Tony da Lion: ~Keep Moving~

Story by Moonlight555 on SoFurry

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#4 of Tony da Lion

Warning- This story includes teen cubs having sexual relations. If that, and/or the thought of blood bothers you, do not read on beyond this point. Otherwise, enjoy.

It's just a dream. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. Or at least that's what I'm saying in my head, over and over again with my eye's still shut tight. As I become more aware from my slumber I slowly realize that it's not a dream. Still, I repeat it in my head. It's just a dream. No matter how many times I say it in my head, I can't dispel the feeling of a rock in my side, nor the crackling and heat of the fire near by.

This can't be happening... Oh, but it can, and it has. I've killed my own father with a rock. I didn't mean to... I just... I dunno. Everything went black all at once. The next thing I remember, I'm crying in Luke's arms, looking at the bloodied muzzle of my once living father. Gawd. Just thinking about it makes my stomach sour. The more I picture him dead, the more I want to throw up. At this point, I hug my belly and clench my eye's shut while letting out a small whine.

"Shh, it's all right. I'm here." Luke puts a paw on my shoulder to comfort me. I open my eyes and look up at Luke. I must appear scared to him because he starts stroking my headfur. "Don't worry, Tony. Everything is going to be okay."

I know he's just saying that to make me feel better. Nothing is going to be okay. I killed my dad. I'm going to have his blood on my paws for the rest of my life. Chances are, me and Luke will be found, and we'll go to jail. Me for murder, and Luke for aiding in the escape of a fugitive and fleeing the scene of the crime. I'm not sure why, but for some reason Luke's lying makes me mad. Sure he's just trying to make me feel better, but I don't want to feel better. I want to take this guilt as my punishment. Well, half of me wants that. The other half wants to simply stop existing. Not commit suicide or anything. I could never kill myself. I'm too afraid of pain. No, I just want to melt away into nothingness like I was never even here.

I sigh and look away, into the fire. Judging by the sun just breaching over the edge of the earth, I'd say it's early morning. The fire is still going full blast. Luke must have stayed up all night to keep it going. Come to think of it, I could see the tiredness in his eyes. Luke. He's selfless. I like that about him. The fact that he would give up an entire night's sleep just to keep me warm...

A tear falls from my eye, dropping onto Luke's jeans. Luke moves my head gently, so I'm looking at him. He wipes away any other tears in my eyes and give me the most loving look in the world.

"Don't cry. I hate seeing you cry." He swoops down and kisses me on the muzzle. A deep, meaningful kiss. Words cannot describe, but I'll try. The world seemed to stop. My worries melted away, just for that moment. Nothing else mattered after we both closed our eyes. You might think that a kiss is all just about dancing tongues, and tasting your mate's last meal. I'd beg to differ. A kiss like this is deeper than physical contact through the muzzle. It's all about passion, emotion, feelings. Love. That's why, when Luke pulled away, I blinked in disappointment that it had to end.

"I love you Tony. I hate to see you hurt." I smile. Yes, smile. Even though I've killed my father, and will have a warrant for my tail by lunchtime today, I still smile. I can't help it. Hearing those words just makes me want to smile.

I'm not sure how long we stayed there. The sun had come up a ways. At least a few hours must have passed. Luke made a fishing spear and managed to catch us a fish from the near by stream. He cooked it on a rock in the fire. Boy did it taste good. But you know how cats are with fish. So long as it doesn't bite back, it tastes awesome to us. But that's not the point.

Luke's doing an outstanding job keeping my mind off of dad, and all my other worries. He talks and talks about all kinds of different subjects. Everything from his crush on me in elementary school, to his favorite food. When all is said and done, Luke makes the final decision that we leave this spot, and find somewhere else to hide.

"They'll have people out looking for us. Especially in the woods where we disappeared. I think we should travel a few towns over, and find shelter there."

I agreed. We do have to keep moving. There's no point staying here. Of course, this would be evading the police, but Luke doesn't let me think of that. He changes subjects fast so I don't have time to question our motives. Not that I mind. It keeps my mind off of other, less cheerful subjects.

Not long after we're done eating, Luke extinguishes the fire. We set off through the forest. Luke leads. He says that he remembers looking at a map of the area, and that if we just head east we'll hit a town. I stay just one or two steps behind Luke.

I look all around. Taking in the trees, and plants. I know that I've grown up around trees like these ones, but I've never really realised just how... strong they are. I mean, they're tall, and in most cases, so large around that I wouldn't be able to put my arms around the trunks of them. These trees don't move for anybody. They only bend with the wind. Their roots run deep and wide in the ground. If only more people could be like trees. Always strong and stand their ground. Budging only to let the little things, the wind, slip by. They only move from their perch if they are cut down, and even still, their stump, their legacy still remains. Those roots stay there. Tree's never fight back, never judge, never hate, never discriminate. They just stay still, and observe the world around them.

...Remind me again why I'm taking a philosophical view on trees? Oh, that's right. I'm enjoying nature while walking behind Luke. Walking. You know, you would think hours of walking would go by like nothing, and you would be right. But for the first hour or so it feels like so much longer. But I digress. Just as darkness starts settling in, we can see lights through the trees. We've made it. Finally. My legs feel like they're about to collapse, and I'm so hungry I could eat a horse... Well, not a horse. My neighbor is a horse, and I'm sure he would taste terrible. Then again, any fur in this world would taste terrible. I don't even like the thought of cannibalism.

As Luke and I approach the edge of the forest we can see the backyards of a bunch of houses, all fairly close to each other. The backyards are fenced in, but it wouldn't take anything to jump it. Most of the houses have lights on inside except one. The one without lights on looks like it hasn't seen maintenance in over ten years. The lawn is over grown, a window has a board over it. The back door looks nailed shut with boards keeping it like that.

"Perfect." Luke sneaks over to the old house's fence, and hops over it. I follow.

"Do you think we should be breaking in like this?"

"We have to. We need shelter, warmth, and almighty Fur God willing, food."

"I guess so..." It's not that I have a problem with shelter or anything, but I'm afraid that there might be someone in there... Or something. We stop at the door. Luke tries it, but it won't budge. He then goes around and checks each window, finally finding one on the side of the house. He climbs in, then hoists me up and through the window. I must be really light, because Luke didn't seem to struggle one bit lifting me up with one arm.

I stay by the window while Luke looks around the house. He goes into the kitchen, up the stairs, in the bathroom. Everywhere but the basement, if this place has one. When he's done looking around he comes back to the living room where I'm standing. The room is dark, but there is still enough light to see an old love seat couch, and arm chair, and a dinosaur TV. I'd bet money that it's an old black and white set.

"Ok, I'm not sure if there's electricity in this place, but I think it's best if we don't use it. Someone might come knocking if there was a sudden spike in electricity usage. Maybe there's water in this place... That must run off he city's water." I stay silent, still taking in the house. Luke walks to the kitchen, and I follow. Everything in the kitchen is 80's retro. From the fridge and stove top range, to the table and chairs. Luke tries the water. It works, but it's rusty. He lets it run while he's looking. He opens up cabinets, looking for food.

"I don't think there's any good food here..." I tell him.

"It's worth a try... I guess I'll have to go out and find us some food. You can stay here and get settled in the living room." Luke starts walking to the window where we came from. I grab his arm.

"Please don't leave me here... I'm scared..."

Luke turns to me. "Don't worry Tony. There's nothing to be afraid of. This house has been vacated for years and years. Nothing is in here."


"No buts. I need you to be brave Tony. I need you to stay here, and be brave. Can you do that?"

"I..." I nod my head yes.

"Good." Luke kisses my lips real quick. "I'll be back in an hour or so. You can set up a bed for us in the living room if you want. I love you, Tony. I hope you know that."

Again, I smile. "I love you too." And with that, Luke slips out the window, and heads to town. I'm not sure what he's planning on finding us for food, but I know for a fact that what ever it is, I'll eat it all. Sure, I've been hungry before. Heck, most of the time I starve myself. But this is really bad. I feel so weak. All I want to do is lay down...

But I can't. I've got to stay awake. I can't let my guard down until Luke comes back. In the mean time, I busy myself with finding blankets and pillows. When all is said and done, there is a nice fluffy place in the living room made of blankets, comforters, quilts, and anything else I could find for bedding. There's no way I'm sleeping on another hard surface. I miss my bed. It was so soft. I just can't stand a firm mattress...

After everything is set, I sit on the couch and wait for Luke to return. It doesn't take long. He tosses a shopping bag through the window which gives me a start, then he climbs through.

"Thank gawd I kept my Wally World cards from Christmas. I've got us a few days supply of fo-." Luke never gets to finish that sentence. I pounce on him, hugging him tight. "Jeeze, I leave for an hour, and already you have separation issues..." Luke chuckles and hugs me back. "I missed you too, kitty."

After a few minutes we let each other go. Luke picks up the bag. "I grabbed stuff that didn't have to be cooked, nor refrigerated." He pulls out a can of Chef Fur-R-Dee. "I also got a few Powerades. Now lets eat."

Just like that, we start eating cross-legged on my makeshift bed. Since we don't have any silverware, we practically drink the Fur-R-Dee out of the can. After a while of eating in silence we both finish. I still don't feel satisfied, but I don't complain. We can't afford my complaints.


"Yeah, Tony."

"What are we gonna do? Where are we gonna go? We can't just keep running."

"I know..."

"So what do we do?"

"We wait."

"Wait for what?"

"Good question."

Luke leaves it at that. I guess I kinda get what he means. I mean, we can't do anything until we find out what we can do. What our options are. I guess we'll figure that out.

Luke kisses my muzzle. "It's getting late. We should go to sleep."

"Yeah, I guess so."

I take off Luke's coat that I was still wearing. It's cold in here, but the 'bed' will be warm. As I toss the jacket aside I notice something. My father's blood is still on the sleeves, just shining back at me in the moonlight. I shudder and look away. Luke puts an arm around me.

"Everything is going to be okay." It's hard to believe him. I want to believe him. But the future is so bleak. And the dark corners in this house aren't helping my anxiety. Not much I can do about that though. Instead, I take off my shirt, displaying my lithe form to Luke. The cold presses in on my thin fur, giving me a chill, but I ignore it. Instead I take off my pants, then my underwear.

Next to me, Luke is doing the same. I look over to him. He's so hot... Those muscles. They make his body look so... defined. I mean, he isn't really buff, but at the same time, he doesn't have noodle arms like me. He's spent years building his body the way he wants it. Now that body is mine, in a metaphorical sense.

Now that I'm completely naked and the cold starts to filter through my fur, I crawl under the covers of my homemade bed. Luke soon follows my lead. I cuddle against his warm body. He hugs me around the small of my back. I love this feeling. Just that arm around me like that. Holding me close to Luke.

He kisses the top of my head. "I love you, Tony."

I nuzzle against Luke's chest. "I love you too, Luke."

His paw moves down my side, making me dig more into him. My side is really ticklish. But he doesn't stop there. His paw slides down my hip, and onto my butt, finally stopping at my tailhole. He rubs my pucker. I moan lightly. God it feels good...

He whispers in my ear. "I want you." And I want him too. I miss his meat in me. I stay silent, and instead grab his already plump sheath, slowly kneading and teasing his glorious cock out. As the tip starts poking out, I lift myself over Luke into a 69 position. As I set to work on Luke's slowly growing cock, he starts in on my tailhole. He laps at my hole, slowly loosening me up. I lick at his cock, taking it into my muzzle when enough comes out.

I'm having a hard time concentrating. Luke's tongue is so warm... Suddenly, I can feel that same warmth enter me. I gasp around Luke's fully hard shaft. Then I moan and relax my muscles. I push my muzzle down on into Luke's crotch. Luke's member pokes at the back of my throat. I don't mind. Heck, I don't even really notice. I'm all cross-eyed and my mind is all foggy from Luke's rimming. I just keep my muzzle buried to Luke's half formed knot until my body says it's time to get some air.

All too soon Luke pulls away. He nuzzles my butt cheeks. "You ready?" I give him a muffled 'Mmhmm', which rewarded me in a squirt of pre from Luke's cock. I pull off, licking my lips, before turning around on top of Luke. Luke grabs my sides and guides my body off of himself, so I'm laying on my back. After getting over that familiar -- yet somehow welcome -- tickling, I can feel Luke's member putting pressure on my entrance. Everything is so lubed up, that I feel like he could slip in at any moment just on accident.

"Are you ready for this?"

I nod, looking into his beautiful eyes. He looks back into mine as he presses harder into me. Soon his tip slips in, leaving me to moan and close my eyes in a mixture of slight pain, and pleasure. I haven't noticed till just now that my cock is fully erect and drooling on my belly.

Luke presses all the way in until his half formed knot pushes against my entrance. He then goes out, until just his tip remains in me before slamming back in. I moan loudly. He builds up a rhythm. As he pumps into me, he also kisses my neck and lips. I'm right in heaven. My tongue luls out of my muzzle. My eyes are closed in ecstasy. It doesn't take long for all the pain to dissipate into pleasure.

I can feel myself slowly climbing closer to orgasm as Luke slowly picks up his pace. Before long he's slamming hard into me, his half formed knot sliding in and out at a break-neck pace. From here, my vision goes black, but I can still feel everything happening to me. Stream after stream of cum flies out of my furhood, and onto me chest, muzzle, and I wouldn't be surprised if it went further. It's such a wonderful feeling. My tailhole contracts around Luke's cock, which sends him over the edge. He slams into me one last time before his knot fills all the way out, and he paints my insides with his warm sticky cum.

Amongst all the pleasure, I can feel Luke's lips pressed against mine. His tongue dancing around in my muzzle. When it's all over, and we're both riding the afterglow of our orgasms, my vision finally comes back. But it's all blurry. I don't mind though. I just close my eyes. I'm completely exhausted, both physically and mentally. It doesn't take long before I'm back in the world of my subconscious.