Pokebrothel 12

Story by solar on SoFurry

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#12 of Pokebrothel

Crystal stood in the middle of a circle engraved on the stone floor. Various symbols were etched around it to give that place special meaning. A beam of light shone down from the ceiling putting special emphasis on her. It was the nearly finished solitary area of one of the brothel's dungeons. Made to fulfill the darkest fantasies of some and to punish disobedience, its atmosphere alone was creepy enough to drive one mad. A thick layer of fog began to cover the floor as the frightened charmander eagerly waited for her master. She was told to stand there and wait as Edward went to fetch a special surprise. Vines lined the ceiling and each of the four support pillars. Fake blood was splattered on various instruments taken out of storage, or at least she presumed it was fake. There was even a skeleton chained to the wall of the prison cell attached to the little torture chamber. No detail was missed. Every care was taken to ensure that this place was as scary as possible. Random noises would emanate from nowhere and sometimes everywhere. The fog started getting thicker till it became hard to see. Her heart raced as she waited for her master to come and dominate her. It was one moment where she was free of shock collar and other implements that ruled over her daily life. There was no need for those here, the solitary chambers were deemed secure enough that they were the only place those could be removed. By now the fog had fully enveloped the room. A continuous dull roar echoed from the distance. Crystal found it hard to stand there as it grew louder and louder. The for was now making it difficult to see the pillars. She almost jumped as a drop of water hit her shoulder. Before she could recover, another surprise hit her. The dull roar cleared up to the sound of a rocketing train. A brightly light struck her eyes as a whistle pierced the air warning her to get out of the way. Unable to move, the charmander screamed as the noise kept approaching. Two metal bars struck her in the back of her neck with such force that they knocked her over. The fear had rendered her helpless as her neck was pinched by the great force needed to deform the metal around her. The instrument hit the ground with a thud after it slid over her neck. Five rounded spikes pressed against her flesh threatening to inflict great pain at the slightest resistance from her. A bar locked in place barely making contact with her throat. She was captured once again. A tugging on the collar commanded her to stand. Quickly she learnt the penalty for acting against its will as one of the spikes made an excruciating impression. "Hands behind your back," a dragonite's voice ordered. Soon she found herself back in the same sort of gel lined cuffs as before only this pair had been left in the fridge. A spreader bar between her legs followed shortly. Then a stiff bar with a ring in the middle to hold her tail connected it to her cuffs and then the spiked collar. In a few seconds it became very difficult to move. A strong clamp applied to the side of her pussy made her scream out in pain. Opening her mouth was just going to be a mistake though as a huge rubber ball gag forced its way in. The strap was hastily fashioned on the back of her head before being pulled tight moments later. A second clamp bit down on the other side of her pussy and an elastic cord that wrapped behind her tugged her lips apart. Because of the fog, a sort of dildo/butt plug made its approach unnoticed. It was like a but plug in the sense that it had a part in the middle that was wider than the end to hold it in but it was more like a canine cock with a knot in it. Behind the knot was a cone that kept it from disappearing for good. It's contact with Crystal's pussy surprised her but unable to move, scream, or jump, it didn't show. Penetrating the dripping cunt was no big deal as the lips were pulled apart. Eventually the bulge made it's way in too. She was left untouched for the next few minutes as the next step was prepared. Chains were rattling all about and she could tell what was in store for her. The sound of hooks attaching to the spreader bar confirmed her suspicion. She was going to be suspended upside down. Strong hands held her in the air as the winch started picking up the slack. Once it had picked up enough, she was swung into position. Then the winch started up once more carrying her slightly higher. It stopped when the charmander's pussy was at the same height as Edward's mouth. A height that would come in handy later. Crystal hung there helplessly. Unable to struggle and unwilling as well, she had no choice but to just let things happen to her. Even though she knew any suspension system that they used on her would be able to withstand handling a struggling pokemon of many times her mass and that she could safely struggle without any danger of falling, it was still too scary to do that. Gradually she felt the dildo getting pulled out. Once the knot was clear, it began going in again. The charmander tried to relax herself so that it would be easier but found it difficult. The constant opening and collapsing of her opening was strongly arousing. After a few more strokes, the dragonite began to fuck Crystal with the shaft of that dildo pulling it out a bit further with every stroke. She could feel her chances of reaching an orgasm soon slowly slipping away. Groaning a little as the dildo withdrew, Crystal felt a little disappointed. There was nothing happening to her for a while as she hung there. A gentle breeze blew across her face as the fog began to lift. It was a relaxing feeling as her heart rate returned to normal over the next several minutes. Gradually, she began to make out the faint outlines of the pillars again. Crystal grew more comfortable as she could once again make out the walls. Her back was to the door and she couldn't see Edward anywhere. He had taken care not to be noticed while hiding just behind her her with a blindfold in hand for just the right moment. The fog lifted just a bit more allowing some details to be seen. Crystal was starting to feel anxious. Waiting in that state of uncertainty was difficult. It was then that he applied the blindfold. She was once again unable to see, but Edward could see just fine. He needed to be able to see well for what was to happen next. The dragonite circles around with a riding crop in his hand and gave her a quick once over. He tried to imagine the priceless expression that would be on his slave's face if he didn't cover up so much of it. Before he could begin, he put the crop in his mouth and gave both the pussy clamps a tight squeeze prior to taking them off. Edward began to trace the outline of Crystal's face to let her know what was in store for her. He knew he had produced the right effect when all her muscles started to tense in response. It was time to get started. He gave the charmander a gentle slap across her cheek before moving on. Brushing the crop against her arm caused his slave to sense up in anticipation. Then he traced a path along her side over to her leg, the tenseness following wherever the led it. Finally he circled the leg and gently nudged her pussy apart before withdrawing the crop. Having indicated his target, Edward prepared to strike, only hesitating a moment to enjoy his slave's reaction to his choice. The way she looked, all tense in anticipation of the upcoming pain was so beautiful. He held nothing back, hitting Crystal with all his might. Laughing as she tried her best to scream through the gag, he landed another two blows getting the charmander to finally start struggling. When she began to calm down again, Edward began selecting a new target. Making a circle around her other leg before going back to her pussy. He pushed in as the crop made it's crossing starting from the bottom. Then he drew a line of her fluids back to her rear. Stopping just before the charmander's back door, he lifted the crop to her his slave's muffled protests and watched her struggle in vain. Then he completed the path smearing a little pussy juice right over the target. Raising the crop gave rise to new protests and more frantic movement. He knew he had singled out a very sensitive area. Picking up the dildo with the knot again, he began to force it down his slave's rear. In a single swift motion, he got the shaft in and slowed down by the knot. He stopped the bulge in the middle of her sphincter and began to demonstrate the dildo's special ability. The knot began to swell opening the charmander's rear entry wider till it was almost at the value recorded during her last test. Then it stopped getting bigger and shrunk down a bit. The bulge was still pretty large though but it was more tolerable. As fun as that was watching her reaction to that, he had something else in mind at the moment. The dragonite backed the knot out and wrapped his fingers around it so that it wouldn't accidentally get stuck. It was time for the next step in his plan. Edward moved his head in and gave Crystal a little warning lick. Then he backed off to take another look to make sure everything was correct. Getting a firm grasp on the dildo's knot, he started to slide it in and out slowly while licking away at her pussy. All her muscles were tensed as the dragonite's tongue began penetrating her. The charmander found it hard to relax this way and kept her legs stiff. She also kept her anus tight as the dildo made it's way in and out. She knew it wouldn't be long now and needed the release so badly. Edward began pushing more and more of the knot in as it became apparent that Crystal wouldn't be able to hold it back much longer. He tried not to get too much of it in because it was still pretty big and he didn't intend to get it stuck will after. The next few licks proved to be the critical ones as the charmander's muscles repeatedly tensed and relaxed during orgasm. By this time, he had centered the bulge in her threshold again making it a slightly mixed blessing as she clamped down on the widest part of the dildo. The pleasure spread faster than the pain but the pain all hit at once in a massive tidal wave afterwards. Crystal mumbled into the gag as she was lowered into the dragonite's awaiting arms. Things had slowed down and it seemed lie it was over. Moments after the chains were unhooked, she could feel solid ground under her feet again and a firm hand on her shoulder to help steady her. The blindfold was the first thing to go. She blinked a couple times as her eyes adjusted. Then came the bar connecting the collar, the cuffs, her tail and the spreader bar and finally out came the gag. It wasn't entirely gone, it only dangled on top her collar. "Happy to see me?" the dragonite asked as he took the collar off. "Actually, I think I was happier when I couldn't," Crystal joked with a wink. "I wish they would let me use this thing," Edward said as he put a long metal rod on the back of the collar. "Just imagine how it would feel to have these spikes digging into your neck while I guide you along," he said as he lowered the collar to the charmander's neck level using the rod as a handle. "That would be so fun," Crystal remarked as she was refitted with her regular collar. "I can only use this thing in solitary though because that's the only place I can take your regular collar off," he explained as he put the id back on her wrist. "Of course fancy padded cuffs aren't for short things like that," he remarked holding the ball gag back up to her lips, "Play time's only just begun." After a few muffled protests, or perhaps words of encouragement, the rest of the knot slipped in relieving her of some strain but forcing her to put up with the penetration for a long time. Then with some minor resistance on her part, it was up the stairs and back out into the public. *** *** *** *** A leash was attached to her collar and then the humiliation began. She was being paraded around the commercial area which was open to both staff and customers. Some of them she knew and some she didn't. It was difficult to move with the spreader bar on her ankles so she was left with no choice but to alternate, pivoting on one foot then the other. There was no concealing anything from anyone as she turned to expose herself to the crowd. They could all see the end of the dildo sticking out of her rear and the cum dripping from between her legs was no secret. Nothing concealed her face and her id proudly announced her name to the gathering crowd. There would be no denying this stunt after and it looked like many of the visitors were making a note of her name so that they could request her on their next visit. She blushed and her tail glowed brightly from embarrassment. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a short charmander running up to her with something in his hand. Once the distance closed, she paused briefly to see what it was. By that time his and was almost at her pussy. The pause was just enough for him to stuff a dollar bill in partially. She was quickly regretting her curiosity as she walked with it sticking out of her pussy. It was uncomfortable, made her feel dirty and trying to spend it with the cum stain it was bound to develop would definitely draw attention to her later. That also set the precedent for others to try and slip money in her pussy as she followed her master. A small crowd began to follow her trying to grab her pussy with every step she took. Some of them were nice and slipped a few bucks in her collar and her cuffs when they couldn't get to her pussy but a few of them were getting rough. The crowd was making it hard to get anywhere, not that it seemed like they had anywhere specific they were going. In all likelihood, he was just building up a crowd so that she could give a little show. At any rate, Crystal was far too occupied with her current situation to worry about that. *** *** *** *** It seemed like it was going to continue forever but Crystal finally got out of the public eye. She wasn't quite sure where she was though because the crowd blocked her view but she kind of guess that she was on a stage about to show off again. Sounds were coming through from the other side of the curtain. Edward removed one of the cuffs and brought both of the charmander's arms forward before cuffing it again. All the money was removed and dropped on the floor. He placed an ear piece into his slave's ear and pointed to a couch on the stage. "You wait for the curtain to rise over there," he instructed, "I'll give you further instructions from the audience using the ear piece. Do you understand?" Crystal nodded not entirely sure what she was getting herself into. The dragonite quickly left the area. She waddled up to the couch and stood next to it awaiting her fate. The lights dimmed out and the curtain rose. All eyes were on her once the spotlight was turned on. It was a full house. The first instructions started coming to her. "Wave to the audience while I explain this." That was easier said than done because of the cuffs, between them was only a single link of chain. "Behind the couch there's a metal stand with an enema ready for you. The nozzle on the end of the hose fits into a hold in the middle of the dildo which is already in place. Next to that hold is a dial for controlling the size of the knot, don't even think about touching it. You know what I want you to do." Crystal was looking forward to this, she loved the way enemas made her feel. They were also strongly arousing to her. Looking behind the couch, she found it all there. A metal stand like a coat rack with an enema bag filled with red fluid. It tilted up easily and she grabbed the end of the hose. "Walk back around before you do this, I want you to bend over the couch so that everybody can see what you are doing," Edward ordered. Crystal nodded. She walked around the couch with the nozzle in her hand and then bent over for the audience. Raising her tail, she showed the audience how she reached between her legs and felt around for the hold. After getting the nozzle in, she rose and opened the valve letting everyone see the red fluid flow through the clear tube into her. "Good job," Edward commented, "Bend over the couch again and relax while you fill. Put your hands out in front of you and try to look innocent." The charmander nodded again. She bent over and held her hands out trying to resist the urge to masturbate. Normally she'd be very aroused right now but the audience was making her nervous. As she recalled, red coloring didn't just make it easier to see from a distance, it stood for energy. There were sugars and other stuff meant to boost her energy when administered in that manner dissolved in the fluid. Other colors mean stuff like sleepiness, paralysis, sex drive up, sex drive down, pain, numbness and the dreaded torture enema, which came into use quickly after Brian was forced to give up the formula. Personally, she would have preferred the orange mix of red energy with the yellow sex drive booster. "You're about a quarter done," Edward reported. Crystal was already starting to strain under the pressure. "I know it's a lot, but you can handle it, I know you can," he said, "I'll give you a little distraction to get your mind off that." A spark roughly equivalent to a large static bolt jumped across Crystal's throat reminding her that she didn't really have a choice in this. As long as the collar was on, he was in control. "Before everyone gets bored, there's a small dildo on the seat next to you. Get up on the couch and show everyone how you play with yourself," he said, "Don't cum yet though, just get close, as close as you can." That was easier said than done. She was already getting pretty close. Looking to the side, she saw the dildo and sighed. Getting up on the couch wasn't going to be easy either. Movement was limited, not only by the bonds but by the nozzle as well, she had to make sure she didn't dislodge that either. She tried to face the audience first but just couldn't quite do it because of the somewhat short hose. It was enough though for her to place her back on the couch and pull her legs up after. The next task was to get the dildo though it was between her legs, it wasn't quite where it was supposed to be. Raising her arms above her head, she swung forward using the momentum to help carry her body into a sitting position. If was now within reach. The audience roared as she lowered the dildo down to her pussy and nodded. Crystal glanced at the liquid level as she slowly lowered it in. About half left and not only was she feeling pretty full but getting really close to orgasm too. There were parts of her body that just ached to be touched but she knew she couldn't if she was to keep from cumming. Reluctantly lowering the dildo, the charmander tensed as she realized that many of those parts were in the path. It may have been one of the smaller dildos they had but it seemed to take forever to get in. Her body cried out for desperately needed release by the time she started to back it off. She needed it so badly that she would be begging for permission had it not been for the gag and the distance. Not being able to pick out her master really killed any possibility of begging. Her eyes were starting to water from the strain and her attention remained fixated on the enema. How much more she'd have to take and how much longer she'd have to keep things up was her only concern. Then another spark hit her throat. "It looked like you were about to crack there. Just let me remind you that I'm in control and you don't get to cum yet. Difficult for you isn't it? You must have been kept on edge for how long now? I suspect that it was since everyone started feeling you up and trying to get their money on you. You see, I arranged that first one, it was not enough just to have other staring at you. By putting the first one in, I got others to follow, very effective isn't it? Well, looks like you're almost done. I didn't originally intend to give you all of it. There's a little extra just to worry you. Terrible cramps, aching pains, feeling full, you don't know how much more you can take, do you? How does it feel, having the valve right next to you and you can't you it to spare yourself without my word? You also have to lie there tormenting yourself. Makes you feel genuinely owned doesn't it. I guess I'm starting to really push your limits now. On the count of three, you will leave that dildo partially in and then close the valve. After that, take the nozzle out, a one way valve will prevent any spills. You'll be holding it in for a long time, but luckily you'll have the dildo to help. I'm going to keep you waiting just a little longer. Painful isn't it? When you've disconnected it, get off the couch, there's a wine glass underneath it. I want you to fill it with your own cum. Then I'll come down and remove the gag and you are going to gulp it down. Now the moment you've been waiting, one... two... Oh wait. One more thing I need to mention, there's also a big dildo underneath the couch, I want to see it go all the way in. That should be no trouble for you. Ok, for real this time, one, two, three." Crystal was relieved by that. She finally let go of the dildo and closed the valve. It was now time for the wine glass. The charmander swung her legs around and slid off. She found the wine glass easily and crouched over it. Stroking both sides of her pussy quickly, she triggered her much needed release, letting it flow down and drip into the cup. It was not time for the last order. Reaching in, she pulled out the big thing that Stacey fucked her with earlier during training. Getting it in was always a fun challenge. She took it and held it up for the audience to see. Resting with her back against the couch, it was not time to try and fit it all in. She removed the other dildo and put it aside. Putting both hands on the head of the big dildo, she began to stand it up. Ideally the charmander would have used one hand as a guide and the other to push, but her wrists were bound. For a while, she thought about squatting over it, but that idea didn't work out too well with the spreader bar. Grabbing the sides, she rethought the situation. It didn't need to be difficult, there was a simple slow approach. She pressed the head against its destination and started to ease it in. The massive tool began forcing her open and occupying her insides. It probably would have been easier if she raised the other end but that was impossible given the amount of separation the chain allowed her hands. Little by little, she began feeding it in near the opening. It's bumpy surface provided plenty of stimulation and also made it easier to hold too. By the time Crystal was half way done, another concern came to mind. The glass wasn't anywhere near filled. She took a short break from forcing the dildo in and brought the cup with her warm fluids in it over. Taking a few deep breaths, she closed her eyes and began to run her fingers up and down the sides of her pussy. She thought over her situation. She had just been captured, bound, suspended in the air, and paraded around helplessly. Now that she could do some things, her abilities were only restored to help humiliate herself in front of others. She had to give herself an enema and forced to hold herself on the brink of orgasm for so long, unable to stop and unable to cum. Now she was with a giant dildo and about to gulp down a glass full of her own cum. She was going to remember this one for a long time. It was one orgasm after another until the class was reasonably full. Then it was back to filling herself with the dildo again. It was much more difficult now that her hands were all slippery. Progress was slow but eventually she managed to fit it all in. When she finished, she heard the words, "Not bad," coming from behind. The ball gag was loosened and once again rested around her neck. "You know what to do," her master said as he backed away. Crystal raised the glass to the audience before lowering it to her lips. In an overly dramatic fashion, she gulped it down as the curtain began to descend. The dragonite sighed, "You don't know how badly I want to fuck you after that. I really need to find something more my size." "That was pretty wild," Crystal commented.