A Rare Sight Ch.2-Unexpected Aquaintance

Story by wxyzz on SoFurry

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A Rare Sight

Unexpected Acquaintance

"Well Buddy according to the GPS we need to head north to Oldale Town; we can get supplies there as well as getting some sleep."


"It says it'll take a two...hour...walk, ughhh."

"Veeee," he said with a groaning mood to it.

"We might as well go ahead and train while we make our way to the town."

He said nothing just a wag of his tail. Lucky for us we only had to wait a few seconds until a Zigzagoon appeared, we must have been in his territory because this guy was mad.

"Get ready Buddy this will be our first ever battle."

"Eevee," he said in a very serious tone. The Zigzagoon started off with a tackle attack.

"Dodge then use sand attack," without missing a beat he dodged the attack and then flung a pile of dirt at the Zigzagoon's eyes. The Zigzagoon was now an open target, while it was trying to get the sand out of its eyes Buddy was already charging toward it to make a successful tackle attack. Without even attempting to get up the Zigzagoon fainted from a one hit KO.

"WOW! That was a strong hit Buddy good job on your first victory," I said as I gave him some food for a reward.

"Eevee," he said accepting the treat with a smile and a tail wag. After two hours of nonstop walking and wild Pokemon battles we finally make it to Oldale Town. Without even stopping to look around we headed to the Pokemon center to make reservations for a room.

"May I help you?" the nurse asked.

"Yeah can you go ahead and look at my Eevee he may be hurt," I tapped my hand on the counter for him to jump up on.

She then picked him up, "anything else?"

"Yeah, can you get me a room for the night?"

"Yes sir, I hope you enjoy your stay here."

I grabbed my key and sat down at the nearest bench to wait for Buddy to be finished up. During the past two hours of waiting I had fallen asleep.

"h-help me..."





"Wha...AHHH!" I opened my eyes to find the nurse standing right by me while holding Buddy in her arms which immediately scared the crap out of me.

"Excuse me sir but your Eevee is all better now; just a few bruises and a couple of scratches but that's it," she said as she was putting Buddy down on the floor.

"Thank you," I said while rubbing my eyes to try to wake myself up. The nurse bowed then left me and Buddy to ourselves. After having lunch we made our way to the shop to get supplies for tomorrow; I bought three potions, two poke balls and two antidotes, it didn't cost much due to the fact that I almost have a fortune from a lifetime of mowing lawns.

"Hey Buddy, feel like making a new friend?" I asked as we exited the store.

"Vee" he said while jumping in the air. And so we headed north toward some tall grass, it didn't take long until another Zigzagoon appeared, this one was different though, it's size was almost twice as big as a regular Zigzagoon.

"Ok Buddy, get ready."

"Eevee," he said, getting into his battle stance.

"Bite," Buddy ran toward the Zigzagoon at full speed, he was seconds away to delivering his bite attack until the Zigzagoon dodged to its right and slammed into Buddy's side with a full force tackle attack.

"Sand attack," Buddy flipped twice in the air from the tackle attack but landed on his feet, positioning himself to fling some sand at the Pokemon's eyes. Sadly the Zigzagoon dodged that to and used another tackle hitting Buddy on the same side as before. Hearing Buddy yelp in pain hurt me just as much as it did him.

"Come on Buddy get up I know you can do it," Buddy slowly raised himself to his feet and took his battle stance. The Zigzagoon was getting ready to deliver another tackle attack that could probably have us both lose the battle if we were to make a mistake.

"Wait until he gets closer," Buddy took my command and started to completely focus on the oncoming Pokemon.

"Shadow Ball!" A purple and black sphere began to form from Buddy's mouth until it looked like it was about to explode he then flung that ball dead straight into the Zigzagoons head making him fly yards away from where we stood. The Zigzagoon slowly started to get up but before he could even stand Buddy slammed into the Pokemon with a full force tackle attack. The Zigzagoon laid on the ground motionless, that was my cue; I took a poke ball from my backpack and threw it at the fainted Pokemon.


I ran to Buddy and picked him up because I knew he was hurt and he needed help, "are you ok boy?" He didn't say anything he just licked my hand and wagged his tail; I didn't want him to walk until he was healed, so without much of a choice I brought out his

poke ball and made him stay in there until I got back to the center.

I put Buddy's poke ball back on my belt as well as the other poke ball containing my new Zigzagoon and started to run back to the center without stopping.

"May I help you?" The nurse said as I was running toward the counter.

"Pokemon...hurt...help...please," I said while trying to catch my breath.

"Yes sir, please sit down we don't want you having a heart attack in here." Taking her offer I slowly headed my way to the couch and fell asleep instantly.

Everything I saw was completely black except for three images the first two were a couple of Houndoom, they were biting and scratching the third image half to death but it was to blurry to recognize it. When the blurry image turned its head to mine I woke up from my sleep.

Right on time to because the nurse headed my way as soon as I woke up, "A few broken bones but that's it they will heal up in no time."

"Thank you very much I appreciate it."

"That's what I'm here for," she bowed and left us to ourselves. It was getting pretty dark so I decided to go back to my room and just crash there until it was time for bed.

As soon as I got in the room I let Buddy out because I know he probably hates it in there. I threw the ball up in the air and out came Buddy wagging his tail glad to see me again.

"Sorry I had to do that Buddy but you know there was no other way," he just grumbled for a response.

"Want to meet our new partner?"


I took out the ball, threw it up in the air, and out came Zigzagoon. He looked around pretty confused, when he saw us he freaked out, he must have remembered what we did to him.

"It's ok we're not going to hurt you."

"Goon?" He asked us still pretty cautious.

"I'm Garrett and this is Buddy," he looked at me holding out my hand to pet him then noticed Buddy walking up to him. Buddy greeted the Zigzagoon and started talking to him but all I could hear was him saying Eevee.

Whatever Buddy told him it worked like a charm; Zigzagoon smiled at me and walked over to my hand so I could pet him.

"Welcome to the team Zigzagoon."

"Zagoon, Zigzagoon," he said wagging his tail a little bit. After making friends with Zigzagoon we all went to sleep, Buddy slept on my lap and Zigzagoon slept on the floor.

Oh no another dream. Once again another mystery scene came up in my dream. I saw me, Buddy, Zigzagoon, and some kid huddled around a hospital bed with a blurry image laying on it, and it might have been the same image as my last dream. I then heard us talking to the image.

"Are you ok?" I asked the image.

"Yes thank you for saving me," the image said.

"Why were they attacking you?"

"I don't know."

"Hey why don't you come with us, we could protect you until you're good enough to be alone again."

"I don't know."

"Oh come on it'll be fun, plus it'll be nice to talk to someone rather than him," pointing at the kid.

"Hey I heard that," said the kid

"Well, ok I guess I could tag along for a little while."

"Sweet, so do you have a name?"

"Of course, my name is....." it went quiet and then I woke up.

I opened my eyes to find Buddy and Zigzagoon staring inches away from my head with smiles that looked like they did something.

"Have something to confess?" They both rapidly shook their heads no but I knew they were lying. I looked around the room to find some kind of clue, found it. Beside my backpack was a giant pile of crumbs from the Pokemon food.

"Helped yourself to some breakfast did ya?" They started licking my face and wagging their tails, acting like they were innocent. After having breakfast we left the center and went back to the shop to get some Pokemon food. After getting my extra supplies we headed off to our next destination: Petalburg City. We were all excited to leave town because that place was boring on a level that I couldn't even describe. Five minutes went by of nonstop walking until finally we had some random trainer start heading toward us. He looked like a regular boy, t-shirt, pants, shoes, etc. except for one little thing, the way he talked.

"Ha ha I challenge you to a duel ha ha, will you accept ha ha," he said while taking out a pokeball.

"Sure, only if you stop talking like that ha ha," I said while mocking him.

"Ha..oh uh ok, well then how bout' if you go over there and I'll stay here," pointing about fifteen feet away from him.

Once I got over to his selected position, he threw his pokeball up into the air without even waiting if I was ready. The ball hit the ground and out came a Taillow.

"Your turn."

"Ok ok give me a second," I decided to pick Buddy because Zigzagoon would probably have a hard time with a flying type. Buddy walked five feet in front of me and got ready to receive an order.

"Taillow up in the air," the trainer told his Pokemon.

"Taillow!" it yelled while launching off into the air

"Get ready Buddy."

"Vee!" Buddy said while getting into his battle stance.

"Peck," the trainer commanded. The Taillow flew down next to Buddy to get ready to launch his attack but Buddy dodged at the last second. Taillow noticed Buddy making an evilish grin at him right after Buddy dodged his attack, he was confused why but then he just realized that he was wide open for a direct attack.

"Tackle," I told Buddy, not a moment later Buddy slammed into the bird's side and knocked him out after the impact.

"Taillow return," the trainer pointed his poke ball at the fainted Pokemon and sucked it up into its red beam. Buddy walked over to me wagging his tail, I petted his head and gave him a little bit of Pokemon food.

"Your turn Zigzagoon," I told him giving a little push to head to the battlefield.

"Well since you're using a Zigzagoon, I'll use mine," the trainer said before throwing his poke ball into the air, after the ball landed it opened up and in a flash out came a Zigzagoon twice as small as mine.

"Sand attack," the trainer told his Zigzagoon, the Pokemon spun around and started to fling dirt from her hind legs.

"Dodge it," I responded; Zigzagoon quickly dodged it and then started running toward the enemy, "tackle," he lowered his head and hit the back side of the Zigzagoon, she rolled around in pain but she wasn't done yet. She shot up from the ground and tackled right into Zigzagoon's chest, Zigzagoon made a loud yelp and jumped back about five feet. "Growl and then tackle," Zigzagoon started to run toward the other Zigzagoon while growling; she started shivering in fear of what was about to happen, when the enemy Zigzagoon looked up to see what was going on, Zigzagoon appeared right in front of her and slammed his head into her chest.

"Zigzagoon return," the trainer pointed his ball at the now fainted Zigzagoon and in seconds she disappeared into its red beam, "well I'm out, your Pokemon are strong no wonder you were so calm the whole time we were battling."

"Well I wasn't really after that hit from your Zigzagoon," I explained to him accepting the cash prize for winning.

"Ha ha you may have won the battle but I'll be back ha ha, I'll train harder and then...HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"

"Learn to talk regularly and then I'll have a rematch with you," I told him while running further away from the trainer.

Constantly looking at the GPS, and then looking around in the forest I had no idea where we were, but I wasn't going to admit that to Buddy or Zigzagoon.

"Vee?" Buddy looked at me knowing that we were lost.

"OK fine we're lost I have no idea where to go." Buddy smiled and looked away from his moment of victory. "Oh and you think you have a way to get us back on the road?" Still smiling, Buddy shook his head, "what about you Zigzagoon do you kn..." I noticed that Zigzagoon wasn't paying attention to me; he was looking at something else. Although nothing around was happening, Zigzagoon kept on staring at nothing.

"Zigzagoon what are you looking at?" My question was answered, out of nowhere two Houndoom came running toward us and jumped above me like it was nothing then ran off in the opposite direction.

"Oh, never mind; come on let's try to follow them,"

"Vee!" "Goon!" They both agreed so we ran off to catch up with the Houndoom.

For ten whole minutes we ran nonstop with nothing in our sight, we were about to give up when suddenly the GPS started to ring, it showed that the road to Petalburg was really close.

"Hey guys, it says that we're really close to the road," Buddy and Zigzagoon started to cheer. "I say that we give up chasing these Houndoom they're probably miles aw...did you hear that?" From a distance I could hear someone crying out "help me please." "Come on let's go," running toward the sound with my two Pokemon following right behind me.

The closer we got to the sound the louder the sound would get, but I started hearing different noises, it was a Pokemon growling at something. Finally we got so close to the sound that the thing that was making the noise was becoming visible, it was those two Houndoom they were attacking a Pokemon; I couldn't catch a glimpse of it because it was too beaten up.

"Déjà vu," I said, recognizing this scene. "Guys we need to help out, both of you use Sand Attack," Buddy and Zigzagoon both got closer then positioned themselves. "Hey you two look over here!" I yelled, trying to get their attention the two Houndoom turned and stared right at me, but before they could do anything else sand was being flung right into their eyes. The Houndoom started to whine and walk around in circles while being blind, "both of you use Tackle," both of them charged at full speed and crashed into the sides of the Houndoom. The two Houndoom then went flying into the air and landed about ten feet from where they were; blood was pouring from their side as they were running away from us.

Without stopping to congratulate my Pokemon I quickly ran to the injured Pokemon; frozen in astonishment, I immediately recognized what the Pokemon was, a Mew.

She slowly turned her head to me and very quietly she whispered, "h-help me." I picked her up and started to run back on the path to get to Petalburg, the pain from running too much was getting to me but I didn't quit, nothing was going to get in my way, kinda.

"HA HA I found you again ha ha, I want a rema...HEY STOP IGNORING ME!" The boy caught up to me finally but we were still running. "Why...won't...you...stop?"

"Not...now...I have...to get...this Mew...to the...center."

"Hey I can help," the boy threw a poke ball into the air and out came a Swellow, his Taillow must have evolved. "Swellow get this Mew to the Pokemon Center we'll meet you there," I held up the Mew to Swellow, he carefully grabbed Mew with his feet and then quickly flew ahead of us.

"Lets go," I told everyone.

*At the Petalburg Pokemon Center*

The nurse was sitting at the front desk reading a book when all of a sudden the door opens and a Swellow charges toward her.

"Um...may I help you?"

"Swel swellow swellow!" he squawked, pointing at the bloody and beaten up Mew with his head.

"Oh my gosh, get me an operating room now!" the nurse yelled over the intercom. She picked up the Mew then ran down the hall and went into a room.

Not a minute later the boy and I swung open the entrance door and ran to Swellow, "did...they...take...Mew?" I said while panting like a mad man; Swellow nodded, "where...did...they...take...her?" Swellow turned his head to the right hallway.

"Good...job...Swellow...return," the boy said bringing Swellow back into the poke ball. We both walked down the hallway looking through the glass windows to find the one that had Mew in it; of course the last room contained Mew, she was being operated on by three doctors. There was nothing else to do except sit at the bench and wait, I got to know the boy a little his name was Jason, he was from Oldale Town and started his Pokemon journey the same day as I did. He had his Taillow practically his entire life and was his starter Pokemon when he began his journey; I then told him about me and Buddy, and from what we told about each other, besides our age difference and hometown we were pretty much the same.

Three hours passed when finally the nurse came out of the operating room, she found me sleeping on the bench while Jason somehow ended up sleeping on the floor with his mouth open and drool dripping from his chin. "Um...excuse me but are you the owners of this Mew?" she asked us.

"UH...WHA WHAT oh sorry, no we aren't the owners of her but we were the ones that brought her here, I found her in the woods being attacked by two Houndoom," I explained to the nurse.

"Well you may visit her now if you wish; it was smart of you to bring that Mew here by the Swellow we may have lost her if you were any second late."

"Thank you so much," I said while getting up and stretching; the nurse bowed then left us. "Hey Jason wake up," tugging on his shirt.

"No mommy not the needle," he groaned in his sleep.

"What the...HEY GET UP!" I yelled then slapped his face; Jason woke up from his sleep and just flipped out, he was so freaked out from the hit that he actually jumped in the air and landed on his feet.

"I'm up I'm up."

"I can see that," wondering how was he able to even pull that off. "Anyways we're able to visit that Mew now."

"Sweet lets go."

"Ok, one second," I went over to Buddy and Zigzagoon who were sleeping on the bench and softly shook their backs to wake them up, "hey guys want to see that Mew now?

"Eevee," Buddy said wagging his tail

"Zagoon," Zigzagoon said doing the same thing

"Ok lets go," we quietly entered the room and walked toward the sleeping Mew, "hello?" I said trying to wake her up; she slowly opened her eyelids and looked at us and around the room. "Are you ok?" I asked her.

"Well I'm feeling better than before, thank you for saving me."

"I'm Garrett, this is Buddy and Zigzagoon," I said pointing to each one of us

"Ha ha and I'm Jason ha ha."

"Dude shut up I swear to god."

The Mew gave a light chuckle, "it's nice to meet you all."

My curiosity was killing me "Why were those Houndoom attacking you?"

"I have no idea, one second I'm eating some berries and a second later I'm pinned down to the ground, being shredded half to death."

I started to think I've been here before but I couldn't remember, "man I've been having déjà vu all day today, first the Houndoom and now this," everyone looked at me with a puzzled face but just forgot about it and gave their attention back to the Mew.

"Hey don't Mews know like a teleportation ability? How come you didn't do that when you were being attacked?" Jason asked.

"Three reasons, one, that was my home; two, I didn't know any other places to go to; and three, I'm not highly skilled to learn teleport."

"Wow it must be pretty difficult for you to not cause attention to people then," I said

"Yeah it's pretty hard, now those Houndoom know where I live they could come back at anytime."

"Hmm that is a problem, hey why not come with us it would be nice to talk to someone besides him," I asked her pointing to Jason.

"Hey I heard that," Jason blurted out

"I don't know."

"Oh come on it'll be fun, besides you can get to see new places where you can teleport to."

"Well I suppose I could tag along for a little bit to cover my tracks."

"Awesome, by the way do you have a name?"

"Of course, my name is Chole."

"Chole huh, hmmm I would of sworn I have heard that name before."

Chole chuckled a little bit, "well it's very nice to meet you all but I need my rest now."

"No problem, we'll see you tomorrow," I said while following everyone out of the door. I went to the front desk for a room until Chole got better; after I got my key Jason came walking toward me.

"Hey man I'm gonna get going now."

"You are? Well that sucks I was expecting you to stay more."

"Nah I want to get my eight badges as soon as possible which means I should go now."

"Ok I understand, well Jason it's good to meet you," we both shook each others hand.

"HA HA do not worry you will meet me again and then we will have that rematch HA HA," looks like he's back to his normal self again.

"...get out of here."

"Ok dude see you later," Jason left the center and disappeared into the dark night.

A week passed when at last Chole was fully healed, we all stocked up on supplies and started to look at the GPS. "Hmm it seems we need to head west to get to Rustboro City," I claimed while looking at the GPS.

"We should take the long way so we can get some berries, that's the only type of food I eat," Chole said floating around us.

"Alright lets go," I said stuffing the GPS into my pocket and putting away Buddy's and Zigzagoon's food bowl.

With everything packed up and planned we all then started to head west to our next destination: Rustboro City.

A Rare Sight Ch.3-Walking Around in a Big Circle

A Rare Sight Walking Around in a Big Circle "Admit it," chole said in a much aggravated voice. "No dammit," I told her, knowing what she wanted me to say. Although I told her no, every inch in my body said yes. "Vee..." Buddy said in a...

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A Rare Sight-Introduction

A Rare Sight Introduction "Come on Garrett let's go home," my mom told me while tugging on my black polo shirt. "Alright mom I'm coming," I said taking one last look at the grave before getting into the car and heading back to Littleroot...
