The Wasteland: Party

Story by SnuggleWolf on SoFurry

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#3 of The Wasteland

First thing we did was go over to a liquor store. I asked Adrian how such a thing can exist, and he got me up to date on what's been going on. Liquor, being unnecessary for human life *most of the time*, was run by a local distillery. There's always someone willing to pay for a drink. The government was trying to rebuild society by growing food, giving jobs, and trying to keep the population from dying. They did a pretty successful job at having everyone accept coins as currency, although their value has changed. The quarter equaled a dollar, dime equaled a quarter, nickel equaled a dime, and a penny was still worth only one penny. There was no five cent valued coin in this time, not that anyone really cared. They made underground farms so that when the bombs fell, everyone wouldn't die from starvation. They also reinforced the water purification plants giving us clean water. However, these necessities are only in the scarce towns that people have managed to build. And since all the law enforcement is used to protect the towns and government facilities, you gotta be able to protect yourself out in the wasteland. Travelers like Adrian are what keep towns well supplied, constantly bringing resources everyday. Naturally, all of the prisons were destroyed. Guards use lethal force if someone becomes dangerous to others, and that's why those lunatics out there normally avoid towns. They're crazy, not suicidal. Grandiose had the luxury of electricity thanks to a generator that's maintained daily. He bought a bottle of vodka and tequila, salt, a couple wedges of lime, and some shot glasses. He gave me a wink as we walked out. Next on the list was food. We walked around the grocery store, Adrian asking me occaisonally if I liked certain items. I hadn't asked him for food since that energy bar, so I was willing to eat anything at this point. He bought a varied assortment of vegetables and fruits, herbs and seasonings, cooking oil, plastic plates and utensils, and strips of frozen steak and fish. Adrian bought a med kit as well, probably more for me than anything. He also bought a box full of ice with wheels and placed his purchases inside. He spent 5 quarters in all, pretty good considering how much he has. When we left, I was rolling the box of food along while Adrian carried a case of water bottles. He asked me if I wanted some new clothes, giggling at my outfit once again. I desperately wanted to say yes, but his money wasn't mine to spend. I sucked it up and told him no, let's just get to the party. We arrived at one of the tall buildings, a big sign out front saying "The Prestige Inn".

"Ooooooh fancy," I said with a smile as we walked in.

"Only the best for the birthday boy," he said as he walked up to the front desk.

After a short talk with the fennec at the counter, he handed over a few quarters, getting a key in exchange.

We took our items to the elevator, Adrian clicking the three once I was in. Once on the third floor, I followed the german shepherd over to the second door on the right. He unlocked the door and we both entered, bringing the supplies with us. He flicked a switch on the wall and light illuminated the room. To the left was a bathroom, and straight ahead was a large king sized bed with a green and white design. A similar rug covered the floor, and a lamp sat on a nightstand next to the bed. A long table sat across from the bed, next to it a pre-war stove connected into the wall. I went over to the bathroom, a sink and mirror to the right, shower to the left, and toilet in the center. I turned the sink handle, and I was surprised to see running water. I turned to Adrian, who was leaning on bathroom door, but he was explaining before I even asked.

"Water plant a few miles from here."

"Oh. Okay then. Thanks Mr. Useful," I smiled at the thought that I've become predictable.

"Well, I'll let you freshen up. I'll get some food cooking," he told me before walking out.

I closed the door before gingerly undressing, the shorts giving me a hard time as usual. I set my weapons on the counter, then carefully unwrapped the gauze. Once off, I got a good look at my wound. The chain had made a great slash across my chest, the skin around it red and irritated. Signs of healing were beginning to show. On the sink was some soap and shampoo. I grabbed it and brought it over to the shower, glad to see people still have this. I turned the shower on and stepped inside. I kept my chest away from the stream, letting the water hit my back. I soaped my thin frame up, being careful as I cleaned the gash. Once the suds were off, I squirted shampoo into my hands and ran them through my hair. Once I finished everything, I stepped out and grabbed the green towel on a rack. After drying myself off, I slid my underwear back on and shook my hair into a hot mess before stepping out into the room. Feeling so refreshed, the last thing I felt like doing was putting those freakin shorts back on. I tossed my clothes onto the table with the canine's jacket and boots before looking over to Adrian. He had taken a pan from a compartment in the oven and began frying up the steak and vegetables in cooking oil. The german shepherd wasn't watching the food though, he had his eyes on me. He opened the med kit and took out some gauze. He patted the bed, motioning me to sit with him. I did so, letting him wrap my body up, not minding the paw that rubbed my back as he did so.

"So...where are the drinks?" I asked, hoping to divert some of his attention off me.

He pointed to the end of the table, his eyes leaving my body for only a moment. I turned to see two shot glasses already full with vodka. I grabbed them both and walked over to Adrian, handing him his drink. We took our shots at the same time. There were bigger problems in the world than teenagers drinking, so no one really thought anything of it. Of course, I was a light weight, more so since I haven't eaten in awhile. I went to go pour myself another shot when Adrian grabbed my shoulder.

"Let's eat first. Then we can have fun," he said smiling.

I sighed, showing my resignation. I laid some plates and forks out while he brought the food over and served us both. We both dug in quite hungrily, opting to just tear at the steak with our teeth as opposed to plastic knives. When he finished, he padded over to the lamp and turned it on, then flicked the lights off. He picked me up and laid me down on the bed.

"What are you doing?' I asked sitting up.

He grabbed the lime and salt and walked back to me, his paws on my chest urging me to lie back down. I quickly caught on as he stuck the lime in my mouth and poured himself some tequila. I moaned into the citrus fruit as he gave a long lick over my smooth belly. He sprinkled some salt on my saliva coated abdomen before licking it back up and taking his shot. He moved up my body, his paws caressing my hips, until he wrapped his lips around mine, the lime coming between our tongues. He suckled gently on the lime, my lips feeling his as they sucked up the juices until he pulled away, taking the lime with him. He let it drop into his paw before coming back and giving me a real kiss. His tongue wiggled in my mouth, intent on making sure I taste him. The alcohol adding a nice punch as we made out passionately. He pulled back, letting a claw trail down my naval. He stepped away to pour more tequila, sticking the lime in his own mouth. I pulled myself up as he handed me the drink and some salt. He lied down next to me as I sat myself on his lap. I could feel him very excited through his shorts as I dragged my tongue over the fur of his abs. I sprinkled some salt on them before continuing my licking exploits. I sat up and downed my drink before slowly coming to his lips. My lips met his as my tongue worked over the lime, feeling the sharp taste and some of Adrian's saliva from before. I pulled back with the lime in my mouth and walked over to the table. I sat the lime and salt down before pouring each of us a shot of vodka. He sat up and I sat next to him, handing him his drink.

"Cheers," I said holding my drink up.

"To what," he asked with a smile.

"To tonight," I said, coming close to him and giving his black nose a sensual lick.

We both had our drinks, then kissed each other vigorously. He pulled me back on top of him, our tongues sliding together the whole time. I took his glass and set it on the nightstand with mine, my hands soon moving to the button of his shorts. I could feel his throbbing length as I tantalizingly moved his zipper down. He pulled away from my lips, one hand rubbing my back while the other moved his shorts down far enough until he could kick them off. His tip was poking out near the top of his boxers, eager to sink itself in me. We continued our tongue fight, both of us fairly drunk, me more so than him. His paws made their way to my firm rump, rubbing and squeezing my cheeks. His nails came to my waistband, slowly exposing myself to him. He sat up with me sitting on his bone as he got my underwear off from around my feet. He gave them a slow sniff before tossing them to the side of the bed. My hands moved over his arms, feeling the muscle underneath his thick fur. My tongue worked it's way over the nub on his left pec, intending on enjoying this canid body in front of me. He picked me up slightly to work his underwear off, before setting me back down. I could feel his 8 inches resting between my ass cheeks, squirting pre onto my lower back. I gave his nub the tiniest nibble, getting a moan from him as he thrust lightly against me. In a sudden move, he flipped me over, his body hovering over mine. He thrust his dick against mine a few time before moving his wet nose down, lightly nuzzling my wound. His tongue dragged itself down my body, getting closer to my dick. I moaned out his name as he gave my shaft a few licks before lifting my legs slightly. He looked over to me, his green eyes filled with lust.

"Looks like I forgot to buy lube. Silly me," he said huskily before burying his muzzle in my ass, slowly licking my quivering pink hole and slickening it with his spit.

I groaned out in pleasure as his tongue worked itself into me, going as deep as it can, wriggling as it worked to penetrate me. He continued his ministrations, enjoying watching me squirm as one paw held my right thigh, the other stroking his canine meat. At last he pulled back, leaving me panting and filled with want for the german shepherd. He spit into his paw and moved it over his cock, slickening it as much as he can. He grabbed my legs and flipped me over, moving me onto my knees. His chest came onto my back, Adrian's breath hot against my neck.

"If we're doing this, we're doing it my way," he huffed into my ear.

He thrust lightly against my ass, making sure I felt him. I moaned out a 'yes', practically begging him to take me. He took hold of my hand and lead it back to his cock. I gripped it behind the knot, lining it up with my hole. He slowly moved it forward, my hand guiding it to it's mark. When his tip touched my taint, I rubbed over his knot, provoking him to thrust in me. His tip slowly made it's way in, putting just enough force into his thrusts to penetrate me. The saliva made it easier for him to come into me. He slowly worked in an inch before pulling back a little, then going further. Inches made their way into me ever so gently. I did my best to relax, until I felt him brush against my pleasure spot, causing me to moan and grip his dick with my tunnel. He shot his copious pre into me, slickening me even more for his thrusting maleness, until he finally hilted me. His knot pushed against me as he stayed still, letting me adjust to his length. He slowly moved himself out, leaving only his squirting tip in, before thrusting himself back into me, forcing a moan out of my throat. He continued his thrusting, panting and grunting above me, balls slapping against mine as he tries to empty them in me. My left hand was keeping me up while my right slowly stroked my own leaking tip. He grabbed my wrist and moved my hand away, licking it clean but keeping a firm hold on it.

"You won't be needing to do that. I'm gonna fuck the cum right outta you," he growled in my ear.

He kept thrusting into me, his pre-cum dribbling down and dripping off my balls. He kept going, harder and deeper, making me moan out from the incredible pleasure his dick was fucking into me. My left arm grew weak and I let my head fall forward, keeping my ass up to let him pound at me mercilessly. I was starting to leak profusely, a big wet spot underneath me. His knot grew bigger and bigger, slamming against my backdoor and demanding entrance. He pulled nearly all the way out of me and with one hard thrust, fucked his knot past my battered taint, tying me to the larger canine. Feeling so much meat crammed into me and putting all of that pressure on my g-spot caused my cum to shoot out of me. I moaned out in pleasure as the german shepherd gave short, shallow thrusts into me, milking my balls out onto the sheets. Halfway through my own orgasm, his dick throbbed hard and he bit my shoulder as his seed spilled into me. He kept thrusting, getting his canid cum as deep into me as he possibly could. His knot prevented any of his white slime from escaping, soaking my walls in his fluids. His seed filled my belly as he continued his thrusting, riding me out through my orgasm. When his teeth left my shoulder, I collapsed, completely spent. We were both panting hard, his cock continuing to fire cum into me. Adrian lied down on his side, wrapping his arms around me and gently tracing over my injury. He nuzzled the back of my neck, licking at it affectionately. I rubbed over my belly, feeling his meat pump more seed into my swollen belly. I sighed from the great sexual relief I felt. I became exceptionally tired and before long, I fell asleep in the german shepherd's arms.