In the Beginning

Story by Alpha2007 on SoFurry

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#1 of Changing for the Better


This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy.

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This story is the starting of a series based off the last story I submitted. This story is now named "Changing for the Better", but is going to have another title stating what the chapter is. Hope you enjoy this and comments and critique are always helpful, I'm still new at this, so... Here you go with the first chapter of the series.

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Changing for the Better - In the Beginning

"It is 5 o'clock and the weather is..." A paw went on to the snooze button of the clock before the radio DJ was able to finish his sentence. There was a sigh that escaped the wolf's muzzle as he put his paws over his eyes. He rubbed them slightly as he sat up and yawned looking at the clock. He let out another sigh and looked around his room rubbing his eyes again to try and get himself awake. "It's the first day of school. I can't believe I'm now in the twelfth grade..."

The canine took off his covers and dragged himself out of his bed, his foot paws hitting the tilled floor with a little tap from his claws. He stood up and walked over to his closet to choose what he was going to wear for the day. He smiled slightly as he picked out a collared dark red shirt and dark blue jeans. He pawed back over to his bed and layed them out thinking to himself for a moment. He looked back over to the clock. "5: 15..." He turned back to his cloths and looked at them absentmindedly. "I think I need a shower before I get all the way dressed."

He went to the door and peered out to make sure that everyone in the house was asleep. He smiled slightly and looked down to himself. He wasn't really self conscious or anything. His parents saw him in his boxers before, but he was 17 and growing to the age to where he was starting to care. He looked around again for the last time and opened the door all the way as he made his way to the bathroom a couple doors down.

The wolf entered the bathroom and turned on the light shutting the door. He looked at himself in the mirror as he thought a bit checking himself out. He was an average size wolf of about 6'-1" and was well built for his age. He was big, but not quite as big as other students at his school. It also helped to have weight training through his sophomore and junior year. He wasn't really into sports at his school and personally didn't care either. He was a pure black wolf with blue eyes and what really made him different was the fact that his pupils where slits instead of just the regular round ones all canines seemed to have. He wasn't really particular fond of it, but he lived with it. He sighed as he finished looking himself over and started to think.

After a moment he looked up to the tub and walked over getting himself comfortable on the side of it. He opened the curtains a bit and reached over turning on the water and starting up the shower. He waited for about a minute and then got up, opened the curtain slightly, and put his paw under the flowing water. He nodded to himself as he felt the warmth in his paw and got in.

He sighed happily as he felt the water wash over the front of his body and his fur. He closed his eyes and put up his head to let the water relax him as he got all the way in. He stood like that for a few minutes before he opened his eyes and looked around the shower for the shampoo. He found it right where it normally was and applied some to his paw. He lathered it into his fur and started to clean his body.

The wolf smiled as he let the shower wash away his worries and concerns of school that morning as he rinsed his fur off. He then looked for the conditioner and applied a little to his paw and made sure that all his fur was covered in it as well.

He stepped aside to the let the conditioner sit on his fur for a few minutes as he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes thinking. He then heard a soft knock on the door as his mother's voice went over the sound of the shower. "Daniel, your breakfast is almost ready! Why don't you finish up and come down before it gets cold?"

Daniel snapped himself out of his thinking and groaned slightly as he heard his mother's voice. "Alright, I'll be out in a minute or two."

He twitched his ears slightly as he heard his mother's foot steps walk away and down the stairs. He got off the wall and started to rinse himself off of all the conditioner making sure he got all of it. He then turned off the water and went to all fours and shook himself off of as much water as he could. He stood back up and stepped out of the shower taking the towel off the rack and wrapping it around himself.

The wolf went to the mirror and wiped off the steam that accumulated itself on it as he looked at himself again. He tilted his head as he looked at his body again, but with wet fur. He nodded a bit as he finished looking at himself and walked out of the bathroom turning off the light.

Daniel made his way back to his bedroom and as he shut his door he started to dry himself off. He made sure that his hair was dry and combed before he put his clothes on. He took a look back to the clock as he finished up and he had his clothes over his back. "5: 45..." He shrugged slightly as the smell of breakfast goes through his senses. He he fixed his collar a bit and made his way to the door. He looked back into his room and thought a minute thinking if he had everything for school today. The wolf then nodded to himself knowing he did have everything. He made his way down the stairs and into the dinning room where his family was waiting for him.

Daniel entered the dinning room and saw his brother, Kris, already sitting at the table. He went over and stood behind his usual seat as he watched his brother for a moment and then chose to sit down without a word to him. He was always quiet even with his family, though he loved them very much, he just never really connected to them in that way. It's not like it was a bad thing really, he just was always like that. He sighed slightly as he closed his eyes and put his arms in his lap.

Kris was watching him from his seat and he had a bit of a smirk on his face. The older wolf stands up and takes a glass of water from the table. He sneaks over and plans to dump the water onto the younger wolf's head for a joke before his mother came into the room.

"What do you think you doing?" She said as she crosses her arms and leans off to the side a little glaring at him. He was now staring at her now with the glass half tilted to the side.

Danial heard this as he looked up and around to his mother and then to Kris. He then looked to the glass in his paw and tilted his head slightly.

"Umm, I wasn't doing anything..." Kris put the glass next to the plate on the table as he walked over and returned to his seat.

"It didn't look like anything..." She sighed and shook her head lightly returning to her regular stance. "In any case the food is ready."

Both Daniel and Kris looked at each other this time and smiled. This was the only time in which the two of them actually get along. All the rest of the times it's usually Kris picking on his little brother every time he had the chance, but when it comes time to eat is when they get along. Passably because their parents are usually watching Kris' every move. Which in Daniel's view, was a good thing.

Daniel was the first one to look over to the door to the kitchen as he saw his father come out with two big plates of food. His tail wagged a little in his seat as he put up his nose loving the smell of breakfast in the morning.

Their father walked over to the table and placed it in the middle as the two young canines watched. He looked at them both, "Well it seems like you to are ready for breakfast?"

The young canines nodded as they looked at there father. They then looked at the food and there mouths dropped a little seeing everything they ever wanted. There where pancakes, sausage, hash browns, scrambled eggs and other things that you could ask for for breakfast. It was all there in those two big plates as he set them on the table. Their father then went over to his seat and sat down taking a little sip of his coffee.

Daniel looked over to his father rather excited. "Wow, all of this for the first day of school?"

He chuckled slightly and nodded, "There's more that is coming out in a minute, just you wait."

Daniel nodded slightly and looked to the entrance to the kitchen.

Sure enough their mother was bringing another plate of food out, though smaller in appearance. This plate had all the fruits and vegetables the a breakfast can't be without. Along with that she brought out a glass picture of orange juice as well. She set them both on the table and sat down next to her husband staring over to Kris as she sat down. Her eyes lingered on him for a moment before she looked at the rest of the family. "Well, why don't you help yourself."

Daniel smiled slightly as he got himself some pancakes, sausage and bacon on his plate and started to wolf them down fast. When it comes down to eating, he is no slouch. He would normally eat his fill rather fast going to his seconds while the rest of his family is not even done with their fist serving. Sometimes he would be told to slow down and he had to oblige to that. This time, however, his parents didn't really care. They new that he would be the first one done, but the rule was that he couldn't leave the table until the rest where done as well. He still had time to get to the bus, so he made idle chitchat with everyone until they where completely finished.

As his family was finishing up, he got the chance to leave the table. It was almost 6:30 by this time, and he new he had to get to school. He got his backpack and the rest of his supplies as he grabbed his car key by the door. He turned to his family as they saw him off. "Well, wish me luck."

His mother came up to him and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I wish you luck honey, have fun on your first day back."

"I will mom, thanks." He let go of her and waved to his father and brother and made his way out the door to his car. He clicked a switch on his keys which turned the car alarm off and unlocked the door at the same time. He got into the drivers side and started the engine. The young wolf smiled slightly to himself as he was backing out of the driveway, "Well, here goes nothing."

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The alarm went off for the young fox in bed. He stretched out a paw to hit the snooze button on top and grumbled a bit as he opened his eyes. He looked up at the ceiling and stayed there in bed not wanting to get up, but he had to because it was the first day of school for him. He grudgingly sat up and rubbed his eyes as he looked at the clock. "great..."

He sighed to himself as he put his legs over the bed putting his foot paws on the ground but was still sitting. He put his elbows onto his knees and still rubbed his eyes of all the the tiredness. After he finished he looked around the room and got up and stretched his tired limbs. He went to his closet, opened it up and peered inside. "Lets see what I should wear?" He looked through his cloths for a couple minutes and then finally decided on a blue shirt and a light pair of blue jeans. He placed them on the bed and thought, "I need to take a shower."

This fox was rather lucky, he had his own shower in his room in which he could use at anytime. This was because his parents were rich and could afford anything, but the bad thing was that they where never home. He always had to fend for himself most of the time. He didn't mind this though. He knew that they loved him and they pretty much give him everything he wants. They even tried to get him into a private high school, but he declined on there offer because he thought that it wasn't for him. They where a bit disappointed, but lets him make his own decisions.

The maid of the house entered his bedroom at this time. "Oh, Adrian..." She was a bit surprised to see him up this early and then remembered why. "I see that your up and getting ready for school?" She asked as she entered and started to tend to her usual duties. She was used to seeing him in his boxers when he woke up, there was no surprise there.

He looked up to her and nodded some what thinking to himself. "Yeah, I was about to go take a shower. Is breakfast going to be ready when I get out?" He asked looking to her while going over to the door to his bathroom.

The maid looked to him and nodded, "It should be ready by the time your done. Take your time though there is no hurry right now."

Adrian nodded as he went in and said, "Thanks," before he shut the door.

The maid nodded with a smile as she continued cleaning up here and there.

Adrian looked at himself in the mirror. He was an average 5'-6" red-orange fox with a white chest and stomach. The only thing that was different on him was that he had a black tip tail along with black paws that went up his arm a little and the same goes for his foot paws as well. He was well toned as well, but he was no were close to some of the furs at school. He was also a fox in which he can't get very big anyway, not that he wanted to, but he still wanted to be in shape. He was also in weight training in his school and this was going to be his last year in that class being a junior. He smiled to himself thinking about that as he turned his attention now to the tub.

He pawed over to it and sat at the edge while taking the curtains away slightly and turned on the shower. He thought to himself again as he stood up and put his paw under the water to feel its temperature. He nodded to himself as he found that it was just right and got himself in. He walked under the water letting it wash away his troubles for the morning about going to school that day.

The fox stayed like that for a time not really thinking about anything. He then looked over and reached for the shampoo as a thought crossed his mind. He put some shampoo on his paw and started to clean himself thinking of one of his friends he met just last year. They never really talked or hung out, where more acquaintances then anything. He lathered himself up as he thought of where the first time he saw him. It was in his weight training class that he saw him. He was a few inches taller then he was and was pure black wolf with blue eyes.

Adrian chuckled a bit as he looked down at himself as the tip of his cock started to slide out of his sheath at the thought of the wolf. He used to watch him all the time lifting weights and it always turned him on like it did now. He started to rub his sac lightly as a couple more inches of fox cock came out of his sheath.

He closed his eyes as he imagined the wolf coming over to him as he was just closing the door to his locker and getting ready to leave the locker room for lunch. The locker room now is completely empty as other fur hurried to lunch. The wolf would put his paws on his sides and started to kiss him leaning him into a locker.

Adrian caressed his length from bottom to top as he gasped when he played a little with the head of his cock. Pre was now forming at the tip only to be washed away down the drain from the shower. He started to pump lightly at his shaft moaning just a bit.

In his minds eye, he pictured the wolf now caressing his body now biting him on the neck lightly. He saw himself moaning lightly as he in turn rubbed his sides lightly. The wolf then stopped and looked at him with a smile as he started to slip off Adrian's shirt. The wolf murred as he looked at his upper body and started to lick and kiss at the foxes nipple.

The fox moaned out as he started to pump his shaft a bit more harder as his know started to form at the base. He started to play with his balls with his free hand knowing he probably wouldn't last any more longer doing this. Copious amounts of pre was washed away down the drain as he continued to paw off.

He was now picturing the lupine now inside him. Both of them where moaning out in pleasure as the wolf would lay his chest on the foxes back putting on paw around his chest and the other on the foxes member. H would softly stroke it at first and then started to pump it in time time with his thrusts. The lupine, after a couple minutes, would howl and let his seed flow into the foxes ass.

Adrian let out a a muffled howl as he places his paw on his muzzle. Ropes of seed came pulsing out of the head of his cock the first shot hitting him in the muzzle and then the next few hit the tiled walls of the shower. He panted as he coxed the rest of his seed out of his member and smiled a bit to himself out of contempt.

He looked around himself and chuckled as he came to out of his fantasy and looked at the cum on the walls. He would have to clean that up in a bit, but for now he needed to clean the rest of himself up. He took some more shampoo and lathered it up into his fur cleaning himself more and then rinsed off. He then took some conditioner and applied it making sure he gets every part of his fur. As he waited for that to set in he cleaned off all the cum that was on the wall. He sighed as he was finished and rinsed himself out thoroughly before he got out and wrapped a towel around himself.

The fox went back into his bedroom, the maid long made her rounds in here. He dried himself off as best as he could. By this time his member was back in the safe confines of his sheath. He noticed and smiled a bit to himself. He didn't even really know the wolf and he was having fantasies about him. He just shrugged it off for now and got himself dressed in the attire that he picked out before the shower.

Adrian went down to the kitchen and found the table already being stacked with his favorite breakfast items from the chef. Today was even better because it was his first day of school and his parents ordered them to make him something a little extra for today. He sat down at his normal spot he sat at every morning and looked around at all the food. He then looked around the dinning room and to his surprise his parents where sitting at the other side of the table smiling at him. He smiled and tilted his head as he stood up again and pawed over to them. "Mom, dad... I thought you had work for today, why are you here?"

His mother gave him a comforting smile. "We do have work sweaty, but you know us where the bosses of a big business. We decide on when to go to work and when not to."

"That's right son, and we wanted to say good by to you when you leave for your first day of school," His father replied after his mother spoke.

Adrian smiled as he hugged both his mother and father separately. "Thanks, you're the best."

They both hugged him back, "Anything for our son," His mother said. She then looked up at the table to the food. "Why don't you dig in and we'll take you to school for today," She looked back to him, "How does that sound."

The young fox nodded and smiled as he hugged her again and then returned to his seat and started to put food on his plate. He had two serving of egg, sausage, and bacon with some fruit and apple juice. He finished his food quicker than he usually would, his parents where surprised and they were eating as well. They would be done and talked as a family until they were all done, but that wasn't the case here. He was rather excited for the first say of school, probably because he wanted to meet that wolf that he saw last year and the rest of his friends as well.

Adrian got his backpack and supplies all ready when his parents where waiting by the door to their car. He ran out the door to meet them with a smile on his muzzle.

"It looks like somebodies exited for this year," His father said as he saw that smile on his young foxes face.

He nodded enthusiastically as they all got into the car and his father turned on the engine. They where now backing out of the driveway and on there way to his school.

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Daniel drove in his car for the passed 15 minutes from his house to his school. He smiled lightly as he saw the building edging closer within his sights. He got up to the school and turned into the student parking lot and found a space near the entrance. He parked and turned off his engine as he sat there for a moment breathing in and out lightly a bit nervous on coming back.

He finally calmed down after a few minutes and got out of the car. He went to the back door and opened it up to get his backpack and supplies from the back seat. He then closed the door and took out his key locking it and setting on the alarm with the touch of a button. He took a deep breath and started to paw to the entrance of the school.

"Hey Danial!" said a familiar voice he new all to well. He was one of his best friends that he new for all the time he was in high school. He was a lion and was the same size as him which, in his opinion, was quite creepy. "Haven't, seen you all summer, how have you been?"

The wolf stopped and turned around and smiled at his friend walking up to them as they did there usually friendly one of a kind handshake. "I've been doing good. How about you Trever."

Trever shrugged, "I've been doing all right. Can't complain. Though my parents are on my tail for getting good grades this year." He rolled his eyes. "They want me to enter one of the best colleges in this state."

"Oh, thats got to be rough," Daniel place an arm around the lions neck. "Don't worry about it to much, I'll help you out with it."

The lion smiled and nodded, "I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do Danial, you know that."

He shook his head, "There's no trouble at all."

Trever nodded as they started to make their way into the school.

* * *

Adrian and his parents talk about school, his grade and his friends as well. They basically told him to try his best and there happy that he's getting the education. In their head, as long as you try, you will succeed in everything you do. He has the kind of parents that don't really push there son to do his best. He already knows that from the beginning, so they don't need to push it any further then that.

"I know," He said to them like the dozenth time while they where on the road.

His mother chuckled slightly, "I know you know, I'm just telling you."

The young fox nodded as they drove up top the front of the school to drop him off.

"Well, I'll see you later then. Am I going to see you when I get home?" He asked them knowing the answer already.

His father shook his head, "No, we will be at work, but we'll see you tonight if it doesn't get to busy up in the office."

Adrian nodded as he shut the door and opened up the back door to get his backpack and supplies. "Alright, I'll see you later tonight then." He smiled lightly to his parents. "Oh, and don't worry about how I'm going to get home. I'll ask one of my friends." He went over and gave his mother mother a hug.

His mother smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Alright, Hun, see you tonight."

Adrian got away from the car and smiled wide as he waved seeing them drive off. He then turned around and waled towards the entrance of the school. He didn't take another couple steps until he saw the black wolf he saw last year walking up to the school. He smiled a bit more to himself as he stopped and watched him looking him over. "He's even better looking then I remember," He thought to himself as he shook himself out of his trance and looked around to see if anyone was watching. Thankfully there was only a few students around and they weren't paying any attention to him.

He sighed a bit as he started to walk to the entrance of the school, "This is going to be a long school year."

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Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Again, feel free to critique and comments are always nice as well.

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