Carnival Demon's Harem - Chapter 6

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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Author's Note: This story contains elements of the following (not all in this chapter, but throughout the storyline): Discovery of Incest, Abuse, Beastiality/Zoophilia, Rape, Pseudo-Rape, Double Penetration, Triple Penetration, Demons, Violence, MILF, Bondage, Slavery, BDSM, Lolis, Cubs, Love and Consensual Sex. If any of these are not your cup of tea, then I suggest you move on and find something tamer/rougher.

** This is a world where furries, humans, hybrids and demons all exist. This is the very beginning of the Carnival Demon's Harem. **

Written by the amazing duo of MasterAaran and Eirene, with the awesome editing talents of RuthofPern.


Chapter 6.

"Yes Syn, Kristie's safe and sound, don't worry about her..." he said as he led her back down the hall. No one would find him for a while probably, or if they did, no one would trace it to Terrus or Syn. He kept his arms around her as he guided her out of the home and down toward his car. He looked at her quizzically and nodded, "Alright Syn, we'll talk about her... in the car...I have to talk to you about her too..."

Syn nodded, letting him lead her out to his car. Her body still fit just under his arm, just as it had seven years ago. She rested her head against his chest, her swollen eye hidden by the loose locks of red hair that flowed over her face and shoulders. She knew that Terrus would understand, though he would probably want to kill that corpse again when he heard everything she had to say.

He couldn't believe that he had found her once more, that the one woman he had truly loved was back in his life, back in his arms again. He led her down to the car, opened the passenger side and let her slip inside before closing it. He slipped around to the driver's side and slid in as well. He knew this neighbourhood wasn't a safe place to do anything in, let alone leave a fancy car parked on the side of the road, so he started the engine and drove away. A few minutes later he pulled into the parking lot of a park.... the park where they had met seven years ago. He looked over at her with a faint smile, "Alright Syn... go ahead... though... I need to take care of your hurts..."

Syn nodded. "Seven years ago, a handsome man and a young, innocent girl met in a park," she started off, a smile gracing her lips, though it must have hurt since she winced at the movement. Her lips were slightly swollen, apparently from an earlier fight with her deceased husband, "He seduced her, though she was not wholly innocent of what happened that night. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her. They made love for endless hours until she had to leave, her young, fertile womb filled with his potent seed. A memory she would cherish for years to come."

Syn paused and took a breath, a small bead of blood welling on the cut on her lip, which had reopened when she smiled. Looking into Terrus's eyes, she continued, "The next morning, she woke up, feeling strange, but never said a word to her parents as they had plans for the family that day. They left to go to a family reunion, where the young girl met her cousin's boyfriend and the two of them ended up behind some bushes, fucking. Well, more like, he plied her with so many drinks she couldn't tell what way was up, and he took her into the bathroom and raped her. Of course, no one believed her later when she said she had no clue what happened."

Syn trembled slightly as she spoke, the memory of her rape being hard for her to bear, as usual. Taking another calming breath, she finished the story, "Anyway, the girl got pregnant, not by her rapist, but by the man she met in the park the night before. When her parents found out, they forced her to marry the man who'd raped her, thinking the child was his. And the rapist, well, he never 'forgave' her for getting pregnant. Constantly, he beat her, and when the child, a little girl, was old enough, he beat her too. The girl protected her daughter as best as she could, finally helping her daughter escape in the middle of the night to try to find safety. Safety the child found with her father."

Terrus listened to the beautiful redhead as she spoke, not interrupting her words, though his mind was reeling. As she spoke, he saw one of the cuts on her lip reopen, and he reached a finger over to gently remove it from her mouth. She wasn't speaking of just any girl. What she was saying sounded just like their story, as if someone was telling it from an outside perspective. When she finished he gasped, "Then.... Then Kristie is..." he said quietly, putting a hand on her shoulder and giving it a squeeze, "Our daughter?"

Syn nodded, hating that she'd been unable to let him know before this about his daughter. She felt, in a small way, responsible for what her former husband had done to her and her daughter. "Kristie is a child born of passion and desire, not rape or just plain old sex. And despite what he'd done to her, which was only beating so far, though I knew what he'd planned for when she got older, she remained the way she should. Pure and innocent. But she doesn't trust many people. So many times she tried to get help, only to have everyone turn their backs on her and me."

Terrus' rage at the man that had raped Syn was reflected in his eyes. He hated that man, and as he had promised, he was going straight to hell. Sighing he closed his eyes and let his fingers gently trail down her arm, "Kristie is very special Syn..." he whispered, "She came to me last night, in the dark, looking cold and scared. I took her in and healed her wounds..." He looked away, then back at her, "She clung to me all night... I didn't know she was my daughter though. Now things are falling into place... her silver hair... the hint of red I see in her eyes from time to time..."

Syn felt the ripple of magic following the path of his fingers as they slowly slid over her arms. She didn't know what it was, but it felt so warm, so comforting, and a soft sigh slipped from her lips. "She's always been special to me, Terrus. I knew from the moment I found out I was pregnant that she was your child. I took more beatings trying to protect her from him. The worst days were when he beat me to where I couldn't move, and then beat her while I was incapable of protecting her from him. I never could relax before. Not while he was awake enough to go after her. But now...Now I can relax and I know she won't be hurt again."

Her good eye closed, the swollen one still hidden under her hair, letting the healing flow through her arms, feeling the bruises fading. Sighing softly again, she asked, "What do you mean; you healed her wounds, Terrus? And about not knowing...What happened?"

Terrus sighed, knowing it would do no good to get angry any more. He now had to just make sure that both Syn and Syl never had to worry about things like that again. He looked down as she asked him those questions, though there was no accusation in her voice, only love and curiosity. At last he looked back up at her, "Syn... you must have known all along that what we had was special... the love we shared for just that one night...well... " he paused, "I'm...I'm not fully human..."

Syn nodded, a soft wistful sound slipping from her lips. "That night; it was magical, Terrus. I can't tell you how many times I wish I'd never gone to that damn reunion, that I'd run off with you. But I also know things happen for a reason, and I guess it was to make us realize what we had together," she paused, looking up at him, her hair slipping back and revealing her swollen eye and almost sightless eye from the long term damage caused by the dead male in her old house, "Are you an angel, then, Terrus? Taking me and Kristie from here and bringing us to a better place?" she asked.

He hadn't seen both of her eyes yet, not to the extent of being able to tell just how hurt she was. She was nearly blind in one eye, it was clearly infected somehow... and the other was almost swollen shut. He licked his lips, knowing it would take longer to fix her than it did Sylver, or, rather, Kristie. He slipped his fingers down the rest of her arm to her hand and took it in his, "I'm no Angel Syn... though I guess to you and Syl... I mean Kristie, I am..." He bit his lip, "Actually... I'm a demon..." He whispered the words, hoping that she wouldn't be frightened of him.

Syn smiled and gave him a light kiss. "No, you're nowhere as evil as that man I had to marry. You'll always be my angel. You might be a fallen angel, but you are not evil incarnate like he was. And Syl? Is that the name you gave our daughter? Syn and Syl.... Sounds wonderful to me, Terrus."

He looked into her wounded face as she leaned in to kiss him gently. She almost missed, what with her eyes the way they were. He guided her lips to his though, and kissed her gently. "Yes, I didn't know she was our daughter... and last night I named her Syl... or rather, Sylver, for her silver hair. But that's not all Syn... I....I had sex with her last night..."

Syn stilled, still looking up at him, though she seemed to be seeing something other than him. Especially considering her eye troubles right now, "Tell me what happened, Terrus. And I mean everything," she said, her voice still as soft as before, though it seemed to hold an iron strength to it now. She wanted to know what happened, if her daughter was raped, or if the sex had been more consensual, and how her daughter reacted to the pain of her first time. His words would be the seal on what would happen next.

Terrus licked his lips, and pulled back slightly, sighing and nodding, "I will..." he remembered it vividly, ever single moment of it from the beginning until he left to come and get Syn. His voice was quiet but clear. He told her how she came to the door, battered and needing help. He had felt compassion for her, and taken her into the living room, told her he would help her and took her clothes off so that he could heal her. He had licked her slit, and she had enjoyed it. He told her how every moment after that went, how Sylver had clung to him, how she had asked him to fuck her... and how afterward she wanted to keep doing it. He finished with their last round that morning, and her words about wanting to sleep with him. He went quiet after that, waiting to see what her reaction would be.

It was a strange gift that Syn now had, the ability to read someone's aura and tell if they were telling the truth or not. The full disclosure he gave, leaving no detail out, not even when he got to the part about Sylver wanting all of him inside her and the details of how he held back until she was feeling pleasure before pushing past his daughter's cervix. Not even leaving out anything regarding Sylver's actual defloration, or her first time sucking his cock. Not only could she see the truth in his aura, but she felt and heard it in his words. "Alright," she said, and then thought of something. "Who's watching her right now, Terrus? You're the first one she's trusted other than me in her life."

He shivered slightly at her simple reply of 'alright.' He dearly wanted her to be truly okay with the idea, to accept it and preferably like it. He sighed deeply and then answered her question, "Oh, my pup, Damien... I say pup but really he's about her size, and he took an instant liking to her. I told her to stay upstairs and not come down until I came home with you..." He tried to smile at her, but realized she probably couldn't see it very well, "Syn, I should take care of your eye... unless you want to wait until we get home..."

She shook her head, "No, I want to see you now, Terrus." She could tell that he was hoping for more from her than that single word answer, but she wasn't able to form the rest of her thoughts into words. Not when she was this close to him and free of her hated husband finally. The rest of her words would come through in her eyes, but he wouldn't see it until her eyes were fixed. At least, the one that was swollen shut. She had no idea if her other eye could even be fixed, or if she was fully blind in it.

Terrus nodded and unbuckled himself from the car, turning in his seat so that he could use both hands more easily on her form. He would tend to her more private wounds at home, he could only imagine what the moron had done to her sexually, but she had asked him to heal her eyes now, and that's what he would do. He put both of his hands gently on the sides of her head, where he touched the skin warmed a bit, then the scratches and bruises on her cheeks healed slowly with a cooling sensation. He closed his eyes and placed one of his thumbs over each of hers, applying a gentle pressure. A few soft words were whispered, and he could feel his energy flowing through her skin and face, reknitting wounded tissue and mending it. Her damaged and infected eye he struggled with though, doing his best to try and ultimately restore it to the same glory as her other eye. He worked on it for several long minutes, and when he was done, he was sure that it was healed, but when he opened his eyes to look into hers, he was startled to see that her eyes were now different colours.

Syn looked at him, her recently swollen eye still the vibrant, pure blue he remembered, once more reminding him of the purest sapphire he'd ever seen. But her damaged eye, now healed to the best of his ability, was an ice green shade. She looked at him, her heart in her eyes, seeing him in his apparent form with her blue eye and a combination of his true form and his aura with her ice green one. "Still as handsome as I remember, Terrus. And if Kristie... Sylver, is happy, I will not stop what is going on between the two of you. More than almost anything, I want her to be happy. She's suffered enough in her short life. But I want to have a say in what happens, if only a small, advisory say. And I want to be able to be with you as well."

The demon-man nodded to her, his hands slipping from her face down to her shoulders. A tiny bit of a blush extended to his features as she spoke, but he felt a wave of gladness pass over him. She was content to let him and Sylver continue. He was more than afraid that she would reject those actions. "Syl is more than happy with the arrangement Syn... but I'll let her tell you when we get home... and... I'm content to let you have a say, she's stubborn though, so you'll have to talk about being able to sleep with me and all..."

Syn nodded, a faint smile crossing her lips. "I wonder who she got her stubbornness from. I mean, look at the past and what happened to us. Our one night of pure, unadulterated pleasure between us, then our separation, my rape and subsequent marriage to my rapist, and the beatings both Syl and I suffered at his hands. If either of us had been more stubborn back then, we might not have missed these last seven years together." She reached up to kiss him, pouring seven years of pent up passion for him into the kiss. "And I think you'd better get us home so you can finish healing me before I try to fuck you right now."

Terrus pushed back into the kiss, claiming her lips with his as he showed a bit of his dominant streak. He loved this woman; that he was sure of, as much as he loved Syl. They were his girls now, never to be anyone else's. He may have to move them soon, to stay away from suspicion, but never again would he leave either of them. Their lips frantically danced for a few moments until she pulled back, "I'll get us home...we've got a lot of time to make up for...but don't worry about me running out of stamina..."

Syn laughed a low throaty chuckle that tugged his cock hard as ever. "You never lacked for stamina before, Terrus. I think I was the one who had to stop long before you were ready to." She moved as close to him as she could while still buckled, and seductively licked his neck before taking his earlobe gently between her teeth and purring into his ear, "I can't wait to feel your cock inside me again. And I want a full filling from your cock, Terrus...Every hole."

She didn't know what she was doing to him. He felt his demon's lust awakening inside himself and he had to put the fire out before it went further and made him fuck her right then and there. That wouldn't go so well, and he wanted to get back to Syl too. He smirked at her, "You're going to have a curious daughter on your hands when I start fucking your ass like a feral..." he whispered back to her, "Though I think if we talk with her, she'll give us a bit of time alone..." he winked, her seductive words making his cock throb. He started the car and pulled it out of the lot, heading for home as quickly as the speed limits would allow.

Syn moaned at his words, her eyes closing as she felt passion rising in her for the first time in years. She loved the feeling and was more than happy to be rid of her abusive husband and be with the man... demon... she loved. She really didn't care what he was, as long as they were together. It was just a bonus that Kristie...Sylver... loved him too. They would make a perfect happy family at last. She lifted her head, and just stared at him for a few minutes, drinking in his features once more. "Terrus, how do you want to handle telling Kr-...Sylver that you're her father?"

Outside the car, more furs were seen as the day went by, some busy running stores, others running errands or just strolling down the sidewalks. The park had drawn a large anthro crowd, and various species were there, mostly young mothers with their cubs. Lapines, felines, canines, dragons, lupines, bovines, cervines, equines...You name it, and there was at least one female of the species there with a cub, pup, calf or hatchling.

Terrus drove out of the park and through the town, and though all the young female flesh that he spotted did have him looking occasionally, he kept most of his attention on Syn and the road. He considered her question for several long moments before answering, "I'm not sure Syn... though, I think she could handle it if we just came out and told her... Perhaps we should make it extra special though. She loves both of us, and really I can't wait to have you two together... "

Syn thought about it, and then shook her head, "With everything that's happened to her, I think we should let her love you the way she does without worrying about pleasing you as a father, especially considering what the bastard I was married to did to her. It might turn into her fearing you the way she did him. And I would hate to see her fearing you when you are such a loving male."

Terrus looked at her for several moments before he answered, "You think we shouldn't tell her at all?" he asked, rather surprised that she would even suggest such a thing. If that was the case, he may lose some of his argument that he was planning on using to convince her to let Syn sleep with him. He felt for some reason that he would be lying to her, "I understand, but really... I feel as if we would be keeping something from her Syn..."

She tilted her head, her hair falling over her face as she thought about it. "I don't know. Maybe we should see what happens when we get there and wing it. I mean, if she's really calm and relaxed about the two of us being together as well as the two of you, we could mention that you want to marry me and make us a true family. You know, kinda feel her out over the topic before actually mentioning it. Though I think when we tell her we knew each other before she was born, she might figure it out on her own. She is a rather bright child for her age."

"You're telling me..." he chuckled, feeling a bit more at ease. With all that Syl had been through, it made sense to be gentle when telling her about them. They didn't want her flying off the handle or hating him. He looked at Syn, realizing suddenly something else about Sylver that he hadn't thought of, "You know Syn..." he said, as he turned the corner heading out of town, "She's going to be half demon... well, she is now, but none of her powers are going to come out yet... it explains how her own stamina is so high, and her sex drive..."

Syn shook her head, a wry smile on her lips and a chuckle escaping her, "Probably also explains her intelligence and speed in outrunning that bastard last night. He chased after her, but she was long gone by the time he did. It would also explain how she found you. Her instincts brought her to the one person who would kill for her and actually be able to. What are we going to do when she comes into her powers, Terrus? Having them might scare her, or go to her head. And I doubt either of us wants to deal with that happening with her."

His mind was running at the speed of the supernatural being inside of himself. He licked his lips, finding a possible solution that sounded feasible, and.... he may extend it to Syn as well. He glanced over at her and then said, "I have an idea about that Syn...It's true, that some half-demons either go mad, or go on a killing spree before they become comfortable with their new forms. And yes, her half-demon side is what helped her escape, and explains her intelligence, and just about everything that you've ever noticed as strange... her silver hair, how her eyes look almost red in the right light.... I think I can stop her from ever having the powers develop... I will... simply freeze her in time."

Syn's breathing hitched in her chest for a moment, and then she looked at him. "Is it dangerous? When you say freeze her in time, you mean like a cryogenic sleep, or something different altogether?" She wanted to make sure things would be fine before giving her consent to something that she knew very little about.

Terrus shook his head, saying quickly, "NO, nothing like that... and it isn't dangerous. Just when she falls asleep one night, I'll use my magic on her... all it does is stops her from aging, nothing else. She'll stay at whatever age I 'freeze' her, and we won't have to worry about her getting her powers... or... dying..." he looked at her, "I could do the same for you Syn..."

Syn looked up at him, her eyes wide. "You mean, have an eternity with you? I would love that, Terrus! And I'm certain Sylver would love having you for an eternity as well. Though we might ask her later on about it...But for now, I guess we shouldn't worry about it," she looked back to the road for a moment, then back at him. "How much further till we get home?"

Her demon man smiled at her and winked, "Yes, I mean an would be tied to me. The only way you would die would be if I did..." He smiled, "And I can guarantee that as a demon, that won't happen any time soon..." He looked ahead and then said, "Just.... there..." He said, pulling around the last turn, and onto the drive up to the home. It was sitting on the hill, and everything looked green and beautiful surrounding it, especially now that he had Syn with him again.

Carnival Demon's Harem - Chapter 7

Author's Note: This story contains elements of the following (not all in this chapter, but throughout the storyline): Incest, Abuse, Beastiality/Zoophilia, Rape, Pseudo-Rape, Double Penetration, Triple Penetration, Demons, Violence, MILF, Bondage,...

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Carnival Demon's Harem - Chapter 5

Author's Note: This story contains elements of the following (not all in this chapter, but throughout the storyline): Abuse, Beastiality/Zoophilia, Rape, Pseudo-Rape, Double Penetration, Triple Penetration, Demons, Violence, MILF, Bondage, Slavery,...

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Carnival Demon's Harem - Chapter 4

Author's Note: This story contains elements of the following (not all in this chapter, but throughout the storyline): Abuse, Beastiality/Zoophilia, Rape, Pseudo-Rape, Double Penetration, Triple Penetration, Demons, Violence, MILF, Bondage, Slavery,...

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