My Brother's Best Friend - Rainy Day

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#9 of Brothers Best Friend

Jeff's day gets a surprise turn.

Hello, and welcome to the latest chapter!

If you have any comments or other feedback, don't hesitate to give me a line or two! All feedback is always seriously considered, and it brings me a great deal of amusement as well. Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories as well.

Have a good read!


"Jeff, do you have the notes about the Civil War?"

The pony's brown head appeared past the corner of the locker door, his eyes catching a sight of the fox Marcus standing there, an earnest, curious look over his muzzle. The smartly dressed neat fox had his thumbs hooked under the straps of his backpack, and held onto them almost protectively.

Jeff flicked his ears.

"Sure," Jeff replied. "I think it's in my old notebook, hold on..."

Jeff browsed through the layer of debris on the bottom of his locker that was composed of forgotten notebooks, handouts, chewing gum wrappers, juice boxes and all sorts of random things that just happened to fall there. The pony stuck his hand deep into the pile of abandoned schoolwork and after a few moments managed to recover the indicated blue notebook that had his handwriting on the cover telling that it was his American History notes.

"Here," Jeff pulled out his find and closed the locker door before handing over the rumpled notebook to the fox's eagerly outreached paw.

Marcus flicked his ears and his white-tipped tail and held the notebook against his flat chest.

"Thanks, man, I'll get these back to you well before the exam," the fox grinned.

"No rush," Jeff replied, half-heartedly, and picked up his own backpack from the floor by his hooves. "It's still what, three weeks?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Marcus tapped his fingerpads against his own chest as he stood there on his bouncy footpaws and smiled.

"Woo," Jeff snuffled.

"Say, I was talking with Avery and we thought we'd go hanging out at the mall after school, you wanna come along?" the fox grinned and flicked one of his tall ears. "Might grab a burger at McDonalds first and then go on from that. You game?"

Jeff's ears flopped, and his tail made a banging noise as it smacked against the locker doors.

"My brother works there," he mused. "He's on shift today."

Marcus chuckled.


"Yeah," Jeff rubbed the back of his neck.

"Doesn't mean we can't go there and have a good time, Jeff," Marcus winked.

Jeff chuffed.

"I dunno, don't know if I'm in the mood, got a bit of a headache, really," he continued rubbing the back of his neck, hoping that it would ward off any further attempts to invite him to hang out.

Marcus' ears flicked rapidly as he watched the pony.

"Maybe if you'd go to the nurse and get a Tylenol for it or something, it ought to clear up during Mrs. Anderson's class," the fox enthused. "Shit, you could probably sleep right through and get it over with."

Jeff chuckled at the joke, briefly, but shook his head.

"Dunno, man, I think it's because I've sitting on the computer too much I suppose, something like that," he continued. "Or maybe I've got a bad pillow or something, dunno."

"Well maybe doing something else would help? We could go past the bookstore maybe and see if there's anything cool new stuff there, or the game store?"

Jeff still wouldn't buy it.

"Sorry, man, I think I'll just get back home and have a nap and sleep it off," he said, looking at the fox's blue eyes. "Maybe we can hang out sometime next week, maybe?"

Marcus gave a quick nod, and his tail flicked quickly behind him.

"Yeah, why not?" the fox replied. "Guess I'm just going with Avery then."

"Hope you guys have good time," Jeff forced a smile, showing his teeth, briefly.

"Would've been more fun with you but it'll be okay I guess," Marcus said.

"Yeah, too bad," Jeff shrugged. "Not so fun when you feel crap."

"Yeah, man, I know."

Marcus' smile was not going anywhere from his muzzle, though.

"Guess we just have to get going to class now."

"Yeah, wonderful," Jeff snorted.

Marcus' brow quirked as Jeff spoke, and he wondered whether the fox was getting even more worried about him, but then a voice spoke, and his fears were proven wrong for now.

"Well, well, it's it the rocking horse and the covergirl?" the loud grumble signaled that the bullying duo of Marco and Sean had decided to extend their reign of terror over the two furs as well.

Jeff turned over so that his side faced the pair, the oversized moose who stood protectively behind the smaller but no less mean wolf standing there as well, scolding at the pony and the fox. Jeff could see the older boy's teeth between his leering lips.

"Yeah, really does prove that small doesn't always mean cute...only pathetic," Sean grumbled.

Jeff's ears flattened, but he knew that answering sharply would just excite the two more, and the bullying would only get worse.

"Is that Prada you wearing, Marcus?" the moose grinned behind his wolf friend. "Where did you forget your pansy scarf, fox?"

Marcus didn't even flinch.

"Next to my Dolce & Gabana hat in my dressing room, Marco, sorry, did you want to try it on?" the fox retorted.

Sean chuckled darkly, flat-eared and sharp-eyed.

"You sharing fashion tips here, girls?" the wolf grinned at his prey.

"Yeah, sure," Jeff snuffled.

"Fags," Marco harrumphed as Sean got going and the moose followed him, walking behind the one-armed wolf just like the henchman he was, all Hollywood style.

Jeff shook his head as he watched the pair mingle with the general population of the corridor, and he felt that familiar twinge of anger in his belly. He knew that they didn't know...nobody knew...

Brand knew...

...nobody knew. It was just a fun game to play at a wimpy kid, to question their masculinity and most of all, heterosexuality. It must've been a wonderful joke to everyone, even Marcus, who was so good at giving those sharp little retorts to the bullying comments.

"Idiots," Marcus shook his dainty head and dipped his long muzzle down, briefly, as he rubbed its side.

"Fuckers," Jeff replied with a dark chuff.

Marcus patted Jeff's shoulder.

"Let's go to class, that's the last place where they want to be, they're just idiot jocks," the fox tried to smile broadly again as he watched his pony friend with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah," Jeff snorted.

He was sure that the duo had already found others furs to tease and call names, so they might be safe for now, as they made their quick way to the math classroom and got down to their seats.

Jeff slumped down on his hard chair and pushed his bag under the desk. He knew that the class would be just as exciting as before, and it didn't make it any easier that he was still feeling pretty much 100% crap over the events of those three days almost three weeks ago.

He still felt like Brand wanted to punch him in the face whenever they happened to pass in the corridors, or in the few times that he had came over to their home to hang out. They'd maybe talked a few words over the whole of that, and there had been none of the usual banter that Jeff liked so much. He hadn't been called kiddo nor whelp, and his brother's best friend had not lingered around at their place long enough for him to try to ask him what fun he might get up with Adam.

Instead it was a few minutes of Brand standing next to the door, waiting for the brother pony to show up. More commonly it was Adam simply going out without really saying where he was leaving to, but Jeff of course knew that it would be Brand. Adam always hang out with Brand, and recently they had not done much of that over at Jeff's place, much to his worry.

Surely it would only take a little while before Adam would notice that there was something going on that made Brand not really want to hang around over at the Jenners. Maybe he'd even connect that to Jeff's brooding behavior and come asking Jeff what stupid shit he had done to make Brand pissed off. There was nothing he could offer as an explanation, anyway, because the truth was too scary to even think about.

It was hard to sleep when every night was spent thinking about it all, Brand's anger, and Adam's anger if he should find out that Jeff had messed up things between him and Brand. Jeff would toss and turn and try all sorts of positions on the bed and adjust his pillow, in case that would help a bit. Maybe he also went to bed too tried, so that his body was already protesting against his unnatural sleep cycle and made it even harder to get to sleep. Sure, he spent almost every night on the computer until three am, trying to avoid schoolwork and most of all, thinking about Brand.

Jeff tried the best solution to it, of course he did, anyone knew the effects that a good, horny jacking off session had on a dude. Every night, dutifully, he'd go to bed, make sure he had some tissues at hand, pulled down his pajama bottoms and went into town. He lay down comfortably and ran fingers over his sheath and the blunt tip in the recess of that black fold of skin, teasing himself some more. He rubbed his balls and squeezed the hefty hangers into his palm and tugged on the sac, to pull the skin all taunt. Jeff pushed his hand under his pajama shirt and rubbed his nipples, and nickered softly when he felt them harden under his touch.

Usually by that time, his cock would also be slipping out of its sheath, and soon he had six heavy inches pulsing against his belly, proud and ready for some good fun. He made a V-shape with his index and middle fingers and stroked the underside of his flared tip, and felt how his thick shaft pulsed in his own grip. It felt good, and the skin flowed smoothly under his fingerpads, and he could trace every vein and every little change in feeling over and along the firm flesh. He dipped fingertips around the base to stroke against the sensitive skin of the sheath. Usually Jeff also let his hand on his balls rub down along his shower-fresh taint and seek the pursed lips of his thickly muscled pucker, and play with his back door for a while, trying out how it felt to have his hole pulse and flex around a spit-slicked fingertip or two. He'd even tried pushing one of his thick digits a bit deeper, too, but that felt mostly weird, although kinda good, and he had not tried out again after that, but might do it in the shower at some other point. For now it was just a bit of external teasing he did, warming up his body to the waves of pleasure he could make to come through it when he got to the real business of whacking his meat.

Jeff usually spat over his palm a couple of times and spread the natural lube over the mostly dry skin of his cock before he wrapped his hand around it and gave it a couple of extra slow, firm strokes, before he'd let his grip lighten and he started going at the usual jerking off motion, up and down on his thick equine inches. He could usually just lie back and go on at the usual rubbing, while his other hand explored his balls, his taint, and his chest, or maybe felt up over his belly, because that was nice too. Jeff snuffled and huffed and made all sorts of noises he tried to keep back, because it wasn't such a good idea to make loud sex noises at three am in the morning.

It was only when he was deep into his self-pleasuring that he could let himself think about Brand in the same way he used to do, before all the mess. He could imagine tonguing the big pony's spread rump and make him groan with pleasure at having an eager tongue stuffed under his tail, or burying his nose under Brand's arm after the hunky pony had worked out a sweat in the gym. He thought about how it'd feel like to mount the pony from behind like the small horse that he was and hump him silly while nickering and whispering all sorts of crude words to Brand's ears.

He wanted to try sucking on that thick cock, and also sit spread-eagled between Brand's legs and then jerk him off all over the thickly muscled pony's belly and chest, before Jeff could dive down and lick all that pony cream up like a good kitty, and maybe even mewl cutely. Then he'd likely ask the pony to go to all fours so that Jeff could pound his rump hard with his not too huge dick, but he was sure that enthusiasm could make up for the lack in sheer ass-destroying size. Jeff was sure that Brand would appreciate that his tailhole would be treated with consideration, plentiful rimjobs and only gentle and sometimes rough fucking from a comfortable-sized pony cock, as well as plentiful of groping and general ass adventuring.

No matter how much Jeff lusted after the pony's cock, it was the big, heavy rump that inspired the best orgasms out of his young member as he worked it hard and fast, lubed with spit and the pre drooling from his piss slit. He'd huff and breathe even harder, and feel his muscles become tense when the pleasures approached, and then it was pure electricity, followed by a splash of heat over his belly and chest when his cum poured out of his surprisingly pent up body. Jeff usually only took a couple of breathless moments to rest after shooting his load before his fingers moved all over his torso, scooping up errand globs into his maw. He slobbered and licked around his slick digits and even sucked on them, trying to get as much of that musky fluid over his tongue before he'd finish up the job with a tissue, button up his pajamas and then go to sleep like a good schoolboy, all traces of his debauchery gone. What was left usually was a slightly breathless pony, with damp skin, the wish to sleep, and enough guilt about what he had just done that it was sure to keep him awake for some time more.

The class went past without Jeff noticing much, and by the time the bell rang, he was more than ready to grab his back and make his slow way back home walking.

"See you around tomorrow, Jeff, you okay, yeah?" Marcus came over to ask him, near the classroom door, as they all filed out.

"Yeah, sure," Jeff replied, quickly. "Have great fun at the mall you guys."

"You bet," Marcus grinned, and left with another smile, to hurry to catch up with Avery, the coyote from another class he had already spotted in the corridor, waiting for his fox friend to show up.

Jeff headed out and started to make his slow way home. Furs on bikes zoomed past him, leaving the pony with short legs at a clear disadvantage as he continued stomping along. He cursed the fact that he hadn't come over on his bike, but then, anyway, it was only a mile, he could easily walk that much in fifteen minutes or so, even at a snail's pace, it wasn't so bad.

The sky was grey and the air rushed over Jeff's furs in a cool wind that made him shiver, just a little. The coolness was followed by a splash of something over his muzzle, and a quick glance up to the iron sky told Jeff that it had now officially started to rain.


Of course he hadn't brought an umbrella, or a rain coat, or a cloak, or whatever. Jeff quickened his pace, going as fast as was comfortable with his rarely overstretched legs, and went along the curb as fast as he could. It didn't really take him much to realize that no matter how fast he was going to go, he would still get soaking wet by the time he reached home.


It was raining so hard that by the time he rounded a corner on his route, he actually stepped on a puddle that had already had the time to form. He made a splash that was only a minor addition to the wetness around his ankles, but the very sound made him snort, briefly, and his ears flattened when he brayed.


Someone drove past at a breakneck speed on a bicycle and added another splash over Jeff's shirt, but that didn't really matter anymore. He was half a mile away from home, it didn't matter, he'd still have to strip everything down and soak himself in a hot shower so as not to freeze his ass off. Maybe water would rush out of his backpack when he opened it, everything inside ruined.

It was awful and it was so cold.


Jeff huffed, and as he heard the rumble of a car, he could only feel envy for those occupying the mobile glass and metal box offering comfort in transportation.

He didn't even have the time to react, really, when the car pulled to a stop slightly ahead of him and he realized that it was a very familiar blue car.

Jeff's legs stopped working as soon as the fact registered, in his mind, and he stood there, unable to move even if the water come down to him as if someone was spraying him with a firehose.

The red back lights flashed, briefly, before the car reversed itself and stopped right next to Jeff.

The water-streaked driver side window was cranked half-way down, and Brand's muzzle peeked out, completely with those all too clear eyes.

"Come on over, kiddo, I'll get you home," the pony's voice sounded almost normal.

Jeff stared into the dark interior of the car and the brown pony sitting behind the wheel, looking back to him, the soaked pony standing there, water spouting off his limp tail like some sort of a faucet as it drizzled down over his back.

"Brand...," Jeff had to blink and squint to get drops of water out of them, and he still ended up feeling a bit blurry, as he tried to see the exact expression on the pony's face.

"Hurry up," the familiar deep voice spoke again. "You're freezing."

Jeff didn't have to be told that, and wanted to snap as much back to the pony inside his comfortable car. In fact, his teeth were almost clattering to one another from the cold and misery he felt, but he didn't really want to show it for Brand, not now. He didn't want to be weak.

"Come on, I can't stay here all day, Jeff!"

The slight rise in tone made Jeff's ears jump, and he decided that whatever uneasiness would be caused by their brief time together in the car, at least he'd get home faster sooner than later, and at least Brand had been nice and normal enough to do something for him.

Jeff hurried over to the other side of the car and jumped onto the front seat. He made a squishy sound upon landing, and he could see Brand frowning, but the pony didn't say anything, simply concentrated on staring out through the windscreen that was only intermittently cleared by the wipers.

"Put on your seatbelt before we go," Brand rumbled at the breathless pony next to him.

Jeff blinked, once, before he did as he had been told and pulled the seatbealt over his chest and secured it on.

Brand put the car on gear and accelerated down the street. Jeff rubbed his palm over his eyes and his muzzle and breathed out, deeply. The replenishing breath that followed, snuffled through his nose, brought some familiar Brand musk into his senses, and Jeff realized, with small regret, how long it had been since he had been able to regularly sample it. His cheeks felt a bit warm for it, but Jeff also knew that this was hardly the time.

"Thanks," Jeff whispered, and gave Brand a quick, careful look.

Brand's eyes didn't leave the windscreen, but he flicked a quick ear at the younger pony.

"Sure," he spoke.

Jeff felt almost colder now that he was in the relatively warm interior of the car, but there was little time left for him to think about his discomfort, before Brand braked the car, signaled and turned over to the driveway of the Jenner home. The pony put on the parking break and then, to Jeff's surprise, turned off the engine. Brand put his hands down from the steering wheel and turned to face the younger male.

"Jeff...would you mind if I came over for a little while?"


Here we go! What do you think? Stay tuned for more adventures!

Cheers for reading!