The Next Day of School

Story by sluttyfox58 on SoFurry

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I apologize if I'm not improving in any way with the story. Anyways, here's the third part of the story. It'd be nice to comment and rate the story.

So my first day of school didn't go so bad. I made a new friend (who I now have a crush on). To continue with where I left off, the next day I woke up to find dad gone.

"Hey Matt, where did dad go?" I asked.

"He said he went to a business trip or something. He won't be back till next week."

Oh great, dad's gone. Then that means I have to go school by myself. So I showered and ate my breakfast and was getting ready to go out. But before that, maybe I shouldn't just walk there. Maybe Matt could take me to school.

"Um, hey Matt, do you think you could take me to school?"

"Why? School isn't that far from here."

"I'm nervous. I don't think I can go there by myself." I felt a bit childish asking such a favor. "Please?"

Matt rolled his eyes and sighed, "Fine, just let me get dressed."

So I get inside Matt's car and we left the house.

"So, did you make any friends at school?"

"Yeah, his name's Kyle."

"Oh, he's a boy. I see..."

I looked at Matt. "What does that supposed to mean?"

"Well, it's just that, since you're gay and all, I thought you might-"

"Woah! Hold it right there!" I stopped him. "Where are you going with this?"

"I'm just curious."

"Look, I just met him. He happens to be nice and showed me around. But were just friends and that's all there is."

"Okay, just asking..."

Matt pulled over at the school parking lot.

"I'll see you later." He waved goodbye and left.

I've never been to this part of the school before. I looked around and saw the football field. I guess I'm not that far from school. So I walked across the field and I could see some furs doing some workouts. One of them was a tiger which caught my attention. He looked hot. He was a little fat but had a lot of muscle. I watched him and the other furs do push-ups and workout, and that made me a little horny. I took a deep breath and just ignored them. I tried to get my mind off him and continued walking. I could see the school from here. I looked at the watch again and it was almost time. So I ran when I heard someone call my name.

"Hey Colin!"

I turned around to see Kyle waving at me. I waved back. He was with another fur (lion).

"This is Colin. Colin, this is Steve." Kyle introduced me to his friend.

"Hi Colin. So you're new here?" Steve asked.

"Um, yeah, it's nice to meet you."

"Don't be shy. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Sorry, I'm just new here and all."

Suddenly, I heard someone shouting from behind.

"Hey Kyle! I heard you finally got laid! Who's the lucky guy?!"

I turned to see the tiger from the one I saw from the field yelling.

"Go to hell you fat bastard!" Kyle yelled back. He gave him the middle finger and the tiger left.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"That was Ray. He's a bit of a bully. He picks on a lot of us but, he's good friend." Steve said.

"I hope so..." I said.

Just then, the bell rang and we went to our classrooms.

Unfortunately, Kyle and Steve weren't in the first of my class. I sat down in an open seat. The teacher wasn't there yet.

"Hey, you're that fox that was with Kyle awhile ago."

I turned around to see Ray was right behind me. "Uh, hi, I'm Colin." I greeted.

"You must be the new kid around here. I'm Ray."

"Yeah, I heard."

"So, you're friends with Kyle, huh?"

"He's the first one to be friends with me."

"Then let me be your second." Ray reached out his hand and I shook hands with him. "I have a feeling we'll be great friends."

I'm not stupid. I can tell Ray won't be that much of a great friend. Then again, who am I to judge furs?

So, after class, I accidentally dropped my stuff. When I reached down to grab it, I felt someone slap my ass, which made me squeal (Thank God nobody heard me). I turned around to see Ray laughing at me.

"Nice ass!" he joked.

I gave him a fake smile and left the classroom. I went to my locker and I took my things. When I closed my locker, I saw Ray.

"Hey, don't be mad. I was just joking around." He said.

"Oh really, and you call slapping me in the ass a joke?" I said half-serious.

"Well, it seemed to me that you liked it."

What did he just say? "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me. I heard you squeal when I slapped you. It was almost like you liked that, didn't you?"

Oh crap, he heard me! What do I do?!

Before either one of us could say another word, the bell ring. "Well, I gotta go..."

I went to my next class, and I saw Kyle was there. I sat down next to him.

"So, I see you ran into Ray a while ago."

"How did you know?" I asked.

He reached out behind my back and took out a piece of taped paper that said, "Kick me."

"Oh God! How did I not see that?!" my face reddened.

"Don't feel too bad. He does that to all the new students."

I guess he was right. We will be great friends. I just hope we become more than that ; )

The rest of the day was a little boring, nothing new much. Our last period was P.E. (which I by the way suck at). So we did drills, push-ups, sit-ups and other kinds of workouts. I was dead tired by the time we were done. I was worried I might not be able to get home. But that wasn't the only thing I'm worried about. You see, they have locker/shower rooms. And well, that means I'm going to have to take a shower with other furs, which made me a little uneasy. I mean, I don't usually get naked in front of other furs. But when I do, I get a little hard and horny. This isn't good. The others might see me and find out I'm gay! I started to panic a bit but I had an idea. I'll just hang around inside the locker rooms until everyone left.

About an hour later, I didn't see anyone in the shower rooms. I looked at my watch; it was about 4:58 pm. If I hurry, maybe I won't be late when I go home. I took my clothes and towel from my locker and stripped off from my clothes. I looked around to see if there really wasn't anyone else there. I turned on the shower. The warm water felt good on my fur. While showering, I didn't notice Kyle come inside the locker room.

"You're still here?" he asked.

"Um, yeah..." I'm panicking a little bit. Any time soon, I might get hard and he'll see me. So I tried to calm down. "I, uh, got a little dirty when I left the locker room so, uh, I took a shower again." Well that was a pathetic excuse...

I turned to see him; he was taking his clothes off right next to my locker. Oh God, seeing him with no clothes, I felt so horny seeing him like that. I looked back down on myself and saw myself getting hard. 'No! Not now!' I thought.

I heard his footsteps and he opened the shower in his stall. He was a few stalls away and I could see him. I tried to hide my erection, well, he didn't notice it.

"So, um, why are you still here?" I asked nervously.

"Coach wanted to talk to me about something."

I looked at him again. He looked so hot naked. His body being so wet made me horny. 'Damnit! Get those nasty thoughts out of your head!' So I rushed to finish showering, I took my towel and dried myself. I went back to my locker and wore my clothes.

"I, uh, I'll see you tomorrow..." I said awkwardly.

"See you tomorrow, Colin."

I didn't bother looking back at him again. I left the locker room, but I did take one last look at him. He's so cute!

So I walked back home, still thinking about Kyle. I got back home, went upstairs and lied on my bed, hugging a big pillow and dozed off to sleep.