Ron & Roddy 3: Mick the Devil

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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After I woke up, Jerry had already left, and I was laying on the floor next to the living room ball pit. I stood up, stretched, and walked to the closest bathroom, which was across the hallway from my room. I opened the door, and proceeded to walk toward the toilet when I suddenly remembered the rule that Roddy told me: "No toilet use except for house guests." I was still waking up, and for most of my life -- at least, after I was potty trained -- I was used to using the toilet when I needed to. To untrain myself was like mental gymnastics, and my body was doing clumsy backflips with little success. I looked in the mirror, looked at myself in a very narcissistic fashion and squeezed my diapered crotch. I said to myself, "Daaaaamn, don't I look good?" I felt good for the most part, but I needed to pee. The problem was that my sudden erection prevented me from performing that task naturally. I shrugged, sighed, and determined that I had a ways to go before I was as "free-flowing" as my new friend Jerry.

The sun had gone down, and dinner was being prepared in the kitchen. The smell of food led me to wander into the kitchen. My nostrils were filled in wonderful aromas like bacon and onions. It turned out that Roddy and the cubs were preparing some bacon cheeseburgers. The dining room was clean, and all the place settings were there. There were six chairs in all, which accounted for everyone in the house. I darted back into the kitchen and asked Roddy if he needed any help with the preparations. Roddy playfully waved me away as he flipped burger patties over the stove, and told me that he was fine.

"I appreciate the offer," he said. "Hey Mick!" he called out to a slender male fox, who was browsing the contents inside the fridge. "Can you get five sippy cups and one glass? Also, pour some apple juice."

Mick was dressed in dark blue denim overalls with a black and white-striped shirt underneath. He had wavy, long black hair and had an infectuous smile. He walked on the tips of his toes, and skipped around the kitchen with his tray of drinks. He served the drinks in the dining room. He turned around to see me.

He waved at me and said lustfully, "Why hello there, tiger. The name's Mick!"

I shook his paw. "I'm Ron. Nice to meet you."

"Ron's a boring name," he snapped. "Ronny sounds better."

Taken aback by his snappy criticism, I told him, "Call me anything you like: Ron, Ronny, the Ronster..."

"Nah, Ronny is good. Ron is just too... mundane, know what I mean?"

He walked away before I could say another word. He seemed to be elusive and nervous. Perhaps I was misreading him. I tried not to be too sensitive to be so easily annoyed by his elusiveness. I was more hungry than annoyed anyway. I was hoping to possibly break the ice with him at dinner, and start a conversation there. Based on the only glimpse I saw of him so far, he looked attractive, but had a bit of a devilish side. The way he skipped around the kitchen seemed like he was doing it sarcastically, but that's what my instinct led me to believe. I could be wrong, I thought, as I was wrong about Jerry being some aggressive gorilla when he turned out to be the opposite personality-wise. Jerry was very nice. Mick could be too, and I didn't see it at first.

I heard someone running down the stairs. Out of curiosity, I looked around the corner and saw a male, white bunny dressed in girl's clothing -- and I thought I saw everything. I assumed the bunny was Steven. He wore a pink dress, and what looked like a pink cloth diaper underneath the dress. He had eyeglasses on, and had scruffy-looking fur. I remember looking up the definition of "sissy" on the Internet one day and one of the definitions read "a man who crossdresses, adopts hyper-feminine behaviors, and engages in stereotypical 'feminine' activities," and I thought it was interesting. I was always so familiar with the rigid gender roles that it surprised me when I came across what I first thought was absolutely absurd. But when I was Steven up close, I started thinking how cute it was for a male bunny to play dress-up.

Steven hurried to the dining room, and bowed with a lifting of his skirt before walking past me. I chuckled, rubbed my forehead while trying to comprehend it all. It was difficult. I had my diaper changed at a gym in front of several men in a locker room -- and some were quite aroused! I drive to this house in what seemed like the middle of nowhere, and inside it looked like a gigantic playpen. Here I am, dressed like a toddler, meeting people who all had distinct personalities. I even changed a gorilla's dirty diaper! I still couldn't believe it, and I couldn't believe how I was able to keep a poker face and not laugh at the crazy circumstances that were thrown my way. I was tempted to ask Roddy from time to time, "Am I dreaming? Am I in some sort of coma that has allowed me to explore my biggest fantasies?"

We all sat at the dinner table, just looking quietly at each other. Roddy began to speak, and everyone turned their attention over to him.

"So Ron, tell us more about yourself," he said before taking a bite from his bacon cheeseburger.

"Oh geeze. Well, I'm 23, and fresh out of college with a Bachelor's Degree in Physics. Because there hasn't been a lot of work for me in the area, I applied for a sales associate position at a video game retailer chain. If you couldn't already tell, I'm a geek. Not like the nerd-living-in-his-parents-basement kind of geek, but just a plain ol' geek -- and yes, if you need your computer fixed, I can fix it."

My tepid introduction garnered a few nods around the table. I realized I probably said too much.

"You're not the only geek here," said Steven in a chirpy voice. "I'm a systems networking analyst for a web host. I work for a dedicated reseller host, and work directly with hosting companies. I make sure that all the servers are fully functional and online. Good salary and benefits, though."

"But can you dodge a french fry?" asked Mick as he tossed a lone french fry across the table, which hit the wall behind Steven. The bunny grimaced at Mick.

"Come on, now. Behave!" muttered Roddy.

"You're not going to go far in life if you cannot dodge a french fry. You need to have ninja-like reflexes to survive in this world," Mick lectured before taking a sip from his sippy cup. "Pirates will rape you in your sleep!"

"God just shut up," Jerry snarled. "Show a little respect. We have a new guy, and we're hoping he could stay here for the weekend. Don't jinx it."

Mick stuck out his tongue at the gorilla.

"No, thank you for being considerate. I'm fine, thanks. Thank you, Jerry," I said calmly.

"I lost my train of thought for a second. OK, got it. Hope you don't mind me asking this Ron, but... what got you into this mess?" asked Steven.

"I've always wanted to be a cub again. When I was 17 or 18, I got into diapers heavily, but then I later discovered that I wanted the whole shebang. I wanted to diaper up whenever I wanted without being judged. I wanted to play with my toys, and live a simpler life without having to be an adult. That's not to say that I don't like being an adult. I just want to -- at least for a little while -- be a cub, and do what cubs do."

"Fair enough," said Steven. He took a sip from his sippy cup and set it down. "Ignore Mick. He's being bad again."

Mick tossed another french fry at the Steven. This time, Steven caught it quickly, and tossed it into his mouth. "I may be a sissy, but I'm also a ninja in my spare time." He grinned at Mick.

"Alright cubs, playtime at the table is over. Let's just sit down, relax, and enjoy our food," said Roddy in a booming voice.

I lowered my ears and nodded to Roddy. I kept quiet, and ate my dinner. Dinner seemed to be chaotic to me -- maybe too chaotic for my personal taste. Then again, cubs are cubs. Some are better behaved than others. Some feel like they're more of a "cub" when they're mischievous. I wasn't into that, though sometimes I can be a wild tiger. That's just a part of me, but I wasn't comfortable yet to be that carefree. I was very grateful to Roddy for allowing me to stay without charge for the weekend. I didn't want to overstay my welcome by being as precarious as Mick. At least, I didn't want to be precarious to the extent that it affected other people's enjoyment in a negative way. I had to find a balance somehow, and not remain dormant.

Dinner ended, and my belly was full. Jerry invited me upstairs to finish the rest of the tour inside the house. He showed me his room, which was very pink and girly. He was quick to remind me that he wasn't the "girly type," and he hoped for Steven to have the room instead. Still, he wasn't one to complain or argue. He just accepted everything for what it is because he was, in his words, "loving everything." I wanted to achieve that sort of happiness, and I was hoping to get to that point by the end of the weekend. It was Friday, and I had two days to make sure that I took advantage of everything Roddy had to offer. The one thing standing in my way to being comfortable in the house was that my urge to pee remained. Again, just thinking about it got me excited again. It was starting to cause me discomfort, though.

"What's the matter?" asked Jerry as I looked around the room nervously. I sat in a chair beside his crib, and curled my footpaws. The throbbing, the aching, and the arousal was making me sweat profusely. The gorilla knew something was up. I decided to tell him, and be honest.

"When I get a... horny... uh... I have a hard time going. It's kinda frustrating," I confessed.

"You should just paw off or something. Relieve the stress, and you'll wet," Jerry suggested with a shrug. He went through one of the drawers in his room, and retrieved his laptop. He dropped the crib bars, rolled onto the mattress with his laptop in hand, and raised the bars once he was completely inside.

"Ah, so that's how the cribs work. That's good to know," I commented.

"It's not like that sort of thing is forbidden here. We are adults, after all. We have those urges. Can't suppress them," said the gorilla with an assuring smile. "I can dirty talk if you want, speak nice and low, take it reaaaaal slooooow."

"I can't believe we're talking about this!" I grumbled.

"Don't worry about it, Ron," said Jerry as he powered up his laptop and checked his e-mail. "This is what we do. You shouldn't be ashamed of it."

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. Jerry yelled, "Come on it. It's open." The door swung open, and there was Mick. His arms were crossed, and he swished his tail. He chuckled softly and walked around, whisling. He wandered around the room with his paws in his overall pants pockets. He hummed, and whistled, chuckled a few times, and looked at me with his eyes wide open. "So, you're looking for some fun?" asked Mick teasingly.

"Eavesdropping isn't cool, bud," Jerry blurted.

"My apologies, your lordship," said Mick sarcastically with a half-hearted bow. "Don't you know? Daddy likes his cubs frisky."

"Daddy also likes it when cubs give each other some personal space, and don't listen to private conversations," Jerry snapped.

"Relax, you big ape. Everyone knows you like to hit the sack a lot. Don't act so high and mighty around our dear friend, Ronny, here."

"He's lying, Ron," Jerry protested.

"Yeah right," Mick shot back.

I stood up. "Roddy told me about some sort of bonfire that he's going to have in the backyard soon. That sounds like fun," I said to Jerry.

"Yeah. We have those all the time. It's always a blast."

"I'm going to head back downstairs. Thanks for the chit-chat!"

"No problem."

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Mick whined. From the corner of my eye, I saw him watching me as I left Jerry's room. I was about to walk downstairs, and Mick told me to wait for him. I stood at the top of the stairs and looked down at the first floor as he spoke to me.

"I could help you out with your little problem," said Mick.

I turned around. Frustrated, I said half-jokingly, "You're not my type."

"But we haven't gotten to know each other yet. How could you say that?"

"Because you're already giving me a massive headache."

Mick was getting on my nerves. My instinct was to slap him across the face, and kick his ass down the stairs. I didn't know if his mischevious side was for show or not, but I wasn't entertained under any circumstance. Besides, I couldn't have sex or get in the mood when I had a headache. Having sex, in that condition, was pointless. "Wait, did I just entertain the thought of having sex with Mick?" I thought. "That's ridiculous." Honestly, I was waiting to get intimate with Roddy, but he was preoccupied with housekeeping, cooking, and tending to all of his cubs individually. I was really doing this just to see if I could get a shot at developing a relationship with Roddy. Instead, I had some strange experiences that only got me interested to a point. Now, I just wanted the day to be over so I can wake up fresh the next morning, and enjoy my surroundings. Mick was being a pest, who was getting in the way of me having a good time. I wanted a fly swatter badly.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, Mick. I had a long day, and I was hoping to finish today on a high note, that's all," I backtracked.

"No, I should be the one apologizing."

That surprised me. He took a deep sigh and leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed. He looked down at the floor and blinked his eyes. I didn't know what just happened. It seemed like his energy levels had completely changed. He looked lethargic, aimless, and monotone. He seemed to be a different person. At least I was able to look at him without facing some intrusive teasing. I relaxed my shoulders and walked away from the stairs to stand across the hallway from him.

"That's unlike you," I told him. "Did you bump your head or something?"

"Nah. You know I'm just foolin' around, right?"

"I didn't notice. It seemed like you genuinely pissed off Jerry."

"Whatever. We poke each other often. Nothing new."

"Were you serious about the sex?" I asked in an attempt to defuse the awkwardness between us.

"Well, you know... It's kinda embarrassing but I've got an itch to scratch too."

Mick was finally getting through to me. I wanted to have sex too, but I wanted to be with Roddy. Foxes tend to rub me the right way, though. They always have. However, this is the first that a fox -- a relative stranger, no less -- would approach me for sex without any formalities. It usually goes like, "Hey let's have a date. If you drive me home, and I let you inside, then we're good to go," but this was different. I was horny, and I needed to relieve that pressure as soon as I possibly could. Derrick had called my name from downstairs and told me that the bonfire would be ready in about an hour. Roddy had to collect some more sticks and firewood. "Good," I thought. "This gives me some time." Either I had to act now or my bladder would spontaneously combust.

Mick took me to his bedroom at the end of the hallway, and closed the door. His room had the same color scheme as me except he had a king bed instead of a crib and a closet instead of drawers. The room was more neutral in style. The room seemed fitting for Mick because he didn't strike me as the "cub" type. I kept quiet and looked around the room to see if there was anything that could shed some light on who he was. I saw what looked like several photos and other personal belongings from underneath his bed. As he removed his overalls, I picked up one of them that was the most visible on the floor. It was a photo of Mick with several unidentified friends at a gay pride parade somewhere. I could tell by the rainbow flag in the background combined with the abundance of leather harnesses, chaps, and ridiculously tight speedos. There Mick stood wearing but a military dog tag necklace and a diaper. Nexto to Mick was Jerry, who stood stoically with his arms crossed. In the photo, Jerry was wearing dark sunglasses, a football jersey and jeans. When I brought the picture closer to my face, I noticed that Jerry's jeans were wet. I thought that was cute. What surprised me was how attractive Mick looked in that photo. He had a slender frame, but was muscular. He sported a black mohawk and ear studs. I thought to myself, "He's definitely a queer."

Mick got undressed, and rubbed his transparent rubber pants. "I'm a dirty boy, much 'dirtier' than the rest," he said with a lustful growl. He told me that his rubber pants was also "wet" and he had a diaper underneath. Inside the pants, his disposable diaper was completely yellow and damp all around. It was like he wet himself several times, and didn't have a diaper change for the entire day. When he unbuckled his rubber pants, he grabbed his diapered crotch and moaned softly. This was someone who was purely into diapers -- not that I mind, of course. I was like that when I was younger. Then I started enjoying the more simple things in life like watching cartoons, drawing with crayons and colored pencils, and tapping into my inner-cub. That's why I was interested in Mick initially. He was dressed like a cub, and looked cute in those overalls. When he removed his cub clothes, it was like he was a different person. It was like he transformed into a devious fetishist.

"By the way, what's with the cutesy overalls?" I asked. "Now that I've seen this photo of you and Jerry, I can't imagine you in cub clothes." I laughed and sat on the floor.

"I've been trying to fit in," Mick admitted. "Since everyone else was doing it, I thought I'd get some cub clothes, and try to fit in."

"How is that working out for you?" I chirped.

"Not so well, obviously."

"You should be yourself, and not overdo it."

"Take a look around you, dude. This place is a giant house for babies. Ball pit in the living room, box of toys in the corner, fingerpaint, toy blocks, rattles... and everyone is playing those, and getting their diapers changed in their cribs. It's frustrating. Everyone is on their own bubble."

"What's the point in trying to be someone that you're not? In case you haven't noticed, everyone has their own identity. Everyone has something different that they contribute to this place, and I'm still trying to see where I fit into the scheme of things."

"I suppose you have a point."

Mick sat on the floor and faced me. Before he could say another word, I leaned over to his lips and kissed him. I let my tongue mingle with his as I rubbed his chest. I got really into it, and he noticed right away. I pushed him gently so his back was on the floor. I grinded my diaper against his, and humped him very slowly. I wanted to rub my diaper against his, and feel the dampness between us. That's all I wanted to do. I wanted to feel that friction. It felt so nice and crinkly. His scent was stimulating, and I wanted more of it. I called him dirty, and a "filthy diaper slut." My conscience was trying to correct me and say, "No, 'filthy diaper slut' sounds strange," but I was in the heat of the moment. I left my conscience outside Mick's room, and continued to grind against his diaper. It wasn't "sex" in the traditional sense, but it was convenient.

I felt the back of his diaper. It was very brown-colored on the outside, and the odor wasn't as bad as I originally thought. I could feel the clumpy texture of his mess, and I pushed it against his rear. This caused him to whine. He told me how good that felt, so I kept doing it. Eventually, I ejaculated into my diaper, and felt the stickyness coat my diaper. It was such an incredibly naughty feeling. I felt so "dirty" from that alone: feeling my own sticky, hot seed mixing with my perspiration. I was still hard, but the urge to pee came back to me suddenly. I started to flood my diaper, and I pulled out the front lip of my diaper to see my partially hard cock peeing uncontrollably into my diaper. Mick pressed his muzzle against my diaper, sniffing it and licking it as I wet. He muttered, "Oh yes... yes..." while he watched my diaper sag, and droop around his nose. He grunted and moaned loudly all of a sudden, and then stopped. His eyes rolled up, and he sighed. He gave me a pat on the back, and helped me up. I felt a little heavier now since my diaper was now extremely wet.

"I think you should get changed, bud," said Mick, panting.

"You too. I'll try to find Roddy."

"He should be in the backyard, setting up the bonfire."

Mick turned about to be an interesting guy. I wasn't ready to go "all out" for him, but what happened between us was a pleasant compromise. I was horny for most of the day, and I also had to pee. I got both of those things accomplished in a somewhat unusual manner, but I'll take what I can get. The whole day had been unusual so far, and I was hoping to have a relatively relaxing evening camped out in the backyard. Then again, I don't think Roddy's cubs know the meaning of the word "relaxing." I stood up, and left Mick's bedroom with a nice waddle. It was fun walking down the stairs in a heavy, damp diaper. I still felt out of place, but then again, I was beginning to understand the absurdity of it all.