Test Successful

Story by Chemicova on SoFurry

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I apologize for the infrequency of my uploads, but life finds ways to preoccupy me from writing or daydreaming about musing stories. However, I hope you find this enjoyable

It was the year 3024, and in the midst of a population crisis at the galactic anthropomorphic fox colonies, the best genetic scientists had been brought in to solve the declining population. No one knew the exact cause, but the years of stale space travel may have made the colonists uninterested in mating with each other, a problem when you must have numbers to survive. And on this small planet millions of light years away from earth, in a massive laboratory, scientists worked day after day to solve the problem. This is the story of their prized test subjects.

Adam awoke in a chamber of white. The walls were soft to the touch, and the air, warm. He groggily got up, feeling a bit too disoriented, and very confused.

Where am I? He thought.

"Hello Adam."

The voice came from nowhere.

He jumped, and looked around for a source, but he was still alone.

"Hello?" he asked softly.

"Welcome to your home," the calming voice continued. "You are part of testing procedures to monitor Vulpes interrelationary progressive syndrome, a very serious issue on our planet. We appreciate your cooperation, and will begin our first test shortly."

Adam stood up, still very confused. Test subject? Where was here? And what tests were they going to put him through. He looked down, and realized he was completely naked, although it did not bother him. His arms were covered in soft brown fur, and his stomach was cream colored to match his cream striped tail. He put his hands up to his face, feeling his features. He did not remember anything prior to that moment, only that he was alive.

"Commence test one."

The voice caught him off guard, as Adam spun around to see a pair of doors slide open, and through them, a naked girl walked. Adam's heartbeat sped up as adrenaline flooded his body. She was his height, with long blond hair and light red colored fur, although she seemed to have the same, confused and disoriented Adam felt, as if she too had just woken up. Her breasts were perfect, the size of ripe peaches, and her smooth curves trailed all the way down her body to a pink slit nestled between her legs.

But then they locked eyes, and he could see her chest flush.

Suddenly Adam felt something stirring in his loins, and looked down to see his penis rapidly emerging. It was long, hard, and he could feel it wasn't going away for a long time. In front of him, the girl had begun to breathe heavily. Despite all this, Adam wasn't sure of what they were supposed to do. He had no knowledge of anything besides his name.

"I'm Adam," he said softly, his eyes racing up and down the gorgeous creature in front of him. He wanted to touch her.

"Alice," she replied, her voice trembling a bit. "Did you just wake up?"

She took a small step forward.

"Yes," Adam replied, "do you know where we are?"

She shook her head as Adam stepped towards her, his cock pulsing and hard.

The lights dimmed, as suddenly a bed rose from the floor in the middle of the room. Both of them jumped back. They looked at the bed, then at each other, but still had no idea what to do.

"You have quite a large...projection," Alice noted, pointing at the quivering member that made her feel warm.

"And you don't," Adam said, nervously taking another step forward. "You just have a..." he trailed off, and pointed. "A spot."

Alice looked down and ran her hand over her crotch.

"Does that mean I'm...not right?" she asked nervously. She was breathing a little heavily.

"I don't know..." Adam said, shaking his head. "You seem fine to me."

You seem perfect... he thought, but didn't dare say it.

His penis suddenly pulsed strongly and a wave of feeling spread throughout him. His breath caught and he swallowed hard. He looked up to see Alice staring at him, her eyes unmoving from his body. Her hand was aimlessly pressed against her crotch.

Adam took a deep breath, unsure of what to do. If anything, Alice looked even more unsure.

"Test failed," the voice came again, making both of them jump. "Administering coercion techniques."

Smooth white arms unfolded from the walls, covered in soft white fabric and gently grabbed them both around the middle and started to slowly move them closer together.

No no no, Adam thought. This isn't right

He looked up and saw the same mix of fear on Alice's face as they were brought closer and together.

This isn't what I want! Adam thought desperately, his penis deflating rapidly as blood rushed to his head in panic. They were barely a foot away. Six inches.

The tip of Adam's semi-flaccid penis grazed Alice's stomach leaving a drop of precum glistening on the fur.

The arms suddenly drew them back and released them.

"Test failed," the voice said. "Blood flow negative; insufficient rigidity for procedure."

The two pairs of doors opened once again and blinking lights on the floor directed them back where they woke up.

Slowly, the two of them walked back into their rooms.

"Bye," Adam called out as he stepped into the chamber. Alice raised a hand and looked like she wanted to say something back, but the doors shut on them both.

Adam felt his room move away from the testing chamber, slowly accelerating to an unknown location. Within seconds it had stopped, and soft clicks indicated it was secure.

The lights dimmed to near darkness, and he was alone.

Sometime in the night, Adam woke again. He didn't know why he woke, only that there was a burning need in the pit of his stomach. He knelt on the soft floor, trying to figure out what woke him. It was silent everywhere, and the lights showed not a hint of flicker.

He barely got to his knees when he realized what woke up.

A potent, yet faint scent lingered in the air. It was deep, and stirring, like the air was grabbing his sides and stroking his neck. He suddenly had desire. His breathing quickened, his heart slamming against his ribs, his skin tightening and shivers thrumming along his back.

The moment passed, and he slowly got to his feet and looked around the room, his eyes settling on an air vent.

There, he thought. It's coming from there.

Pulling the grate aside, he easily climbed into the large enclosure, the metal cool against his bare hands. As he climbed, he saw other grates, other chambers. Some were filled with sleeping occupants, others were empty.

As he crawled closer and closer to the source of his desire, his penis started to emerge; slowly, but emerge all the same. Pre started to gather, and occasionally drip to the floor with a soft plink.

And then, after crawling past an endless number of chambers, he stopped as a faint noise reached him from the chamber ahead. It was soft breathing, but irregular, and quickened, as if the occupant was distressed. Adam crawled closer to the grate and peered through the thin slats.

Alice lay on the floor. She was naked, her eyes were closed, and her legs were clenched together, sliding and slipping past each other.

Adam's eyes grew wide as he saw the source of his search.

"Alice," he whispered softly.

Her eyes snapped open and she sat up, looking around the chamber.

"Y-yes?" she asked, startled, but not frightened.

"It's Adam," he said. "I'm by the vent."

"Oh," she whispered, and within a second, she was kneeling in front of the vent, just able to make out Adam's form through the slats.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. "It's late."

"I was..." he trailed off, suddenly unsure if he wanted to tell her his reasons. But the scent was stronger than ever, and with a pulse, another drop of precum hit the vent floor. Alice barely heard it, but she became aware of its influence, as heat flushed her already warm body and her mind suddenly cleared.

Fingers fumbled at the vent cover, as she tried to pull it off, and on the other side, Adam realized what she was trying to do. He pushed at the vent, and with a grating sound, it toppled off its holdings and Adam went tumbling into the chamber.

Alice gave a gasp of surprise as he fell on top of her, feeling his soft fur slide against the heat of her body. It was the first time either of them could remember touching someone else. The feel of another was like electricity, sending goosebumps shivering up their arms.

Adam felt his breath catch as he locked eyes with her, her face barely a handspan away from his. The next breath he took was an intoxicating cocktail of her scent, sweat and pheromones; breathing that stroked every inch of his skin. His penis gave an involuntary jump, throbbing against the side of her leg.

Alice's eyes suddenly dilated, losing focus, and she gasped as Adam felt her nipples harden against his pecs.

"I..." she moaned, feeling Adam's heartbeat thunder against her soft breaths.

"Yes?" he gasped, trembling as their breathing grew faster. Suddenly, she grabbed the side of his face, her sweaty hands hot against his cheeks.

"I need you," she whispered, and even though Adam had no memories, knew nothing besides that day, instinct gripped him, pushing him forward until his lips met hers.

Sparks seemed to dace in-between their kisses, their tongues meeting in the middle of saliva and heated breath. Alice's eyes fluttered as Adam wrapped his arms around her back, his chest sliding against hers, her hard nipples tracing down his muscles.

There was no thought left in their gyrating bodies, just sweat and fur sliding together with the slick sounds of lustful intensity. There was no purpose to their movements but that didn't stop the fact that there was a need, a burning desire to push their bodies together as close as possible, to close all gaps between themselves until there was only passion left, only shivers and stars before their eyes.

But there was a need to be closer.

No matter how much they kissed and slid their arms over each other, the fire inside only grew and grew until every inch of their skin tingled with hypersensitivity and their heads were light with lack of blood. Adam's hands were all over her body, caressing and stroking every inch except what her clenched legs covered.

"Alice..." he gasped, and without even thinking, took both of his hands and pried her legs apart. Her eyes locked with his as he slid a trembling hand down her stomach and over her mound, before his fingers finally pressed against her dripping lips.

Alice let out a silent scream, her back arched and her eyes clenched shut as fingers of electricity traced sparks from her crotch to every inch of her body.

Her mind was on fire, and when she opened her eyes, she could only see Adam above her, his fingers slowly stroking her. Her eyes landed on his penis and she reached out to it, wrapping her fingers around the solid length.

Adam jumped as her fingers came in contact with his sensitive flesh and pressed his fingers against her lips until a digit slipped inside.

There was a sudden spark in Adams mind as his fingers slid inside, and without thinking, he rolled onto his hands and knees above her. She gripped his penis all the harder and as he locked eyes with her, he suddenly saw the need burn deep in her eyes.

With a moan, she tugged on his penis, pulling it closer and closer to her opening, not knowing what she was doing, only that this was the only thing consuming her mind.

"I...need...you," she moaned. "Closer."

His penis throbbed, sending a spurt of precum directly onto her swollen lips, before he grabbed her around the middle and pressed his penis up against her opening. With no knowledge of what they were doing to each other, Adam gasped, and slid his entire penis inside her in one fluid motion of his hips.

Their minds went blank.

Bliss peaked as sparks exploded before their clenched eyes and shivers rumbled down every clenched muscle in their bodies. Alice felt his length completely inside her, stretching her tunnel and pushing against her deepest confines. She squeezed him and he gasped, his penis throbbing inside her.

Instinct took over their vacant minds, and suddenly they were moving again, grinding their bodies together and thrusting their hips together. Adam only felt a desire to push his length as deep as possible into this goddess of a girl beneath him, to be as close as possible to every inch of her he could.

The room wasn't just warm...it was hot. Humid as a jungle and hot enough to make drips of steaming water run down the walls.

Lewd, wet noises echoed around their chamber, mixed with Alice's gasps each time Adams penis slid inside her. She grabbed his back, sliding her hands down to his butt and pressing him in deeper...deeper, as deep as he could get.

Adam groaned as he suddenly felt his penis throb and spurts of precum jetted inside her. With each thrust it spurted out, dripping down her lips and pooling on the floor over the site of their mating.

With a cry, she pulled her legs up to her chest, and thrust her hips into the air towards him. Adam grabbed her hips in response and pulled her to him, their wet crotches meeting as the swollen, hot skin slid together.

Heat seemed to wrap around Adam's length like an oven, as the smooth yet varied skin of her insides kissed and hugged his rock hard length. He groaned, as suddenly the tip of his penis nestled perfectly against her cervix.

They both stopped and held their breath as the waves of feeling passed over them. Then, Alice started to grind.

Gyrating her hips against his, she felt the tip of his penis swirl around inside her and her clit rub up against the base of his penis. Faster and faster, as Adam held firm, pressing hard against her frantic movements.

Suddenly, her arm slipped and her hips fell, his penis pulling out of her with a slick 'pop.'

They both gasped as the feeling of cold air hit them, and their eyes locked.

Adam grabbed her hips and pulled towards him and looked down at her slick opening, still spread open from his intrusion. The sight of her dripping lips made his insides burn with passion, and without any hesitation, he plunged his slick penis back inside her.

This time, their movements were quicker, and Adam pressed his body against her so they were lying flat on the soft floor of her cell. Hot air swirled around them as they mated, their lips and tongues dancing together as her lips and his length danced below.

And then suddenly something changed. Adam felt burning heat tingle up from his crotch to the rest of his body. He couldn't stop his hips slamming against Alice's. She looked at him, her eyes saying the same thing as her opening started to tremble around him and fluids gushed out around their joining.

He was going faster, and faster, and faster, her skin hot, her body pressed against his. She suddenly wrapped her legs around his back and pressed his penis deep inside her, moaning as she felt his frantic thrusts reach a peak. She could barely see him, she could only feel him inside her.

Like the crash of a thunderstorm, they suddenly pulled each other as close as they could as Adam felt his penis spurt deep inside her, filling her insides and wrapping the both of them in heat. Alice could only open her mouth in a silent scream as she felt a heat blossom inside her and her opening clench around him.

They writhed together on the floor, spasms shooting their bodies as their bodies slid against each other. A glorious feeling of heat and sparks spread through their bodies together, reaching every finger and toe. Shivers danced where Alice felt his hands, and a silence as serene as it was soothing filled the warm room.

They drew apart and looked into each other's eyes. They knew nothing but each other. Their memories were of the day and this night. They had no feelings but for each other.

"Alice," he whispered.


"I feel close to you."

Alice smiled and pulled him closer.

"I feel close to you too," she said.

The test was almost unsuccessful. Almost. But variables have a way of becoming more than variables sometimes. Especially when curious subjects are around.

They would lie together all night.