Life or Not Real life


Also, I was given permission to use Beo's Character, which is his.

Also this Story is copyrighted under the US Laws and there respective owners.

Author's Note: Here is Part 3, Comments are Welcome.

The Darkness of Life

Part 3: Unspoken Words

By: Kuvvosh Sirruthan Wolfisher

Unspoken words can lead to many paths in life. Only can you find the path that will change your life forever. The path might be hard, or soft as the paw pads that can give so many signals, or as hard as the fangs of a predator, out to stalk it's pray.

Mary and Ted were surprised when they received a letter in the mail about there son given the chance to become a Anthro Being and not even after a hour later they received a phone call from Tim Wolfisher, requesting to meet them today if possible.

They agreed on a time and arrived at the building that Tim had give to them, 300 stories of steel and glass building that was located downtown.

They walked onto the 231 floor as the elevator doors opened, and noticed a pair of armed guards was standing at another door, that had a sign above it that read Fur society Morph Facility.

The human guard on the left side of the door glances at the two entering, and stepped forward as the other on the right a short but, well built husky stood still at as he watched them.

"May I help you. . ." the human guard asked as he approached.

"We're here to meet with Tim Wolfisher, concerning my son. . ." Ted said as they stopped and talked to the guard, "And what may be your names . . .? Sir. . ." the guard asked as he had his one hand pressed at the head set that he wear on his head obviously receiving information.

"My name is Ted and this is my Wife Mary. . ." Ted said softly and the guard nodded as he motioned for them to follow him as he turned and nodded to the other guard, who turned around and punched a couple of numbers in allowing the door to slide open,.

"Ok son. . . I'll see you tonight when I get home. . . Love you too. . ." Tim said on the phone as he was sitting behind his desk with papers and folders neatly piled in a tray on one side and a monitor on the other.

He set the phone back on the receiver, and pulled out a few folders from the tray. His son called to let him know that he had a ride home, and he mention a Human that was cool and said his name, and he didn't say anything as the name rung a bell in his head, and he fished out the folders, and scanned the names on them, and ran a crossed one that had a picture of Matt.

He opened the folder, and read thru the files noting that he was selected as a candidate for becoming. . .

A knock came from the door of his office, and he shut the folder, and adjusted his tie, and spoke out, "Come in. . ." The door crept open and two humans walked in, Tim rose from his chair, and held out his paw as Ted slowly made his way lifting his hand to shake Tim's outstretched paw.

"Greetings. . . Please have a seat. . . May I get you anything? Maybe a drink perhaps?" Tim said as he shook Ted's hand and motion them to sit, Ted just shook his head as him and his wife sat.

"No thank you. . ." he said softly, Tim gave a nod and sat down, scooting up to his desk a little and leaned back in his chair a little and glanced at the two humans to determine there reaction to the fact that of there son's life was about to change.

Buses could be seen lined up awaiting there cargo to take back home for the day, as a tall lion stood outside, watching all the students file out of the school and walked up to there buses or walked to the school's parking lot.

He noticed that Leo, Rex, Matt, and Kuvvosh were walking towards the cars, and saw that they were laughing as they walked, he gave a smile.

"Dude Kuv, you had everybody eye's popped out of there head, and not to mention Coach. . . No body thought you could run with us big boys. . ." they all laughed as Leo mimic what the Coach did while they was running.

"I've never seen him like that. . . He was standing there with his jaw open, and head tilted to the side. . . Hell I think he had a hard on seeing you run Kuv."

Leo said as he gave a light playful punch to Kuv's shoulder, causing Kuv to reflexes yank his arm up and wrap around Leo's arm as he was about to yank him to himself when he realized what he was doing he let go of Leo's arm.

Leo gave a startle gasp as Kuv arm wrapped around his and felt the sudden power of his muscles getting ready to yank him towards Kuv, when Kuv just let his arm go.

Rex and Matt looked at each other, as they thought Kuv was fixing to floor Leo into the dirt.

"Uhm. Sorry Leo, I'm kind of jumpy when being caught off guard. . ." Kuv says as he gave a grin and let his arm fall back down as they kept walking to the parking lot.

Leo looked at Rex and Matt as they begin to burst out in laughter, "Oh gosh Kuv. Every time you caught Leo off guard during the wrestling practice. . . He would be all blushing. . ." Matt says as he dodge Leo's punch, Rex laughing so hard causing him to bend over from the waist as Kuvvosh fur turned from a snowy white to a Reddish highlighted shade.

They arrived at Rex's car, as Leo walked around the car as the back lid open, and he took his back pack off and slung it into the trunk, as he reached out and took Rex's as well that was handing it out to Leo,and slowly he closed the trunk lid and walked to the side where others were standing.

Rex just leaning back on his door and Leo glanced at Rex's body, as Rex was wearing tight shirt and baggy pants with his Football Jacket on, he always thought Rex looked sexy when he leaned back like that how he would love to trace the lines in the fur with his paws, and feel those tone muscles in his friend's chest.

Matt was talking to Rex, and they were planning on stopping at a place for pizza, Kuv was starting to grin as he smelled somebody getting aroused and it seemed like it must be Leo as it had that same smell as when they where wrestling, and he nudged Matt in the rib and tilted his head to where Leo was standing.

Matt turned his head to Kuv when he felt his rib being nudged and saw him tilting his head towards Leo causing Rex to do the same.

Leo was standing there blankly staring at Rex, and had his head tilted slightly as Rex Spoke, "Earth to Leo. . . You alright man? You seemed zoned out there for a moment. . ." Leo snapped back to reality and his fur started to turn a shade of red in a embarrassment from being caught staring.

"Wha. . . Yea just was thinking. . ." Leo said as he looked away. Matt turned to Kuvvosh, "You said your Dad was cool with you riding with me right?" Matt asked, as Kuv just nodded, Matt looked back at Rex as Leo was already making his way to the other side of the car.

"We'll meet you at the place." Matt says as he turned and depressed a button a remote causing his car which was right behind Kuvvosh where he was standing to make a Beeping noise and then the sound of locks unlocking, and the lid in the rear to automatically open.

"Put your stuff in the trunk Kuv. As it's the only safe spot for your what ever that talking thing is. . ."

Matt says as he walked around Kuv and placed his bag into the trunk, Kuv just gave a raised eye brow

and spoke, "Why's that?" as he made his way to the back feeling the smooth surface of the car with his paw pads careful of not letting his nails touch.

"Well, you will know when you get in. . ." Matt says as he lightly shut the trunk lid, and made his way to

His door, as Kuv felt his way to the door on the passenger side.

He stopped short, as he felt the edge of where the door should be was devoid as the lightly traced his paw upwards on the edge feeling where the door was actually above him as a wing.

"Wow, is this a Passan X-wing Sports car?" Kuv asked as he felt for the seat, and noticed that his paw pads was feeling fur, instead of leather or vinyl material, and his nose twitched at the smell of fragrance of like being in a rain forest.

Matt was sitting in his car and watching Kuv as he slowly felt where the door should be, and slowly running his paw up and finding the door, he smiled when Kuv asked him what kind of car it was, and was surprised that Kuv knew what it was, he even seen Kuv placed his paws on the seat, and seen the expression changed from at aww, to confusion and then his nose giving a twitch.

"Yes, it's the car. . . Yes that's real fur and the smell is a incent I burned this morning. . ." he softly said as Kuv slowly sat in the car, and making sure his tail wasn't caught under him and was now resting on his legs.

\as Kuv slowly lifted his paw and found the hanging door pull strap, giving it a yank to allow the door to shut.

Kuv's ear swiveled as he heard Matt inserted his key into the ignition and gave it a twist causing the car to give a slight vibration as the engine started, then a couple of chirps and beeps followed as Matt was reaching up to his sun visor pulling out a disc that had a Holo-gram look to it,

"What kind of music you like Kuv?" he asked as he pressed a finger on the touch screen of his radio, "Do you got any Telcon Wolf Blood Gang?" Kuv says as he turned his head facing at Matt.

"Uh Huh. . . Sure Do. . ." Matt pulled a Holo-disc out of a sleeve and placed it into the opening of the player, and tapped a few keys and a soft repetitive beat with semi fading in and out guitars and vocals started.

Making Kuv's ears swiveled around like a radar.

Matt reached back up and placed his holder on his visor, and gave a grin as Kuv's ears were dancing like radars, because of the complete 3D sound he had placed in his car.

He glanced out his side window at his side mirror and saw Rex's car already turning to get on the road going to the place.

As he put his car in drive and drove off to catch up to them.

A car pulled up to a brick house surrounded by trees on the sides, and back yard, with a wooden old style looking fence around the tree lines.

The sound of a garage door opening could be heard, as Hinky pressed a button on a remote that was located on his visor.

Tosha was bobbing her head to the music that was pounding through speakers in the car, and on the outside the sounds of thumping bass could be heard as the car slowly moved into the garage, and the garage door slowly started its closing task as the sound of the bass was cut off when it closed all the way.

As they stepped out of the car, and shutting the doors.

They slowly made there way to the door that led into the house from inside the garage.

Tosha leaned into Hinky's strong chest as he fumbled for the right key and slowly worked his paw around her as she leaned in letting there lips touch and parted as there tongues danced, she gave a moan as he used his other paw to lightly squeeze her rump as the door clicked open allowing him to scooped her up into his arms, and walked in using his left foot paw to shut the door behind him.

She gave out a moan as he felt his strong arms grabbed her rump and squeezed as he picked her up making her gasped from such a move, making there muzzle part as he closed the door behind him.

"Oh Hinky. I need you. . . Oooh Gods I can't stand being in heat. . ." She moaned out as he laid her slowly onto his bed, which was covered in silks sheets.

He slowly turned around as she pulled off her shirt while Hinky grabbed a stick of some sort and lit the end of it placing it onto a long wooden stand, the he leaned over a bit, and gave the end of the stick a soft puff causing the end to begin to smoke.

She was watching him with her eyes as she slowly gave a twitch of her nose, noticing the smell of sandal wood, she gave a smile as he turned and lifted up his paw with a remote in it, and pressed a few buttons causing the room to have a soft music fill the room.

He sat the remote back onto the desk behind him, and slowly made his way to her removing his shirt, and she growl as she saw the tight muscles of a six pack and a chiseled chest.

She gave out a grown as he slowly removed her pants, as she lay back allowing him to pull them off of her and he started to purr as he saw she was wearing a pink panties that were damp from her sex.

She sigh with content as he pulled off her pants causing her to lay back and give a little moan as his paws touched her sensitive spot when he removed her pants.

She had her eyes shut tight as she started hearing him to begin to purr, she opened one eye lid to see what he was doing, and noticed that he already shed his clothes off and wasn't wearing nothing, as he placed his paws at her panties elastics and peeled it off of her causing her to give out another moan of delight.

He gave a grin as she looked at him as he already had removed his pants as soon as he had hers off, he loved when he made her moan as it drove him into a more wanting state of mind.

He slowly reached out and pulled off her panties and saw her swollen mound , and the clear fluid of her being wet.

He slowly leaned over and placed his muzzle inches away from her mound and lashed out with his tongue lapping up the fluid with one swipe of his tongue, before he slowly crawl above her and gave her a kiss.

Tosha gave out a gasp as she moan, when she felt his tongue lap over her sex, causing her to arch her back in delight, as she felt him climb over her.

AS she looked into his soft amber eyes, and she raised one paw as she wrapped it around his neck to bring him close to kiss

They both started purring as he slowly turned around on the bed, as they broke the kiss and whispered into her ears about doing a sixty-nine.

Tosha gave a nod of her head and smile as she moved her paws between Hinky's legs and made him spread them apart, as she slowly traced her claw on her right paw beneath his sheath, and slowly with a light touch of her other paw slowly inserted one tip of her claw into the opening of his sheath and lightly moved it in a slow circle stretching the ring muscle and lightly brushing his cock with in causing him to give out a low moan.

As his cock started to make it self known as it started inching its way out of the hole of his sheath.

She gave a purr as she felt his paws caressing her breast with his soft silky paw pads, and felt him slowly trace her nipples with his claws.

As he squeezed her left nipple in his paw and then moved his other paw doing the same to her other one making her give out a gasp.

As he squeezed both in his paws and twisted them a little causing a sharp electric shock course through her body.

Hinky was smiling as she gave out a gasp as she automatically her legs open up showing her rich under belly fur, that was white that traveled down to her swollen triangular mound, where a little black was edged around the y shaped opening.

He slowly moved his muzzled towards the inviting mound, and slowly let his tongue lightly trace the outer part of her sex.

Then lightly so much as teasing let the tip of his tongue edge traced the opening and slightly prodded the inside.

Finally he slowly let it glide down pass her rose bud, causing her to whimper as her sex slowly seemed to swell even more and turn a shade of red.

She gave out a whimper as she felt his tongue playing with her mound and causing her to squeeze harder on his swollen cock.

As it was slowly getting thicker in her soft paw pads, and the bar spiked head slowly swollen even bigger.

Then she grasped the shaft a little more, and a cleared liquid drop slowly ran down the bars of his head, and she lightly lashed out with her tongue to catch the drop before it fell.

He tenderly moved his paws to her mound, and lightly placed one paw around the outer side of the mound and slowly stretched his paw outwards so to make the Y opening to slowly open.

Revealing a soft pink glistening wet hole, he slowly lower his muzzle to it and stuck his tongue that he had folded in the middle making it seemed like a pointed shape in front.

Then it slowly entered, spreading the opening more, and he lightly flicked the front of his tongue where her clit would be, causing her to moan, as she had her muzzled around his shaft suckling it like a kitten in need of it's mother milk.

He slowly moved his other paw to the back side where her clit would be.

Finally he lightly used a claw to massage the area on the outside of the mound causing her clit to get even harder and stiffened to where it was peaking out.

Tosha gave out a moan as she felt his paw caressed around her sex, as she moved her muzzled to his now hard seven inch of tiger cock.

She slowly wrapped her warm lips around the slick cock, causing him to give a little purr and a little push with his hips as he felt her warm muzzle encircled his cock.

She began slowly move her head back and forth using her tongue to massage the under side of his cock.

Causing his cock to give a twitch, making it squirt out a shot of pre to land on her tongue.

Tosha wasn't expecting him to do what happen next, but she felt her mound being stretched open and a tongue slowly entered into her, then the sensation of his tongue flicking her clit made her clamped down on his cock and suck hard.

Using her one paw that wasn't holding the base of his cock, she moved and lightly squeezed his white sack of jewels, causing him to give a growl.

As she felt his claw slowly massaging her clit.

Hinky let out a growl when she squeezed his balls, and gave a grin, as he moved his head, and looked at his bed stand.

Slowly he moved his paws. He moved one paw to the side of her to Hold his weight. and the other to open the drawer.

He slowly felt in the drawer, and gave a grin when he found a plastic square.

Withdrawing his paw with it in his paw, he lightly shut the drawer as he turned around.

She released her paw around his member slowly stretching out her paw towards his, grasping the square plastic that he was holding.

She turned her head and gave him a smile as she took the packet and lightly used her teeth to open it, revealing a condom.

Sounds of furs chattering and moving around was making Kuvvosh's ears fold back, as they walked into the pizza place, with Matt behind him.

Matt noticed as Kuv entered through the door of the pizza place that his ears went back, as Kuv slowly walked forward a little.

Matt decided to slowly reached out and to grasp his elbow, he must be confused with all the noise Matt thought, as Kuv turned his head towards him.

Kuv felt Matt's hand grasped his elbow as he slowed down from entering, and turned his face to Matt, as he wonders why Matt was doing that.

Then he felt Matt gave him a tug to follow, Kuv just nodded and let Matt guide him.

Leo was scanning the crowd as he and Rex were waiting for there friends to make it in.

Rex pointed as he saw them walking in and Leo looked in the direction that Rex was pointing, and called out for them.

"Yo, Kuv. Matt. . . . Over here." Leo said loudly over the crowded of noise.

As they heard Rex and Leo called out, Matt and Kuv turned there heads towards Leo direction, as they made there way to the booth in the back.

Matt guiding Kuv around chairs and other furs.

Carefully Matt placed Kuv's paw on the chair of the booth to let him know where he was at, as Kuv folded his cane, and slide into the booth across from Leo, as Matt did the same.

A raccoon walked up to there booth. "So what can I get for you to drink, and are you ready to order?" a familiar voice said as Leo turned and looked at who it was.

Rex gave a grin as he recognized who it was before Leo spoken.

"What's up Ben. . . Didn't know you worked here. . ." Leo said, making Ben give a laugh.

"Yep, I started here about a few months ago, during summer break. . ." Ben said as he looked at Matt and reached out with his paw to pat him on the shoulder.

"Heard Chad was starting crap today. . ." Ben says as he gave a knowing grin.

"Nah, we worked it out. . . I think he saw his mistake. . . Just was odd though that he changed all of a sudden." Matt said as he gave a raised eye brow to Ben.

Ben just shrugged, "It's no telling. . . Mr. Moon can be rough with students. . ." Ben says with a grin, as his tail swung back and forth.

"Now what can I get you all to drink?" Ben said as he lifted a pad up with his left paw, and a pen at the ready in his right.

Matt reached over and placed the gear shifter into neutral, and moved to set the parking break on as he watching Kuvvosh unbuckling his seat belt.

Kuv turned his head smiling as he unbuckled his belt, "Want to come in for a bit? You said something about a problem with the first lesson in math?" he asked softly.

AS Matt turned off the car, and slowly reached on his door to press a button causing the doors to open automatically.

"Sure. . . I haven't got nothing else to do. . ." Matt said as he and Kuv stepped out of the car.

Kuv slowly closed the door, as he heard Matt open the back trunk, and closed it.

"Here is your stuff. . ." Matt says as he handed Kuv's stuff

Kuv reached out, and took his stuff when Matt handed them to him.

Matt was glancing around at the large house, more like a mansion then a house. The house was two stories tall from the looks of it, as the yard was massive as a tall wooden fence went around the premises, as there were trees here and there, with what looked like a house in the back.

Must be a apartment Matt thought.

A rumbling sound could be heard coming down the road, as a moving cargo truck turned into Kuv's drive way.

Kuv's ear swiveled as he heard a large truck coming up towards them, as Matt turned and saw the truck stopped.

As the driver side door opened, as a tall great Dane jumped down from the cab, and closed the door, slowly the Dane walked up to them.

"Hey. . . Is this the Wolfisher residence?" the Dane asked as he lifted a clipboard up to scan a page.

Kuv gave a nod, "Yep, moving somebody in to the apartment?" Kuv asked, as he knew that his father had another client coming up, it was normal for there stuff to be moved to the apartment type house as they would be receiving rehabilitation during there morph procedure.

"Ok, we were told to move this stuff into the back apartment. . . Hmmm... Says here to tell Kuvvosh, to give your father a call when I see you." The Dane says as he looked up from his clip board. Kuv just nodded his head, "The apartment back there, I will call him as soon as I get in the house." He says as he turned back to Matt.

"Ready Matt. . ." Kuv asked as he unfolded his cane and started to walk towards the front door walk way, as Matt watched the Dane jump back into the truck and drove pass his car, onto the other side drive way to the house in the back.

Matt turned and followed Kuv to the front door, as Kuv unlocked the door and stepped in, allowing Matt to walk in and closing the door behind him.

Matt glanced around, as Kuv slipped off his sandals, "it's dark in here. . ." Matt says as he slowly walked forward a little.

Kuv grin a little, as he raised his paws and gave a clap, causing the lights to come on and a beep could be heard,

"Better now?" Kuv says as he walked pass Matt walking into the kitchen, with Matt following.

"Want anything to drink? I need to make a call to Dad. . ." Kuv said as he opened the fridgrator, his tail swinging back and forth, causing Matt to stare at his tail.

"Ah, sure. . . A coke maybe?" Matt says as he shook his head, as Kuv stood back up and turned around with a coke in both paws, handing one to Matt, as he closed the door.

"You can sit in the living room, or at the kitchen table it's up to you. . . I got a feeling something is up, as dad hardly ever has me call him from somebody moving in. . . ." Kuv said as he put his coke down on the kitchen table and put his paw into his pant pockets pulling out a cell-phone.

Tim was sitting at a bar, next to a husky with red eyes that were staring at him, with a grin on his muzzle, Tim traced the markings starting around his eyes and down to his nose.

He noticed there was a white diamond on the cute husky forehead. He glanced down to the chest where the husky's vest was open revealing a red crescent on his chest, pointing down.

As the husky turned to take a sip of his beer Tim noticed the flames on the back with a skull that had a rose in its mouth, as well the husky was wearing flaming leather pants.

Beo was smiling as he saw Tim's gaze checking him out, as he was checking him as well, when he turned to take a sip from his beer, glancing to the side of his vision, tracing the rich brown and black markings that Tim had, as most common for German Shepherds.

Tim turned back to his drink, as he was pondering how much work he had ahead of him, as he slowly took a sip of the Royal Coke mix drink that the bar tender, a Fox that was two tone silver, one of the rare ones whose name was Chip, as he was one of Tims former Clients in the Morph program.

Tim nearly jumped out off the bar stool when his phone went off in his pants, he glanced at the Husky beside him.

Then he pulled out the Cell-phone and gave a wink at the Husky who was laughing at him.

"Hello, this is Tim. . ." he said, as he watched the husky down the rest of his beer, "Hey Dad. . . You wanted me to call. . ." Tim nodded his head, as he started talking to his son.

"Yes, get a hold of his friends, and keep him there. Just don't let him know what's going on till I get there. . . Ok, Love you too son. . ." Tim said as he closed his phone, and noticed that the husky was gone.

As he put the phone back into his pocket he noticed a piece of paper was in it, as he pulled the paper out, it had a name, and a phone number, he grin as he knew it must have been the husky.

Matt was sitting at the Kitchen table, as Kuv was talking to his father, he noticed Kuv glancing his way several times with his eye brow raised and ear's folded back, as if he was shocked from something.

Kuv slowly lowered the phone, as he shut it, Matt spoke out, "What's up? You act like something big has happened. . ."

Kuv was thinking fast, as he thought of a way to keep Matt here, as he was shocked that his friend was the one that was moving in.

"Uh. . . My Dad said to order out, and that I could invite Leo and who ever else over. . ." Kuv gave a grin as to throw off the surprise look.

Matt listened to Kuv as he told him what was up, as he could tell there was something not being said, but, he figured he would play along, "Cool, I'll call Leo and see if he can get over here with Rex. . ." Matt said as he fished out his phone.

Kuv just nodded, as he spoke "That'll work, I'll order the Food, and we can watch a movie. . ."