Chasing Pavements.

Story by Chance Prowlers on SoFurry

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I exited out by accident while writing, deleting all I had written... Sad Face. The new version SUCKSSSSSSS compared to the first one I was writing.

This is a prequel to a rp I was doing with Valto. Imagine it's dead since he hasn't replied in forever.

Chasing Pavements is Copyright Adele.

Black Sheep Copyright of Metric.

Cody sat on on his usual hill, his back to the structure that was was a light for the football field. "A perfect day." He said smiling. Then again, a perfect day to him was a day that was cloudy, with a slight chance of rain. His eyes went from the sky to the field, watching the jocks after school was a regular thing for him, and at times The coach would call out, ask how a certain position looked, and Cody would say good or bad, whichever was needed.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" A voice said, Cody didn't have to look to know who it was. It was the guy he had had a crush on forever. Derrik, the large, muscular wolf. A senior. "Yeah, go ahead and sit." He said with a small blush, adjusting his jacket. The wolf sat next to him, and not in a friendly kind of close. He was right beside him, their skin touching.

Cody swallowed. He had never been this close to Derrik before. Should he say something?

"Why don't you play?" Derrik asked, Cody turning to him. Even when Derrik was confused he was still cute.

"I think it would ruin the status qua of this school. You know, for a geek to play football, and actually be good at it." He smiled. "Would be nice though..." He admitted.

They sat like that, for a few minutes, making small talk, until Cody looked at his watch. "I gotta head to work." Cody said nodding. The bear was in a band, and they were opening for someone tonight at Some Bar. That was it's name. Some Bar.

He looked over to the wolf, he hadn't realized that he had gotten up, smiling as a paw was lowered to help him up. Cody grabbed the paw and rose, as soon as he did, he was hugged by the person he loved, and just fell into him, not resisting.

"Could you swing by the football field around eight?" Derrik asked, the chubby bear nodding. He let the bear go, walking away.

"So... is this, like, a date?" Cody asked, his paws clasped together, looking at the wolf, who just smiled and walked away.


"So it's a date?" Alyssa asked, her blond hair done up like Misa Amane from death-note for the show. Cody never could get used to the blond hair on the female painter.

"I don't think so." Cody said, adjusting the strings on his guitar and playing a few notes before adjusting again. "I think it's just, like, you know, hanging out... Unless it is a date."

"Aww, the Jock and the Geek... How Cliche." Reg said as he picked up his drumsticks. Reg was the oldest, a large muscled bull that talked with a accent that sounded straight out of the Ozarks. "And when will I get to be the guitarist, I can play just as good as you!"

"When you quit making that G-string joke." Cody said, playing a few more notes as Reg snickered, Alyssa rolling her eyes. "Or when you can afford a guitar for yourself and we find another drummer."

"But no one cares about the base player."

"No one cares for the drummer either, so no matter what you do, you are forgettable." Cody said, not looking up as Reg clutched his sticks. This was the usual, and they were just kidding around.

"Okay, so, I say we do Black Sheep first, and just get it over with." The panther said. It was a unwritten rule they had learned early on, do your most popular stuff first, then the new stuff, then the songs you really like that most people don't care about.

The other two would just nod, and give a thumbs up to the person working electronics tonight.

"Please welcome, a crowd favorite, THE CLASH AT DEMONHEAD!"

A fan band, save for their original songs. With that name they weren't going to ever hit it big, like the people who name their bands blink 18[Insert random number here]. But they were cool with that. The lights fell off of them. They performed in darkness. The people should be here for their music, not their looks. That was something they decided on before their first live performance. It was hard to get them to dim the lights at Alyssa's church.

The red curtain pulled away and people cheered. It always made Cody smile, as Reg started a beat. Cody closed his eyes, playing the notes he could do in his sleep. Still, he loved it. To him, music was magic. It can lift you up, mellow you out, make you think... and stuff.

"Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when." Alyssa sand with a somewhat seductive voice, the cheering dieing down, the strumming slightly violent as Alyssa shook her head violently so that her hair flipped. It was a usual that people who had seen them before tried to bring in flashlights, but the more they listened, the more they realized the lack of lights weren't because they were shy.

Cody faded away. No longer on a stage. In his own world. A sea of white, just him, his guitar. Reg's Drums, Alyssa's voice.

And Derrik.


Cody stepped on the field, waling to the center. "Am I late?" He asked, looking at his watch.

"A little." Derrik said, standing in the center. "I wanna show you something." The wolf said. Cody couldn't help but think back to a few hours ago, to Reg's words. He was a geek sophomore, and Derrik was a superstar Senior.

"This is cliched." He said, Derrik looking at him "don't worry about it. So what you wanna show me?" He asked, Derrik sat on the ground before laying down. Cody followed him, blinking. They were alone... It made him blush, knowing that this was a private moment. "Look up." Cody would do as he was told, and gasp.

The stars were brilliant, the clouds from earlier had blown away, and left behind stars so clear and beautiful, it reminded him of when he lived in Texas, the stars were so clear there. "They have never looked this clear before." He said, feeling Derrik lay next to him, taking the bears paw in his. Cody blushed, but kept his eyes on the sky.

"I've made up my mind, don't need to think it over" Cody began to sing, his eyes closed, Derrik looked over at him, a little startled. "If I'm wrong I am right, don't need to look no further" Derrik had never heard this song before, and yet, it calmed him. "This ain't lust, I know this is love" Cody sang, blushing hard as he said the last word, wondering what was running through Derriks mind.

"But if I tell the world, I'll never say enough" Derrik griped the bears paw tighter, smiling at him, wanting to hear the bears words. "'Cause it was not said to you" Cody hoped that the wolf had heard this hidden gem of a song, if not, he probably looked like fool. "And that's exactly what I need to do if I'd end up with you"

"Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements Even if it leads nowhere? Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place Should I leave it there? Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements Even if it leads nowhere?

I build myself up and fly around in circles Wait then as my heart drops and my back begins to tingle Finally could this be it?

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements Even if it leads nowhere? Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place Should I leave it there? Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements Even if it leads nowhere?

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements Even if it leads nowhere? Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place Should I leave it there? Should I give up or should I just keep on chasing pavements Should I just keep on chasing pavements?

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements Even if it leads nowhere? Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place Should I leave it there? Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements Even if it leads nowhere?"

Cody bit his lip, sitting up, knowing he had just made a fool of his self. But Derrik kept a hold of his paw, and pulled him back down, hugging him. "That was beautiful. I had heard you were in a band, but I didn't know you could sing that good." The bear shook his head. "I'm the guitarist." He said. "And I can play the drums... and a few other things." He giggled, blushing as Derrik laid Cody's head on his chest, who looked back up at the stars. "Ever since I met you Cody, I have wanted to be like this with you."

The bear blushed, watching as a star shot through the sky.

"Please, sing that song again... I bet you can do it even better, since you won't be so nervous."

Cody smiled, he would do anything for Derrik. He loved him. It wasn't lust, or a little crush. He truly loved the wolf.

He didn't know that, in a few months, the black wolf would become a monster, and ruin his life.

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