NINTH Invocation - Around and Around

Story by Panthera Leo on SoFurry

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#9 of The Denseri Chronicles

The Denseri Chronicles

NINTH Invocation

Around and Around

Written By Panthera Leo (PantheraLioness at

Rye pulled Panthera's SUV into the parking lot at the Cat Box. The place looked different during the day, the neon was off and the rest of the lights here gone. In the sunlight it looked bland and uninteresting, a squat building set back from the street with a single door and a few windows near the roof. It was kept up well enough that it didn't look ugly, it was just a bit bland and flat.

Stopping near the door, he killed the engine and leaned back in the seat. Shawn shifted in the seat behind him, his was slightly damp from the gym, there was a hint of a wet fur smell in the car but not too much to be unpleasant.

"Damn, this place is boring during the day."

"It's a strip club, it's only fun at night," Rye replied, turning back to the look at the well built rabbit, noting how his tight shirt clung to his chest.

"I haven't been here in a while, I should go while I can."

"Don't get too familiar with it, the last thing you want is Jean getting a job on stage."

He laughed and shook his head, his tips of his long ears bouncing against the ceiling of the car. "Oh, I'm not letting that happen again!"

"Again?" the fox asked with a slight smirk, this was something he hadn't hurt about before.

Shawn shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. "Apparently she put on a good show, but I woke up in the back of the club wearing nothing but lace panties and needing a bath," he shivered a bit as he spoke, his ears dropping a little. "I meet you the month after that, and things have gotten better, at least to a point."

"I'm still going to work out how to remove the curse, or at least get some better control over it. It seems to slide around you like it's a shadow of a spell instead of the spell itself. It's frustrating," he replied with a sigh.

"You'll work it out sooner or later. I've seen what else you can do, so I know you can do things. Though I can't wait to be able to stay myself from a whole month."

Rye smiled and said nothing else as the door to the club opened, but a bouncy mouse girl slipped out instead. He sighed and leaned back in the huge car seat, flicking his tail in annoyance. The SUV was simply too big for him, being sized to Panthera's dimensions instead of his own. Even with the seat pushed all the way forward and cranked up as high as it would go he still had to add six inches to his height to safely see over the dashboard.

"So, are you sure you wanted to come along?" he asked, it was the only reason he had taken the huge car.

"It was on my way home from the gym."

The fox nodded and crossed his arms, waiting for Lisa to step out from her interview with Xander. He was pretty sure she would pass with flying colors, she had the breasts to pull it off and the dance skills to support them. That and Xander pretty much told him it was going to only be a formality. It was nice when the owner of the club was both a friend and a client. Not only would sometimes remake Xander's wife, he also provided the spells on the door to make sure everyone who visited the club was clean.

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Shawn coughed a bit and shifted in his seat. "Rye, what exactly happened last week? All Jean would tell me was that she was fucked like a cartoon. What does that even mean?"

"Ask Lisa, she has the movies to explain. Though you may not want to know the answer."

The nominally straight bunny shifted a bit in his seat as he blanched, his ears dipping a bit. "Maybe... maybe I don't want to know."

Smirking a bit Rye sat up as he saw the door of the club opening, Lisa stepping out. The busty wolf was pressed into a short skirt and a tight top that hugged at her round breasts. She spotted the SUV and smiled as she walked over to them in her small heals, her chest swaying with each step that she took. It was almost hypnotic to watch as she moved along.

She opened the door of the SUV, quickly adjusting the seat as far back as it would go before climbing inside.

"I take it that it went well?" Rye asked as he started the up the SUV and pulled out of the parking lot.

"It went great, I really think I got the job!" she replied, laughing happily as she pulled the shoulder belt between her massive breasts, smiling all the while. She really had changed since she had first arrived at her house, and not just because of her huge implants.

"What did he have you do?" Shawn asked.

She leaned back, her smile growing wider. "Three dances, two with costumes and one in just a g-string. I never knew I could dance like that, I know that was you're doing Rye. It was a blast, I got to put on a show and Xander couldn't take his eyes off of me."

Rye nodded, and smiled. "No one will be able to take their eyes off you once you're up on stage."

"I hope so, and you'll have to come and watch my first show."

"I wouldn't miss it for anything," Rye replied as he moved the car through traffic.

"So, did you do anything special for the new boss?" Shawn asked

Lisa blushed as she twisted around to look at the rabbit. "You mean sleep with him? No, I just put on a show."

Rye laughed at this. "It's okay, you already fucked his wife."

A blush seemed to explode over the wolf's face as she let out a short gasp. "Tabitha is his wife?"

"Yep," he replied.

The wolf's blush grew even brighter as she turned away, covering her face one hand and closing her eyes. "Oh my."

Shawn smirked a bit. "Sleeping with the boss's wife? That's a new way to get a job."

"I didn't know she was his wife at the time, and wasn't trying to get a job then either," she replied, a moment later her eyes went wide and sat up as far as her seatbelt would allow her. "What is that?"she asked, pointing towards something by the onramp.

Rye followed her finger. It was a small carnival set up a few blocks away. "It seems to be exactly what it looks like."

"Can we go?"

"Looking that like?" Shawn asked, looking at the wolf's breasts.

"I like how I look," she protested, pouting just a little as she said it.

Rye shrugged and looked at Shawn. "I have nothing pressing to do today, how about you?" Panthera was out with a friend for the day, so he wasn't in a hurry to get home.

The rabbit thought for a moment, then shrugged as well. "I guess I could spend a few hours at a carnival."

"Then it's settled," he said, pulling the car off the road and into the parking let of the carnival. Lisa smiled happily, bouncing in her seat. He hadn't seen the wolf this excited before, her hands were almost shaking with anticipation. He had no real opinion of any sort of carnival, the few times he had been to one he had other things on his mind.

Shawn himself was just smiling, his long ears swaying a bit. Rye had no idea what he was thinking, but suspected it was some sort of fantasy about busting the midway.

After parking he turned off the engine and stepped out of the SUV. Lisa was out in a moment, bouncing on her toes, her large breasts swaying all around under her shirt. A moment later the rabbit joined them, and together they walked to the main gate.

The place was small and a bit dirty, but not too bad. There were some small tents around the edge with a midway running down the center to the rides that were pressed up near the back of the lot. There were enough people running around to make it feel busy but not so many to make it crowded.

A few people stopped to watch Lisa as she walked by, and just as many watched Shawn. In fact the only person who wasn't attracting attention was Rye. He didn't mind that, he preferred not standing out unless it was necessary.

"She's really excited," Shawn said as Lisa ran up to a ticket booth, surprising the teen manning it with her breasts.

The fox chuckled a bit and nodded. He noticed that the rabbit had folded his arms behind is back, the better to show off his own well built chest. He wouldn't like to admit it, but he was as vain as Jean was at times. "I'm not sure if it's the job, the attention, or just the fact she's here."

"I bet it's a bit of all three, but at least she's having fun. It's quite the change from when she first moved in."

Rye nodded as Lisa came back holding a large collection of tickets in her hand. She gave a hand small handful to the two men. "You two have fun, I'm going to ride the coaster!" she said, the ran off towards the rides, moving a bit too fast for her current level of top-heavyness.

"So, what do we do here?" the todd asked, looking at the tickets in his hand.

"Just have fun. Didn't you do this sort of thing as a kid?"

He smirked a bit. "I was never a kid," he said, walking away from him and towards the rides. Behind him he saw Shawn shrug and head for the midway.

As watched the people as he walked past them. They were mostly kids, usually in their teens or younger. Many of them were focused on the games in the midway, those that weren't lined up for the rides. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves, though their parents looked a haggard than anything else, though some of them seemed to be having a good time.

A small part of him pondered making himself look younger so he could fit in, but decided against it. There was always the chance that he could get in trouble if it looked like he was a child and alone. Instead he walked up to the rides. There was a small roller coaster near the back, and some sort of swing ride right next to it. There were a few other spin until you puke rides flanking the rest, and tucked in the back was an old looking marry-go-round.

Oddly enough no one was on the marry-go-round, no one was even line. It wasn't that bad looking; the frame was wooden with mirrors and lights lining the inside. The horses, though there were other species as well, were made of carved wood and painted in bright colors. Still there was something off about them. The looks in the horse's eyes were wrong, not like they were running, but like they were wild with fear.

That wasn't the only thing, the reflections in the mirror were somewhat off, and the music sounded just a bit slow. Everything about the ride was just a little bit wrong, even so he found himself walking towards it, like it was pulling him forward.

The pull got stronger as he got closer to the marry-go-round, yet he was still the only one even moving towards the ride. The music was getting odder as he approached, the light from the mirrors flashing in bizarre ways. He stopped at the fence around it, grabbing tightly to it. It was hard not to let go, to simply walk up to it and go for a ride.

With a grunt Rye closed his eyes and threw up his defense. The music and light became muted, the compulsion fading away, but not vanishing; he could still feel it, pushing at the walls on his mind. Bracing himself he looked at the marry-go-round with his magic. Three of the horses were glowing, but not with power, but something else. A few other horses had a hint of light at them, but they were almost gone.

Bracing himself he pushed with his magic, trying to understand what this was. The compulsion seemed to stop for a moment as he probed, then he was slammed back by a wave of magic, the sound of roaring filling his ears. Magic wrap around him, digging into him, filling him with lust as it tried to yank him towards the marry-go-round. The music was almost screaming out, the light from the mirrors swaying and twisting, flashing over his body.

Rye clenched his teeth and slammed his magic into the thing, pulling back as hard as he could. The ride hit him with another wave of magic, but he blocked it and slammed hard into the beast. A moment later the magic gave out and he found himself tumbling hard to the ground.

Letting out a gasp e scrambled back to his feet and away from the thing that was pretending to be a ride. As he moved away the music and reflections returned to normal, no one else seemed to have seen what had happened, it just simply slipped out of their mind.

Taking a deep breath Rye walked back down to the midway, finding a place to sit and put his hands on his head. He tried to understand what had just happened, what that thing was, and what is was doing here. That thing... whatever it was, had tried to eat him, and the lust it had filled him with was still burning in his loins. If he had been a normal person he would never have gotten free.

A short time later he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up he saw Shawn standing above him. "Rye?"

"There's something wrong here," he said, unable to express any emotions.

He frowned. "What?"

"We should go."

"Are you okay, did you get sick on one of the rides?" the rabbit asked. Rye noticed he had three large stuffed animals held in his arms.

Rye shook his head. "No, there's just... something is wrong here."

Shawn nodded and sat down next to his friend. "I see, you look terrible. How long have you been sitting there?"

"How long have we been here?"

The rabbit shrugged. "About two hours."

Rye closed his eyes and looked down in his lap. "Damn, I wonder how long I was dealing with that thing?"

"Which thing?"

Shaking his head he stood up. "Nothing you need to worry about. Come on, let's get Lisa."

"Rye, what's wrong?"

He said nothing else, walking towards the front entrance. The rabbit followed behind him. It didn't take long for them to find Lisa, she had used up all of her tickets and was playing a game where you knocked over bottles, but seemed to be putting more effort into showing off instead of throwing the ball.

There were able to collect the wolf, who was still having a blast, and headed back to the car. Rye was silent all the way home.

* * *

When the evening came Rye found himself sitting on the edge of the bed, wishing that Panthera was there, but that wasn't going to happen. She had called an hour before saying that the meeting with her friend and turned into sex with her friend and was now becoming sex with her friend and her friend's husband. She wasn't going to be home until the next day.

That bothered him, he wanted to talk to her, to tell her what he had found, and to have her tell him what he needed to do. The whole thing felt beyond him, that creature had been eating people; taking them and making them part of itself. He suspected they were made into the horses.

He suspected that she would tell him to stop it, to keep it from harming other people. But he had no idea if he could, the thing was powerful. If he was prepared he could deal with it, but still wasn't sure it was something he should do. He needed some advice.

With a sigh he sat up and walked back to the living room. Lisa was sitting on the couch, watching TV with a bored look on her face. She looked up when he came in, but didn't say anything as he walked up and sat down next to her.

"I need to ask you something," he said.

The wolf turned off the TV and curled up on the couch to look at him. "Are you alright? You look worried."

He nodded. "There's something wrong at the carnival, something dark that's pretending to be a marry-go-round."

"What?" she asked.

Rye let out a sigh and rubbed the side of his head. "I think its turning people into the horse's on the ride. I'm not sure why it's doing with them after that, but it's doing something."

A frown crossed the wolf's face as she leaned back. "What? How many people?"

"I don't know, maybe three, maybe more. I didn't look to long, it was attacking me."

"Why are you telling me this?" she asked.

"I just... I don't know what to do about it," he replied. "Panthera would tell me, but she's not here and I just don't know what to do."

Lisa looked at him, her mouth slightly open as she watched him rub his ears in confusion. "You don't know..." she said then stopped and took in a deep breath. "We need to stop it and turn the people back. You can stop it, right?"

"I think so."

She stood up and tugged on her shirt to pull it back down over her giant breasts. "Then we have to go and stop it. It should be closed by now, so we should go," she said, stalking across the room.

"We? Lisa, I'm not talking you along. This thing almost grabbed me, it would crush you!"

From the end of the hallway they heard Shawn laughing. Together they looked at the rabbit, who was smirking as he laughed. "Then you had better stop it, because all three of us our going."

"But... it could hurt you..."

He smirked. "So, we're strong enough to deal with it, and you can protect us. What do we need before we go?"

Rye looked between his two friends, not sure what he should say. He was supposed to keep them safe, not walk them into something like this; it would be stupid, and risky. He wasn't sure he could protect them, not like Panthera would want him to. "I'm not sure..."

"You don't have a choice, we're going. Now what do we need to do?" Shawn asked.

Letting out a sigh the fox stood up and walked up to them. "Fine, I'll try to protect you, but run if you have to. I need to get close to the thing to see what I need to do to stop it, and turn the people back, assuming they are even people. I didn't get a good enough look to be sure."

Lisa nodded. "Then that's how we start. We go there and get a look at this thing so you can figure out what we need to do."

"Very well, dress in dark clothing. We'll go when you guys are ready."

"Right," the wolf replied and rushed out of the room. Shawn just crossed his arms and didn't move.

"What about you?"

"I'm a rabbit, my fur is naturally white no matter of clothing will hide that."

Rye nodded and looked his friend over. "Well, if you'll let me?" he asked. Shawn nodded in agreement, and he snapped his fingers. The changes started at the tips of his ears and ran down to his head, the fur rippling and turning a dark brown. The fur color rolled down his neck and across his body, leaving him looking very different even with such a small change.

A moment later Lisa walked back in wearing a tight black sweater that held her huge breast like a second skin, making them jut out ever more if that was possible, she had a pair of black pair of sweat pant. She looked over at Shawn. "Nice fur."

"Thank. I'll see you at the car," the rabbit said and walked down the hallway.

Rye nodded and walked with the wolf down to the garage and slipped into the SUV. Lisa slipped in to the front seat next to him, and a few minutes later Shawn came in dressed in a black t-shirt and shorts. He moved into the back seat, pulling his belt on as Rye started the car. They drove own towards the carnival in silence.

As they drove Rye started to work, building protective spells for the group, making sure that whatever the thing was it wouldn't hurt his friends. He made sure to include himself in the spells, not wanting to risk being pulled in by the thing. It was a bit distracting to work on the spells and drive, the magic causing him to get overly aroused and tent his pants.

The spells were in place as they pulled into the empty parking lot, the silhouette of the rides and tents looking a bit sinister in the darkness, the lights of the city glowing behind them and casting a silhouette into the sky. There was no else around, the whole place felt like it was abandoned.

Pulling the car to the gate he turned it off and all three of them stepped out. Without a word he walked up and tried the gate, finding that it was still unlocked. As soon as he stepped inside he could feel the pull of the thing, trying to push through his blocks.

"What is that?" Lisa asked, shivering. Shawn was doing the same, pulling his muscular arms across his chest.

"It's trying to pull us to it, but I've blocked it with my magic."

The wolf nodded as they moved down through the empty midway, the shadows flickering in odd ways. As they neared the rides there was a flash of light as the marry-go-round turned on. Odd music filled the air as the light started to bend around it. Rye brought them to a stop.

"That looks bad," Shawn said, then he turned and walked down the midway, leaving the others alone.

"It is bad," Rye replied, looking closing at the ride. He could feel it, reaching out, probing at all three of them. He narrowed his eyes, trying to look at it, to see what it was. There was something under the shape, something dark but not intelligent. It wasn't evil, instead it was almost animalistic, but an animal that didn't belong in this world.

He looked closer at the horses, seeing that three of them were still growing bright, though maybe a little less than before. Two more had just a small hint of a glow to them, and he reached out and touched them with his magic. They were filled with souls, the bright ones felt whole, almost normal, but the dim ones were different. In them he felt the thinnest scraps of a soul, just the smallest remaining pieces, almost a husk. In fact he felt a hint of a soul in every one of the horses on ride, some of them years old.

"This thing has been eating people for a long time," he replied as he relaxed his magic.

"Can you save them?" Lisa asked.

Rye sighed and nodded. "Only the three that are intact, the rest are just gone."

"Damn it," she said.

A few moments later Shawn walked back up, holding a pair of large mallets in his hands. He handed one to Lisa and held the other to his chest.

"What are those for?" the todd asked.

Shawn smiled. "A little self defense," he replied.

"Thank you," the wolf said.

The thing pulled the power back away from them, the lights grown a bit brighter, and then dimmed down into a soft glow. A moment later the power slammed into their shields, nearly cracking them in one hit. Shawn and Lisa both fell back like they had been struck, but Rye was able to brace himself.

He reached out and strengthened their shields, as the lights flared again before almost going out completely. The next attack was even stronger, smashing against the shields, cracking them even more. Rye forced power into them, fighting back the attack.

"Are you alright?" he asked as the wave crested and pulled back from them.

"I'm fine," Shawn said, struggling back to his feet. "What the hell was that?"

Rye quickly added an extra layer of shielding to his friends. It was stretching his own power thin, but he wanted to protect them. As soon as he had a moment he reached out and imbued the mallets with raw power. It wasn't as fine as he would have liked, but it would be enough to hurt the beast.

"It's attacking, we need to draw away some of its power so he can get closer and destroy that thing."

Lisa looked over at the marry-go-round, the lights stating to grow dim again. "How do we do that?"

"I think we need to destroy the center of the thing," he said, the lights flickering and pulsing.

Then without warning the ride went completely dark.

Bracing himself he started to gather more magic, but the thing attacked. This time it wasn't a wave, but a spike, directed right at Rye. It hit his shields, breaking through them in an instant. He froze in place, the magic rushing over him as he tried to push it back. With a sick feeling he realized he had been so focused on protecting his friends he hadn't add anything to his own shielding. It would have been enough to stop it, at least for a couple attacks, but now it was wrapped tightly around him, pressing into him.

He tried to fight it, to push back, but nothing happened. Letting out a moan he felt his lust growing, the thing feeding it into him, trying to cloud his mind.

"Rye?" Lisa asked.

The fox took in a deep breath, feeling the control slipping from him. "I will distract it, when I'm almost changed you need to run in and attack it," he said, fighting to get the words out.

The wolf gave him an odd look. "What?"

He couldn't say anything else as he was yanked off his feet by the magic. It pulled him quickly through the air and over the fencing. He landed on the wooden floor of the marry-go-round with a gasp, feeling the power pull ever tighter around him. The lights went up, shining in the wrong ways off the mirrors about him. It flickered and flashed over him and the wooden horses, making them look like they were moving.

No, they really were moving. Four of the oldest horses were pulling free of their polls, clopping over the wood floor as the marry-go-round lurched and started to spin.

Rye tried to pull his hands from the floor but the power held them in place, the strength of it was throbbing through his body, his lust growing stronger and stronger by the moment. It made it hard to think as he heard the sound of the wooden horses walking up to him, harness swishing and pulling, bells jangling with each step they took.

The magic grew stronger still, the lights flashing around him as it presses around his body, squeezing down against him, flattening his fur. The four horses moved up to rub against him, whinnying and flicking their wooden tails while stomping their wooden hooves. There was a smell to them, the sharp smell of wood, the musk of leather and paint and something else, something that dug into his mind along with the lust.

And as one flashed their tail, he realized what it was. They were all mares, and all in season. Even though they weren't real, just an aspect of the thing, they were acting the same as they looked. That gave Rye an idea, a way to force the thing to use even more of its power to deal with him and give his friends a chance to stop it.

Using the last of his magic he grabbed the lust that was flooding him and pushed it on to the animated horses. The reaction came in an instant, the lights flashed and flared even brighter as the marry-go-round lurched to the side. The four mares let out a whinny as even more power slammed down onto Rye. It forced a cry from the fox's lips, but it was the cry of a horse, at the same time his hands twisted and bulged, reforming into wooden hooves.

The mares danced around him, nuzzling at his neck and pulling at his clothing. Their grip was strong, their teeth ripping at his clothing as his own chest grow heavier, stressing the seams. The lust was almost unbearable, but he kept channeling it, feeling it run up and down his body and into the mares pressing up against him. His shaft was hard, straining at his pants and growing harder by the moment. Without looking he could feel it starting to reform into that of a stallion, even if it was made of wood.

With a loud tearing, one of the mares ripped his pants off of him. He shook his hips, feeling them as they popped and started to reshape themselves, growing thick with muscles under the rippling fur. His arms were growing longer as well, stretching longer over his hooves, lines of wood twisting and spreading along his limbs.

Letting out a snort Rye found himself forced to climb up onto all fours, feeling his feet starting to be pressed into hooves. One of the mares rubbed her flank next to him, her harness jangling and catching at his fur, fur which was quickly fading away. He couldn't rub at her, so instead focused more of the lust being pushed into him onto her. Her painted eyes went wide as she cried out, the marry-go-round slowing to a near crawl as it increased the power on him yet again.

Rye let out a whinny, feeling his neck stretch and pop as his equine cock slapped at his belly. The remains of his clothing was starting to change as well, beginning to reform into a harness around his face as it became less vulpine.

The one mare moved around him, sniffing at him as his shoulders shifted, turning him properly quadruped. The three other animated horses took a few steps back, leaving them together. She came up to him, her thick wooden tail twisting and starting to rise.

With a lurch his body moved unbidden, rising up onto his hind legs and coming down on the mare's back. He could feel her wooden rump digging into his belly as it turned into wood as well. Wrapping his legs around her he quickly trust in, feeling his shaft press into her eager sex without any resistant. Everything moved easily and slickly even though it was all carved wood.

Out of one eye Rye could see his friends climbing up onto the marry-go-round. Happy to see they had their chance. With a shiver he felt the last of his body change into a wooden stallion, creaking with every move he made. Bright paint formed over his body as the leather harness pulled around him, a bit pressing into his mouth.

He snorted around the bit and started to fuck the mare, stroking happily against her, feeling her shiver and twist under him, bucking back. The mare had never been a person, but he suspect that it had once been a real horse, she acted exactly like an equine should.

Bending down he bit at her ears, teasing the carved mare as he kept humping at her, feeling his lust peaking as his balls churned. He wrapped his forelegs around her and slammed hard into the eager sex, letting out a cry as he came into her warm cunt.

A moment later the power screamed around him as Shawn and Lisa slammed the mallets into the center of the marry-go-round. The mirrors shattered, not just the one they hit but all of the mirrors on the ride broke at once, shards of glass raining down over them. A second swing crushed the music box, the sound dying with a gasp of noise and air.

Shawn's last swing broke into the heart of the ride, cracking the center support. The power flared then almost exploded. The floor lurched and slammed hard into the ground, the polls on the horses snapping and cracking all around them. All four of the living mares cried out, shuttering in place as the power washed over them.

With a grunt Rye threw himself off his lover as she froze, turning back into unliving wood, so did the others around her. Annoyingly so did Rye, finding his body locking as a pile of aroused stallion on the floor.

With one last swing Lisa slammed her mallet into the support poll. The poll snapped in half, another wave of power rushing out as the creature in the marry-go-round screamed out in pain, then died. That same moment the lights went out and the music stopped, the whole thing falling dead. They had won.

A few seconds later Lisa was at his side, petting his wooden head. "Rye, are you in there?"

Taking a moment to gather his magic he started to turn the wood on his body back into flesh, begining with his head. He blinked his eyes and let out a gasp as the changes ran down his head and over his neck. "I'm okay," he said softly, not having lungs yet.

"That was a bit worrisome," Shawn said, looking at the fallen mares, the paint starting to peal on the wood.

Rye nodded, reshaping himself as he turned back into flesh, but only as much as he needed to; making himself into a stallion-morph instead of a fox. The moment his forehooves had become thick fingers he pulled the bit out of his mouth. "This keeps happening. I need to remember to protect myself and not just my friends."

"I'm just glad you're okay," Lisa said, hugging him tightly.

"We're still not done," he replied, hugging her back as he stood up, reforming the harness into a pair of shorts. He started walking through the remains of the marry-go-round, touching the three horse's that still had their souls, undoing the changes to them. Each one started to quickly turn back, one into a husky, another a wolf and a third into a lizard of some sort. All male, and all falling into a deep sleep as they returned to normal.

"What should we do with them?" Shawn asked.

"I don't know, someone should be along by morning and would discover them."

Lisa snorted. "We are not leaving them here. You two, grab the three of them and we'll take them home with us. We can then make sure they are okay and explain what happened to them."

"Yes ma'am," the rabbit said with a slight salute, then walked over to the lizard, hefting him up over his shoulder.

Rye shrugged and walked over to the two canines, hefting one over each shoulder, adding some extra muscle mass to be sure he could support them. Together they walked back to the car, the marry-go-round started to collapse behind them, the wood turning rotten as the paint faded away. He was going to have to explain all of his to Panthera when she got back home, after a very long time in bed. All the power running through him had left him with a bad case of blue balls, and the mare was hardly enough to drain him.

Still, that left him wondering where the merry-go-round had come from in the first place.


Story copyright 2011 by Panthera Leo (PantheraLioness at, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as copyright notice and author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author.

Eight Invocation - The Yellow Eyed Monster

The Denseri Chronicles Eight Invocation The Yellow Eyed Monster Rye stood at the doorway to the small home gym, watching with a smile as Panthera jogged briskly on the treadmill. Her sports bra was doing an adequate job in restraining her...

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SIXTH Invocation - Funhouse

The Denseri Chronicles SIXTH Invocation Funhouse Written By Panthera Leo (PantheraLioness at "So, what are your plans for today?" Panthera asked as she pulled a dark green T-shirt down over her huge breasts, feeling it...

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