Ricky the Lucario and his Trainer

Story by FurroTess on SoFurry

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A Lucario did a double kick at a Ponyta, this Lucario's name was Ricky his foe's name was Freya. "take that Bitch!"said Ricky. Freya fainted. A trainer jumped up and down and cried "Yes!!", Ricky's trainer's name is Christopher but calls him Chris. Chris hugged Ricky then blushed, he realized that he was showing the love that he always hid from Ricky, Ricky felt a little hotness in himself and blushed Chris let go of him "sorry um..uh" Chris walked away and Ricky followed

~Later this day~

Ricky was in his bedroom writing in his journal then he thought about what Chris did.........Chris was in his room he couldnt forget then he walked to Ricky's room and knocked on his door he waited and knocked again the door creeked open a little bit Chris pushed the door open more...he saw Ricky rubbing his cock "Ricky what the hell are you doing" Chris looked away "why dont you join me Chris?" Chris blushed and walked over to Ricky he sat down started rubbing Ricky's sheath Chris slowly cept closer to Ricky almost close to his lips, Chris cept even closer then he finally touched Ricky's warm soft lips with his. Chris pulled out his sheath and pulled away from Ricky's lips and turned over and bent so his ass was facing Ricky, Ricky crawled over to his ass and kneeled over Chris he slowly put his sheath in Chris's ass, Chris winced, Ricky started moving Chris's hips back and forth

~7:00 am~

the sun shined in the window and shined in Chris's eyes and opened one then two and looked at Ricky and smiled

end of chapter 1