The Digimon Wars Chapter 15 An Unlikely Event

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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''Allright listen up!'' Michael said as he punched the table, he had called an meeting with the three kids Tailmon Lilymon and Katie.

''It seems that people have started digivolving around the human world like crazy, why you ask? No clue.''

''Then why are you telling us this?'' The girl asked.

''About you three, what are your names?'' Michael asked and pointed at his three new commanders.

''Sarah.'' Said the girl who was now wearing full brown clothes, she was the new communications executive.

''Paul.'' Said the new governor of Freiheit. He was wearing a tuxedo for some reason.

''Jack.'' Said the new general, he was wearing a replica of an US soldiers uniform.

''Good to know, anyway back to the digivolutions. I have noticed that every single human has digivolved accordingly to their current emotions, with the exception of one of course.''

''Who?'' Katie asked.

Michael sighed.

''While I was destroying Washington D.C a kid came out of an digi gate, he was a digimon that I didn't recognize.''

No one said anything but everyone was somewhat scared of this new threat.

Lilymon asked Michael.

''What kind of emotions did he have?''

''Not sure, but from what I saw it was anger.''

Katie asked him.

''What about the girl you came with? what emotion did she have?''

Michael looked at her and then sighed.

''No clue, Tailmon?''

Tailmon her headset off.

''She is a Sakuyamon, a warrior of love.''

No one was really suprised about it but Michael dropped his jaw.

''E-Excuse me? Love?''

''Yes, much like Katies strongest emotion is love.''

No one knew why Michael was asking this or why he was feeling unconftorable.

Lilymon leaned towards him.

''Are you okay?''

Michael just shook off his feeling.

''Yeah. Anyway, in Vatican they turned into different angel digimon which are the digimon of light. The feeling of justice and faith gave them the power to digivolve but I handled them.''

As Michael was chukling to himself Katie broke out the bad news.

''Most of them are still alive.''

''What?! How?''

''Well they seem to resist your attacks for some reason and they have already announced to the world what they are and what are they going to do.''

''What?'' Michael asked as he stood up, he was beginning to sweat.

Katie swallowed and then said.

''The 9th Crusade.''

Everyone was quiet for a while, even thou no one understood any of this Michael did.

He fell back to his chair and buried his head in his arms.

''If they find out how to use a digital gate they will kill us all.''

Everyone gasped for air when they heard this, Tailmon jumped to the table.

''But you can surely defeat them right?''

Michael looked at her.

''There are thousands of them and propably even more, and I had a hard time with only three of them.''

Everyone was startled by this, if he couldn't do it then how are they going to win?

Michael smacked the table.

''I will not let some religious morons destroy the perfect world that we are creating! My hard work and suffering will not go to waste! Nothing will stop us! Not the US, not the Russians and not these baboons!''

They started cheering for him, Michael smiled and stood up.

''Katie with me, the rest of you go back to your duties.''

Alexandra was waking up, she held her head.

''What happened?''

Then she opened her eyes, she was scared.

''W-Where am I?''

''You are at Freiheit, the city of true liberty.''

She was startled, it was Napoleon with a girl behind her who was wearing matching clothing.

''W-Where am I?''

''I already told you, you are at Freiheit the true city of liberty.''

''No I mean where is this place!''

She was startled when Napoleon started walking towards her, she almost passed out when he stopped infront of her.

''We are in the digital world, a place where the human hand hasn't touched.''

She was still confused and scared, she was a little started when something stepped in the room.

''Um... What am I suppose to do when I'm not operating the machine?''

Alexandra was scared, it was a weird looking cat with a headset that could talk.

She watched as Napoleon turned to her.

''I guess you could have a break, on the other hand check on Tom would you?''

''Right!'' The cat said and left the room.

Alexandras hearth was pounding like crazy when Napoleon sat down on to her bed.

''You must understand, you are no longer welcome to the human world.''

Alexandra was startled by this.

''W-What do you mean?''

''What I mean is that you can no longer live with your parents or friends, you are one us now.''


Napoleon sighed, he then stood up and walked to the window.

''Come here.''

Scared Alexandra did as told, she stood up and walked next to him.

She was amazed by the huge amounts of different digimon going around, unlike the ones attacking the human world who were ugly and scary these were.... Cute and friendly...

Alexandra didn't understand why he wanted to show this to her.

''What are they?''

''They are digimon. Digimon are living breathing creatures just like us but the humans want to use them as tools of war.''

Alexandra couldn't believe what she heard, she looked outside.

There were numerous of different baby digimon playing around, the one that reallu caught her eye was a scarred dog like creature.

Napoleon pointed at that one and said.

''See that? That's what humans do to digimon.''

Alexandra couldn't believe it, why would humans hurt such a loveable and cute and harmless creature.

''But why?''

''They say that they were testing 'it', SHE is a living creature who prayed for mercy but they didn't listen.''

Alexandra could clearly see that he was tensing up.

''They hurt her for their own curiosity, but then we attacked and freed her. And because we saved an defensless child all of humanity declared war on us!''

Alexandra was shocked by his words, she had to object.

''But not all humans are bad, I mean you and I don't think that they are dangerous.''

''You too?''

That's when Alexandra realized what she had said, she blushed like crazy.

''Uhhh... Enough of that, I want to go home thank you.''

Napoleon sighed.

''I'm sorry but I can't, everyone here is outcasted from the humans society.''


''Yeah, and now you're one of 'em.''

Alexandra walked to the bed, she sat down.

Napoleon turned around.

''What's the matter?''

Alexandra was sobbing.

''C-Can I atleast say goodbye to mom?''

Michael didn't know what to do about this, it was off limits to go to the human world and a 'goodbye' would only bring more hearth ache.

He looked at Katie who nodded, Michael nodded and started walking to the door.

''Fine, let's go.''

Michael was standing in his BlackWaeGreymon form with Alexander standing next to him.

Alexander was startled when he had transformed into that form, she was also a little frightened about the noice coming from the room next to them.

''What is that noice?''

Michael looked in the direction of the room.

''It's the digital gate machine, Tailmon's activating it.''

And it didn't take long until the digital gate opened infront of them, Michael pushed Alexander a little so she would go in.

Alexander walked into it and was really confused, the portal lead to an endless hallway of data.

But when Michael stepped in and the gate closed the tunnel began pulling them into it, they were technically flying.

Michael grabbed Alexander, because he hasn't materialized yet he was only a little bit larger than a big full grown man.

Alexander felt a little embarassed when Michael took her to his arms.

They were flying for a while when they saw the light in the end of the tunnel, they jumped out of it and they were at the beach.

Michael dropped Alexander on the soft sand as he began to materialize, Alexander was startled when she saw him grow.

''Alright, where's your home?''

Alexander stood up and pointed into west.

''It's that way, the bulding the one that's being painted so it's easy to fi-''

She was cut off when Michael grabbed her and started flying to the direction she had pointed, Alexander looked at Michael.

To her eyes he seemed a cold blooded person who had a warm hearth underr this hard armor.

When Michael looked at her she looked away and blushed heavily.

It didn't take long to find the building, Michael flew to it's front door and transformed into his human form.

As he let Alexander down he asked.

''What floor?''

Alexander opened the door.

''We'll go to the top with the elevator.''

When they had reached her door Michael grabbed her shoulder.

''Remember, we don't have a lot of time.''

Alexander nodded as she rang the door bell.

The waiting was painful for her, she could hear her mom and dad inside.

Even thou she was a little suprised to hear her fathers voice in there because they had devorced it didn't really suprise her.

As the door opened Alexanders hearth stopped, now she would have to tell them that she couldn't ever return.

''Alexander! My baby we were so worried!'' Her mom yelled as she grabbed her to her arms.

Her mom was a beautiful woman in her thirtyes and was wearing a red dress and an hair pin in her long brown hair.

''Is it really her?'' Her father yelled with a reliefed tone.

Alexanders father was a man in his late thirtys who was wearing his white shirt blue jeans and of course his glasses.

Michael watched as they all hugged eachother.

''Excuse me! I'd like to come in, we have something to discuss.''

Alexanders parents were suprised to hear his voice, his tone was so strong and serious. Also with his accent they figured that he wasn't from here.

Alexanders mother spoke to him first.

''Did you rescue her? Did you rescue her from that dinosaur monster that took her?''

Michael figured that they had seen the fight in a live TV or something.

''I suppose you could say that.''

''Mom.'' Alexander got off of her arms.

''We have something to say, let's go inside.''

Her parents were a little confused but they got them both inside, they sat on a couch next to eachother while her parents sat on the other one infront of them.

''What's this about?'' Her mom asked.

Alexander obviously had hard time talking about this.

''I uhh....''

''She can't live here anymore.'' Michael rescued her.

''What do you mean?'' Her parents asked almost at the same time.

Michael continued speaking.

''Well you see that 'monster' that took her was me.''

Her parents didn't believe him and started to object.

''What? But you're sitting right here and you're a human!'' Her father said.

''It's true.'' Alexander said.

''He's the one attacking all over the world.''

Her parents looked at him in fear, her father stood up and grabbed Alexander.

''Get away from him! And you get out of our home!''

Michael laughed out loud.

''Me? I can destroy cities with my left arm strapped behind my back, and besides she's now one of us.''

Her parents got startled of his words, her mother stood up.

''What did you do to her?!''

Michael chuckled to himself.

''I didn't do anything, she did it herself.''

The parents were confused, Alexanders dad started raging at him.

''What the hell are you talking about? She wouldn't do anything to herself like.... uhhh.... What did she do?''

Michael chukled to himself, he then stood up.

''She transformed into a digimon to help me, and now she can't be in she human world anymore.''

Her mom grabbed Alexander and yelled to Michael.

''What do you mean?''

Alexander got off of her and spoke.

''This is already hard as it is, don't make it even harder!''

Her father was confused.

''What do you mean? Tell us!''

Alexander sat next to Michael who was still standing, Michael spoke.

''She insisted on coming to say goodbye to you, but we don't have much time so can we hurry up?''

Before anyone could say anything Michaels radio phone began making some noice.

As Michael picked it up from his pocket he could hear Tailmon yelling.

''Someones opening an digital gate over there!''

Alexander didn't know what it was and neither did her parents, Michael motioned Alexander to stand up.

''Come on, we have work to do.''

But her father didn't let her to go.

''You're not going anywhere miss! And you, you will tell us what the hell was that all about!''

Michael sighed and walked to the window, he then looked at the amazing view to the beach.

around the beach three digital gates opened.

One in the water.

One in the air.

And one on the ground.

Dozens of digimon came out, it seemed that they were looking for Michael.

He turned around to see Alexander.

''We don't have much time, we need to go now!''

But her mother grabbed her and yelled.

''She isn't going anywhere!''

''Fine!'' Michael said and jumped out the window, they were all terrified. Why would he just jump out the window?

Michael transformed into his BlackWarGreymon form, he flew towards the beach as he was counting the digimon.

3 MegaSeadramon.

5 Gigadramon.

And to top it all from the ground level gate came out Tyler in his Darkdramon form and an Andiramon behind him.

Michael stopped at the beach and transformed into his ChaosGreymon form.

As he got on the ground Tyler spoke to him.

''I'm baaaack, and I brought a few friends as well.''

Michael laughed.



''You need some friends to fight with you to challence me, that's just patchetic.''

Tyler got mad, he rushed towards Michael as the Andiramon yelled behind him.

''Stop you idiot!''

But he didn't listen. He was running at Michael with his right hand ready for an attack.

''Demon Stab!''

Michael easily blocked it as he 'spawned' his shield of dark fire.

He then took his right arm and summoned his sword of dark fire and slashed him.

He made Tyler to falll down holding his left shoulder.

Andiramon rushed towards him.

''Treasure Axe!'' She 'spawned' an axe into her right arm and was about to hit Michael when he sliced her with his sword.

The damage was so severe that the part that he hit had streams of data flying away.

When Tyler saw this he ordered everyone to attack.

''Gigadramon, go 'round him! MegaSeadramon, fire!''

The three GigaSeadramon charged up their attacks.

''Thunder Javelin!'' They all yelled in unison as they fired the ligthing from their horns.

Michael blocked the attacks with his shield, then the Gigadramon went around him to attack him.

''Guilty Claw!'' They yelled as they charged at him.

Michael turned around swinging his sword making them all disappear into bits of data.

''Don't send Ultimates to do a Megas job.''

Tyler attaked Michael with rage.

''Dark Roar!'' He fired his powerful attack at Michael.

Michael blocked it with his sword but Tyler didn't stop his beam there, he continued firing as Michael was slightly sliding backwards.

He took his sword and swong it, from the sword came an huge stream of dark fire that hit Tyler making him to stop.

Michael jumped towards him as he tried to defend himself.

''Gigastick Lance!'' His weapon in his right hand extended to a huge size.

He tried to have a sword fight with Michael of somesort but Michael pushed it away and rammed Tyler.

Michael held him down on the ground as the MegaSeadramon came to the ground to attack him.

''Maelstrom!'' They yelled and started spitting huge ice blocks at him.

They didn't even hurt Michael, he just swung his sword and they disappeared.

Michael then felt something on his nack, he saw the Andiramon panting, it seemed that she had found the trength to attack him.

Michael chuckled to himself, he then was about to finish this dying digimon but Tyler punched him off of him.

Michael tried to hit him with his sword but Teler flew up and attacked again.

''Dark Roar!''

Michael managed to hide behind his shield again but this time when the attack stopped he got rid of his weapons, he started charging his attack.

''Let me you show you some of my power! Glorious Burst!''

The huge ball of energy hit Tyler making so much damage that he got transformed back to his human form.

Scared the Andiramon grabbed him but she got transformed back to her rookie form.

Michael transformed back to his human form as well, he walked to the two.

Tyler was unconsious but the 'Lopmon was fiercly defending him even thous there was a stream of data flying from her wound.

''Interesting... It seems that if the wound is fatal data flies out, but with humans it's blood....''

''Don't come any closer!'' The little bunny yelled.

Michael was suprised by how protective this little bunny was, she reminded of him of Tailmon for some reason.

He didn't really know what to do, his enemy was down and waiting to be killed but he didn't want to do it for some reason.

''Heeyy!'' Alexander yelled.

Michael was suprised to hear her voice, he turned to see her.

''Sorry the figthings over, I only have to decide what to do with these two.''

''I don't care about figthing!'' She yelled as she got next to him, she was suprised to see a bunny and a teen age boy lying on the ground.

''Who are they?''

''Well the boy is my greatest enemy at the moment and the bunny is his friend, I'm trying to decide what to do with them before the bunny dies.''

Alexander was startled by his words.

''Let's take them back, I mean they need care and they are one of us right?''

''You know what, let's do that.''

Michael knew that he was taking a huge risk but he felt that it was the right thing to do.

He took his radio phone as Alexander went to the bunny.

''Don't come near me!''

''You're hurt, let me help you.''


Alexander was suprised by her stubborness but didn't give up.

''Look, you're going to die if you don't let us help you!''

''Why would you help us? We're enemies!''

''Well not right now!''

But before they could continue a digital gate opened infront of them.

Michael went ahead and grabbed Tyler while Alexander took Lopmon.

Even thou Lopmon was yelling at them she didn't struggle because she was seriously hurt.

Jane was talking with another researcher.

''What do you think they are?''

''I have to say that they are monsters, very smart monsters.''

''Some of 'em seem defensless and friendly.''

''They're just growing up, soon they're going to be monsters just like the rest of 'em.''

''But what about if some of them aren't monsters?''

''Unlikely but possible.''