Brotherly Love Day 1: Intimate Feelings

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#1 of Brotherly Love




This story involves sexual acts between two male cubs, if you are not into this, or are under the age of legal viewing of such content, then please turn around and do not read any further; otherwise, please enjoy the story.

All characters belong to me

This is my first story that I' **ve ever written so please give me some feedback on how it was. I plan to make this into a 20 or so chapter story with each chapter being a day. If any of you have suggestions for future chapters, such as fetishes or anything of the sort, please leave a comment of your idea. Let it be known though that I might not input every suggestion into this story that is posted, and for the ones that I pick I will give you credit for your idea.**

Brotherly Love

Day 1: Intimate Feelings

It was a warm, sunny Saturday morning and the sun was just coming up past the horizon. The birds were coming out of their nests to sing in the cool morning breeze and the bright elegantly colored sky. As the sun went higher into the sky, it began to cast its rays of sunshine through the bedroom window of James's room. James was a 13-year-old vulpix with a very rare coat of fur for his kind. Unlike the brown and red fur most normal vulpixs have, his fur was a yellowish-gold color which is common fur color for shiny vulpixs like him. As the sunlight hit his sleeping face, he began to stir and slowly wake up.

"Morning all ready?", he mumbled as he turned over in his bed to look over at his digital clock next to his and seeing that it was only 7 o'clock in the morning. "Dammit, right when my dream was getting to the good part the damn sun has to come and wake me up" he mumbled angrily.

Rolling out of bed, he walked on over to his closet to pick out what to wear for the day. He had a slim body of that of a runner and was fully healthy. He slept in nothing but his fur finding clothes to be quite uncomfortable when sleeping and also to be in the way when relieving stress late at night. He decided to wear something casual for the day and picked out a plan white T-shirt with a big pink heart on it, a pair of blue jeans, and just for fun he picked out his favorite pair of socks, his pair of rainbow socks.

"Hey mom! What's for breakfast?!", James yelled from upstairs in his room.

"Whatever you want honey!", she yelled back at him from the family room. "We have cereal, or I could make you some pancakes with eggs, or maybe some french toast instead of pancakes! Whatever you feel like having this morning!", his mom yelled back again.

"I guess I'll just have some cereal then I guess!", James yelled back with a yawn while stretching a little bit and itching himself.

"Ok!", his mom yelled back with a yawn of her own seeing that she just woke up herself, early as always even on weekends.

With one last little stretch James made his way down stairs to get himself some breakfast. On his way down he passed his 8 year old little brother Andrew heading to the bathroom adopted little brother to be exact, who was also a shiny Pokémon like James. Andrew was a shiny zorua having blue fur where it would normally be red fur like a regular zorua. Another unusual thing about Andrew's fur color was that a couple years ago he had gotten into some permanent dye and had ended up coloring the rest of his black fur purple, making him a uniquely colored zorua.

"Hey there big brother, good morning", he said without yawning, being that he was always a morning person.

"Hey there squirt", James said with a chuckle and tousling his little bro's head fur seeing that it wasn't in its usual bun formation yet.

"HEEEEEY! Cut it out!", he whined.

"Hehe. Sure little bro, whaaaaatever you say. Hehe", James chuckled, continuing down stairs to breakfast.

"Hey there cutie", his mom said from the couch as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Moooom", he whined with a noticeable blush on his cheeks.

"Alright, alright, but your just so cute! I'm surprised you don't have yourself a boyfriend yet", his mom chuckled and also adding to James's obvious blush. She wasn't his birth mother; she had adopted James when he was 10 because James was thrown out for being caught in the act while experimenting with one of his friends and obviously enjoying it as well. She knew he was gay and was perfectly fine with it and that was also the reasoning for adopting Andrew a year ago since he was thrown out of his house at the age of 6 after getting himself into the permanent purple dye that he colored himself in. She knew it would be hard for the little guy to get a home and also knew that most of the possible homes would probable have his fur dyed back to normal black, something she knew the boy didn't want after seeing him on countless occasions admiring his purple fur. Another thing was that she had a strong hunch that Andrew was like James. Their adoptive mother was a beautiful young vixen of the age of 28; she had soft orange fur with white fur running from her chin to here belly as well as white fur on the tips of her 4 fluffy tails, black fur covering her paws, and here name was Katie.

"Hmf", James huffed as went to get some cereal and eat.

By the time he was done with his second bowl of Frosted Flakes, his younger brother came running into the kitchen wearing a pair of blue jeans and a Pokémon shirt with a picture of an eevee on it. Running for the Frosted Flakes as James was putting them back in the cabinet, he got the idea to jump up on his older brother's back and reach over his head to get the box of cereal while completely throwing off his brother's balance. As soon as he grabbed the box James fell to the ground on his back causing his little brother to go rolling over his head and having his little bro's crotch fall right on his muzzle and his little bro's muzzle to fall right in front of his own. This made them both deeply blush in unison and had their mom chuckle and comment how cute they were when they messed around.

" carried away...and", Andrew started nervously as he got off the top of his brother.

"I-It's okay, a-apology excepted", James stuttered nervously as he cut his brother's sentence short. "It happens...I guess"

"Ya. I guess it does", Andrew said, nervously scratching the back if his neck.

About 3 hours later, after Andrew had finished breakfast and got bored of watching television, he had decided to go see what his brother was doing in his room. Their mom had gone out to do some errands so they had the whole house to themselves for a few hours, so he made his way up stairs. As he made his way upstairs, flashbacks of what happened early that day went running through his head. Naughty ideas started to run through his head next and his little immature cock just couldn't help but slip out of its sheath. Surprised by what his body was feeling right now he shuddered half way up the stairs, stopped in mid step, thinking about what he should. Should he go up to his brother or should he just go back down stairs and play some video games to get his mind off his brother, his sexy brother.

"What am I thinking?", Andrew said under his breath, blushing to himself as he found that the longer he tried to not think of his older brother's body, the more he wanted to see it. "I'm so confused. What should I do?", Andrew whined, "What do I do?" Shaking his head, Andrew made his way up the rest of the stairs and turned for his own room and just as he was reaching for the handle to his door James came out of his own on the other side of the hallway.

"Hey there little bro, what's the matter?", James asked as he came out of his room after hearing his brother's whimpers. "Are you okay? Why are you shaking like that?", he asked as he watched his brother start to look down at his feet, shuffling them as he did so with his ears flat on his head. "Come on, calm down little bro. Whatever it is I'm sure we can threw, okay? I'm here for you. How about we go into my room and talk it out", James said in a caring voice, kneeling down in front of his little brother and embracing him in a hug.

As they made their way to James to room, Andrew couldn't help but hold on to James's arm like it was a life preserve saving him from an ocean of vicious waves. He couldn't explain to himself why he felt so attracted to his older brother, but one thing was for sure, he felt safe and secure whenever he was with his older brother. The feeling of his brother's warm fur against his own plus his kind, understanding, and loving personality felt so reassuring and nice, like that of a mother's touch. They made their way into James's bedroom and headed for his bed.

"So what's up little bro? What's the matter?", James asked in a caring tone.

"Well it's just...just", Andrew said nervously biting his lip.

"Come on, you know that what ever it is I'll be understanding and help you along the way. So what's bothering you?"James asked, a little bit of concern in his voice now since he had never seen his brother act so down since they adopted him.

"It's just that I you", Andrew said nervously. "Not just as, but more like a...a...*sniff* oh why am I so confused?!"

"Calm down little bro, calm down. Everything is going to be okay", James said, giving the now crying cub another reassuring hug like before, but a little more...affectionate. "I love you too little bro and I hate to see you cry like this. Everything is going to be okay."

"*sniff* Bwother?", Andrew whiningly asked.

"Ya?", James replied.

"Since mom is gone for a while, do you think that maybe we know..."mess around"...a little?", Andrew asked shyly, hugging his his knees.

"If it will make you feel better, then sure", James said happily.

"Really? You mean it?", Andrew asked with joy in his eyes.

"Yup. So how about we start with getting these clothes off first. Okay?", James said giving his brother a little tickle on the stomach.

"Hehe, sure", Andrew replied happily.

They both stripped down to nothin but their fur as quick as they could and in a blink of an eye James had playfully thrown Andrew on to the bed pouncing right on top of him starting to tickle him in all his tickle spots. This lasted for a good 30 seconds or so until James finally stopped tickling Andrew, giving him time to catch his breath. When he finally did they were both staring into each others loving eyes, and then Andrew rapped his arms around James and embraced him in the most passionate kiss they had ever shared. James managed to pushed his tongue threw into Andrew's mouth and they wrestled with their tongues. Finally after what seemed like eternity, James was the one who broke the kiss.

"Wow," Andrew said, "That was amazing".

"Ya, and so are you," James replied with a playful lick on Andrew's muzzle, extracting a giggle from the cub.

"So what do you wanna do first big brother," Andrew asked from beneath his brother with a wide, childish grin.

"How about this," James asked with an evilish grin on his face as he slipped down to Andrew's crotch and nuzzling his muzzle up against that wonderful little sheath and the little package hanging below. He began to fondle Andrew's sac and exhaling his hot breath on Andrew's sheath at the same time making his little member come out of hiding.

"Ohhhh...m-more please," Andrew asked starting to pant from all the excitement and the amount of teasing being done by his older brother on his member.

"As you wish lil bro," James replied all too happily as he gave his lil bro's semi-erect cock a few nice long licks, extracting some cute moans from his little brother as well until finally engulfing it.

"oh god . . . th-that feels s-so good", Andrew said panting more.

James continued to fondle his brothers little sac while sucking on that wonderful immature cock. Running his tongue along every inch of it he could start to taste the salty pre coming out of his brother's cock. *maybe he's not so immature afterall* James thought to himself as his brother started to thrust into his maw. He continued to suck on his brother's cock a few seconds more before pulling off and gazing at his brother's VERY unique yellow cock. It was about 5 inches long and 1.5 inches diameter, which was big for his age.

"Why'd you stop?", Andrew groaned.

"Because I want to try something else, that's why", James said with a playfull grin on his face. "Lay down on your back."

"Ok", replied Andrew.

Andrew laid himself across Jame's bed and watched James get on top of him positioning his cock over Andrew's muzzle and his muzzle over Andrew's cock.

"What are we doing now?", asked Andrew. He had never seen his brothers cock so up close before. His brother's cock was puple and was about 7 inches long and 2 inches in diameter.

"We're gunna play my favorite game. It's called "69 seconds of pleasure". Basically we pleasure each other using our maws and whoever cums first has to do anything and everything the other one says. Got it?", asked James.

"Ok . . . I guess", Andrew relpied, clearly blushing from embarrassment and excitement.

"Ok then, on the count of three we both start. One . . . Two . . . Three", announced James, and with that they both started, each of them sucking on the other one's cock to the best of their abolities trying to make the other one cum first. They could both taste the salty pre coming out of each other's cock and it tasted wonderful to them. Andrew couldn't believe how something could feel SOOOO good and wonderful and yet be so naughty at the same time. James couldn't wait to taste his brother's seed and see just how good it tasted considering he had never had sex before making him a vigin even though he had entered puberty about 3 years ago. Not suprising though since the town he lived in and the school he went to was full of homophobes and haters. No matter how hard he searched he could never find someone, but now he had and even though it was his brother, it didn't matter to him. Andrew couldn't wait either, he had seen his brother paw-off before and squirt some white sticky stuff out before, and lick it off himself in wonderful delight as if it was his favorite food, enchiladas. Andrew wanted to taste it too, he wanted to see how good it tasted as well. It had been 30 seconds into the game and both Andrew and James were getting very close to cumming, it was only a matter of seconds now until one of them would cum. They continued to suck on way other for about another 10 seconds until Andrew couldn't hold it in any longer and cane into Jame's maw. It was Andrew's first orgasm and it felt amazing. James happily drank all of Andrew's cum and then 2 seconds later he came into Andrew's maw as well. Andrew was caught off guard when his brother started cumming in his maw and tried his best to swallow all of his brother's salty cum. When they were both done shooting their loads into each other's maws, James got off of Andrew and rolled over next to him.

"That . . . was . . . amazing", Andrew said between breathes, he was panting very heavily.

"Ya . . . it was", James replied in between breaths as well. "I guess I won. . . didn't I"

"Ya . . . guess you did. So . . . what are we going to do now, eh brother?" Andrew asked looking at his brother with a grin across his face.

"Well I did win so you got to do everything and anything I want, sooo . . .", James said, thinking of what they could do next. "I know! Hehe, come on, follow me!"

James got up off his bed and headed out of his room down the hallway with Andrew following behind him wondering what his brother had in store for him. He followed James out of his room and down the hallway into their mom's room and into her bathroom. Where he saw James already turning on the water to their mom's giant shower. The shower was about 12 x 5 and could fit probably 4 adults in it and also had 2 showerheads at either end of it. When James was done getting the temperature just right he turned around to look at his little brother.

"Come on", James said grabbing Andrew's arm and pulling him in the shower.

"Wait. Wha-", Andrew began, but was unable to finish as his brother pulled him into the running shower for what he could only guess would lead to more "messing around", not that he wasn't looking forward to it though.

"Sit down against the wall", James said while stroking his member.

"Ok, what are we going to do now?", Andrew asked, curious as to what his brother was planning.

"I'll give you a hint, I really need to go", James said with a smirk on his face.

"Go? What do you mean by . . . wait you don't mean", Andrew asked relizing what was about to happen. "Do I have to-."

"You don't have to do anything except to just sit tight and let it run down your fur bro. Trust me, it ain't that bad, Justin did this to me last week when we were staying over at his house for his birthday", James said, reassuring his little brother as he recalled to that night when their cousin accidentally found out that he was gay, and as to how well he took the news.

You mean Justin did this to you too?", Andrew asked in astoundment. He never would have guessed that their cousin, Justin, was like his brother, considering that Justin had a girlfriend of his own.

"Yup, hehe. Now enough talk and more fun, eyes and mouth close", James said as he started urinating on his brother.

Andrew could feel his brother's urine running down his fur from head to bottom. It was warm and smelled funny and he just sat there letting it run down his fur knowing that this would lead to more pleasureable things to come.

"All done, hehe. You wanna lick me clean bro?", James asked with a sly grin running across his maw.

"No thanks, not this time," Andrew replied looking up at James.

"Fine by me," James said. "Wanna try something else now?"

"Sure, what is it?," Andrew asked excitedly.

"Turn around and get on all fours, then you'll see. Hehe," James awnsered happily.

"Ok," Andrew said, turning aroun and getting on all fours. Helooked back at his brother to see him kneel down on all fours as well right behind him. "What are you gunna do?"

"This," James said as he flicked out his tongue and gave a nice long lick at Andrew's pink pucker, pushing it in just a little. His brother's little pucker putting up a little bit of a fight before allowing James's tongue inside. He kept licking up and down between Andrew's butt cheeks, pushing in his tongue every once in a while. Andrew was in complete bliss as he was overwhelmed by all these foreign, pleasurable feelings that were coursing through him at the moment. It was almost too much for him to bare. James could tell that his brother was enjoying it as he could hear those cute moans coming from his brother's maw. He continued licking for a few more seconds before stopping, extracting a whimper from Andrew.

"Why'd ya stop brother?" Andrew asked disappointingly

"Cause now we're going to do a new type of "messing around" now, hehe", James said with a goofy, childish grin. "Just stay on all fours there buddy and let me do all the work. It may hurt a little at first, but trust me that it will feel REALLY good in the end."

"Um. . . ok, I trust you", Andrew said hesitantly, and with that James mounted his brother and aimed his prick right at Andrew's little pucker. With on fellow swoop, James impaled his entire length of 7 inches into his brother causing his brother to yelp in pain, as he had never been stretched like this before.

"Are you ok? If you want me to stop I will", James said.

"No. . .please. . .keep going. Don't stop. I'm ok", Andrew said.

"Ok, if you say so", James said as he started to slowly pull out and thrust back in, beginning to hump his brother. Thankfully because of the shower and James's licking, Andrew's pucker was pretty lubed up.

Meanwhile . . .

While James and Andrew were goofy around in the shower, their mom had just got home and was resting watching some TV when she heard Andrew's yelp.

"What's going on up there you two!" their mom yelled from downstairs. Katie had just gotten home from a hard day of shopping that she just wanted to relax for the rest of the day. "Hello? I said what's going up there I said!" She yelled again, trying to hear what was going on up there. When she couldn't she decided to go up there herself to see what was going on. As Katie made her way up the stairs she could make out the sound of her shower running and as she listened closer see could of sworn she could hear the faint sound of yiff. As she made her way closer and closer to her room she was able to confirm the sounds of her adopted children making love in her shower. As she entered her room, a naughty little thought ran through her head as she decided to make her way towards her dresser to grab her camera. 'This will do' she thought to herself. She started for her bathroom and found that the door was left open a crack so she pushed it open slowly and as quietly as possible. Luckily the sound of running water from the shower and the load moaning coming from Andrew and James was able to cover up any noise that the camera would make and also that the steam from the shower and the fact that their backs were towards her kept her out of their sight. She quickly snapped a few pics of James humping away at his brother, giggling that if she ever needs to ground any of them or make them do chores or what not that she could blackmail them so that there would be no 30-minute arguments. Once satisfied she exited her bathroom, returned the camera, and went back to resting for the day.

James could feel that he was close to orgasm and so was Andrew. Andrew could feel his brother's knot trying to push it's way in to his virgin ass. His brother was right, it did hurt at first, but now with each thrust all he felt was pleasure as his brother's dick hit his sweet spot, sending large amounts of pleasure running through his body. All he wanted now was for his brother to cum inside, for that wonderful knot to tie them together, and as if reading Andrew's mind, James shoved his knot in tying them together as lovers and flooding Andrew's bowels with his hot jizz with a load howl.

"I love you brother" James whispered in Andrew's ear and with that feel a sleep.

"I love you too brother" Andrew said, falling a sleep as well.

As they fell a sleep, their mom came back up to shut the water off, tack another cute pic of them, drape a towel over them so they wouldn't get cold, and then head back down stairs.


"What the?" James said as he awoke still on top of his brother, his prick back in his sheath. "Where did this towel come from? . . . Oh no" James said as he realized that they were caught. "Wake up Andrew, wake up!"

"What?" Andrew mumbled half a sleep.

"Get up, I think mom caught us" James say worriedly.

"WHAT!?" Andrew said. This was bad he thought, he didn't want to be thrown out of the house again. "Aw man, I don't want to go back to Foster Care"

"Hey don't worry about that, mom would never send either of us back to foster care, never.

"But she saw us doing it and -" Andrew started.

"She doesn't care if we're gay, she's known that I'm gay for the past 3 years. What scares me is that I think she might have took pictures of us and now she can blackmail us now to do more chores or something" James said

"That's bad" Andrew said, feeling a bit better knowing that he wouldn't get kicked all the way back to Foster Care.

"DINNERS READY!!!" Their mom yelled from down stairs.

"Come on, lets go downstairs and eat" James said happily.

"What about cloths though?" Andrew asked, flustered by the though of be naked at the dinner table in front of his mom.

"It doesn't matter anymore since I know she's already seen us in the act" replied James reassuringly, taking Andrew's hand and leading him downstairs to the dinning room. As they entered the dinning room, their mom was just setting the table for dinner putting out all the plates and silverware.

"Hey mom" James said as they entered the room.

"Well hello there you two, am I gunna start seeing you two the way you are right now everyday now?" their mom asked observing their naked state with here arms crossed.

"Maybe, hehe" James said with a sheepish grin.

"It was all his idea mom, I suggested clothes but he-" Andrew started.

"It's okay honey, I'm not mad or anything. Actually, I thought you two were kinda cute together in the shower and if you two wanna walk around the house in nothing but your fur that's fine by me as long as you put something on when we have company, okay?" their mom said with a warming smile.

"Alright, thanks mom, you're the best!" James replied enthusiastically.

"Your quite welcome little on. Haha" their mom said, "now lets eat shall we?"

"YA!" James and Andrew shouted in unison.

As they ate, their mom asked them about some of the things they did while she was gone and whether or not Andrew liked any of it and she wasn't surprised when he said that enjoyed every second of it. They then moved on to converse on normal topics for the remainder of the dinner period. After they finished, Katie went on to do the dishes and clean up while her cubs went to the living room to watch some television for the night before bed. James decided that they would order something on demand and with their mother's approval, James and Andrew both settled on Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon since they hadn't had the time to see it when it was in theatres. While their purchase loaded their mom decided to make some popcorn for the 3 of them to enjoy during the movie. By the time the movie was over James and Andrew were quite tired and were about to fall asleep on the couch were it not for their mom waking them up ever so slightly so that they could walk themselves up stairs to James's room where they both got into bed together still in nothing but their fur. Again Katie thought of how cute they were sleeping together so peacefully and cuddling next to each other to keep themselves warm. Katie started to wonder how things would go tomorrow with their cousin Justin making a surprise visit.